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Syldon, avatar

They won’t build older cards. They want the excuse of new tech to charge you more, even though the difference is minor. GPUs are starting to hit their limit much like phones have. There are rumours abound that we will not see a high end card in the next gen from any manufacturer. This is because they cannot justify the 4 figure prices to anyone except corporate. It will be interesting to see how they react once the AI market has bought what they need.

Syldon, avatar

Every password should have more than 8 letters to be effective. Beef stew is not stroganoff.

Syldon, avatar

As a member of the undertall society I find this offensive.

Well done.

Syldon, avatar

Firstly, It has to be noted Sunak is doing nothing to tackle inflation. He is actively giving his donors free reign to fleece the population in many areas, energy being the most egregious. So the cost to the benefits system is firmly at the door of the Tories and their practises over the last 14 years.

My personal belief is that all benefits should be triple locked. We should not be arguing for the lowest possible denominator, we should be looking at what is needed. Some pensioners need that payment as much as people need wages. Don’t buy into Tory rhetoric that another group should be suffering as much as you are. Get a proper and fair tax system up and running. Stop the Tory donations from corrupting our politicians. Rejoin the EU so businesses can function again. Give us voting reform so we can stop this ever happening again.

Syldon, (edited ) avatar

This is true. Straight after Russia invaded, oil prices went through the roof. The EU bought a ton of gas to fill up everything they had.

The problem is that every penny they made then, they have now lost in much larger quantities. The national wealth sat at $170b at the start of the war. At the start of this year it was down to $85b. The reckoning is that the wealth fund could be depleted by the year end. I personally find this unlikely. What is very much going to happen though is that the wealth fund will be needed for any recovery once this is over. How much will be left?

Russia has over $300b held in sanctioned banks overseas. If they can retrieve any of this, then that will be a major get of jail free card. I cannot see banks just handing this over to Ukraine as compensation. That will not happen. I can see Russia been held accountable for the stolen companies and hardware that they decided to just keep and not pay off anymore. A lot of which will be those airplanes that they kept in Russia.

The amount that is now coming in from fossil fuels is less than half of what was being sold at the start of the war. There are additional costs to selling the oil now. It now has to be shipped in large quantities, when before it was piped. The pipelines to China and Turkey are at capacity. The rest is sent by sea.

Piped gas sales were killed off. There is not much in the way of facilities to create liquid gas. They also have to have facilities at the decant port where ever that is. Russia is sitting on a lot of gas it can do nothing with.

The Ruble is now 1/20 of the value it was before the war. Every import is now cost 20 times more.

Russia is also loosing approx. 3 vehicles to every vehicle destroyed in the Ukraine hardware. The war is proving to be a lot more expensive for Russia when it comes to hardware losses.

Putin has ruined the economy of Russia not just financially, which will be a long term loss, but demographically also. It is estimated that 20,000 have been killed in the fighting, with 80,000 injured. There has been a mass exodus of young men trying to avoid conscription. The population is going to be very unbalanced when all this is over. That will have additional costs.

So yes it made a bundle at the start of the war. Russia is not sitting so pretty now. The whole exercise is a shambolic waste of life.

Syldon, avatar

We have to ban foreign nationals owning our media. They do not purchase media companies as business interests anymore; it is only ever about changing public opinion.

Syldon, avatar

Why do you think they want to influence your opinion. It is all about making money, and a lot more than they expect from some crappy newspaper. GB news hasn’t made a single penny in profits, and yet are still giving out £100,000 pa contracts.

Syldon, avatar

Make it illegal to publish news media inside the borders if you are a foreign national. I wouldn’t have thought that a difficult concept.

Syldon, avatar

One of the biggest failings in Western economics is the prevalence for across the board percentage pay rises. People getting paid £40k get double those on £20k when both get an equal amount in pay percentage increase. This has been part of the reason why top bands in large companies have gained such huge pay scales. Percentage rises are nothing like an equal pay rise. It is way past time unions recognised this.

Kind of Kudos to the Chinese for this. I hope they see fit to roll it out among some of the more powerful families in China also, and not just use it to claw back some money from the middle class.

