
@[email protected]

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Smash mouth were not one-hit wonders. “Walking’ on the sun”, “Then the morning comes”, “I’m a believer” (ok that’s technically also a Shrek song), and “Can’t get enough of you baby” were also Top 40 hits.


Apple really only cares about you if you use the Magic Mouse which has a touch surface instead of a scroll wheel. It makes sense on the Magic Mouse but not on any other mouse


California has always been my favorite state on the Atlantic coast. SMU unironically is closer to the Atlantic than Louisville and even Pitt really.


Same reason I was on Reddit at work before. I’m taking a dump and need something to do. And now my bowel movements are free of corporate interests


Everyone here has already reached that conclusion or they’d be on corporate social media. You must be doing a bang up job! Thank you for your service

Is Mastodon’s strictly chronological news feed based on a wrong assumption?

The assumption is that centrally managed social media is bad because their algorithm is bad. But actually, they are bad because they are centrally managed and force one algorithm onto you. I’m not even advocating algorithm-by-choice. Even instance-specific algorithms would already work and would make the whole experience much...


Technically sort by top and some by new are algorithms. But that’s not what people talk about when they say algorithm with regards to social media it’s secret sauce engagement based algorithms used to show content.

The active and rising sort options are fairly simple and open source so we know exactly how it works


Are individuals granted the same 230 protections as organizations when it comes to self-hosting an instance? I doubt people are forming non-profits for their self hosting endeavors


Thank you! That’s a clear and concise explanation of section 230. I’ve always heard it in reference to big social media companies but your link clearly shows the protections extend to individuals and users as well


I switched to an M2 MacBook after a decade on windows for work because we wanted to manage our iPads with organizational accounts and not just personal apple id’s and needed Apple Configurator to install our MDM.

I can’t imagine ever using another device. The M2 lasts all day and more, is totally silent and is perfect for working in the terminal and in M365 apps. I know it probably doesn’t actually run better than windows but MacOS does a much better job of keeping performance issues out of site, out of mind


You seem like a pretty solid poster except for this one pretty bad take. Don’t let dramatic internet discourse and a few attention grabbing media personalities or allies shape your viewpoint for an entire group.

I know you probably already know this but I don’t want good posters leaving Lemmy because of silly disagreements or pet peeves. There are annoying people pushing toxic discourse on any issue. Generally people will live and let live if you don’t personally attack them. Someone specifying their pronouns isn’t attention seeking behavior (usually) it’s just a courtesy. Your comment is just begging for the kind of responses that will require you to give people the kind of attention you claim to hate giving them.


I agree to some extent and think that defederation of instances that promote harmful viewpoints such as explodingheads and their users. For others I’d rather promote good behavior rather than engaging with them with a hostile attitude and let attitudes change organically. OP doesn’t exactly fit the bill of a proud boy but has one bad take. If someone wants to block him I understand but I’d rather change his mind


Call of Duty is a absolute joke. I don’t know why people waste money on this trash.

Kids grew up playing Roblox and now they’ve ruined gaming as a whole because they buy every stupid little thing with mommy’s credit card because they got used to spending robux on everything

Sorry this is an angry and over generalized comment but I’m just disappointed that we get like one good game a year. This year was BG3, last year was elden ring, year before God of War.

I will take the PS3/360 era of gaming where we were still in the modern era but every game didn’t try to nickel and dime you to death. Even the PS2 era that I grew up with was better than this.


You are incredibly right. Call of Duty is a bad example to point to the gaming industry as a whole. I’m just am frustrated because it used to be good.


I don’t have the same time to devote to gaming as I did during my “golden years” so I mostly just follow the big releases that get the most media coverage. That is definitely a me problem. I’m mostly just venting. I just now finally beat red dead redemption 2 so I have plenty of backlog to catch up on.

It’s as much nostalgia pining for what Call of Duty was around the time of vCod and MoH:AA when it used to beat genre defining instead of just another money pit.

The other part is my disgust as a parent of how predatory monetization is in popular kids games these days. Putt Putt didn’t have any season passes or mtx dammit


Algorithms just lead to gaming the system. SEO has basically meant that googles algorithm has rendered the web unusable.


That’s what it comes down too. More users and better onboarding and moderation tools to keep those users


That’s part of the cost benefit equation for self hosted vs cloud hosted.

