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I remember reading on that other site at some point about airline pilots and the ‘guard’ channel which is supposedly used for shitposts. Any pilot on here that can confirm? This about the discipline of airline pilots.


Seems like they went for a lambic style and barrel aged it quite a lot. Wonder what that tastes like. Overripe blue cheese tends to be a bit harsh on the ammonia.

I might be biased, but I would have gone for a chocolate stout. Blue cheese and chocolate go together.

Seems like one of those things you’d serve in a 200 ml portion size. Nevertheless, I’d try it for the sheer novelty. It can’t be any worse than those lambics they sell with added artificial (non-fermentable, that is) sweeteners.


Manowar had that one song titled ‘Pleasure slave’, if memory serves. No idea if it was a serious song or not. Those were some weird times for music.


They look unused. I never thought of re-use, but I would assume that if you’re just opening a bottlecap without much care for preserving the cap (like when they sort of get bent down the middle) you’d be deforming it beyond re-use. It needs to be able to form a uniform seal around the bottle opening when capped and any bend will prevent that.

Never thought of trying out some bottle caps I tried not to damage when opening because they were pretty though.


you’re fighting a losing battle. ‘having kids is a good thing’ is the only piece of propaganda that is distributed to probably every human. and probably the oldest one, too. it’s also a base instinct, sort of hard to override by reasoning, as anyone who’s ever been horny or hungry can probably attest. this is probably the best example on here related to the posted question.

for what it’s worth, I do think you are correct


Aye, these matches are awesome. The daily dose of aww, with a fun twist. Cheers to the lad doing this, we are all the better for it!


Slightly off-topic, but I have noticed full on wars going on between crows and seagulls. Might be just that crows are warmongers?


That was a nice read, thanks for taking the time!


it certainly has some ‘war is peace, freedom is slavery’ (and all that) vibes


Any sort of EU federal state I would agree is nigh impossible - as it stands currently there is some lack of overlap on freedom of movement without border checks (the Schengen area) and currency adoption (all members except Denmark are obligated to adopt the Euro at some point in time, but Sweden at least doesn’t seem to have any real intention of doing so) within EU member states.

On top of that, ‘muh freedumb, they want to take away our right to self-govern’ is used as a very efficient talking point for nationalist parties in all EU member states to shift public opinion against the EU (some possibly due to propaganda, others due to homegrown ideology). Any decision of importance within the EU has to be unanimous, so pretty sure there will be at least one state vetoing any motion to become a federal state.

Maybe once world peace is achieved, there can be an EU federal state, though even then I’d be skeptical.

For any brexit reversal, I understand the main issue would be that as a founding member, the UK had some perks (opt out of Schengen and the Euro) that would no longer be on the table for a new arrival. And there’s the matter of breach of trust for already leaving once and causing major headaches.


Sounds to me like an advancement on what Black & White started many years ago. Or what Spore should have been like at the end stage.


Glad to see you found a way to improve it. Cheers to that!

(Another) Update to the cranberry cider. (lemmy.world)

It’s looking like a long term project. The acidity and tannins in this batch is working against the fermentation process so I added starch to help neutralize some of it. I mixed in over a pound of sugar and a little extra yeast, let’s see what time has for us. I will update again in several months....


I can suggest a mead with some fruit juice (i forget the name for that style). Honey, water, fruit juice and some spices and you should have a nice base. I’d think possibly currants or blue/blackberries might work well. Or cranberries, but add less, just enough for acidity and colour. Then the tannins you mention shouldn’t overpower the batch.

If you’re feeling adventurous, you can caramelize some of that honey beforehand. Not a lot, just enough to bring some walnut/hazelnut flavour. Add some cinnamon maybe and I’m picturing a drinkable christmas cake.


especially the looting, that was done for the woman and the children. I bet they’ll donate looted items to some charity /s


How dare you wish to be in control of the device you purchased? The inqusition will be in touch.


I sometimes use sweet potato for beer in a similar way as I do pumpkin. Just clean it up, shove it in the oven until it caramelizes a bit, mash it with a fork or whatever is at hand and add it to the mash - I usually use 1-2 kg (~2-4 lbs) for a 20L (5 gal?) batch. And from then on it’s brewing as usual. Gives a nice colour to the beer though I can’t say I’ve noticed any flavour.

Read about being able to mash them on their own, but I’ve yet to try that, not sure how I would go about it.


add to that that google turned to crap nowadays and just pushes meaningless bot generated content in the top pages… it’s getting almost impossible to use it to find stuff. not sure about other engines because I only started recently being search-engine-curious, so no idea how they were like before


Thank you. Your service is well appreciated!


It truly is the best hobby in the world. Nice set-up you got there! I dream one day to have a shed that I can just customize myself with piping and drains.


