@TeaHands@lemmy.world avatar


@[email protected]

I live an increasingly confusing double life as TeaHands the game dev, and TheGiddyStitcher, multicrafter extraordinaire!

Currently working on my first ever commercial indie game, a minimalist city builder.

This profile is from a federated server and may be incomplete. Browse more on the original instance.

@TeaHands@lemmy.world avatar

Kind of completely depends on what topics you find “interesting”. I never quite got the point of following people, myself, it’s why I wasn’t on Twitter. But thankfully on Mastodon you can follow topics via hashtags instead and just dip into the interesting convos without having to deal with whatever other nonsense people talk about on a daily basis cluttering up your feed.

Interestingly that’s also how Twitter used to work, but I understand it’s quite different nowadays so people struggle a bit with changing back to topic-focused.

@TeaHands@lemmy.world avatar

On mobile I use the Tusky app and there’s a follow icon in the top right when you’re viewing a hashtag feed. Imagine it depends which app you’re on though!

@TeaHands@lemmy.world avatar

Two Lemmy accounts for my two main groups of interests. Neither NSFW, just different interests. Same two usernames on Mastodon too. Different instances so hopefully if one goes down the other is still ok, but also just because it’s handy being on different instances when there are federation issues.

As far as managing them, I’m mostly on my laptop and always have two users running in my browser so they’ve both just got a pinned Lemmy tab and a pinned Mastodon tab now. On mobile, Liftoff (for Lemmy) and Tusky (for Mastodon) handle multiple accounts fine albeit with a few improvements needed here and there.

I copy paste my Lemmy sub list into a spreadsheet once a week as part of my general life end-of-week tidy up. Export Mastodon stuff every now and then too. Just in case!

@TeaHands@lemmy.world avatar

It’s not really supposed to, and a lot of the time it is working as intended and things are basically instant. But yeah when it starts to run behind things can get frustrating.

@TeaHands@lemmy.world avatar

mander.xyz might be up your street

@TeaHands@lemmy.world avatar

Get on lemmyverse.net, search for your interests, build your subscription feed. Stop looking at All, and if you do insist on doing it at least block the communities that are making you mad.

@TeaHands@lemmy.world avatar

Games: Outer Wilds and World of Warcraft.

The former because it’s an experience unlike anything else I’ve ever had in gaming, and the story and meaning stays with you for years afterwards (possibly forever, but it’s too soon to tell.

The latter because the very idea of being able to really explore Azeroth after years of playing the Warcraft games was the most exciting thing ever, and the moment I first exited the orc starting area and looked at the map and saw how big the world was will never leave me.

Books: The Hobbit. Read it when I was 4, with a not insignificant amount of help from my dad. It was fun, it was thrilling, it was scary, and it kicked off a lifelong love of reading. For an adult it’s a very short read that will probably only take a couple days, which is also a big plus.

Honorary mention to Thud! by Terry Pratchett. Really the Discworld series as a whole, but that one particular book is the absolute perfect blend of comedy, social commentary and downright horror. Again, very much stays with you afterwards.

@TeaHands@lemmy.world avatar

Honestly, I can see why some people find it annoying but in my experience so far it’s been fine. Do a sweep on lemmyverse, sub to all the communities around a given topic, never really think about which one it actually came from when I see a post in my feed.

There are some quite niche topics that have been unnecessarily split, essentially just because people want to be in charge rather than joining forces, but that’s people for you and railing about it isn’t gonna get us anywhere. From an end-user pov, subscribing to multiple has been fine.

@TeaHands@lemmy.world avatar

If you link some sort of resource on this, you could literally save nerd lives.

Having all your memories of something good wiped completely is better than never being allowed to experience it again.

EDIT: I don’t think I conveyed what I meant well enough in the post. I was talking about something like, say, reading. It’s my favorite hobby. If I was forced to never read again, I’d be absolutely miserable. But if I completely forgot about reading, there wouldn’t exactly be anything to miss.