I got tired of dealing with maintenance on my VPS and on my on-prem hardware and so now I pretty much just do SaaS or run front ends that connect to public cloud backends


The meme is gigachad not 9000 IQ so your objection is overruled


Users may consent to giving Microsoft their IP address but not to everyone who sends them a link


If you are just sending notification emails to your own account then you can use SMTP directly to O365 without authentication and it will be delivered as long as it’s being sent within your tenant (if your home IP isn’t in your SPF record it may get delivered to junk however)

This is how we handle scan to email using MFPs in our org. No credentials, or even a mailbox for the outgoing sender, required


It’s a good argument, if they were smarter than humans but didn’t integrate into human society so we give them the right to vote? I’d say not.


These species kill us back if they have the chance. Maybe the golden rule should apply. Treat other species how you wish to be treated. At the same time, we can barely exist with each other. Let alone other species.


That’s part of the fediverse. It will be a obstacle for communities that will keep them from getting Reddit sized but decentralized means they aren’t supposed to get too big. I think the best compromise would be allowing you to create multi-communities on the front end or in the client.

But end users may not want to federate with or or overzealous moderators may ban a user on one instance and for that reason I’m not in favor of consolidating communities. I’d rather both grow organically


I use both devices and to me I prefer the iPhone for its simplicity in UX of things such as audio handoff between devices with airpods, the ease of using their “Find My” network. And being able to use iMessage/FaceTime seamlessly with other apple users without them needing another account to use Wi-Fi calling/messaging. The camera/photos/iCloud integration is much better too.

Android is much better for various little apps. They are more permissive on the App Store and even if they weren’t you can easily side load. Things like emulators are way more convenient as well as various other self hostable projects that can extend the life of the device even when it’s no longer adequate for communications.

Personally I prefer the ubiquitousness and of the apple ecosystem and I prefer the smaller form factor for phones and so the iPhone 13 mini is my preferred device. If there isn’t another small form factor phone from apple when it’s time for me to upgrade then I’ll probably try to look into whatever the latest fairphone at the time is (if it’s still supported in the US)

If the manufacturers would stay out of Google’s way and let there be a unified android experience without manufacturer bloat then it’d probably be the best as pixels are fantastic phones with good support, they are just a bit too big for my liking


Peach is slow as hell. Toad all day baybee


First thing I thought of was that damn eel


As soon as your 50GB plan cancels your iCloud will go to “read-only” and won’t sync until you have enough storage.

After canceling you can go to settings, family sharing, and then enable your spouse’s iCloud+ plan and your iCloud should start syncing again.

I would recommend making a backup of everything on an external drive of course. There is never any guarantee that apple won’t lose data but I did this process a month ago and it was completely seamless.


This dude was treyarch for me during the World at War and Black Ops era. He was one of the holdovers of their era where they tried to make Call of Duty good. Instead of just make it a whale milker


Mine is all amiga and Commodore 64 games. Not the exact scenario I was expecting when following #retrogaming


I expected more console games that 80s computers, not that I’m complaining. Just not a world I was familiar with


I came at the beginning of the Reddit exodus in June and I haven’t noticed necessarily a shift to Reddit’s culture as it’s grown but more of just the general toxicity that comes along with a platform growing to a certain size.

There is a lot more trolls and likewise people who won’t engage civilly with someone who has an opposing view (because why would you when there is a good chance the other person is just a troll?). I feel like the reaction to blocking piracy communities or most instances degenerating from Hexbear have shown me that.

Lemmy culture still seems to be intact. A lot of posting is still tech focused and the is still a lot of good discussion. It just seems like a lot of posts that make “Hot” on the All feed tend to be more combative or politically charged.

Do you still write notes with pen and paper?

With so much note taking apps nowadays, I can’t understand why does anyone still write notes with pen and paper. You need to bring the notepad, book or that paper to retrieve that information, and most of the time you don’t have it in hand. While my phone almost always reachable and you carry when you go out. For those still...


I get a lot of scratch paper as part of my job entails troubleshooting printers (kill me) and so I have stacks of printer test pages, pages printed out with PCL and PS errors and what not. These make good canvases for sketching up quick network designs or diagraming things such as work flows. I usually scan them in a note taking app before shredding them to keep my desk clear but it’s much more convenient that having to use Visio or something on things that just need to be sketched out


WinRAR is an internet institution at this point. It’s like Amtrak, why would anyone ride the train when there are better cheaper and faster modes of transport? Don’t know but people do anyway


That’s kind of my point that WinRAR has its limited use cases like Amtrak does although majority of the time it’s more efficient to use something else


After being on fediverse it’s been great how refreshing and natural real decentralized social media is rather than the astroturfed, money and soul sucking dreck that is the big corporate socials are.