It may very well work out, kveik might like being underpitched (though 1 gram for a batch of mead might be too little even for it). You mqy just have some funky mixing of yeasts going on. If it works out well enough, do keep some yeast from this batch, you might be well on your way to having a house yeast.

Or it could also go very bad. Never know until you try.


It’s easier to tell people to just use a rubber when on antibiotics rathern than explain to them that it’s only for some unpronounceable substances for most of the population and have them memorize a list of substances for which it’s safe to go on as usual - azithromycin is safe, amoxicillin is not. They may sound fairly similar to a layman.

It’s because some substances (in this case, antibiotics) mess with the units in your body that process them and prepare them for excretion. They may inhibit or induce them, but these units process a whole load of other stuff. Including birth control, which can lead to less activity from the birth control pills because they’re inactivated quicker (in case of induction) or the biotransformation to the active form is slower (in case of inhibition, for prodrugs that are inactive as is, but have active metabolites, no idea if this is the case for birth control though).

A similar thing happens with alcohol, for example, which is why you should always be honest with exactly how much alcohol you drink or what other drugs you take when talking to an anaesthesiologist, or any doctor prescribing you any sort of medicine, lest you risk ineffective anaesthesia or treatment (the first one is worse imo).


It can also lead to priapism if you somehow (through great pain, I’d imagine) manage to retract it and the tight part becomes stuck during an erection. If not treated in time the lack of circulation leads to necrosis.


For a while when I started brewing I used iodophor diluted as I had found recommended online as a sanitizer, worked pretty well to prevent infection. I just used the medical grade stuff (either iodine-povidone or tincture of iodine) diluted to about 12.5 ppm. At this level it should be no rinse.

I’d say try google for more information but it’s full of crap bot-generated articles now, so that’s gone. I mean, I found an article suggesting you use vinegar, baking soda and salt to make a sanitizer. Don’t, by the way.

I switched to starsan because it was more convenient and doesn’t smell like a hospital when using it. Starsan is basically phosphoric acid (same thing they add in coca-cola for example) with some surfactant mixed in.

If you don’t use any sanitizer your main issue will be beer tasting off due to contamination from wild yeasts, or bacteria. This becomes more of an issue when bottling, because wild critters can usually ferment more things in your beer than single-strain lab grown yeasts (except diastaticus, that thing is a beast), and over time they can eat through residual sugars in your beer and generate more alcohol and CO2 - so potential bottle bombs, worst case.

However, if you do want to go the rustic route, there are some books out there describing historical farmhouse brewing techniques, some still used today (and they didn’t have starsan).

Fucked around, found out (sh.itjust.works)

Tried to make a Pina colada mead following city steading brewing’s recipe, accidentally bought coconut milk instead of coconut water and found out only when everything was sanitized and pineapple juice already in the fermenter, and thought “what the hell, what the worst that could happen? If it goes rancid I’ll just dump...


I heard somebody say that you’re not a real homebrewer until you mop the ceiling. So, congratulations!


Damn. That has always been a fear of mine and sometimes I wonder whether I should be wearing a full suit of armor when transporting bottles from carbonation fermentation to the fridge for consumption. Never happened yet, but never know. Recently got into kegging to reduce this risk.

MEPs to propose ending geo-blocking of films and series in the EU (twitter.com)

Yesterday, the traditionally highly conservative legal affairs committee voted to end geo-blocking of films and series in some limited contexts. It’s a tectonic shift from the previous position of the legal affairs committee, and comes ahead of today’s vote in the more progressive Internal Market & Consumer protection, where...


Would be nice if they expanded it to all digital goods - to include music, for instance, and things like youtube videos (technically not films or series, as I’m sure somebody at google will point out).


Can you imagine how much slower the game would have been with bicycles, individual paths and subtle light coming from the camera at night? These were probably performance decisions, not gameplay (though it’s possible it was rushed and they cut out non essentials for release).

Do we live in a computer simulation like in The Matrix? Proposed new law of physics backs up the idea (phys.org)

The simulated universe theory implies that our universe, with all its galaxies, planets and life forms, is a meticulously programmed computer simulation. In this scenario, the physical laws governing our reality are simply algorithms. The experiences we have are generated by the computational processes of an immensely advanced...


It does appear to be more of a philosophical issue than a physical one. The beauty of it, as I see it, is that it doesn’t really matter if true or not. Even if true, pain and pleasure will still continue to be ‘real’, so will hunger or addiction, at least as real as we can tell. It won’t lead to any sort of mass detachment from existence or to any ‘there is no spoon’ moment.

I was going to say that finding out it’s a simulation would lead us to try and hack it. But then it dawned upon me that it’s what we’re already doing.