@TeaHands@lemmy.world avatar

This just makes me even more curious to know what you were up to during the infamous Three Days.

@TeaHands@lemmy.world avatar

If you’d told me this time last year that my new favourite genre of 2023 was going to be Finnish rap, I’d have said “no I hate rap”.

Well, actually I’d have said “this is some kind of Eurovision related nonsense isn’t it?” and the answer is yes. The people’s champ Käärijä hooked me in with his party metal, got me checking out his rap back-catalogue and now Spotify has decided all my playlists should be Finnish and here we are.

@TeaHands@lemmy.world avatar

Love that live show! The week after such a crushing disappointment, too.

It was a ridiculously strong year, and agreed 100% about Germany. I’ve actually been listening to a fair bit of Lord of the Lost as well since the final. I am a Eurovision superfan so may be biased, but it’s kinda crazy how many new types of music it can introduce you to.

Also had Ylivoimainen by KUUMAA on repeat, the Finnish national selection was absolutely stacked (as per).

@TeaHands@lemmy.world avatar

There’s also the issue that during the first big influx, Kbin turned off federation while the dev tried to fix things up. It was off for days, so any fledgling magazines there couldn’t take advantage of Lemmy traffic, we couldn’t sub to them and made our own communities instead, and by the time they turned federation back on a lot of Lemmy communities were already pretty established as “the main one”.

@TeaHands@lemmy.world avatar

My partner has this but in the most annoying way possible. He’ll set a timer on our oven, then go sit down in the other room. At some point, inevitably, he will become convinced that he forgot to set the timer. After me failing to convince him this happens every time, he’ll get up to check. There will be 1 minute remaining on the timer.

Every. Damn. Time!

@TeaHands@lemmy.world avatar

I’ve spent the last month of my life basically glued to Lemmy, answering support requests and posting threads in communities I wanted to see grow. My work output may drop to zero, my marriage may fail, but goddammit there are people who don’t know how to sub to communities on another instance and they need my help!

@TeaHands@lemmy.world avatar

The number one tip is to search for interesting communities through lemmyverse.net/communities, rather than your home instance’s search. This will let you find communities that are small or new and haven’t been synced to your home instance yet. You can set your home instance with the house icon at the top right, and then all links will open in your instance so you can easily subscribe.

It also lets you search Kbin magazines to subscribe to (through the top right hamburger menu) although federation between Lemmy and Kbin is sometimes a bit patchy.

Other than that, just remember all of the mobile apps are extremely new and if you’re struggling to do something, it might just be because it’s not supported in wefwef yet. Lemmy was clearly built by people who prefer to use desktop, but the mobile website is very functional and gives you full access, so that’s a good place to check if you can’t find how to do something within the app.

Looks like you’ve already got stuck in and been commenting a lot so keep it up, and welcome to Lemmy! 😊

@TeaHands@lemmy.world avatar

Knew I recognised that name 😄

@TeaHands@lemmy.world avatar

This was basically my first sub on my first day here lol, can confirm everyone Lord of the Memes is where it’s at.

@TeaHands@lemmy.world avatar

At the rate the app devs are moving, I imagine a month from now they’ll be a bit more on par feature-wise and things will be more consistent. Then maybe I can pick one and uninstall the other hundred or so that currently live on my homescreen for tech support purposes!

@TeaHands@lemmy.world avatar

Feeling very called out here.

@TeaHands@lemmy.world avatar


Just like everyone else!

How are new communities created on Lemmy?

There absence of a few subreddits here in lemmy world are making my experience somewhat incomplete. I was really into r/noiserock on reddit and would like to help re-create that community. It does not seem as straight forward though. Am I only allowed to create communities on my instance? I guess, in general, how are new...

@TeaHands@lemmy.world avatar

If I visit your instance I see the “create community” link at the top of the page as expected. Are you viewing it through an app maybe? They might not have added that feature yet and you might need to use the website.

