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That’s because he’s not and never was a businessman. He’s a tech guy who got super lucky and became filthy rich. Musk builds and designs shit, he doesn’t know squat about running a company. He should stick to playing with his rockets and making new roadsters. This whole CEO foray has turned out real bad.


I would really like to see an interview with the person that created this. And the person who approved it. Think Bill Gates himself gave this the green light? Is he an alien too?


I was going to respond to the OP, but I only knew how an inner ear imbalance causes dizziness, not how said dizziness triggers the vomiting reflex. Thanks!

For those who want to know, there’s fluid in your inner ear and receptors that can detect where the fluid is, as well as where it ends (it’s surface). Your brain uses this system like a level to determine your head’s orientation to the ground, and if something fucks with the fluid in a way the brain can’t make sense of, you feel dizzy (the sensation of not knowing your orientation to the ground).

'Trump isn't funding any of us': Co-defendants in Georgia case are struggling with mounting legal bills (www.cnn.com)

Some of Donald Trump’s co-defendants in the sprawling election subversion case in Georgia are trying all sorts of ways to fund their mounting legal bills – yet the costs of the 2020 election fallout may quickly exceed their abilities to pay....


Surprised Pikachu ate their faces.


When an AI art generator’s mistake actually works out. 😛

Fatal shooting of University of South Carolina student who tried to enter wrong home 'justifiable,' police say (www.nbcnews.com)

The homeowner who fatally shot a 20-year-old University of South Carolina student who tried to enter the wrong home on the street he lived on Saturday morning will not face charges because the incident was deemed “a justifiable homicide” under state law, Columbia police announced Wednesday....



According to previously unreported details that police released about the incident Wednesday, Donofrio repeatedly knocked, banged and kicked on the front door “while manipulating the door handle” while trying to enter the home.

A female resident of the home called 911 as Donofrio kicked the door, while a male resident went to retrieve a firearm elsewhere in the home, the news release states. The homeowner owned the gun legally, “for the purpose of personal and home protection,” according to police.

While the woman was on the phone with police, Donofrio broke a glass window on the front door “and reached inside to manipulate the doorknob,” at which point the male resident fired the shot through the broken window that struck Donofrio in his upper body, according to police.

Under those circumstances, I don’t blame the homeowner for using a gun to defend himself and the other female resident. This guy was literally breaking into their home. If it had been me, I would have been terrified and very thankful to have a gun on hand for defense. I’m sure a lot of people here will protest to the shooting, but I would urge them to really think about what they would have done in such a situation. I don’t know what Donofrio’s reasons were for trying to break into the home, but they hardly matter; the fact is, he did try, and the residents of the home had every reason to think they were in danger. If we had multi-shot stun guns that could reliably incapacitate an intruder, I’d say he should have used that rather than a lethal weapon, but current stun guns aren’t that reliable and only fire once before needing to be reloaded. That a life was lost is sad, but I agree that no criminal charges should be filed in this instance. However, I’m not saying that I entirely agree with the Castle doctrine on which this is based, as I’m not intimately familiar with it, but the general notion of being able to use lethal force to defend oneself against a home intruder I do agree with on principle.


It’s not about protection of property to me. I don’t care about that. I care about people having the right to use all reasonable options for defending themselves against violent attackers. And to your point, might this person’s death have been avoided if the occupants of the home had fled or hid somewhere? Certainly. But should they be legally required to do so? No, not in my opinion. Reason being, I don’t think the impetus should be on victims to take their attackers’ well-being into account when it’s the attackers that are creating the problem in the first place. Telling a person who is scared for their life that they need to fight the impulse coming from their amygdala to fight back against a violent attacker is totally unreasonable. If a person is coming at me with their fists and I have a gun, I don’t think I should have to refrain from firing my weapon and take the hits my attacker is throwing, just to make sure he doesn’t die. What if I die? What if I lose an eye or get my face scarred up? What if he takes my gun and shoots me? No. No, fuck that, if someone is attacking me, they’ve given me permission to defend myself in whatever way seems reasonable to me, and I’m not risking my own life or even just serious injury because someone else has anger management problems. They’re the problem; they’re the threat to society; if they die, yeah that sucks, but it’s their fucking fault, not mine for defending myself against their violent behavior.

