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Synnr, (edited )

I don’t want this to be real, but I know it is because of the pixels.

If digging the hill to set a foundation was too much work, I’d hate to know what the rest of the building (and plumbing and electrical) looks like. But who am I to judge without knowing the situatuon… maybe it was a mountain made of diamond.


The ultimate shitpost, I guess.

Synnr, (edited )

Yup, I have been using KeePassXC locally since (one of) the first big LastPass breaches. I thought “password manager company… they know encryption” and then kept some of the most important things stored in my vault including notes of Bitcoin seedphrases etc. Thought "even if they get hacked, they wouldn’t let anyone exfil the huge amount of data from the USER VAULT SERVER… thought “my passphrase is like 25-30 chars long, nobody will crack that”…

5 years after my last login and I find out the breach happened, user vaults were exfil’d, the encryption was absolute shit, and the notes weren’t even encrypted.

I don’t trust cloud companies to keep promises or know what they’re doing today. and anything self-hosted isnt Internet accessable unless it’s on dedicated hardware subnetted off and wouldn’t matter if it got hacked.

Synnr, (edited )

In theory, if I were to use an online solution, bad actors wouldn’t be able to pull my vault from memory.

It’s the same issue once you login to your vault via browser extension. They have to download your vault locally on login to decrypt it when you enter your password anyway*. Even if they don’t store your vault password in memory, they either store the entire vault (unlikely for size reasons) or a more temporary key to access the vault. Local compromise is full compromise already.

*If they don’t, then they either made a giant technological leap, or they’re storing your passwords on a simple database on their servers and that’s not what you want from a password manager.

Any idea what Google are doing? Is this because I dont use Chrome (use Firefox)? I've no adblockers. (

So this started coming up today. On every video. I can (so far) click the “x” and remove it to watch (still see 2 ads before the video, and one after 4 minutes - ruins music on YT), but did click the “Report issue” only for the dialogue box not to work....

Synnr, (edited )

Quick someone post that 3rd party YouTube interface for Android. Preferably on F-Roids. I need it.

This is the Internet so let’s settle this quickly and efficiently.

The best 3rd party YouTube interface is called Kuhmbus.


Is that a native app, or webapp? I thought there was a native app, in fact I know there is and it’s called Kuhmbus. Nobody can correct me because I’m right.


I thought NewPipe only worked with decentralized services? Does it work with YouTube proper?


It won’t, but that’s not the point. Gov. Spencer Cox is campaigning. Ever notice how politicians get real busy and start hitting hard with stuff like this when election season is near?

Synnr, (edited )

Exactly. That kind of politican.

(you’ll know you’re in a control state if you think I’m hitting at either party in particular)

Synnr, (edited )

I chuckle inside and exit the room at the first chance when someone non-jokingly refers to themselves as an alpha male. And that’s not because I’m afraid of them–the fact is that I’m the alpha male.


Humans in packed cities could be described in a similar way though, if there’s not a social reinforcement in place, by the community elders who are respected and followed, to keep them from it. I live in a medium sized city now because of work, but even still I can relate to the rats [I’m aware of the studies flaws].

Put any one species into a [packed] depressing [space] with way too many strangers and way too [varied amounts of resources per individual], and they will fight and establish a pecking order eventually. This has nothing to do with how the same species would behave in the wild and with enough resources to live comfortably.

I grew up in the country with tens of acres and my nearest neighbor was a mile away. Separated from the small town nearby by a river and surrounded by thick hedgerows going miles around in every direction, with a huge open space (fields) between our house and the hedgerows. I’ve never been happy in the city. No matter where I am, I feel like I’m in a cage. I’m not agoraphobic but there’s a sense of being ‘watched’ when I leave my house that just isn’t there when you live in a remote area. All the people, sights, sounds, smells can be incredibly overwhelming at times.

I am only capable of attaining a true level of peace when I’m in nature.

