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Tarquinn2049, (edited )

If it helps, the game itself is very positive about the whole spectrum of human sexuality and treats everything as completely ordinary and it’s all represented (trans included), like the Wizarding world has already come out on the other side and everyone is welcome.

I think JK very purposely tried to tarnish it so that less people would play it, she already got her cut from the licensing, so sales don’t matter to her.

The game itself is exactly what we want and what she would hate. The company that made the game is someone we should support, they took the world away from her, fixed it, and gave it back to us.


From what I’ve played, it’s a huge game that they put a ton of work into and got 99% of it right. Honestly way better than the average of even just the top 10 game devs. Hard to fault them on not being the only perfect company.


You’ll have to tell me what it is, I was pretty thorough in my playthrough but I must have missed it.


I suppose if the DM is running the game through a rigid preformed structure then yeah, having things make stuff more unpredictable is gonna be hard on the DM, but if they are already choosing to fly by the seat of their pants and roll with the incoming suggestions from the dice, it’s totally fine.

There are lots of different types of people that like to DM games. Something isn’t automatically worse for all DMs.


Yeah, everyone is very aware it’s not in the official rulebook, other than in the section of the official rulebook where it says not to treat it as an official rulebook and only something to fall back on if you can’t think of something better.

And for anyone that for any small moment of time may not have temporarily been aware that skill crits isn’t in the official rulebook, that problem is solved very quickly the second they meet any other player online.


Critical skill failure is relative to the situation, you don’t chop your arm off everytime you critically miss in combat. Although if it makes sense for the specific situation, chopping your arm off might be on the table sometimes for a critical miss in combat. Same sort of thing works for skills. It would only be the worst reasonable result that comes to mind. Not that all of a sudden the worst possible thing ever happens completely out of the blue.


It’s entirely possible they forgot when recreating the menu for the blu-ray version, to include that easter-egg. Alot of blu-ray players can load individual tracks without needing to be linked to them, hopefully you have one like that. So you can at least see it. If not, then the computer software versions pretty much all can. If you have a blu-ray disc drive. If not, I’m sure the clip it would play is somewhere on the internet.

Tarquinn2049, (edited )

The best part about winter, is that it’s nice inside. In summer, it can get to a point where it isn’t even nice inside anymore.

But also all the downsides of winter outside can be mitigated and navigated. The downsides of summer outside can’t be.

There are humans that hang out outside at -70C all day. For all you F users, that is -94F. The coldest winter ever gets where I am is -40C(also -40F for F people), it’s usually only about -20C(-4F) on an average cold day in winter.

If you are too cold in winter, you aren’t dressed right. There are options available that you haven’t taken.


Darkness doesn’t bother me. I like to go for walks at 3 am in summer, seeking out the times when it’s still at least a bit dark.


One option is them being tied together while remaining separate. Like have the clients all treat them as one channel on the client side, with them still all being separate on the server end.

I think the main problem people want dealt with is when they are in 7 of the same community accross different servers and someone cross posts something to all 7 of them. I don’t know if we’ll ever be able to solve that problem on the user end, like discouraging cross posts or whatever, but there could be a way that posting to one automatically and invisibly crossposts to all the channels that are deemed “like” that one. Whether communities could have tags that align with post tags, or something like that. I don’t know. But it sucks that right now the option is either pick one and deal with missing out on anything not cross posted, or pick a few and deal with all the things you see multiple times.


Yeah, from what I have heard, given a random unknown metal, the odds are significantly greater that heating up is the concern rather than it being pulled out. Either one is a pretty bad day though.


Most of the cases I can think of where that is overused, the entity stating it is indeed intended to be the impersonation of one single aspect of an identity. And indeed not particularly creative due to not having access to any other facet of personality. “Foolish” often comes across as a projection. The entity can’t fathom the thought process leading the mortal to their conclusions, and since not being able to figure out what someone is thinking could have two distinct causes… they go with the one that would imply they are superior, rather than inferior.


Patience primarily. But if it’s important or someone is going to get hurt, I’ll speak up. You don’t want to be that guy that is always trying to tell them they are wrong. No matter how helpful it could theoretically be, that isn’t how psychology allows that interaction style to go. Pick your battles so they are ready and willing to hear you the times when it really matters.

Eventually, hopefully they will start asking your opinion. But yeah, the most important ingredient is that they aren’t annoyed by you first.


Yeah, I was looking for this one. It also always struck me as a good option for VR games once that is a bit more entrenched with the general public.

Tarquinn2049, (edited )

My sister is ADHD so she legit has real questions that I can totally help with despite having seen the same stuff so far. But of course she has no idea which stuff is intentionally vague and which stuff she hasn’t been able to connect that was intended to be solved so far. So if it’s an intentionally vague moment my answer is “we don’t know yet”.