I’m so sick of people having all this empathy for violent criminals, and way too little for their victims. You want to tell other people to react in a calm, collected, pacifist manner when they’re being attacked, to risk their own lives and wellbeing for the sake of their attacker’s? Tell you what, you get yourself attacked somehow when you’re not expecting it and demonstrate how cool, calm, and pacifist you are under fire; you show the rest of us how easy that is. You do that, and maybe I’ll consider what you have to say, but until then, you’re just a hand-wringing, pearl-clutching bystander who has their priorities messed up and doesn’t know what the fuck they’re talking about.


I’m upvoting you simply because I think you’re debating in good faith and even though I don’t agree with you, I think you’re adding something real to the conversation.

While I do think the situation would likely have ended better if the homeowner had tried to engage the invader in reasonable conversation before pulling the trigger, I don’t think he should be legally required to do so. Remember: it was the home invader’s actions that caused this whole situation. People keep winging about the homeowner’s responsibility to take action to *protect *the invader of his home, but no one is acknowledging that the invader could have prevented all of this by simply not invading the home. People who behave this way have problems, but they’re virtually always not the people they are harming with their actions. They need help, surely, but they also need to be isolated from the general population and punished for the harm they do to others.

And for those who chime in to object to the fact that I said people should be punished for their crimes, just know that I’m all for prison reforms that make prisons safer and help people begin new lives after they’ve served their time, but that I ABSOLUTELY FUCKING DEMAND they serve their fucking time. I have no use for people that can’t wrap their pathetic brains around the notion that crime and punishment are inextricably linked. It’s not about vengeance. The entire reason we have a justice system is so that we can punish criminals in a more objective, humane way than victims can with their tendency towards revenge rather than justice.


Still a better choice than Knock.


Another FAFO moment for poor Rudy. When will he ever learn?


Did Carlsen ever present any ideas as to how Niemann could have cheated at the tournament in question? Were these just baseless accusations? Seems like very bad form for Magnus. I realize being a prodigy and a champion in a field this competitive can go to your head, but damn.


I understand all that. What I meant was that I think it’s bad form to accuse an opponent who beat you of cheating without evidence, and I would think that if you’re at the top of your game, it looks even worse, and thus Carlsen would have even more incentive to mind the optics of it. This is the first I’ve ever heard of him behaving like this as well, but it looks bad nonetheless. I would think a better way to have gone about it would be to investigate my suspicions outside of the public eye first and only go public if I came up with evidence to support the claim. Being wrong about an accusation of cheating almost looks worse than actually cheating. I’d want to avoid that at all costs, if I were him.

Wisconsin Supreme Court chief justice accuses liberal majority of staging a 'coup' (apnews.com)

The conservative chief justice of the Wisconsin Supreme Court on Monday told the new liberal majority in a scathing email that they had staged a “coup” and conducted an “illegal experiment” when they voted to weaken her powers and fire the director of state courts....


I hope people can admit that regardless of which political “side” judges are supporting, a judge allowing their political ideology to influence their decisions is a violation of their station. Judges are supposed to use their knowledge, expertise, and experience to rule on how our existing laws should be enforced, based on their original intent, sometimes in the context of circumstances their original authors didn’t take into account. Obviously, the influence of one’s political inclinations cannot be completely eliminated, but I feel like we’ve reached a point where judges—particularly those in our highest courts—are abusing their positions of power to advance their own political views. Sometimes, old laws do not make room for new circumstances, and new laws must be passed by legislative bodies instead of simply reinterpreting old laws for the convenience of modern times.

If our judges don’t hold to these limitations and instead allow their political views to dictate their rulings, legal precedent ceases to have any meaning, and our laws will become nothing more than pendulums, the meaning of which will always depend on the justices in power at the time. This is not what the founders of our government intended and is no basis for a stable legal system regardless of their intent. This has to stop. If it continues, our legal system is steadily going to lose more and more credibility, and that is a surefire road to the disintegration of society into anarchy and war. This is exactly what our national enemies want.


I’m a liberal, and you’re a disappointment.


Fair point, which is why i conceded true ideological impartiality was impossible. Idk, maybe it’s just me, but I’m 41 years old and I feel like partisanship in high courts in the U.S. has gotten much worse in the past decade or so.