Syldon, avatar

Ofgem is not independent when it is ran as a government dept. It is the government of the last 14 years who have made all the appointments. The same government that gave 100 licenses out for new sites recently. Sunak’s wife makes millions from oil shares alone.

Syldon, avatar

Pretty sad that the US treats reporters this way for outing crimes. Any guilty plea will only ever be viewed as a pressured response. “you can go to jail for the rest of your life or just admit it and we will reduce the sentence”. It makes a mockery of free reporting.

Syldon, avatar

I use Iphone and Ipad just for the banking. I distrust Android. It is an open system, and used a lot more for data collection than Apple’s ecosystem is. The return you get from a data request between apple and an Android system is vast. I refuse to use Facebook and the likes.

I never buy the latest edition of Iphone anymore. I have done in the past, but the idea of spending £1200 on a phone seems stupid to me. I have very few apps on both the Iphone and Ipad. I use a PC for other stuff. Iphone hardware is good with the CPU side of things, but the cameras are very inferior compared to some android phones.

I use a windows PC to move my own music to my iphone, but it is a hampered system. I really do not understand why they have not been brought to the spotlight of the monopolies commission because of how bad they hinder transfers. I have a process I have to follow to get new music on my iphone. Anyone who wants movies on their apple products should look at VLC. It is the easiest method. I should add I haven’t added new music for a long time. This could have changed, but I would be sceptical until I saw it for myself.

I look down on anyone buying a Macbook. They are total dogcrap, and massively overpriced. They are designed to fail in many areas, the latest being the SSDs that are causing surges in the motherboard, which destroys it. Apple constructively inhibits any repairs behind software encoding and pressure it puts on 3rd party suppliers. They lobby US government to restrict self repairs. You are literally throwing money into Apple’s bank account for very little return.

Syldon, avatar

When was the last time Apple used an Arm chips over intel ? According to the Wiki, this was 2005. X86 software and GPUs were behind apple by quite a way back then. Did they still add Arm to later versions?

Originally X86 was not built with graphics processing in mind. It did not really show anything worth while until the Nvidia viper GPUs in the mid 90s. Prior to that Amiga had the best for graphics processing. I seem to remember Lightshow being the software for Amiga (don’t quote me on that, it is from memory). PC became the best for gaming when Voodoo release their first card (possibly 97/98), but they still could not compete with an Apple in graphic processing. Amiga had fell away by this time.

Syldon, avatar
Syldon, avatar

Sorry, but Techreader agrees with me on this one. Apple Macbooks are simply not worth the money spent on them. Techreader does not mention the way Apple inhibits servicing or upgrades. A problem that does not exist at that level on the PC platform. Even with a laptop the CPU, memory and HDD are interchangeable. Apple does not want you to upgrade; they want you to spend 10X the cost by buying a whole new product.

Syldon, avatar

Because of the conversation thread.

[email protected] indicated that my opinion was out of touch. Since you say his opinion is based on current editions of Apple Macbooks, then my original statements still holds up that current Macbooks are a bad purchase all round.

This is not a remark towards your input, and only that my opinion has not changed.

Syldon, avatar

Lol, seriously my friend do not repeat that argument. OFC people use very old PCs. If you had a mac running for 10 years, this is not a regular event. The guy mentioned in this post, Louis Rossman, has made a lot of cash from pointing out the flaws behind the Macbook design. He makes a good living repairing them.

The company I worked for had 286 PCs running the stock system all the way up till 2013. This is a PC that was running for 24 years before they considered replacing it. The company was not some back street mickey mouse set up who didn’t want to spend cash. This was one of the major car companies. Large companies do not change things that are critical to the operation without a lot of effort to makes sure it goes right. They rely heavily on old systems because they know they work. This is very much the case across a lot of large companies.

Syldon, avatar

I never meant to imply you couldn’t get quality PC gear, you very much can, but as soon as you do you’re paying just as much or more than a Mac.

I am guessing you think the internet is wrong then.

Syldon, avatar

If it was not for the internet people in the UK would have zero idea just how bad the media is, so I really do not understand your point.

