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Stovetop, (edited )

The man in the car has to be at work at 8AM. He has a 15-minute commute, so he can leave at 7:40 to give himself a bit of extra time to get there. At 12:30, he gets a call that his mother is in critical condition in the hospital. He leaves immediately, drives 30 minutes to the hospital the next town over, and is there to say his last goodbye before she passes away.

A man on the bus has to be at work at 8AM. The bus runs hourly with the scheduled pickup being x:20. Normally, it takes 30 minutes to reach his stop and another 10 minutes to walk, but sometimes the bus runs 10-15 minutes late, so he has to take the 6:20 bus to make sure he can get there on time. At 12:30, he gets a call that his mother is in critical condition in the hospital. The man pulls up Google Maps to find the quickest bus route to the hospital, runs to the bus stop in 5 minutes, and waits another 10 minutes for the bus to arrive. Unfortunately, this stop does not have a direct route to the hospital, so he must ride the bus for 10 minutes and make a connection to another bus at a different stop. On the way there, the first bus stops in front of a retirement community, and 10 elderly passengers spend a good 5 minutes fumbling through pocketbooks for bus fare because they don’t understand how to use the newfangled reloadable transit cards. One elderly man gets violent because he has no change and the bus driver won’t take a check, so he has to be removed from the bus. The man gets off at his first stop and sprints across the block to his next bus stop, but he realizes that he has unfortunately arrived late, and the second bus he had to catch just left. The bus runs hourly and this city is too small for there to be an abundance of taxis, so his options are either to wait an hour for the next bus or to call an Uber. The man opens his Uber app and, after 5 minutes, it matches him to a driver. The man waits around, watching the map as the Uber driver circles around the city for a bit, before eventually that driver drops and he is connected to a different driver. Another 5 minutes pass, the Uber driver arrives, and the man is now in a car on the way to the hospital. A 20-minute drive later, the man is now at the hospital, but his mother has just passed away before he had the chance to say goodbye.

This is why people drive.

Stovetop, (edited )

Not in my city they don’t. I mean, I even mentioned that if you had read what I wrote, but you do you.


Have you used Uber? Last time, I was stuck waiting on the sidewalk for 30 minutes as my request got passed from driver to driver. It’s fine when they’re quick, but when your solution to “I need to go somewhere now” is to rely on borderline slave labor who don’t have to pick you up if they don’t like where you are, it’s not great.


I’m not even talking traffic. Buses are just inherently slower than cars.

A car gets me from point A to point B with little to no interruption. To go the same distance in a bus, I first have to walk 10 minutes to the closest bus stop, ride the bus down a less direct route with a dozen stops along the way, and then when I get to my stop, walk another 10 minutes to get where I need to go. And the entire time, you are at the mercy of a schedule that is often unreliable. I am not kidding when I say taking a bus would triple my commute time. When I am working 50+ hours a week, it’s just not feasible.

Everyone in here apparently lives in a fantasy city where public transport takes you exactly where you want to go, is never late, and runs every 5 minutes. And when the whole thread here is full of “Just take a taxi/Uber”, how is that a solution to the problem above?


Way to miss the point.

  • Nowhere in my post did I mention traffic. Traffic is not a concern in my area.
  • Emissions are a non-problem as EVs become more common.
  • The scenario involves a need to get out of your city and into another ASAP. How dense your city is irrelevant if the place you need to go is somewhere else.
  • The point of the scenario is about balance of time in life, and how to immediately get somewhere in an emergency. Regardless of whether the mother lives or dies in this scenario, is a loved one in the hospital ever not an emergency? Would anyone in the real world ever think “Well I’m sure the ambulance got there quick enough, no need to rush”?

Just use the damn standard sharing menu, Google. Stop having all of your apps share things in ways that violate your own design recommendations.


Makes me wonder how the inevitable advertising bubble bursting will impact a lot of these platforms, too. A lot of these exist only for advertising.

I’m gonna guess that you’re on the money for Facebook, though they will break Marketplace into its own service and probably maintain Messenger as well until eventually merging it into WhatsApp.

Reddit is going to get bought up. If they go public, they’ll be undervalued and cheap to buy given all of the controversy and instability among the userbase. If they stay private, they’ll continue enshittifying until costs exceed income and they have no choice but to seek a buyer. The thing about Reddit is that they are valuable and they know it, but they don’t have the ability to capitalize on that value with their business model. They are valuable as a training model for AI, and eventually some big company (Google, Meta, Microsoft, Amazon maybe) will buy Reddit for cheap just to use their content as a training model. And potentially de-enshittify the site in the process when the revenue model becomes the content itself instead of the eyeballs consuming it. But I am assuming it will implode eventually once they have everything they need. The company that buys it will spin it off into some AI-driven platform that feeds you the content it knows you want to see and Reddit itself will be slowly phased out.