I almost wish there was a way that we could encourage growth and somehow let it scale to critical mass through grants and donations. But eventually if the fediverse got to that size then there would be grifters and corporations to ruin our fun.


I can’t fit 3 kids with car seats in a small car. I drive anything that is affordable


It doesn’t matter if you treat people who believe in conspiracies with decency because they will imagine fake slights against you and use them to justify their hate anyways.

And I fundamentally disagree that people are smart generally anyways. Just because they can parrot a flawed line of reasoning they read online doesn’t make them smart. Especially when those lines of logic fall apart when challenged and cause their believers to cling even tighter


Block also blocks them from seeing your posts and responding to them. Which is valuable. I don’t want people to creep on my profile if I’ve blocked them.

I use mute to get people who tweet in the wrong language off my timeline.

I deleted my twitter so I guess it’s not my problem now

My open letter to the tech industry on sexism, HR, and Linus Tech Tips

The Linus Tech Tips abuse allegations are yet another reminder that something absolutely needs to be done about the rampant sexism in the tech industry. If you haven’t heard them yet you can read about them here, but be warned, there is some potentially very triggering abuse and self harm detailed:...


Thank you for this well-written and thought out post. I agree wholeheartedly with your entire post, you basically said my thoughts but with tact. I’ve been trying to come up with a way to express my take on the situation but was struggling to without sounding unfair to either Madison or LMG.

It really sounds like everyone was working “at their dream job” and that’s a bad thing because of you are working your “dream job” the temptation is there to put aside your integrity, mental health, and self-advocacy and also subjugate your coworkers in order to keep it. The insane upload schedule in order to keep on the right side of the algorithm doesn’t help the culture too.

Ultimately it looks like company never grew up from its roots as a small group of guys having fun making content for the internet and as people were hired to their “dream job” things were no longer “guys having fun” and instead were ingrained as a toxic work culture


It’s time for people to vote with their wallets and stop purchasing and playing games with predatory monetization models.

But saying that people complaining about MTX are like old man yelling at cloud is wrong. There will always be room for criticizing MTX like there will always be room for criticizing capitalism.


I definitely agree with you on this. It’s possible to vote with your wallet and still lose the vote. But I simply mean to suggest that those of us who won’t stand for MTX filled games ought to embrace the games that don’t have them (or at least don’t compromise the experience for them) like god of war, or red dead 2 etc. and that we should reach back into our backlogs and find games that we missed and look to purchase and play those rather than get the latest full price games that are still filled with MTX


I use it just as much as Reddit and generally enjoy the home/all experience much better. What you miss is the niche communities but I feel like the better experience on the “big” communities like !apple_enthusiast or !technology make up for it.

It also got me to join mastodon over twitter, so I’m grateful for that as well


I migrated my domain to Cloudflare and moved my mail host from gmail to iCloud. I still use google sites as a web host since it’s free hosting and brain dead building but I used google domains for the cheap domain and integrated mail and web hosting with my Google one sub.


It was a pretty easy process to migrate the domain and mail hosting. I didn’t feel like it required a lot of knowledge but I’m also a network engineer by trade so this kind of stuff comes easy by me as well.

So when I switch my DNS to Cloudflare, it copied my mx records and other dns records so my gmail kept working during this process. I then went through the process of using a custom domain with iCloud+ on my iPhone which was entirely automated so it was very easy. I think all I had to do was copy a verification token to my Cloudflare DNS after migrating and then when I verified it on my iPhone it noticed I was signed up for cloud flare with my Apple ID and was able to make the changes necessary to move email hosting for me.

I signed up for Cloudflare using my Apple ID to make the process easy. You also have to have an iCloud email address first so if your Apple ID is your gmail or custom domain, you will want to sign up for iCloud mail first.

The last thing I did was set up forwarding on my gmail account to forward all messages to my iCloud and I was good to go


The revival didn’t need to happen before the horrible news and they should cancel it now in my opinion. Dale, Lucky, and Luanne are dead. Khan was canceled. That’s half of Rainey Street.


Linus is getting sponsorship from either actually useful tech software that is for enterprise or it’s some weird niche software or product that no one ever needs.


Thank you for putting my feelings to words. I haven’t even actually played a Pokémon game for more than 5 minutes since sun and moon as they were just so boring, the tutorials were so long, and the z move mechanic basically didn’t impact the game at all as the game isn’t ever hard enough where you have to use a Z move.

I still play the older games but it’s because I find the experience more balanced and enjoyable.

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