I definitely get that it can be annoying if you have no idea why they are asking. But they wouldn’t have learned that behaviour if it didn’t occasionally matter. Since this behaviour is common, and ADHD is common, I wouldn’t be surprised if it’s always the case. But it’s probably only some people with ADHD, depending on how theirs presented. And of course some people may have this trait of ADHD without enough of the rest of the traits to be able to get diagnosed.

But yeah, it’s one of the traits of ADHD that makes them feel like they must not be smart, despite any evidence to the contrary. Cuz they just don’t “get” what are obvious clues to other people. But it’s simple topic linking, basically their brains see everything in it’s own bubble, and they can be very good at figuring out everything in that one bubble, but if a puzzle in that bubble needs a part from a different bubble, that puzzle is never gonna be solved for them without outside help to find the bubble that has the needed part.


Oh, no. She is definitely great at making connections otherwise. It’s just one of her executive dysfunction symptoms. Like I said, not all people with ADHD get that one. She 100% hates having to ask questions and break immersion. But she also has a huge fear of being wrong, and it bothers her to a larger degree when she thinks she has missed how two things might be related.

She is almost 40 now, so she has had plenty time to at least get a decent sense of when a movie should be making more sense than it is. But there are still times where it is just as much as we are supposed to know by now.


That’s a completely different thing…


With such a complicated game, it makes sense to get a few patches out before hard-core. We no longer live in the Era of games releasing in a state where fair, fully expected hardcore deaths are the majority.


Space is the only place where Russia and America are friends. Nasa only cares about politics as far as they need to to keep their funding. And even then they generally opt for less politics even when it means less funding.


Yeah, local multiplayer or custom hosted multiplayer should be unlocked right away. Online matched multiplayer can be skill/tutorial gated just fine.


By far my favourite horrible game. Hehe. I will spend several more thousands of hours on it, hoping they decide to finally finish the VR implementation in the “recent” expansion.


You should probably disable it if you don’t want to see it. My windows 10 hasn’t advertised to me in any way ever.

Yeah, it sucks that by default it’s all enabled, but it’s nice that we at least have the option to fully disable all of it. And I haven’t had to reg edit or anything. All the settings are reachable in the operating system itself. If you can’t find it all, there are plenty of guides.

Tarquinn2049, (edited )

Yeah, it’s unfortunate that most of the benefits of exercise aren’t immediate and obvious. Makes it much harder to form the habit. But it has pervasive and far reaching benefits to almost every aspect of life, it would be weird how helpful it is if it wasn’t basically what we were pretty much “designed” to do.

Exercise games helped me to form the habit, basically gave something immediate and obvious to focus on, while I built up the habit. Then the important part was to then transition to a more stable long term exercise style, because eventually the game will get stale and lose it’s motivational value.

Specifically I used ring fit and VR games to get started, and then transitioned to gps games on my phone for outdoor exercise. Then storyline based walking/running games. I still have a hard time with going to a gym, but that is mostly social anxiety and fear of failure. I do know it can be a really good option if I can get over the initial hump, just haven’t managed. I’m thinking maybe hiring a trainer will probably help with that. I can usually get over my hurdles if someone else is relying on me, and a trainer would also help me make sure I’m not doing anything wrong. I know the strangers/future friends at a gym would also do that, but turns out I haven’t been able to talk myself across that line yet, lol.

But yeah, enough about that. Mostly just keep in mind there is likely a path to get where you want, you might just have to get creative to find it.


Yeah, I’m the same way, I always get about 10% as sick as the rest of my family when something is going around. I just assume my immune system is well trained. But I am also always cautious when new stuff is around, as an immune system can’t be trained to stuff it hasn’t seen yet. But I don’t go for a zero tolerance approach. I go for a minimize exposure approach. Avoid contact with mucous membranes and other external weak points, and keep distance. But don’t completely avoid everything. Still do stuff, just more carefully.


I can’t recall their exact messaging anymore, but I know at the time I got the impression that they said to save the limited supply of masks for the people that really need them. I remember constantly arguing on the internet at the time that that was what they said. They didn’t say that they don’t work, they just said not to start buying and hoarding them away from the people that need them.

But I guess one specific sentence caught “the other side’s” attention more than the rest of the message. Probably because they never actually check the source for what was actually said, and only read small clips from it that they have been told to react against.

Tarquinn2049, (edited )

It literally says “does not recommend for the general public” implying it is recommended for people that are actually in need if it, yes that is indeed the post everyone cherry picked from and never read the whole thing. Good find and good job reminding me of those idiots from years ago.

