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Which is why it is the role of the government to handle that. Are there streets ? Why are there streets? They aren’t worth it, right? So how come there are streets? Government can force ISP to lay the cables. “You want to lay any cable in that city? Then lay all of the cable in the region” easy


Well… are streets private or public? Are you water pipes private or public? Just a little idea for public policy

Tartas1995, (edited )

Having to invent a word like “cis”… lol have You tried education? It is one hell of a drug! Cis is a latin word. Like trans, homo, hetero, anti and so on. So maybe now you realize that “non-native speaker” is hilarious to say considering there are no native latin speaker.

Edit: btw. Trans means as much as on the other side. Cis means on the same side. Cis is literally just the opposite word of trans. So by calling trans women trans women, you imply that cis women are cis women. Crazy made-up word that have a story older than e.g. the new testament and probably older than any old testament manuscript that we have.


I have heard people say it. I haven’t heard anyone say it in a derogatory manner but it doesn’t matter like your experience is also only anecdotal.

trans women implies cis women. It makes as much sense as trans woman. I don’t care what some random people think. Yes, Cis existed before in science and what did it mean? Oh it means this side too. Crazy!

If you ask me, someone is very cringe and it is not the people using cis.


Oh how embarrassing… someone is unable to understand the difference between pointing out bad arguments and caring about the person opinion… yikes…

Let’s look at the conversation and see what happened.

  • I pointed out that your non-native speaker is nonsense and you didn’t even attempted to justify it because it is that poor of an argument.
  • I point out that it is a latin word like trans and that trans implies cis and so by calling trans women trans women, you are without vocalizing it, that cis women are cis women. Because that is how language works. If I talk about the 2nd point of my argument, I am implying that there is a 1st. You agreed that it is a latin word and already used in science. (I point out that it was there the same meaning, so… what?) And you apparently want to state that if there is a abbreviation, you can’t have an older word that looks the same. We should stop using “if” because there are investment funds. In other words, again I argued your argument. You stopped trying to argue your position here too. I wonder why…
  • you express that random person 1 and 2 think XYZ and that you experience ZYX, I state that I am not interested in your anecdotal evidence and the opinion of some random people, as I am interested in arguments; so when you imply that if I don’t care about your opinion why am I arguing with you, the answer is because I care about good arguments. So… you are just wrong there.
  • you are complaining about people expressing the cis woman is more inclusive and therefore more appropriated in most settings, but they are butthurt. You are too, and that is fine. Also not an argument for your position.
  • “I will never change my opinion” is really weird flex but I believe, but I am not arguing to change your opinion but to challenge your bad arguments, so keep going.

I didnt address the bio weapon because honestly that is just insane. Like what is that argument? People with bad listening/reading skills will mistake words? Let’s not use the word word, world is too alike … but “enough” is fine, so is “nation” or “women”. Google “ghoti” and be honest to yourself, would you have been able to explain why “ghoti” isn’t read like “fish” in English. If you couldn’t, maybe words that sound similar, aren’t the biggest issue. And as you are against “artificially introducing” words, how do you fix the mess that is “ghoti”? How do you make it understandable to at least the average native speaker? Not with new words with understandable spelling rules, that is for sure, that would be “artificial”.

my point was, your whole native English speakers and non native English speakers thing is completely incoherent. In one section, you express that cis got “artificially” introduce into English, then you say that it is a word already in english to be specific scientific English, then you express how cis is confusing for non native English speakers. Like what? Make Up your mind. Was it part of English already or did it get “artificially introduce”? If it isn’t English as it got “artificially introduced” why are we worried about the non native speakers? They might speak a latin language like Spanish. If it got “artificially introduced”, are you also mad about its usage in scientific language too or just in “normal” english? Should we drop Latin words from scientific language? Or should we avoid scientific language in our daily life because it has latin in it? Also is scientific language not English? If it isn’t, again, why are we worried about non native speakers? Help me on that one.

The whole “definition of the word” thing is a stupid talking point of right wing reactionaries. The reality is that even without a complete and accurate definition of the word, the word could have utility and would work just fine in daily conversations. If you doubt me, give me a definition of the word “culture” and/or “consciousness” that everyone agrees with and without making it seem meaningless. And that is assuming that there isn’t a good definition that would work in every way.