Synnr, (edited )

The “to” field is showing whatever his name is on Facebook, I believe it’s done by formatting as “Name To Send To”

Edit: can lemmy not show email addresses, or just anything between greater than/less than tags?

Edit edit: no symbols for us… That’s… interesting design. I guess nobody can use html tags if nobody can put anything between greater than and less than symbols.


There is a Firefox plugin which I believe is called CleanURLs.

it’s interesting that you mention the shorturls OP… I’m almost positive as of today that those links you can share that are like are customized tracking links.

Problem is, if you paste it in your browser from the app, it doesn’t go back to the original URL. You have to search the product again and customize the color, number, etc, and then strip tracking again from the url.

Most people just want to send a friend a link of the thing they think they’ll like.

Synnr, (edited )

I’m not surprised. Propaganda as a systematic process of human psychological manipulation was essentially born in Russia, and they’ve been honing in and practicing those skills ever since.

Synnr, (edited )

Edit: after typing all of this, I re-read your comment and realized I simply argued your point for you further. Initially misread.

luckily it’s not very subtle and rarely hard to spot.

The abrasive propaganda that’s easy to spot, sure. But I’m positive that’s a minority of if unless you’re hyper vigilant in which case you’re also going to have a ton of false positives.

Now to preface this next bit. I don’t categorize myself politically. I’m very open to many different viewpoints but I saw Trump winning as a very dangerous thing, so some people would call me liberal, although plenty of liberals have called me a conservative in the past. I’m pro-choice, but I can understand that many really do see it as murder. I’ve had insults from all across the spectrum accusing me of fitting nicely into a box.

The first example of a western media type of propaganda that comes to mind in America-centric media is how the COVID lab leak theory was so heavily associated and linked with the far-right and discredited that even when the Department of Energy (they handle nuclear secrecy and many other things) and other official agencies released their assessments earlier this year that said the lab leak theory is the most likely by far, few seemed to believe it and not many news networks reported on it longer than a day, if that. And, since scientists work in provable facts and China hid the initial infections for over a month, even though they studied all the data and said it’s the most likely theory, they said they had “low confidence” in that assessment, because you can’t go back into the past and investigate things that are now covered up. Many if not most virologists who specialize in coronaviruses extensively now say that coronavirus jumping from an animal to a human with the highly-contagious specific modifications it had for binding to the specific receptor say it’s highly unlikely that it occured naturally in the wild. We (including American and other western scientists) went searching in caves and forests for many months for any mammals that had a previous version of the specific mutation that led to COVID-19 before it jumped to humans. No animal coronavirus with that precursor mutation has ever been found.

We now know that at least 3 people who were working at the Wuhan Institute of Virology where gain-of-function research was being done (in a level 2 lab – only medium security, if I recall correctly - think gloves, masks, change of outfit… no serious sanitization) were hospitalized for COVID symptoms a month before the first infected masses started showing up to hospitals with covid symptoms. The 3 scientists tested negative for everything they tested them for.

But the majority of people will still tell you it was caused by a wet market infected animal, and if you bring up the evidence and official opinion that it was a lab leak they will fight you on it and make up excuses.

Whether it’s a case of political bias, or self-censorship for fear of repercussions of subscriber numbers, or a message came from the top of the networks, it was a very effective campaign of propaganda. Even though it would be beneficial for the “China is incompetent, and dangerous, and we need to spend as much as we can to protect ourselves from them” narrative the DoD has been pushing (true as it may (or may not, I’m not an expert in geopolitics) - the majority of major news networks decided to brush it under the rug.


Links out of order but are the sources. I’m short on time right now. You’ll notice the US IC still thinks it was not a lab leak, while the FBI and DoE think it is from their research, but China won’t cooperate in the investigation of the source of COVID-19 so that makes things hard… Biden is attempting to get the IC to declassify and release their info about the origins. Right after the reports from DoE and FBI, China released data showing it appeared to come from wet markets again. I’m happy to be proven wrong but my understanding from people discussing the experts is that the lab leak theory is most likely. The article about the toxic debate is full of info and I believe newest iirc.…/origins-of-the-virus…/energy-department-assessment-low-confid……/newly-released-chinese-covid-da…


All good points.