Agree YouTube will stay, but Google’s going to start forcing YouTube Premium more. If ad money dries up, I almost guarantee that they’ll impose restrictions or incentives (maybe a combination?) on monetizations for creators. If you make your videos publicly available, you get a miniscule cut and you’re capped at 1080p@30, 10 minutes or less or something like that. But if you make your videos YT Premium exclusive, you get a bigger piece of the pie and better quality/support. Google will up the price of Premium again but break out Music and Ad-Free into separate subscriptions that each cost marginally less than the two together cost today.


A lot of gaming laptops have the ability to boost the fans. Might sound like an airplane taking off, but that should help regulate the temperature better. Headphones help.

A quick Google search tells me that there’s an app called LegionFanControl that might help.

Can we talk about the guns?

The guns are fucking dope as shit. I don’t even care if they have less damage than what I already use, every time I find a new type of gun it’s just such a cool, badass design I can’t help but want to use it… And I’ve really just been focusing on pistols right now. The rifles and shotguns and lasers… Not to mention...


That was one complaint I had as well. I didn’t find the game difficult, but I was draining resources a lot faster than I liked. I ended up in a long series of shootouts at one point in the game and was not gaining ammo as fast as I was using it.

Turning the game to an easier difficulty made the enemies less spongy, and I was using less ammo as a result, but it doesn’t feel like a good use of the difficulty slider.

I would prefer having enemies remain easy to kill, but having higher difficulties just make me easier to kill as well. If all the difficulty slider does is give enemies more health, it’s not really a difficulty slider, it’s just a tedium slider.

Charter and Disney giving dueling offers to online streaming services for Spectrum customers (

This weekend has been tough for Spectrum customers who lost the Disney channels including ESPN. Spectrum customers saw ESPN go dark right on August 31 as the Florida-Utah game was set to kickoff. It’s all part of a dispute between Spectrum parent company Charter Communications and Disney over subscriber fees. Charter says it...


What Spectrum is saying: “We need to keep costs low for our customers.”

What Disney is saying: “We need more money to produce better quality content.”

What Spectrum means: “We want to pay you less money but keep charging our customers the same rate.”

What Disney means: “We want you to pay us more money while we cut costs on quality and continue refusing to pay the actors and writers on strike right now.”


This was my experience taking that survey as well. I am pretty comfortably cisgendered, but the test flagged me as agendered, with the #2 category being genderqueer. I am assuming this is because I answered several questions disagreeing with traditional gender identities (read: toxic masculinity) and not having to put much conscious thought into my expression of gender.

The test seems to count a number of items against being cisgendered that I really think should not be the case. Someone can disagree with traditional expressions of masculinity and still consider themselves male.


More series should be like Ted Lasso, essentially. Which is also an American production, but that’s splitting hairs.


I dunno, I read it. I saw a portrait of a man who was mentally unwell. He took pictures for personal use instead of selling them, that doesn’t make him any less sketchy than other paparazzi.


I don’t think I like this.


They gave it to Spain apparently


Help my fragile gender identity is being harmed by the trans agenda


Nah if people with crappy beliefs are posting content everywhere, that’s just more avenues for those bad beliefs to seep out. I’d rather Lemmy loses contributors with those types of bad takes instead of groveling for content like there isn’t enough already.

The Japanese developers of Puck-Man changed the name to Pac-Man when porting it to North America to avoid a scenario where the "P" in Puck Man would be changed to an "F", forming an obscene name.

Eyeing the game’s success in Japan, Namco initialized plans to bring the game to the international market, particularly the United States.[26] Before showing the game to distributors, Namco America made a number of changes, such as altering the names of the ghosts.[26] The biggest of these was the game’s title; executives at...


I too have seen Scott Pilgrim.


Not all jobs offer insurance, no. Only larger companies have to.

In my years of work, I think I’ve pretty much run the gamut of insurance experiences.

My current position (non-union) offers pretty good health insurance that is sponsored by my employer, but I’ve worked other (non-union) jobs in the past that had no insurance offerings whatsoever, and at that time I had to obtain insurance through the marketplace which sucked.

I’ve also had insurance provided by the state (not great, not terrible), insurance provided by a union job, and also on a nationalized government healthcare plan while living abroad (which I luckily never had to use).

In the US, it’s just such a mixed bag. My current insurance is substantially better than the insurance I had through my old union, and even some of the marketplace plans offered broader coverage on paper. The union plan was among the most affordable for sure, but there were only a couple packages available and both had fairly limited coverage.