Seriously, sit down and argue with yourself your own point. Like play the devil advocate to yourself, then see if your arguments even remotely work for yourself.


What? “Ghoti” is not a real word and it is famous for exposing the fact that for most people would pronounce it correctly as “goti” while they couldn’t explain why it isn’t pronounced “fish”. In other words, how e.g. most people don’t know why the “GH” in “enough” is pronounced “f” and not “g” like in “ghost”. So I am speaking about spoken English as I am talking about pronouncing words. So I don’t know what you are on about “going off topic and strawmaning”. Well if anything you are strawmaning me. My argument is clear if you are worried about bio women and bio weapon confusing non native English speakers than isn’t the fact that most native English speakers don’t know why “ghoti” can not be pronounced “fish” while “GH” in “enough” is f, “o” in “women” is “I” and “ti” in “nation” is “sh”. GH O TI => f I sh => fish. How confusing is that for non native English speakers? Or how you pronounce “bomb” and “womb”? I am pointing out how ridiculous “bio women” “bio weapon” is compared to real daily English, when talking about non native speakers confusion. My point being “what are you even on about?”

I am cis. I used cis multiple times by my own desire in this conversation. So… there are cis people who use the word cis. Also you can’t seperate your arguments like that. If you are concerned about non native English speakers having trouble with cis, then you probably should be concerned about how fucking weird English in general is, and my question was, as in your other argument that you are supposedly holding, as we can’t fix the language by replace “bad” words with confusing spelling with “good” words with easy to understand spelling, as it would be artificially introducing words, What are you doing to do about the weird stuff in English that is confusing to native English speakers too? You can’t seriously hold the position that English should be easy for non native speakers and in the next, not care about it at all, because then why do you care in the first one?

Based on your definition of culture, music and art is not culture, as those aren’t ideas, nor customs nor social behavior… i don’t think people will agree with your definition.

Based on your definition of consciousness, only covers the idea of someone being “awake” and “aware” and not the idea that while sleeping, we have an understanding of a “ourself” and the “door”. So do you mean “someone being awake” or “someone being aware”? If so, is an “ai” camera that can identify people based on their face conscious? It is “aware” of it’s surroundings as it is identifying people. So could you be more precise in your definition?

When did I say that someone shouldn’t try to give it a definition? I am saying that even without one, it has utility. We might not agree with what women means precisely but it probably would still work for daily conversations. In other words, having no precise definition isn’t really a problem. As if needed, you can always add information to express yourself more accurately.


I already disagree with art being a medium of express of ideas or emotions. Art might have been constructed with an idea and even with emotions but the artist might not try to express them at all. Additionally, if I would agree with you, then I have following question. if the art piece produced by someone in a society is expressing an idea, e.g. pedophilia is great, is that idea now part of the culture of the society? How many people need to agree? It should be irrelevant in your opinion otherwise art isn’t part of culture unless enough people agree with the idea in the art piece. Also if you want to argue that it is not art, there isn’t really an agreement of what art is. Famously so. So yeah, you can argue about that it wouldn’t be art but then you would disagree with yourself and you would have to provide a working definition for art.

So your definition of consciousness wasn’t precise enough and you had to express your actual idea more clearly. Strange, it is almost as if having a conceptual idea of something and being able to express it well are too different things. So you caught on to my point about ai but you failed to see it to the end. Yeah a current ai wouldn’t be understood by people as conscious but my point was to express that you have to draw a line about what is conscious and what is not. Which is why I picked a face recognition camera. It is literally like saying, “if you think animals can be eaten, then are you eating human?”, obviously the person doesn’t expect you to eat humans. It is a rhetorical question. The real question would be “what is the difference between humans and animals? And why does it justify eating them?”. In this case, At which position does the meaty neural network that is my brain become conscious and different than the neural network in a program? Where is the line? Without that line your definition is vague and people will maybe agree with your definition without agreeing with your conceptual idea that you try to express. In other words, your definition doesn’t work. I really had to spoon feed you that one? Using 🤦‍♂️when you aren’t even able to understand rhetorical questions.