The video in that link even says they are recommended for medical professionals and other people in close contact with the infected. Literally saying, yes masks do work, but the general public shouldn’t be hoarding them yet, save them for people that need them.

Opens with “at this time” not recommended for public, yet. Like they will be at some point.

Nowhere at all does it say masks don’t help. In fact it says the opposite several times… but if you cherry pick parts of individual sentences, not even any one full sentence, you can misconstrue the message, I guess.


Also, they never actually lied, you can see the post here in some of the other comments, people were just idiots at the time and didn’t actually read the full post, just saw “not recommended for general public use at this time” and somehow took that to mean masks didn’t help. Instead of that they do help, but save them for the people in need, not general use. The post actually has a video in it that also specifies masks should be worn by medical professionals and other close contacts with the infected. Which is very much specifically saying masks do actually help.

But of course, at the time, the detractors wouldn’t link the actual source, they would just pick one sentence and “…quote…” it, completely removing all the context and making it look like it said the opposite.

Also it’s not like the idea of masks helping was ever in doubt among educated people. It’s literally been a go-to for more than a hundred years already. It was only the uneducated that needed to be told.


They literally didn’t lie, the post is linked in this thread. Of course at the time people weren’t linking the source, they were quoting part of one sentence and getting inflamed that half of a sentence seemed to say the opposite of what the actual post said.

It literally says “not recommended -for the general public- at this time” how is that miscontrued to “they don’t work”? It doesn’t say that at all. In fact the video in that post, I know it’s a full 30 seconds long and slow and boring… but the video specifically says to save them for medical professionals and others in close contact with the infected. Again very much stating specifically that they do help.


The worst part is, in the actual post, there is a 30 second video explaining that they do indeed recommend medical professionals and others in close contact with the infected wear masks. So it even specifically had that context, and somehow people got the message that masks don’t help from it.

But I’m willing to bet most people who thought it said masks weren’t effective never saw the actual source. Just had one snippet of one sentence read to them on fox News with the “hosts” filling in what they should think about that half sentence.

The post also only say “not recommended -for the general public- at this time” which is not at all saying they wouldn’t work. Just don’t hoard them away from the people that need them, at this time. So, literally not even a lie anywhere in there. Directly stating exactly the message everyone that actually read the post took away from it.


If it helps, “unintentionally lazy” is kind of not a real thing. There’s always a cause if you want to be doing something but can’t bring yourself to do it. Lazy is choosing to do nothing with your time on purpose. You don’t sound lazy, you sound as though something is preventing you from doing what you want to do.


Humans are not good at solving their own mental problems. Trying to do it on your own can often just get you deeper into the same rut, or cause new problems. Sometimes family and friends are able to help, but for most people that is also not an option or not helpful.

Your brain is in control of how you interpret the entire world around you, when it starts interpreting things incorrectly, there really isn’t much that can be done from within that world view to fix it. How can you get yourself back to right, if you don’t know what right even looks or feels like anymore?


Our current strategy is making us worth a ton of money, so let’s change strategies to what all the companies that are losing are doing instead, so we can make money?

Leaving the fediverse

Man, I was all on board with this idea. Federated instances made so much sense to me. But it’s tankies all the way down, and it’s just not worth my time anymore. Hell, if the largest instance bans you seconds after you call out a tankie mod, where can you escape? Great idea, terrible execution. Everyone wants lemmy to grow,...


From seeing your responses in this thread, your opinion is not what got you banned, your attitude is. You for sure should be banned even if you were talking that way while agreeing with the people that would be banning you.

If you don’t want bad things to happen to you on social media, don’t post while angry.


About 75% of a games file size are the optional higher res textures for higher graphics settings.(25% for “high” and 50% for “ultra” generally) You can start playing with only the lowest couple of resolution textures to start with in games that use texture streaming. Texture streaming also serves as a LOD system. As in textures further away from you only load the lowest level of detail version until you get closer anyway, then they swap on the fly one by one up to whichever highest degree of fidelity you picked in settings as it gets closer and closer.

The way they stream in sort of hides the transition, at least if the game was well designed. Similar to how a good LOD system for geometry works. It should ideally be imperceptible. The models should look almost identical at the distance they are being swapped at. Same thing with textures, if you notice them change, they likely tried to be too aggressive with it to lower performance cost more than a comfortable/seamless amount.

Tarquinn2049, (edited )

Adhd combined at least with being hypersensory, which is probably why it seems to you like it is presenting different than you might expect. There are many aspects of this that are not only due to adhd. Every individual brings all the rest of them to their presentation too. Even stuff that is learned after birth or cultural can have a dramatic affect on how easy it is to diagnose, since most diagnostic criteria is still not well developed.

