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Syldon, avatar

Spending money on giving kids school meals, hell no way. Spending millions on data collection under the pretext of protecting kids. hell yeah!

These shithouses do not give a damn about the people of the country. How long do you think it is going to be before someone gets blackmailed for voting for the wrong party and being a porn watcher.

Syldon, avatar

I cannot understand why there is no law banning the sale of Vape mixture to kids in any shape or form. Prohibition does not work where there is a desire to use a product, and vapes are so easy to manufacture that it will never be effective.

Syldon, avatar

I just checked. It is illegal to sell nicotine vaping products to anyone under the age of 18 in the UK. Hands up, I am guilty of making assumptions here.

Syldon, avatar

The big con. Blizzard frightens current players that the next expansion will be super expensive. Blizzard release a £60 expansion price. All players breathe a sigh of relief and hand over cash.

Syldon, avatar

Expansions are usually cheaper than the base game. They usually offer less content and just extend on already known game play. This has been the case for every blizzard expansion I have seen released.

Do you think people will buy it at $100? Considering many avoided the $70 price tag for the base game in the first place.

Syldon, avatar

The race to the bottom for you is how I get to the top. See we all win at something.

Syldon, avatar

I am actually all for this being offered on the NHS as a voluntary option. Obviously making it a condition of benefits is just batshit crazy. It is sadly what we expect from the Tories these days. However for those with real issues and a desire to solve them then maybe this can help. There are side effects to using the drugs. People should always understand the risks. You never something for nothing in this life.…/ozempic-wegovy-side-effects-s…

They found those using weight loss jabs were 9.09 times more likely to suffer inflammation of the pancreas, which can, in some cases require surgery

They were also 4.22 times more likely to develop a bowel obstruction and were at a 3.67 higher risk of gastroparesis, or “stomach paralysis”, which limits the passage of food from the stomach to the small intestine.

First author Mohit Sodhi, a graduate of UBC’s experimental medicine programme and fourth year UBC medical student, said: “Given the wide use of these drugs, these adverse events, although rare, must be considered by patients thinking about using them for weight loss.

“People who are otherwise healthy may be less willing to accept these potentially serious adverse events.”

Syldon, (edited ) avatar

It is used two different ways. One is the call to murder Jews, the other is a solo effort to be closer to god. I only know this because it is in the UK media of late. The sad part people are using on the pro-Palestinians marches knowing full well it will insight a violent reaction.

EDIT: others are throwing in different meanings in this post. It seems it has many variations. Not being Jewish or Muslim shows I do not have enough of a vested interest to understand all of the context surrounding this.

Syldon, avatar

Kind of annoyed right now, but I appreciate reality check and will delete that part.

Syldon, avatar

Not really antisemitic though is it?

Syldon, avatar

The slogan can be construed that way as I said in my post. It actually has many variations as I am led to believe.

I was giving an answer to a question that some one asked how the slogan was antisemitic. I was not using the slogan myself. In fact in hindsight I don’t think I even used the slogan even in the description. The article I linked had it embedded in its title. The article referred to the slogan as a slur and explained why an MP was evicted from the Labour party in the UK.

In response to your PM


Lmao no.

Also are you Jewish? Because I had family who literally survived a nazi death camp and I’m telling you, youre being antisemitic as shit. Maybe listen.

Again I did not use the slogan. I gave an explanation to its reference and why it is considered an insult by some.

Since you ask, I am not Jewish or any other religion. I was baptised RC, but now find all religion superstitious nonsense. However, if you want to place all your faith in that superstitious nonsense, then have it. I simply do not care enough to dissuade anyone from it. I do recognise the dangers of religion though. As can be viewed by the actions of Hamas and the IDF in current events.

And that war where your family survived, well my father helped in that. My father took part in the D-day landings and then on into Germany. We still hold the medals in the family to prove it.

Syldon, avatar

I am actually just getting a grip on your meaning now. It has taken me this long because it is so ridiculous.

You actually think that confusing antisemitic and antizionist statement is worthy of a two month ban. I said it is considered antisemitic because it involves people suggesting killing all Jews between two points in Palestine/Israel that this is a mistake that is worthy of a two month ban.

You sir are a clown.

I wont respond to your baiting over the war comment. My point was that many suffered during the war. Not only Jews which was 6m, 50m others died, many more injured. There is no higher ground on who suffered the most. It is a pathetic stance to take.