No matter what, business as usual.


For Turkish and Hungarian, there used to be a proposed link between finno-ungric languages and turkic languages, but it seems that modern linguistics rejects that and they states that any similarities are due to contact alone.


I am also curious. On the one hand, if you tax any gains from it you should also make sure it operates within some legal framework. On the other hand, would anybody investigate a magic bean salesman for insider trading? Would they rather charge them with scamming?

A short and shoddy label I threw together for my Oat-wine that I'll be pouring this Saturday @ Brewminaries present: Cornucopia (ibb.co)

So it is finally almost time! The event I’ll be pouring my Oat-wine at is this Saturday, October 14th at Brooklyn Navy Yard and tickets are still available if anyone is going to be around NYC and wants to try it (as well as 29 other beers!)....


Awesome, love the spirit of the label.

Not in a position to attend myself, but I am curious about how the brew turned out. Oatwine sounds tempting.

Will the world ever stop being anti-intellectual?

One of the most aggravating things to me in this world has to be the absolutely rampant anti-intellectualism that dominates so many conversations and debates, and its influence just seems to be expanding. Do you think there will ever actually be a time when this ends? I'd hope so once people become more educated and cultural...


may I introduce you to the very real concepts of anti-vaccine people and flat-earthers? or the people disregarding health advice during the pandemic because of some global conspiracy to kill people with masks

Badly [re-]titled ArsTechnica article warns of large multi-vector malware incursions in IoT and personal devices suspected to be Chinese in origin (arstechnica.com)

“In total the researchers confirmed eight devices with backdoors installed—seven TV boxes, the T95, T95Z, T95MAX, X88, Q9, X12PLUS, and MXQ Pro 5G, and a tablet J5-W. (Some of these have also been identified by other security researchers looking into the issue in recent months).”...


That’s a Wired article though, they sometimes run those too and the quality of them, at least from my perspective, is dubious.


I would like onion shaped carrots, please


I also get adrenaline rushes and instinctively angry when loud noises that can be avoided, happen.

I have also developed (without going for it) some very good stealth skills and I am not an especially tiny person.

I also grew up with a fairly short temper, though I wonder if it’s genetics or the upbringing. Learned over time I can control it, but the berserker rage is still there.


I would add to this the compounding effect of northern places. If one were to keep summer time all year round, the sun would rise at 9.30 am in the winter.

On the other hand, if one keeps standard time all year round, it rises at around 2 am in the summer.

(I still hate daylight savings though.)


Doesn’t the whole of China have like one single time zone and they do exactly this?


I don’t understand what you consider as bad faith here. You presented and east-west perspective over a single time zone and I presented the northern situation as well (since the phenomenon in question - length of day vs time of day - gets amplified the higher north you go), and not sure where you saw any disagreement.

I find dismissing it as ‘four hours of daylight would suck either way’ to be in bad faith.

Now, had I wanted to nitpick your argument, I could have said that Spain should not be counted because they should probably be on the same time zone as the UK and Ireland by their actual geographic location, so the issue there would stem more from the fact that they chose the wrong time zone to begin with. The sun rose in Madrid today at 8.13. In Rome it was at 7.09. Same time zone.

Notice the subtle difference?


Maybe we’re all just figments of their coma and if they wake up we stop existing. One moment, poof! The end.


So about those T-shirts and hoodies prodly saying they’re made from 100% recycled plastic…


Aye, good for the donor. Presumably not bad for the recipient either, since needing blood means they already lost some so worst case they just have constant levels of microplastics.


Or there was plastic stuck to the machines used to sample and it contaminated the area during sampling. Or there was plastic in the lab during testing. Though potentially those should have been ruled out by testing a blank sample and a control sample of just the ‘empty’ sampling equipment.


Nonsense, Microsoft will just put lots of PMs and Scrum masters on the task and they’ll have a working reactor in 1 year max.

/s, just in case any PMs are reading this and think it’s totally reasonable


Also, little known fact, 9 women can deliver one single baby in 1 month from conception!


I know! He was supposed to go all Yosemite Sam on his ass and yell ‘dance, partner!’ while discharging his firearm at the assailant’s feet very quickly. Hillarity would have surely ensued! /s


Well, never is a bit of a strong word here. Copenhagen and Amsterdam have something to say about that. Now I’m not a fuckcars person, but I do see the value for those places. I am also aware that it works there because of multiple factors that do not necessarily translate well to other places, not just plopping a bike lane and hoping people won’t just use it for parking their cars. Oslo, for instance does not have the same infrastructure for bikes as Copenhagen does, presumably because they get worse winters?

I’ll say this, though, I was extremely surprised to see a traffic jam on the bike lane and no jam on the car lane.

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