Syldon, avatar

So tell me. Where is the best place to trust?

Syldon, avatar

Russia has ports on the sea of Assaf though.

Syldon, avatar

Neither article nor the OP have credible conclusions to what is happening in China. China is in a debt spiral where possible options are becoming more and more expensive. The biggest property builder (Evergrande) has overstretched and there is a fear it is about to collapse. The people buy property in advance in China, before construction has started. The government will have to step in, but this is going to be expensive by anyone’s standards. Think along the lines of the banking collapse of 2008 and then remember this is straight after Covid.

China’s belt and road initiative is faring badly. They have loaned large sums to countries that were bad risks. With the world in the state it is currently, a lot of those debts will default. Russia is touted as being one of those, but I think they will give Russia a deal in exchange for cheaper oil. It is not like Russia has a lot of options there.

Manufacturing is on its knees, because of the deflation that is currently hitting the country - Archived link. They have made purchases for commodities to manufacture, and selling those at a profit is becoming difficult. Again government will have to step in here or loose some of the larger firms. Smaller firms will be allowed to go to the wall if they have no resources. China is a country where accountability is handed out at the behest of the party. I would not be surprised to see some managers imprisoned for being at the short end of this one.

The US’s ban on tech trades is one that will bite. China will see their fortunes dwindle if they cannot keep pace with tech. This could lead to a backlash by invading Taiwan. This would not be good for any country as everyone buys from Taiwan. I think it is as much as 80% of all chips produced come from there. For high end tech that figure is as high as 95%. This would be catastrophic globally.

This would be a huge gamble for China to take on. If there is a protracted war similar to Ukraine, then this will cause global collapses, as people need tech for infrastructure. And even if China could make a snatch and grab on Taiwan, would the west continue to purchase tech from there in the future? I personally think that if China invaded then they would see themselves in a situation similar to Russia, although not with the pace that Russia suffered sanctions. This would be a slow march into a second cold war.

China has gained an arrogance in thinking that it is too big to fail. It is a form of Trumpism on a national scale. One where it thinks it can just ignore normal restraints due to the influence it has on the world. Russia has woken the west up to this reliance on rogue states. There will be a slow move away from relying on China as a manufacturing base for cheaper goods. The EU and the US have already stated this publicly. If China continues on the path it is choosing then the west will close ranks. This is not in the interests of anyone globally.

Syldon, avatar

They were just first google links I found. Joe bloggs has plenty up to date information. Fill your boots.

Syldon, avatar

The US has made commitments to Taiwan and supplied arms. They are also looking to manufacture that tech in the states. I really don’t see the Chinese going down that road, but they keep making threats, and while there is threats there is a chance they will be cornered into carrying them out. They certainly will not want to slide back into the economy of the 90’s.

Syldon, avatar

I know the UK has removed limits on bonuses. I wasn’t aware the US did this first. The UK will eventually be back in the EU and therefore those changes will be wiped out here. Hopefully sooner rather than later.

Syldon, avatar

I don’t think anyone has been surprised. The finances of the world have global impacts. China relies heavily on importing consumables to manufacture. This has indeed been part of the issue. This shows up in the PMI where China is sitting in the danger zone below 50.

Syldon, avatar

China was a backwards nation 20 years ago. Much like India, or most countries in Africa today. The EU are not talking about moving their purchases to other cheap countries; They want that manufacturing base in the EU. If they expand the block in the right countries, then this may be a reality China has to deal with. The aggressive policies China is adopting is what is causing this.

Syldon, avatar

This is hardly likely. China has a huge amount of resources to draw. Any fall in China will be a slow grind to a halt. Manufacturing will be the first to slow down as they cannot produce goods without buying materials from abroad. So long as they can purchase those then China will continue.

Syldon, avatar

This! and the £1200 price tag.

Syldon, avatar

When are we going to learn that religious factions are a breeding ground for sex pests. Not all religious people are sex pests, but there is enough in there to think twice about leaving vulnerable kids.

Syldon, avatar

I am more than a bit wary about any tech from China. Call that tin foil hat syndrome or whatever.