I think it’s a bit different when a government won’t allow the publication of anything that makes it look bad.


Yes, very different from all that, because none of that gets you thrown in a work camp. Stop trying to draw false equivalences.


It’s very different. No equivalency whatsoever. You’re absolutely right.

Damn straight. Not even remotely the same level of severity. Being blacklisted in your field may suck and be unfair, but it’s nothing like being forced into hard labor by the most powerful organization in your country.


Op-Eds are often “news analysis” pieces that are one of the main ways publishers try to shape the National dialogue around a subject or issue; it’s literally how newspapers sculpt culture. So, if I see one sculpting culture in a way I don’t like, I downvote it. If I feel the issue is important through to me and I have the energy at the time, I may comment, but that usually involves exposing myself to lots of angry, retaliatory comments and downvoting, and I don’t always have the patience for that.


Because all SEALs are assholes?


Found this other article on it and it mentions:

KOKI also identified a woman who told the station that she recognized Collins after seeing him exhibit similarly disturbing behavior about a week prior to the incident at the Sonic.

“We saw him start to charge at this person who was just sitting on the ground in front of the McDonald’s,” she told the station in an interview. “He charged at him with the flagpole and started doing like a stabbing motion with it.”

I suspect this guy is mentally ill.


There are virtually no conservatives on Lemmy. I tried getting a conservative perspective on c/conservative and all but one of the responses I got were from other liberals.


You can’t baby-proof the internet. People need to take individual responsibility to ensure they’re not being duped by liars. We shouldn’t be pleading with big tech companies—which are ultimately indifferent to everything but profits—to shelter us from charlatans.


Defunding is not the answer.


I totally support this. Political images or images with a political message should have their own forum.


Wow. So much for background checks.


I realize we can’t just stop sending reporters to Russia, but damn… I don’t know why anyone from the U.S. would travel to Russia when Putin is using incarceration as a means of bullying the U.S. into prisoner swaps.

Also, I’m going to take the opportunity to revive the complaint that Britney Griner was incredibly privileged to get rescued the way she was, the trade was not worth it, and there are other U.S. citizens languishing in Russian prisons that aren’t being rescued simply because they aren’t making headlines the way Griner did. Her fame was the only reason she got out and it’s totally unfair.


Honestly, these concerns seem a bit overblown to me. The warning about salmonella is good, but worrying about bruising kids’ heads or embarrassing them from one TikTok video seems like pearl-clutching.

I think much more concern is warranted for these family YouTube channels that feature kids. Those kids are having their childhoods broadcast to the world just to earn money for their parents and/or stoke their parents’ dreams of fame. They don’t really have a say in the manner and are too young to understand the potential consequences of what they’re doing. To my mind, that’s a new form of child abuse.


Well, if that’s the case then I agree with you, but that’s not the impression I got from the article. One video isn’t going to ruin a child’s life. An entire series could though.


While I agree with your first point, I still think the concern being expressed about this is disproportionate to the harm caused. I’m not saying people should be doing it, just…c’mon, folks, there are more important issues affecting children that deserve your attention. I’d be willing to bet some of the people freaking out about this circumcise their sons.

Tedesche, (edited )

As a person born many years after the first moon landing, I always thought it was fucking ridiculous that we managed to put a machine on a celestial body thousands of miles away from our fucking planet. That puts our species’ relative IQ compared to other species at 100,000. Back in the Stone Age, our peak achievements were running a long time and throwing objects accurately and at high speed, which allowed us to pwn just about everybody else. Now we’re using chemistry and engineering to produce rockets that can move complex objects off the fucking planet to a spheroid object we can see in the sky. Like, what the actual fuck?

Due to sociopolitical issues, I have a fairly negative view of our species these days. But when you look at our technological achievements, you have to sit back and just stare in awe at what we’ve been able to accomplish. We’re homo sapiens, fuck you. Our closest relatives (chimps) are four times as strong as us, fuck them, we experiment on you to learn about ourselves. Elephants, dolphins, crows, and orangutans trail us in intelligence, LMAOROLF, keep playing with them mirrors we gave you. We are so fucking OP we domesticated cows so hard their anal gas is a threat to the fucking planet. We’ve genetically engineered dogs into the most prolific and diverse species on Earth, and other animals actively seek us out sometimes, because they’re like “holy shit, humans do magic, maybe they can get this weird plastic shit off my ass,” and we invented that plastic and put it there in the first place. We are the fucking bomb, for better or worse. Nothing compares to us. We are functionally gods, fuck you.