The problem is simply the existence of a market for insurance in the first place. With the ACA, large employers must offer insurance that is affordable for the majority of their employees, but there is no stipulation that the insurance be good, and many people who are worse off end up paying substantially more out of pocket as a result, which still leads people to bankruptcy. Unions have it harder when forced to negotiate with both the employer and the insurance company on trying to secure the best deal for the employees because neither want to let unions have their way.


Forgive me if I am uninformed, as it has been a while since I read Dune and I never read the complete series, but that universe doesn’t have aliens in it, does it?

Does Foundation have any either? I’ve only watched the series on Apple TV (which I know is very divergent from the books) but it also seems to involve mainly humans and their creations than anything else.


Devil’s advocate: people are hesitant to talk about specific times because days/years work differently depending on whether you’re using standardized time or the unique time systems of the thousands of planets out there and it could be misinterpreted.

Or something?

Stovetop, (edited )

Not to mention in the early years, all of the logic you’d see from iPhone enthusiasts who would convince themselves that they didn’t need X or Y feature from Android and in fact iOS is better without it anyways because it just works, only for Apple to turn around and implement it a couple months or years later anyways.

Basic features like the notification shade, quick actions, home screen widgets, etc. I saw a lot of people happily claim they were better off without these things.


Presumably the store wants you to buy cards that you don’t have from them, yeah. But luckily that isn’t a universal rule.


Putin has downed a plane before. Don’t see why he couldn’t have done it again.


What EA sees:

Hasn’t BioWare been having a shit ton of problems these past few years? Hope we can make some good money after we fire everyone and close the studio.


To summarize:

  • Mario
  • Mario
  • Mario
  • The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim
  • Bad Mario
  • Mario

Jokes on them, I wouldn’t have even survived past childhood long enough for the church to persecute me.

What are some YouTube channels which follow pre-monetisation ethos?

I’m looking for some small content creators who’s content has not been influenced by the potential of making money. In the early days of YouTube there was mostly trash, but then a few small channels started using formats, using specific styles and actually standing out above a pile shit....


No ads? I got an ad on the first video I opened.


I mean he can, anyone can choose to not have their videos monetized on YouTube. I assumed that’s what that whole point was in reference to.


Office jobs also vary greatly. I work an office job and yesterday I worked about 12 hours with a 1-hour break to drive from one office to another. I typically work through lunch and still find myself overwhelmed with too much to do.


Yep, and that’s how I log it in my hours, too.

On a personal level, I just find driving very relaxing because it’s one of the few times I feel like I can just be alone, so it always feels good having to drive somewhere for work knowing I’m just running the clock (which…I usually end up exceeding anyways…)


Put a bigger one out there. And install a security camera.

How racist/controversial would this skit from the 90's be today?

To summarize, this scandinavian comedy trio from the 90’s made a parody of Miami Vice. This being 90’s scandinavia, you can probably guess that the actors/comedians didn’t exactly have the melanin-credentials of parodying the black guy from Miami Vice, so one of them instead wore blackface (well, brownface would perhaps be...



Yeah that’s gonna be an immediate no from me.


That is blackface, yes.


This is… horrible. I don’t even know how to describe it. For the first time in my adult life, I’m genuinely horrified and fear for my LGBT+ brothers and sisters, as well as their allies (which includes me, fuck).

2013 felt… different. Two years later in 2015 gay marriage would be legalized nationwide.

Not to say we don’t still need to keep fighting the good fight, but this just seems like evidence of cornered animals becoming more desperate.

Right-wingers know they’re losing this battle so the most insane among them are falling back to “last resort” tactics that will probably have the opposite effect they want.

Be out and proud or openly supportive as an ally, now’s not the time to let terrorists have the final say.


Woah buddy, and what makes you sure you’re part of “we” there?


It’s not even out yet on some platforms.


As someone who has had to deal with Oracle before for work…no they aren’t. Not by a mile.


The default Preview app on Macs can rotate PDFs by default…but if your PDF is a fillable form, it’ll fuck it all up.





Not in East Asia. Japan is all about LINE, South Korea uses KakaoTalk, and China uses WeChat.


Yeah, at least Microsoft is invested heavily in backwards compatibility, is still allowing people to download purchases they’ve made, and are continuing to offer backwards compatible Xbox games for Series X.

I mentioned this in another thread, but this is less Nintendo closing down a store full of games that cannot be found anywhere else, and more like Steam dropping support for Windows 7.


It sucks to lose access to digital content on the original console, but I am at least glad that they are continuing to offer access to digital Xbox 360 games/DLC that are backwards compatible on Series X, and that folks can still download content they own.

This is akin to Steam declaring that it will no longer support Windows 7. Which is actually happening at the end of this year.


This is their family, and their children committed incest.

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