Syldon, avatar

The Uighur’s issue is most certainly racism, xenophobia and also genocide. As much as I have a problem with that it would not be the reason I would not buy the tech. I have zero trust with a nation that actively steals from any nation it can get away with. They have no morals on where the line should not be crossed. And you want to give them access to your data. This is why countries are banning use of their tech being anywhere near government communications.

Syldon, avatar
Syldon, avatar

IP theft is good what? This comes along the lines of Trumpism level of stupidity. When China steals IP and other stuff from a country it takes away revenue. You are literally paying more tax for their gain. Think about what you are saying mate. This is beyond crass.

Syldon, avatar

it is false to say they’re just stealing their tech

I must be misunderstanding this comment then.

As for them being at the forefront, you would have to point to a metric. AFAIK Apple is the company that has moved to 3nm process before any other tech company. Apple’s camera are dog crap, but other than that they are streets ahead. As for being ahead in networking, there is not really such a thing. Networking standards are agreed before implementation. It is not that the signal is stronger or there is a better reception. The difference between 4g and 5g is down to coding how the signal is sent.

Every country with manufacturing ability steals tech.

This really is not the case. Companies look to steal tech not nations. Western countries play ball with each other on this one. As for how good Huawei is, how do you think they got the expertise. The west was quite happy to let them come to our universities to help them catch up. And now they are biting the hand that fed them. Not only that but they are interfering in politics of other nations. They have a campaign to intimidate citizens of other states, right up to the point of kidnapping.

So no that is not racism. That is taking a moral approach to not trust a rogue state ran by a dictator.

Syldon, avatar

Have a good life my friend.

Syldon, avatar

Sorry but this one that dropped was a little too good to be missed.…/vulnerabilities-in-sogou-keyboard…

Totally trustworthy!

Syldon, avatar

This is the result of Murdoch controlling the media. America is Capitalism in the extreme. Trumpism is nothing than a knee jerk reaction to having been abused for such a long time. Unfortunately Trump is nothing more than a crocodile smile. He is laughing with you while he chews off your leg. It will be a travesty of justice if he beats the litany of indictments held against him.

And remember he was legally defined as a rapist today. You will have a sex pest for a president.

Syldon, avatar

Hawaii is a state in its own right. Under that delusion you have 49 other instances. They elected to join the USA in 1959.

Samoa was colonised in 1899, no one argues that things were done in the past. Samoa has been self governing since 1967. It has the capacity to hold a referendum to move away from being an “unincorporated territory”.

Northern Mariana Islands elected closer ties to the US because Guam did not want them through a referendum.

Texas has been part of the US since the civil war ended. Half of the world has changed since then.

I agree indigenous tribes should have rights, but how that is applied is always going to be contentious because of the generations that have past. It is not like you can tell the majority of a nation to go live somewhere else is it? As for the tribes concerned, they were kicking the crap out of each other before the Spanish arrived. How far do you go back to say who owns the rights to that land?

You really should research before buying into the crap people spout online.

Syldon, avatar

Did you read the comment? It looks like you did not. I am in favour of removing all armies across the world. Please do not make explosive statements without taking the time to understand the conversation.

Syldon, avatar

And again how far do you go back? They elected to become a member state. You can always meander through history to justify any cause, at some point you have to accept the status quo or we will never end wars.

Syldon, avatar

I really do not understand your comments? I am in favour of removing nuclear weapons. I also understand why we cannot without a unilateral understanding among all nations.

What is very obvious is that if we do not move in that direction, then some clown will learn how to make them, and then we will have a nuclear war.

Syldon, avatar

Or you know they could just stop trying to grab more land. At the end of the day that is the solution we all want.

Syldon, avatar

NATO intervention in the Yugoslavian conflict was humanitarian only. They were criticised for not participating to stop massacres that they witnessed.

Civil wars would be a difficult one. They would probably have to enforce the right to self determination, but even then cases like Israel complicates even this.

Syldon, avatar

He literally wanted to bomb Mexico. What planet are you from?

Syldon, avatar

o well that is ok I suppose. FFS

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