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Took me 5 hours this morning. I got 30-40 Mbps for most of the time until it started speeding up finally for the last hour. Finally in tho! (Except for this work meeting…)


I played it on Gamepass on Xbox when it came out and had no issues.

<small>This is one of the main reasons I prefer playing on console these days. Generally speaking, bugs on console will also be on PC but bugs on PC won’t always be on console. Yes, the performance ceiling is lower on console, but some of us aren’t looking for ultimate performance, just a fun time gaming without bugs.</small>


With Gamepass Ultimate you can do that without even buying it ONCE! Out of all the subscription services I pay for these days, I feel like Gamepass is one of the better values. YMMV of course, but I love it.


I guess. But it’s been pretty good for years at this point and it’s pretty easy to get REALLY good deals on it if you keep an eye out. I got three years of Ultimate for like $120.

Either way, just because it may get worse later is no reason not to take advantage now.

Most emotional moments in games? (SPOILERS)

Just for the heads up, this thread will probably have a lot of spoilers. I’m gonna try to go vague on spoilers for anybody that hasn’t played Hotline Miami 2. If you’ve played the game, you’ll probably know what I mean, but I’m going to say some purposefully esoteric shit to keep it out of full spoiler territory....


In my mind there’s no question: the opening of The Last of Us is absolutely tragic.


It was funny laughing about Musk changing the name of Twitter to X. Seeing journalists having to actually use that ridiculous name, it isn’t so funny anymore. The name is confusing and reeks of dot-com-boom edginess.

Steam On Linux Usage Spikes To Nearly 2% In July, Larger Marketshare Than Apple macOS (

According to these new numbers from Valve, the Linux customer base is up to 1.96%, or a 0.52% jump over June! That’s a huge jump with normally just moving 0.1% or so in either direction most months… It’s also near an all-time high on a percentage basis going back to the early days of Steam on Linux when it had around a 2%...


Count me as one of those new Linux users. I’ve been trying to switch since the 90’s and Linux gaming is finally viable. I know this is in large part thanks to Valve, so thanks, Valve!


I am using it specifically because of the hybrid Nvidia graphics on my laptop. Because they sell laptops with this setup, their OS supports it flawlessly. I’ll be honest, I’d rather be using something like Nobara, but there were games that weren’t working and I don’t have the patience to figure out how to get them working. Pop just works. That’s what I need.


Origins is definitely the best and the closest to that classic Bioware feel you like.

DA2 was polarizing but I enjoyed it. Very different from the first mechanically. Worth playing tho, IMHO.

DA:I was… not fun for me. I feel like they tried to modernize the formula and added all the worst parts of modern (at the time) games, namely HUGE time sinks for no reason because it’s not a fucking MMORPG that makes money by the hour. /deep breath Sorry, I am still a little bitter at how that game turned out. Anyways, probably worth checking out, maybe you will feel differently. But it wasn’t for me.


Katamari Damacy is one of the greatest games of all time. It’s a shame the creator doesn’t get rewarded more for it. Definitely looking forward to seeing what he does next.


Remnant 2 is so great! What an unexpected surprise treat of a game! It really scratches a lot of my gamer itches at once.

I agree that I wish it had one or two more worlds to explore but there is so much replayability already, it’s easily worth the $50 price of admission. Looking forward the first big patch; hopefully they make respeccing significantly cheaper.


I’m waiting for the price to come down on it. I never finished the original because I suck at souls games but we need more good Star Wars games like these. I want to support both single-player Star Wars adventures and Respawn because they made my favorite shooters of all time (Titanfall and TF2).


From memory, I’m pretty sure Judy can only romance female V (if that’s what your regret was).

I’m one of the weirdos who had a good time with Cyberpunk when it first came out. I’m really looking forward to the DLC and trying hard not to play it again before the DLC so I don’t burn myself out on it.


Is that a DLC? I have never heard of it.


My first ending was Panam/Aldecaldo and it’s still my favorite probably.


I honestly have no idea why. I have had both the PS5 and XSX since launch (yes, I got very lucky), and I have been a PS fanboy since the original, but the XSX is just way better IMHO. I barely use the PS5 unless it’s for exclusives, of which there are very few.

I feel like there is a lot of inertia keeping people with what they know, but if you were to give a PS5 owner an XSX for a month, they’d go, “Oooh, I get it now!” and switch.