If you think you have now defined the difference between an ai and a human, why humans are and ai is not conscious. Your Wakefulness definition isn’t making it clear when you would grant something the title of consciousness. I mean when is something wakeful or is actually perceiving the world. (I mean interact with the world is obviously already the case, chatgtp has written poor legal defenses and cause some good laughter, there are cyber security ai products that try to identify and report attacks on a network,…). At which point does “detecting Malware” become “perceiving Malware”? That was my point. So you haven’t answered it at all.


Honestly it is hilarious to me that they rather make a zip file then a repo.


They are busy holding off parents trying enter the building and giving out traffic tickets


I think most non far-right, or how people in the us call them, leftist will just vote against the openly racist group as they are worse than the "left"™ rich elites that wants to maintain the current state as it made them rich


To be fair, Wikipedia doesn’t give him justice. He is far worse. Either he is an utter foul or he is a full blown Nazi. I am not saying “oh i disagree with him, so Nazi” I am saying “he supports white supremacists, ‘race realists’, ethno nationalists, by giving them a uncritical platform and by giving people a uncritical platform who give those people a uncritical platform”

If you want see how Steven Crowder does his politics and a good case towards why I think that way, youtu.be/cXZ6BZzQeCQSteven Crowder wanted to know what a white supremacists is and claimed to feel like people are calling him one unfairly and a guy decided to walk everyone to the thought process of how and why people think what they think.

Tartas1995, (edited )

Extremely misleading title. Many people will think the code will be made private but instead someone is making the company private. Taking a company private isn’t that bad inherently. Also that guy owns 77% already. Even with it being public, he makes the calls anyway. If you ask me, he sees in red hats decisions a market opportunity to take their spot.


When I was in 9th grade, I worked in a company that sold office material and we had random people working in to get their driver’s license. That is when I learned, people can read but won’t read. Not even only a sign.

I am not surprised.


What do you think, does he want to go private? What are the advantages? Why are you concerned?


Looking at the times and reading the article tells you one thing really loudly, performance doesn’t really matter and there is no “good” way to measure performance of browsers.

Firefox might be faster there and google there, but one is actively trying to make it easier to track you and actually tracks you and tries to put DRM on websites. BUT PERFORMANCE!!!


Unless there are developments that i unaware of the dev of ublock expressed that the changes would be huge for their ability to filter ads.


Well it is really easy. Read this hyperbolic statement:

Is having a government good for a country? Yes. Then why don’t you want an unelected elite control your country?

Sounds stupid right?

The people like standards. People don’t like when google can define standards alone. Especially when they have at least tried and most people hated the idea. Remember google topics? The thing that google advertised as more privacy protecting while just opening you up more track you even better by giving you more identifying features?

Lastly google is an advertisement company, trying to shape the web in their favor when most people will agree that the web became very privacy invading. Like come on and you ask why people don’t like that google, an advertisement company, has the ability to just force a new web standard in a world where advertisement companies are invading their privacy?


I don’t want to ask but… How do you come up with that? Is that some kind of fetish? Does it have a name? If the answers are no, why is 4chan like that?


I doubt every greentext tbh


Again because last time went so well. And Elon musk is known for not liking and failing at complying to regulations, and that man wants to run a financial service provider? Hahahaha


And then he continued to work on his x.com ideas, to be kicked out because he wasn’t able to produce a product. Obviously he made money, but his idea failed. And him making money, doesn’t change anything about his history with not complying with regulations and his plan to run in the modern environment a financial service. 9/11 changed the finance world. Obviously musk doesn’t quite know that.


A lot of new regulations for the financial services. Like truly a lot.


I have good news. He is not complying to regulations with Tesla nor with SpaceX. He has multiple lawsuits going on for tesla and Elon musk’s behavior has been ruled to be in violation of labor laws. SpaceX had issues with the FFA due to broken launch licenses. Thanks for making my point



He would be able… And there is a big difference between the regulations that he fulfils and the ones that he doesn’t. Everything that is not directly needed to get the money, he doesn’t want to do.

Please look into his regulatory issues before saying things like “lawsuits are irrelevant” and “he couldn’t sell cars”. It shows a lack of understanding of the reality of a state of law.


Honestly sounds like they have to tell themselves that they are better off now than when their life were like that but they don’t quite believe it themselves.

I mean that was a long (timewise and wordcount) reaction to a post in the internet, and entirely unprovoked.


It was done by a coupons website. 12% of the people thought USB was an European country. 18% that blu-ray is an animal. 15% that software is clothing…

There is no way that people were serious.