@TeaHands@lemmy.world avatar

As a hobbyist game dev, can confirm I am basically just splashing around cluelessly making a mess.

@TeaHands@lemmy.world avatar

I’ve been watching Trek since I was basically a baby but don’t have anywhere near the depth of knowledge of most people posting here. We are still valid!

@TeaHands@lemmy.world avatar

Really enjoyed this episode, it didn’t make the most sense at times but made up for it with an extremely disturbing core concept. And there is comfort in the idea that even without a significant portion of our memories, we’re still “us”.

I’m confused about one thing though and maybe I just missed something so someone can enlighten me. If the palace is so well-protected that just literally being inside it for ten minutes is enough to completely reverse the memory loss, why was Pike first affected by it while standing in the palace? Is it just that they weren’t in there for very long during their first encounter with Zac, and the symptoms caught up with him, or did I miss something about how that worked?

@TeaHands@lemmy.world avatar

It didn’t really bother me, still thought it was a very good episode, but I am glad it’s not just me being stupid!

@TeaHands@lemmy.world avatar

That’s what I expected them to do as well, but I’m no science officer.

What are your go-to cozy games?

I’m new to the cozy gaming world, but it was love at first sight. Stardew was my first truly Cozy Game, but I recently started Cozy Grove (loving it!) and am about to try Sun Haven. I tried one called The Archipelago a couple months ago, but it got a bit repetitive and boring after a while. Breadsticks was cute, but I’m...

@TeaHands@lemmy.world avatar

I don’t know if it’s necessarily the sort of thing most people here would count, but I thoroughly enjoyed Cats In Time. It’s just a simple, casual, extremely cute, hidden object cat game with very little thought required. I found it adorable and extremely relaxing.

@TeaHands@lemmy.world avatar

There was a bit of discussion about this on the Lemmy side a few weeks back and the consensus seems to be: you do you.

@TeaHands@lemmy.world avatar

I grew up with the internet as an everyday part of life from my mid-teens onwards. Back then, we were taught to be careful about what information we give out online because there are no backsies and you can never be sure who you’re talking to.

Not sure when that changed to “give out all your personal info and it’ll probably be fine somehow” on a lot of these sites, but personally I stick with the former approach wherever I am. I’m not totally anonymous, far from it, but I only share what I don’t mind being public.

How do I know if my comment was deleted for some reason or if it just maybe didn't take and is lost to the void?

Mostly curious because I had posted a comment to a thread and upon revisiting to scroll through the new comments I realized I didn’t see mine. But I don’t know if it was ever actually there and was deleted or if because of some network/bug issues it never actually posted.

@TeaHands@lemmy.world avatar

I know there was a bug where comment edits were adding to the new comment count in error. Not sure if that got fixed yet but it could be one explanation for the dodgy comment counts everywhere.

As for your original question tbh I’ve just taken to copying the text of every comment before hitting post, then refreshing the page a couple times to see if it’s really there and if not I can paste it and try again. Brings me back to early 2000s when you could never be sure the forum wouldn’t eat your post, it’s amazing how quickly my automatic copy/paste muscle memory kicked back in!

@TeaHands@lemmy.world avatar

Assuming it works the same way on Kbin as it does on Lemmy, and that you’re talking about your All feed rather than just your subscriptions:

You’ll be seeing posts from the communities and magazines your instance already knows about. Which, at least on Lemmy, means at least one person from your instance has subscribed to them (it may or may not be a different metric on Kbin, not sure).

Given that it’s easier to search for Kbin magazines on Kbin, I expect there are a lot of things people on your instance sub to that people on lemmy.world do not, and vice versa. Hence, different feeds.

There’ll also be differences in the algorithms for what counts as “active” or “hot” or whatever on each software.

@TeaHands@lemmy.world avatar

I enjoy Mastodon a lot, had two accounts there since last November. It’s good for just quick casual updates and convos that don’t take much thinking or drain your social battery. My partner is on Pixelfed but I just follow him from Mastodon so that works well.