For many reasons, humans suck, fuck us. But god damn, you better fucking respect.


Privilege is a real thing, but it is racist to assume every White person has it.


A black person living in South Africa (for example) enjoys that same privilege.

That statement alone demonstrates how little you understand the concept. Privilege is a set of advantages one has in society based on their background and where that background places them in society relative to societal norms. Plenty Black people in the U.S. are under-privileged, but a Black person born into a middle-class family that goes to decent schools is not one of those people. Likewise, plenty of White people in the U.S. have privilege, but a lower class White person living in an area that doesn’t afford them the same degree of access to standard education, income, and saddles them with the label of “white trash” doesn’t. In South Africa, Black people might be in the majority, but they are not running the country.

Privilege is about advantages, not skin color. Learn the difference.

Tedesche, (edited )

Downvoters: Waaaaaaaah! Waaaaaaaaaah! We can’t take a joke! WAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH!

Source: A Greta Thunberg fan.


What social cues am I missing, genius?


Exactly why I posted this article. It’s clear other GOP politicians are taking pages from Turmp’s playbook and we will likley have to deal with his form of politics for long after he is removed from the political arena.

Female soldiers in Army special operations face rampant sexism and harassment, military report says (apnews.com)

U.S. Army Special Operations Command, in a lengthy study, reported a wide range of “overtly sexist” comments from male soldiers, including a broad aversion to females serving in commando units. The comments, it said, are “not outliers” but represent a common sentiment that women don’t belong on special operations...


It revealed that “the vast majority” of the negative attitudes toward women serving in special operations “unfortunately did come from senior noncommissioned officers. So it does seem to indicate that it is generational,” Command Sgt. Maj. JoAnn Naumann, the most senior enlisted soldier in the command, said in a call with reporters Monday about the findings.

Well, that’s rather predictable and good news for the long run. Just retire these dinosaurs and replace them with younger soldiers. No more old boys’ club.

And while we’re at it, why don’t we get rid of the selective service system or force women to be join it? Equal rights, equal responsibilities.


I don’t know why I find this so funny, but I’m keeping it.


I looked it up and this article would seem to confirm your description. Thank you for helping me reach my daily quota of useless knowledge.


Neither will my own shit, I’m still not doing it. Doesn’t matter, I looked it up. It apparently does taste a bit salty.


Shut up!


If it was just him and her in relative privacy, I could easily see that being a contributing factor, but he was talking to her amidst a group of other people. You couldn’t get away with that shit in the 1600’s; either her husband or simply a man defending the lady’s honor would have challenged you to a duel and murdered your ass. Look, we’re post-, I get that sexual harassment/assault is commonplace, but still.

I’m more persuaded by SheeEttin’s point that alcohol was involved. It’s still a bit mind-boggling to me, but I can see it.


That’s a misunderstanding of how alcohol affects the mind. Alcohol does lower inhibitions, but that’s not the same as revealing your “true self.” The part of your mind that inhibits your baser instincts is very much a part of your “self.” It’s therefore incorrect to say that subtraction of this element of your personality reveals your “true self.” All of us would likely do despicable things if left to our baser instincts. The part of our mind that regulates those instincts is very much a critical part of us. I’m not defending what the guy did, but if he did it under the influence of alcohol, that simply serves to explain his actions, not reveal some secret truth about his essential character. The man has issues, clearly, and needs to address them, but that’s no reason to label him an inherent degenerate. Such labeling only reveals your own tendency to oversimplify people and dismiss the complexity of the human mind.


That’s a very simplistic way of viewing the situation. I admit I’m confused about his actions, but I’m not so prejudiced that I would reduce him to a stereotype. People are complicated. If your explanation for their actions is simple, that’s a pretty good sign they’re inaccurate.


Your ability to take criticism and change your view is to your credit, and a rarity on social platforms like this. I appreciate that. We all make mistakes. I’ve certainly written things online that I regret in hindsight. We’re cool. Thanks for being reasonable. 👍

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