You can easily understand the meme as “hahaha women get hit on in so weird ways and we are kinda tired of it”. Now that might not seem funny to you but then again there is a huge amount of suicidal memes. So people make memes about negative experiences all the time.


As an it person that is not a furry, HEY! I do my part too :(


That is a Firefox setting. I use it on my phone.


Well it is a decent first level of defense. I usually get foreign country codes. But obviously don’t trust local numbers either. Let them introduce themselves (don’t introduce yourself) and ask if you can call them back in a minute. In the minute, check if the number is really who they claim to be. Then call the number if it matches and you are interested in the conversation.


Well, what is usage? And who is reporting? I don’t know if it is such a great claim. Apparently there are more bots on Twitter than ever before. So it is difficult to judge.


The best part of Linux memes are how much on the edge they are. I am honestly not sure if the Linux community disagrees on the point or if they think that one doesn’t have to be so serious.

Why is youtube recommending conservative "talking points" to me?

Hi, I am a guy in early thirties with a wife and two kids and whenever I go on youtube it always suggests conservative things like guys dunking on women, ben shapiro reacting to some bullshit, joe rogan, all the works. I almost never allow it to go to that type of video and when I do it is either by accident or by curiosity. My...


I had the issue that I got Andrew Tate shit recommended. I said don’t recommend that, and block the uploader. Youtube still suggested me that video. Exactly that video.


The Catholics that I know, aren’t strictly against abortion.


This man past existence is a symbol. A symbol of poor mental health care and the great lose that it cost the Public as a whole. A great programmer stuck in a nightmare and wasting his talent on meaningless shit. What a shame.


Requesting your data (GDPR) and using shreddit with the GDPR setting because deletes all your posts and comments. Then you can delete your account and both your account and posts are gone

Tartas1995, (edited )

Hey, I can tell you want it does. While I don’t know if they try to download something too (while it really doesn’t look like it), they are trying to steal your browser cookies.

I haven’t removed the obfuscation yet as I am literally in bed but I can tell the general idea of the code.

Onload is a html attribute. Html attribute tell your browser more about what the browser should be doing. So basically onload is an instruction to your browser. By posting those comments, they try to run something called cross site scripting. Basically they want to run their code in your browser without them being the website owner. So now we know the intend of the post, let’s look into the details.

Onload is an attribute that tells the browser to do something once it is fully loaded.

Fetch is a function that allows your browser to request additional information from the server. Endless scrolling would be done with that.

String.fromcharcode is just there to hide a little bit. Think of it as a fancy way to say a word. they are saying a website to connect to there.

Then document.cookie are your cookies for that website.

The next thing is probably your username or something.

So what does that mean? They try to make your browser execute their code when the website is onloaded. The code sends your cookies and your username(?) To a server. They probably save the username and cookie and try to steal the account later.

You seeing the code is good evidence that your browser hasn’t execute the code as the browser didn’t understand it as code to be executed but code to display. So you are probably safe and don’t need to worry

Edit: ups sorry for not answering the question. I don’t know which client they are targeting. They might or might not be targeting wefwef. But they target you, the user, too. And it is probably for Webbrowser users, so chances are wefwef or other web clients.

Edit edit: some people pointed out that it is not the username but basically the admin status of the account.


I don’t know what Lemmy uses tbh. I don’t even know if the code would work when run. Like i don’t know e.g. if they grab the username(?) correctly. I just understand their intentions but yeah their execution might be horrible.


If it would work, which it seems like it doesn’t. Yes, it is intended to be automatical.




Letting them be part enables their abuse. Not let them join, protect the fediverse and let’s it grow slowly. If you focus on being big quickly, maybe you are right, but if you want to maintain and grow the fediverse for a long time… You are almost certainly wrong.


It is not about the data. It is about the users and communities. They can copy the content but a threads user couldn’t really ask a fediverse user a question through threads. The interaction is why we are on social media. If threads is not part of the fediverse, it can’t provide the users with the same interactions. the fediverse wants users on many different smaller servers. We need to get the user to move to such a server, if we want the fediverse to work.


Technically he is also wrong about what touch does. The purpose of touch is to update the timestamp of a file and only if the file doesn’t exist, the file gets created.

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