Yup. That $50 option is going to be 75% business/political co, and 25% real users.


It is undoubtedly a group of synapses with one about to get a big juicy golden dopamine hit. I feel like that was a spez request to marketing and design departments as a subtle way to laugh at how obviously overboard they can go and people will stay addicted.

I’m curious how the r/conspiracy sub is reacting, or not reacting.


Some. Putin won’t fuck with the Pope though. You know why you never hear about Putin threatening to de-nazify Vatican city? That’s right, the Secret Archives.


It’s all right there in the article bud/budette.


No, it’s a joke.

In an outdoor on-the-spot interview someone asked him how XAEwhatever was (saying it how Musk pronounced it in an interview) and Musk was confused for a few seconds like “huh… what…?.. OH YOU MEAN MY KID HAHA! Yeah he’s fine.”

So he was just trolling and getting his kicks while everyone took him serious.


What (or who?) could create a corporate culture where racists would feel empowered to say anything they want without fear of repercussion?

Hmmm, maybe someone that built his fortune on Apartheid money?

Could it be…? 🤔


That’s crazy! When I was last trying to run Linux full time in ~2014, you had WINE and then a commercial version of WINE (not by the WINE devs, but because WINE is licensed the way it is and is open source…) that would run a few more things, but I don’t remember what it was called.

So glad to hear it’s progressing this quickly and far.


That’s right! That’s what it was. Seemed like WINE with some pre-set tweaks per game, but they were clearly doing a lot more.


Also, Relay Pro was the only allowed 3rd party app, and they just released an update that requires you to pay for API usage, with no way to bypass or exit the pay screen. So that was the last of my last reddit usage. Uninstalled.


I’m getting off on the next stop.

Because of the duty to report?


It’s okay, I was just making a joke.


Sure. Woah! What was that thing that just flew over your head? Look it’s on the ground now, looks like you dropped your gullibility!



I’m game!

My comment was deleted? Weird, I can still see it and didn’t get a notification.


So this is kind of embarrassing… but… um

^I can’t reach. is that normal?^


Tons of people are shit-scared of flying and are visibly anxious. Tons of people drug themselves with benzos before flying.

But regardless of those two points, when the victim is at the point where they would be in an airplane with their pimp, controller, whatever you want to call them, they’re likely going to be well under their thumb, or happy thinking about that wonderful American business opportunity as a secretary or whatever they think is on the other side of the flight.

Sometimes it doesn’t play out like that, but often it does.

Many times they don’t use commercial air flights like you suggest, they drive. That’s why there are apps that allow you to take a 360° view of your hotel/motel/hostel so they can match them up with known sexual abuse videos.


Being right on the Internet > OPSEC and NATSEC secrets

My PW manager told me that my info was leaked in the recent breach. How can I know what site shared my data with them?

My password manager told me that my info was leaked, including IP address, address, email, personal information, and phone number, in a data breach of However, I don’t use eye4fraud, so it must have been a site that uses their services. I would like to change my login credentials on the site that shared my data...


Check your email addresses at and it will tell you what was all was leaked. eye4fraud was likely a fraud credentials hosting site that got hacked and leaked, and yours was in there, and it would have come from a previous leak.


Oh wow with a name like eye4fraud I never would have guessed they were legitimate and widely used but it looks like you’re right.


an expression of pain in the face

another pixel appears

The End of Privacy is a Taylor Swift Fan TikTok Account Armed with Facial Recognition Tech (404 Media Article) (

A viral TikTok account is doxing ordinary and otherwise anonymous people on the internet using off-the-shelf facial recognition technology, creating content and growing a following by taking advantage of a fundamental new truth: privacy is now essentially dead in public spaces.