At a bare minimum, the XSX is much better for everything besides gaming (streaming, etc), the controller is SIGNIFICANTLY better (subjective, but man…huge difference), Gamepass is way better than PS+, and there are more exclusives on Xbox.

I wish the PS5 were better because I’d rather not support MS. But the gulf is so wide, it’s hard to validate buying the PS5 in my mind. There’s a reason I have a second XSX while the PS5 is gathering dust until Spider-man 2.


I know it’s about as subjective a thing as you can get, but I find the ergonomics of the DualSense to be atrocious. Like it’s so bad that it hurts my hands to play for too long. I also hate the squishy feel of the triggers when they’re not using the gimmicky feedback stuff. Overall, I was pretty amazed at how badly they ruined the controller for the PS5 compared to the PS4 one, IMHO.

It’s funny to me to see people say they prefer it but hey… some (read: billions of) people also think Twitter was ever worth using. Different strokes for different folks.

Remnant 2 Summoner on subsequent playthroughs?

I’m wondering if anyone here knows how to add the summoner archetype to a character AFTER you’ve unlocked it. I have already gone through that ordeal and can select the summoner as a new character. But I’d like to add the summoner to a new gunslinger and don’t know if the grimoire might be available in the ward. I hope...


With all the classes, you need to engram to unlock it as a secondary class. If you don’t choose it as a starting class, you have to get the engram in game like you normally would.

The real question is why are you starting a new character? Why wouldn’t you just pick a new class and reroll the campaign? It scales to your power level, which is based on your class levels and your weapon levels. Picking a new class and an unleveled gun will feel like a new game but you won’t have to go find all the engrams again and you’ll have the benefit of your unlocked traits and interesting guns and stuff.

EDIT - Regarding spawning the blood moon, the technique I read was to spawn into a different zone and back again but NOT the Ward. Worked fine for me… just takes patience.


Ah, gotcha, that makes sense. I figured I must have been missing something. :-D


They could to do that…


They could let parents make their own decisions on what our children play and fuck off.


Whoa, that’s super cool! I need to see if my library does that. There are a lot of games I’d love to play but don’t need to own.

Thanks for the kind words.


I consider losing all the money and XP you’ve accumulated since the last save to be extremely punishing. Maybe it’s just me, but I can’t begin to express how much I hate losing progress. Everything I just did for the last X minutes since the last save was completely undone. Nothing to show for it, no XP, no money, no progress toward my next goal. Just a complete fucking waste of time and X minutes of stress I’ll have to repeat. It’s like I lost power and corrupted my save file. It’s the worst feeling in gaming for me.

Yes, I realize you can get that XP/money back but it adds a level of stress that makes my stomach roil even thinking about it right now. No amount of suggestions on how to think of it differently has changed my perception of it significantly. I dealt with it in Elden Ring for a while but it’s probably the main reason I stopped playing that game.

Playing a game with similar mechanics but without the death penalty makes me realize how much more fun Elden Ring would have been without it. IMHO of course. YMMV


Oh man, haven’t played CoH in ages. I was really sad when they shut it down but I had stopped playing by then anyways. I might have to check it out just for nostalgia sake.


I thought the game was spectacularly bad, but I seem to be in the minority. Makes me feel like I’m taking crazy pills! It’s a very pretty game with super shallow mechanics and it’s designed for maximum grind. I can handle grind in an ARPG since it’s kinda their thing, but you gotta have some good mechanics to go with it or it’s just an idle/incremental game with prettier graphics.


I’m surprised nobody else is playing Remnant 2. It just came out and it’s pretty damn fun.

They called the original “Dark Souls with guns” and it’s definitely that sort of game in the sequel. But it’s not as punishing as a typical souls-like since there’s no death penalty. It’s perfect for my preferences since I hate the “losing all your money when you die” thing in Elden Ring.

Apparently it’s very fun in co-op but I have been playing solo so I can’t speak to that.

At only $50, it’s a pretty solid recommendation from me if “dark souls with guns” piques your curiosity even a little. AA title with no jank and I’ve only seen a single bug so far in my playing on XSX.


I, too, enjoyed the campaign. But the campaign alone wasn’t worth $70 and once the campaign ended, the game just turned into a boring grindfest.

I don’t even feel like casual is the right word because you can have a deep, interesting game without a game feeling like it requires a huge time and energy investment. Something like Last Epoch manages to have depth while still being approachable to casual players.

Diablo just seems… I don’t know, hollow. It looks great on paper but falls apart in practice.