Grim Dawn - Announcing Grim Dawn: Fangs of Asterkarn! - Steam News (

I am not sure if this is meant to be a triple A title or not, but you cannot knock it imho. A game with no cash shops or loot boxes. The only DLC are expansions to the original game. One of the few games where I would say the expansion are worth the cash. Many games release pitiful expansions with very meagre content....

Syldon, avatar

Only just popped up on my steam account.

New Conservatives group is ‘meeting later today’ to discuss Suella Braverman as Tory leader (

This isn’t going anywhere unless they get support form outside of that group. The group has 25 members. Braverman is a member of the ERG with 43 members. One of which (Jonathan Gullis) is a member of both. So that is a potential 77 votes if she garners full support....

Syldon, avatar

The conservative organisation recognised that educated people do not vote in their favour. There is a tin foil hat theory that they do not fund state education on purpose precisely for that reason. DIRECT DEMOCRACY: An Agenda for a New Model Party. page 12

The decline in Conservative support has been particularly marked among the most educated. This is not always obvious since more education is associated with higher income, and higher income is still (just) associated with stronger Conservative support. However, other factors being held constant, the more educationally qualified someone is, the less likely he or she is to support the Conservatives. This is a problem to the extent that the more educated are likelier to vote, and are often influential in leading the opinion of others. It is also, of course, a problem in a country where nearly half of young people are now going to university.

The list of authors at the end will interest you also.

Michael Gove was elected MP for Surrey Heath in 2005 and is a columnist for The Times.

Danny Kruger is a leader writer for The Daily Telegraph and was formerly a policy adviser to the Conservative Party and Director of Studies at the Centre for Policy Studies

Kwasi Kwarteng is a financier, former Conservative candidate for Brent East and a Harvard Kennedy scholar.

Jeremy Hunt was elected MP for South West Surrey in 2005 and is the founder of a publishing business

Hospitals have special protection under the rules of war. Why are they in the crosshairs in Gaza? (

JERUSALEM (AP) — The head of surgery at Gaza’s largest and most advanced hospital held up his phone Saturday to the hammering of gunfire and artillery shelling. “Listen,” said Dr. Marwan Abu Sada as fighting raged around Shifa Hospital.

Syldon, avatar

So, in WW2, the vast vast vast majority of the fight against “evil” was done by the USSR, because the Third Reich had, as one of its pillars, the destruction of the workers’ movement and the enslavement of the Slavs. The USSR lost far more than any other party to the war because the Third Reich made the war of choice, dehumanized the Slavs, and engaged in genocidal mass murder as a choice. The USSR defeated 80% of the Third Reich’s forces.

Ignores the fact Stalin sided with Hitler and invaded Poland. The Allies also had a substantial supply train back and forth between the UK and Russia to help fight the Germany army there.

On the flip side, the American and British government and business communities were pro-fascist. They funded the rise of the Third Reich, they funded domestic and international eugenics programs, they were deeply invested in apartheid states and women’s oppression. (By way of contrast, the Brits and Americans used women as prostitutes to support the war effort while the USSR had women all over their military as snipers, tank operators, pilots, machine gunners, etc.)

Governments were shits back then across the world. As for the Eugenics, that was how the world worked. You are using the current standards to demonise the past. We know the past was broken, that is why we have change. Eugenics is still a thing today. There will always be those who think they are better than everyone else. As for using women for prostitutes, just read on how the Russians treated the German women. Or more so what is happening in Ukraine right now.

Countries have been funding partisan groups and wars for time immemorial. The enemy of your enemy is my enemy etc. The west is funding Ukraine right now. Ukraine is funding partisan groups in Russia. Russia in turn has mercenaries from all over the world. The Wagner group is active in many areas.

But then what of Japan. Before the USA nuked Japan, the USA and Japan were negotiating terms of surrender.

No they were not. The emperor of Japan refused to surrender, the Allied forces did not see the need to offer good terms. There is a famous scene in the movie Oppenheimer, where Roosevelt gets the news of the successful test of the nuclear bomb at the Potsdam summit. Good terms are at the behest of the position you are in. Japan was not in a good place.

The USA made an active deliberate choice to nuke civilians unnecessarily.

Damned if they did and damned if they didn’t. The counter argument is that it has prevented the use of Nukes since then. Or rather anyone who commits to using one know exactly what they are doing. What is a certainty is that fewer died as a result of the bomb. Not the most palatable end justifies the means, I agree.

Why? Because communism was their real enemy. It was the reason they got involved in the war, it was the driving force behind their strategic decisions. They got involved against communism, they went to Germany against communism, they partitioned Germany against communism. And they nuked Japan as a show of force, or to demonstrate how bat shit they were, to create conditions of fear and restraint.