Recently signed up to Bookwyrm because I was saving way too many scifi book recommendations on here and figured it made sense to organise them somewhere.

I use LinkStack for my content creator alter ego, and am considering getting into PeerTube too, but need to look into that more.

@TeaHands@lemmy.world avatar

And I thought my wedding was bad…

@TeaHands@lemmy.world avatar

If you’re logged in on the website, those links should “just work” and the subscribe button is in the sidebar. Mobile website also works really well although you have to expand the sidebar to see the button.

If you’re using one of the many different mobile apps you’ll have to let us know which one because they all seem to work completely differently at the moment!

Edit: Just realised you’re on Kbin and it looks like Kbin is stripping the link formatting out of the post for some weird reason, that’s why you can’t click them 🤦‍♀️

@TeaHands@lemmy.world avatar

Nah the pending thing is a known issue. It’s essentially a visual bug and you are subscribed and will see those communities in your feed, but the UI doesn’t update for whatever reason. Seen some reports that you can fix it by repeatedly unsubbing and trying again, but it shouldn’t affect the actual functioning.

(fun fact there is no such thing as “approving” community members even though that’s what this totally looks like it is!)

@TeaHands@lemmy.world avatar

lemmyverse.net/communities lets you sort results by subscribers, active users, number of posts etc so you can look at the metric you’re most interested in :)

@TeaHands@lemmy.world avatar

The way it works on Mastodon is you essentially set up your new account on the new instance first, then you fill in the migration settings on both accounts. One to say where you’ve moved to, one to say where you’ve moved from. This adds a migration notice to your original account telling people who stumble across it where they can find you.

You can export and reimport all the important things like your bookmarks etc, but your posts stay behind on the old profile. Your followers / following is moved across, which in this case would be analogous to your subscriptions which are of course the most important thing.

I think a system like that would be perfectly fine here too. You don’t really need to bring all your posts over to a new profile, they’ll still be there and accessible on your old one if you need them.

@TeaHands@lemmy.world avatar

Yeah all content stays behind, so that’s your toots (posts) and replies (comments). I was bit wary of migrating because of that, but just needed to change my outlook a bit and remember all online content is temporary. Tbh since your followers etc all move over with you it’s made no difference at all and I can still log into the old account if I need to admin anything. Works fine!

@TeaHands@lemmy.world avatar

Nice one, cheers for sharing!

@TeaHands@lemmy.world avatar

Tried to get my now-husband to integrate the soundtrack into our wedding, but alas!

And for anyone reading this thread and thinking it sounds worth a try: a) do no further research, go in blind, very important and b) Outer Wilds is the one you want, not to be confused with The Outer Worlds.

@TeaHands@lemmy.world avatar

Signed up this account on .world because it was quite small (lol) but seemed competently run. This decision has not worked out great!

Had my other account on Beehaw so after that whole debacle I had to migrate. Moved that one to lemm.ee because again small and competently run. It’s worked out much better over there, people seem to keep flocking to .world for whatever reason so lemm.ee is staying nice and manageable (for now).

@TeaHands@lemmy.world avatar

Sadly not, it’s gonna be manual for the time being so if you’re thinking about it it’s probably worth doing before you have hundreds of subscriptions.

That said, I’ve gone through it once already on my other account and in the desktop browser it was fine, just involved opening lots of tabs and a bit of copy paste, took about ten minutes for a fairly extensive sub list. But I pity anyone trying to do it on mobile.

@TeaHands@lemmy.world avatar

Interestingly, I have two Lemmy accounts and hadn’t set any languages in either at first. Until I noticed one of my accounts couldn’t see certain posts, and was advised to do the multiple language thing. Why it only affected the one account I have no idea, but it’s definitely worth explicitly setting this just in case.

@TeaHands@lemmy.world avatar

Stage 2: necro a two year old post as a form of procrastination

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