Group of accounts set up webcams outside of busy public restrooms. Records people’s faces as they exit the bathroom and how long they were in there. Auto-ID’s and sends email asking as part of a public poll if they agree with the statement “If you have nothing to hide you have nothing to fear”

N: auto erase image and associated data

Y: auto publish bathroom exiting face and time spent in restroom to tiktok.

Let’s really get the privacy conversation started.

We can call it Operation Feardrop

Synnr, (edited )

Has tranq dope made it’s way up there yet?

Here in the states around the major hotspots in the Northeast (started in Baltimore for 1+ years now) in most bags they get it’s almost no heroin, little fentanyl, and now a majority benzos + tranquilizer. The primary tranquilizer is one that was used by vets on horses, and no it’s not ketamine, it’s called xylazine and it’s much shorter acting and more addictive. Not to mention it has the side effect of eating away at the flesh of the injection sites (which on a junky are everywhere).

And nope, naloxone doesn’t bring them back.

Death and zombies everywhere in those cities.

Note: I’m not actively in the drug scene so may be misinformed and if so, please correct me, but I do know about tranq dope and the reports that it’s been spreading out from Maryland to the surrounding states to some time now.


It depends completely on the plant, the processing (if any), and other factors. I know nothing about lemongrass but St Johns Wort for example is GABAergic, acts on serotonin and dopamine, and under controlled trials shows clinical significance.

Placebo is one of those factors and it can be a MASSIVE factor. Conversely, nocebo, the opposite of placebo shows that if patients do not believe something will work, even though it’s shown highly significant clinical success, chances of it working on them are far less.


Riffing. There’s a word used far too little, I hope I remember it later so I can use it later. ‘joking around’, ‘kidding’ ‘just joshing’… I need more riffing in my life.


that’s why we had the opioid epidemic and not an opioid pandemic…

Maybe. But I think there are also just a lot of people that are not dealing with enough trauma and mental pain (pain-killers/type not specific) that their inner voice stops them from seeking it out.

My dad had a friend with brain cancer. He was in hospice many years ago and knew that I had struggled with addiction. He said he had received hydrocodone and oxycodone after surgeries before (he’d had many) but they always made him nauseous and feel like shit. Then at the end when he was in hospice they gave him a fentanyl patch. He said “MyName, WOW, I FINALLY UNDERSTAND how people can get addicted to this stuff now. This is remarkable!”

Off-topic story: shortly after he passed I was looking for ways to painlessly “catch the bus” on the internet (I’m fine now, this was many moons ago) and bawling my eyes out as I thought about my family and what I’d be putting them through. Suddenly, the piano next to me blasted as if someone had pounded 10 of the keys at once as hard as they possibly could. No pets, no other people home.

I’ve been through a lot since then and am happy to say I am doing fine now, but that’s one of those many WTF moments that turned me from a staunch materialistic atheist into a more spiritually understanding person.

That and the DMT. Only slightly riffing, DMT came way before that.


Melatonin helps me stay and fall asleep, which is bad for me somewhat considering I can easily accidentally sleep 12 hours if my alarm goes off during a deep sleep cycle. But if I had something to help me fall asleep and maybe calm me for a few hours, that’d be ideal.

Maybe I’ll try some chamomile.


Yes I was just sharing a side-thought while agreeing and sharing a story.


If I were a mouse I’d be frickin spooked let me tell you what.


When you see a RADAR dish and it’s round and symmetrical similar to our ears… I have to wonder (surely the answer is yes) if any of the worlds governments have worked on non-RADAR low-noise detection systems of above-ground (stealth aircraft) or under-ground boring using an owl skull as the reference material. I don’t know how it would work in busy cities, because afaik owls stay far away from noisy cities, but at more remote points scattered around the coasts and borders I bet something similar could work.


I’m still confused by ‘X times as many’ and ‘Y% more’ not seeming to add up too. Don’t worry, some day maybe we will learn.

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