Japan was nuked in the fight against communism>? Stalin was making imperial demands. The land grab by the Russians was the beginnings of soured relations. Remember Russia was directly responsible for the UK and France entering the war when it invaded Poland.

As for the rest, no one could argue that governments have only just moved away from being shits. It is a recent thing, and not all governments are complying with the change in attitude. Judging the actions of the past by the standards of today is just a “better than thou ism”. It is easy to be pompous and pious in the current environment. Not so much when the whole world is working to different values. I am 100% certain that they will be shits again should the need arise. Looking in the direction of Israel on that one.

We need the whole world to agree to not invade each other. We do not need to justify the actions of today by the misdemeanours of those in the past.

Syldon, avatar

Great if it gets implemented. Once there is a tax record then we will have a better idea of where the money is going.

Syldon, avatar

It sounds like Germany is going to be asking who they are paying taxes to.

Syldon, avatar
Syldon, avatar

I never said I used it or made any assumptions. This is how some see its inference, which answers the posters question.

Syldon, avatar

Pretty pathetic pedantism. You need more things to entertain yourself with my friend.

Syldon, avatar

Haven’t bought anything that is obviously from Israel for along time now. Call me an antisemite, I’ll stick to thinking I’m anti-apartheid.

Russia: Inadequate Response to Antisemitism in North Caucasus (

Russian authorities have failed to respond adequately to a series of antisemitic acts, some of them violent, in several republics in Russia’s North Caucasus region in late October, 2023 that left the region’s small Jewish population in fear, Human Rights Watch said today.

Syldon, avatar

There is an increase in antisemitism and islamophobia across many countries ATM. It is the ignorant response of people believing all jews are Israeli and all Muslims support Hamas. This is what happens when a small section of a religion becomes extremist. Israel knew this would be the reaction to what they are doing, as did Hamas when they instigated such a barbaric attack. Countries that have a Muslim bias will gun for retribution against Jews and vice versa.

We have two religions that are intent on murdering each other. Worse is that there are countries on the outside supporting this fiasco on both sides.

“An eye for an eye will only make the whole world blind.” - Mahatma Gandhi

So much for “never again”.

Syldon, avatar

The last two paragraphs would be an indication that they do not.

In a statement after the incident, an official from the Donggoseong Export Agricultural Complex, which owns the plant, called for a “precise and safe” system to be established.

In March, a South Korean man in his 50s suffered serious injuries after getting trapped by a robot while working at an automobile parts manufacturing plant.

This is the first video that came to my mind when I spotted this post.

Syldon, avatar

That is built inherently into the Windows OS. Open your resource monitor and check network activity. Put those IP addresses into

And then question why all that information is being sent out. Drivers, DRM for software and many other stuff have self reporting automation built into them these days.

Syldon, avatar

Companies have fell in love with the cash cow systems. Gone are the days when a triple A game was a set price. Season passes, DLC, microtransactions are nothing more than milking schemes. The game also has a DRM attached to it, which is just spyware.

“Even as a frequent spender,” they said, “lots of stuff simply isn’t worth the price [anymore].” Just made me facepalm. Remember when game modding was a thing. There is a reason why they do not support mods in many games now. Kudos to the few games that still do.

Syldon, avatar

If you are responding to spam mails in an attempt to stop them, you are informing the sender that someone is looking at the mails. The best option is to block the sender if the mails are repeated and stick the mail in your spam folder. There is no point in blocking mails that will only arrive one time. Adding mails to the spam folder informs your ISP that it is spam. Some ISPs are proactive with spam accounts and block them at the server.

Syldon, avatar

You should never download pictures from unknown sources. It is relatively easy to hide viral code in some picture formats.

Syldon, avatar

Never let a good crisis go to waste.

Syldon, avatar

Had the same deal when I worked it also.

Syldon, avatar

A big step down in the aide from previous donations.

Syldon, avatar

That’s where Polygon’s What to Play comes in: We curate the best, most innovative, and most intriguing games on every platform, so you can spend less time searching, and more time playing.

It is from their own list of games.

Syldon, avatar

There are no quick fixes to remedy the state of civic space in the UK. But if this downward trend is to be reversed, the government needs to shelve the Public Order Bill, repeal measures on protest in the Policing Act and change the tone of their damaging narrative. about protesters and campaigners.

Syldon, avatar

OFC government can hold companies to account. What do you think the Leveson inquiry was about? The monopolies commission, Grenfel inquiry and many more.

Syldon, avatar


The UK does not hold companies to account. This is pointless under this Tory government.

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