Other possible things to look into after the adhd diagnosis would be if autism or borderline personality disorder are also present. If so they don’t appear to be your main focus.

And keep in mind, while humans have made all kinds of seemingly separate categories for these things, at their root many of them are largely part the same thing. The categories are mostly about what strengths and weaknesses you ended up with. But you will usually have some overlap with other categories. Start with what is impacting your life the most. And after that is settled, see if anything else is still worth it at that point.

Tarquinn2049, (edited )

I am autistic and empathic, which did indeed make it tough to get diagnosed. I had to go to the hospitals school for a year for them to figure out my diagnosis at the time(this was 30 years ago). I personally also don’t really have my own emotions, and despite having high empathy it took me a long time to figure out what other peoples emotions were even though they impacted me quite notably.

I am hypersensory which is the term for how strongly your sensory input is perceived by your brain. I need significantly less input to feel comfortable than what is common/average. And anything above that starts to bother me, or can even cause a sensation similar to pain. Just a strong “please stop doing this” message from the nervous system. It sounds like you are on this side of that particular spectrum as well from your main post.

From your list, I would say adhd is likely what is affecting you most. You may indeed also have autism, but if so I would leave it to second and go for an adhd diagnosis first. They diagnose one at a time generally. And there also isn’t really any kind of official diagnosis or support for being hypersensory that I know of, just having the knowledge to help yourself really.


While ssd’s were still expensive, I used symlinks alot to solve problems for friends where games and launchers would only put stuff on their main drive. I had a friend using a 64 gig ssd for windows 10, he had so many symlinks I ended up drawing a chart for myself so I could more easily visualize them in case anything needed to be modified or repaired later.

Most of the time they were set and forget. But every now and then they did need to be repaired, usually from user error. I do recommend keeping a hand written reminder if you plan on doing a bunch of them. Just so much nicer to have a less-fallible record of them when you do need to work on them.


The only thing they aren’t nice about is people not being nice. Hehe.


All the individual details are nice-to-haves, but the main important criteria I’m looking for, is no one trying to make money off of it.


Paying for services is fine, profit is the problem. Covering costs is all I want. No need for any agenda or hidden user costs. Just providing a service that people actually want to use.


If we’re talking about my dream, that is my dream. A platform that isn’t trying to make money. It’s not wrong to want to make money, but a platform that is trying to make money isn’t my dream platform.

All of my favourite stuff is run by non-profits.


Maybe I missed some context to the question, but I didn’t know my ideal social media platform had to be something that already existed.


Umm… not sure you are aware that non-profits still pay their employees. Non-profit is a pretty common way of running a business. All it means is there is no incentive to make more money than is necessary for the companies needs. Any extra income is just re-invested in the company or donated to charity if un-needed.

Basically just means there’s no need to look for more ways to squeeze money out of the customers if they are already happy. And prioritizing usefulness rather than bloating the software is incentivised.


It’s not like the car can’t be controlled, if driving off was deemed the correct action, they could have gotten them to over-ride and drive the car off. Driving off is almost never the recommended action in these cases.

Lifting off is by far the safer choice.


It sounds like you probably aren’t the “people taking risk” that I am referring to.

how do i pick out a good avocado

Edit: 10/23 I took a lot of advice from here, I bought an avocado yesterday and I tried it today. It was perfect! The taste was incredible. I didn’t need to salt/season it to hide anything. I am in a different state right now but when I get home I’ll buy one at home using my knowledge I now have and hopefully it’ll be...


My sister is ARFID, I could still theoretically eat the stuff I don’t like without my body reacting that way, it just isn’t worth doing. None of the stuff I don’t eat would cause any lasting harm, it’s just too strong of a flavour that it is essentially painful. All my senses are affected by being hypersensory, and my super taster and strong taster are individually and independently verified. Not just guesses or anything less certain.

My life is still surprisingly manageable, my sisters is not as much. She at least is not hypersensory. I couldn’t imagine that added on to her troubles.


Luckily my dad is a chef, and I’ve always had a strong interest in food chemistry, we’ve managed to find lots of palatable ways to modify important foods over the years to keep me healthy. And surprisingly, despite everything that should be against it, one of the vegetables I have always liked is actually broccoli, I can’t really do the stems, but I love the florets. He makes a sort of stock out of the stems so they don’t go to waste.


It certainly could be, seltzer water is definitely on the list. Probably worth looking into. But even people without any good reason, people can find seltzer water gross, there is alot not to like there, lol.

But yeah, can’t hurt to learn more about conditions even if it turns out not to be something you have, knowledge is useful.

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