I bought LE ages ago and the progress they’ve made makes me confident the game will continue to improve in good ways. The designers really seems to understand the genre and what players want. The way they are handling “the trade issue” is a perfect example of that.

The biggest issue right now is a lack of endgame systems. Once they get that fleshed out a little more, they’re going to be sitting pretty.


Counting down the days until Armored Core 6…


That sounds like the D.C. government alright…


I’ve been meaning to try it out, it’s on GamePass, but I worry that it’s the kind of game that takes a lot of brainpower to “solve” while also requiring a lot of skill. I can do one or the other but both at once stresses me out! lol


You imply that easy mode = grind. I’m not sure why, they have nothing to do with each other. You can grind hard content just as much as easy content.


Sounds good, I’ll check it out when I get bored of Remnant 2. :-D


Nova Drift is one of my favorite rogue-likes, highly recommended. Check out the youtube channel “Ultra C” for a ton of different rogue-likes.


I mean, it was a fun gag, but I really AM excited about glorbo!


a lot of games have added “hundreds” of hours of content by large and relatively empty open worlds that are full of worthless autogenerated side quests and collectible trinkets, which is undoubtedly a worse gameplay experience.



I’ve heard nothing but good things about Celeste. It’s really not my style of game but I’ll definitely be trying it out when it hits Game Pass.


Starfield and Forza Motorsport are coming to Game Pass on day 1. Both pretty solid reasons to stick around (or at least resub in a month or two) IMHO.

But the real trick is to keep an eye on Slickdeals. I got three years of Game Pass Ultimate for like $120 or something like that a little while back. Game Pass is so much better when it’s a fraction of the normal price! 🙃


Personally, I really like watching Nilaus play factory games. I enjoy playing the games to a point but he puts forth an amount of effort that I can never bring myself to emulate and it’s really satisfying even to just watch. Satisfactory, Tectonica, DSP, etc


My understanding is Nobara is made by GloriousEggroll, which is why it’s so good for gaming. It worked really well for me except for the fact that some games didn’t like the hybrid Nvidia graphics on my laptop. I ended up swapping to Pop because of that, and everything works like a charm. I’d rather be on Nobara tho. I really don’t like Pop’s desktop environment.


Yeah, I know it’s possible, but I’m not a linux expert and I’d rather leave well enough alone. It works and it’s not Windows and that’s good enough for me!


Thanks, I’ll definitely keep that in mind! :)


Okay, I’m in. I don’t preorder games anymore, but I’ll definitely be keeping an eye on day 1 reviews to make sure the game isn’t broken so I can buy it right when it comes out!


Ouch, that sucks. It’s not something I’ve ever heard of happening around here. Tough choice!

[PC] Action RPG with multiplayer crossplay (

My favorite game franchise is Monster Hunter but I currently have played enough of every game in the franchise to be burnt out and am looking for something new. What I like about MH is the action combat system, the small group multiplayer and although most MH games don't have it, I'd like a game similar to this that also...


Counterpoint: Dauntless kinda sucks. It’s made by the Fortnite guys and it feels like a MTX shop with a bad MH clone pasted on the top.

But hey, it’s free. Doesn’t hurt to check it out and decide for yourself.


For me, I’ve been getting into souls-like games. They scratch a similar itch to MH when it comes to skill-based play. There’s a new one coming out in a few days called Remnant 2 that looks to be on the less punishing side. Not sure if it’s what you’re looking for but worth checking out to see if you haven’t heard of it.


Oh, obviously Wild Hearts if you haven’t tried that yet. I don’t know if it has crossplay but it’s a newer MH clone with some interesting new mechanics. I found it to be just okay but it might scratch the itch for you.


I’m not linux expert. But I have been messing around with it again lately, trying to get it working on my gaming laptop. I was using Nobara for a bit, which I liked quite a bit. It’s a Fedora-based distro that’s put together by the GloriousEggroll guys so it comes with Nvidia drivers and tons of gaming stuff preinstalled.

I ended up ditching it mainly for one reason: it didn’t handle my hybrid graphics well. Some games worked fine, some refused to even start.

I ended up swapping to Pop!_OS because it supports hybrid Nvidia graphics with no issues. The guys who make the distro sell laptops with hybrid graphics so they have incentive to have it work well. All the games that wouldn’t start in Nobara work seamlessly in Pop.

I’m not a huge fan of the desktop environment but I’m getting used to it and there’s definitely something to be said for everything just working.

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