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Yea elk don’t give a fuck about much really. We have a few herds where I live and they don’t even move when we walk our dogs nearby. I even have a video of one coming right up to the fence around my property, both my great pyrenees were losing their minds with the elk less than a foot away, the elk seemed more curious about the noisy little things (“little” relative to a full grown elk that is) than anything else.


I laugh at my buddies who constantly need to have new vehicle.

Too many see their car as a measure of their worth.

Funny thing is my wife bought herself a beat up 1980 squarebody pickup for hauling stuff around the farm and you cannot take it out anywhere without people stopping to comment it and she only paid 4k for it… Hell, we have near weekly offers from strangers to buy it off of us at a premium. I want to emphasise it is not some pavement princess it has whiskey wrinkles from past owners and plenty of rusty bits.


Wherever you live sounds like a shithole.

At my last place where we live for over a decade we had nice patio furniture and garden tools out on the front lawn and the only time something was touched is when a neighbor borrowed it for a day. Never had so much as a little kids toy taken.

You should hop in your car and move someplace where people don’t steal your shit. It’s easier than you think to set up in a new area ( I’ve done it multiple times in my life with less than $100 in my pocket. ) people only think they are stuck and it become a self fulfilling prophecy.


The reaction video youtubers at least show you the damn video.
So they are doing a BETTER job than traditional media.


It serves to normalize the ideas and recruit more followers by advertising “we don’t think your ideas are reprehensible and you have a home here if you want it”

It’s the digital equivalent of the old Uncle Sam posters “I want YOU for U.S. ARMY” but for fascists.


Oh so just a ethnic cleansing on the way to genocide.

Glad you cleared THAT one up!
It would be so embarrassing to get the type of mass murder incorrect. /S


Dumbest comment of the thread right up there folks.

When elections get decided on less than 100K votes across the country morons like this are essentially voting for fascism by not voting.

Joe Biden Wants US Government Algorithms Tested for Potential Harm Against Citizens (

Highlights: The White House issued draft rules today that would require federal agencies to evaluate and constantly monitor algorithms used in health care, law enforcement, and housing for potential discrimination or other harmful effects on human rights....


Wow it’s been years since I read GEB…
I should revisit it. Thanks!


Yeah it’s so infuriating when people don’t acknowledge the very clear reality that if the shoe was on the other foot then the genocide would have happened long ago.

Also this isn’t just Israel it’s very clearly a lot of fundamentalist terror groups and countries like the USA. There are very real and scary threats to Palestine, Israel gets huge funding and help from so many places - which they use almost exclusively to build tanks and rockets.

It’s horrible for the Israeli people but Hamas isn’t the only one making their lives hard, Likud isn’t about helping Israelis it’s about hurting Arabs and if their own people dying helps then they’re fine with it.


Why compromise? 50-50 glitter and flour.


Were there IDF at the music festival?

That would make it fair game by your own logic.


I heard there were IDF soldiers at the music festival. Does that make it ok now?


DING, DING, DING ! That is the correct answer.

Though it seems hard for people when it is reframed as…

I heard there were IDF soldiers Hamas guerrillas at the music festival refugee camp. Does that make it ok now?

Suddenly they are tripping over themselves to justify why they answer Yes.


You might have some of the most boneheaded remarks I’ve seen here.

That you actively demonstrate your lack of any knowledge about this conflict is truly astounding.
I couldn’t bring myself to type up a message like that when it would show my ass so thoroughly.

Hats off to you, good job champ.


Yikes. You are astoundingly bigoted.


Wrong as usual.


Oof where to start?

How about how the palestinians are oppressed.

As in apartheid South Africa, Israel classifies its citizens according to ethnicity and privileges one group over all others.
Today, there is a de facto caste system within the territories that Israel controls between the Jordan River and the Mediterranean Sea. At the top are Israeli Jews, while Muslim and Christian Palestinians in the occupied West Bank and Gaza are at the bottom. Between them are Palestinian citizens of Israel and Palestinian residents of occupied East Jerusalem. Each has different rights according to the regime Israel has implemented, with Jews enjoying the full benefits of democracy in a “Jewish state,” and Palestinians living in the occupied West Bank and Gaza accorded no political rights whatsoever, being ruled by Israeli military decree.

In apartheid South Africa, blacks weren’t allowed to vote for the national government.
While Palestinian citizens of Israel can vote in Israeli elections, millions of Palestinians in the occupied territories cannot, even though Israel has ruled them for almost half a century.

In apartheid South Africa, the government used a complex pass system to control the movement of blacks, while Israel has instituted an elaborate permit and checkpoint system to control Palestinian movement in the occupied territories.

**In South Africa, blacks were forced into bantustans where they were more easily controlled by the apartheid regime. **
Israel has divided the occupied territories into several isolated territorial units, cut off from one another and from the outside world and surrounded by walls and checkpoints, so that the Israeli army can more easily control the Palestinian population. Meanwhile, within Israel’s internationally recognized pre-1967 borders, approximately 93% of the land is state-owned and controlled by the Israel Land Authority and quasi-governmental agencies like the Jewish National Fund, which systematically discriminate against non-Jewish citizens in its allocation. Combined with private discriminatory rental policies, Israeli government policies have ensured a concentration of the non-Jewish Arab population into several geographically constricted, overcrowded and underserviced ghettos.

In apartheid South Africa there were whites-only areas, while inside Israel there are more than 300 rural Jewish-majority towns that under Israeli law can reject residents who do not meet a vague “social suitability" standard.
Critics, including Human Rights Watch, have slammed the law as an attempt to allow Jewish towns to keep Arabs and other non-Jews out. In the occupied Palestinian territories, Israel has built a network of Israeli-only roads that Palestinians are barred from traveling on, while Jewish settlers living right next door in exclusive housing can use them.

**Many veterans of the anti-apartheid movement in South Africa consider Israel’s treatment of Palestinians to be a form of apartheid. **
One of the most outspoken voices has been that of Archbishop Emeritus Desmond Tutu, one of the heroes of the struggle against South African apartheid. Tutu has repeatedly made the comparison, writing in 2012 that Israel’s version of apartheid is actually worse than South Africa’s, stating: “Not only is this group of people [Palestinians] being oppressed more than the apartheid ideologues could ever dream about in South Africa, their very identity and history are being denied and obfuscated.” In June 2013, the recently retired South African ambassador to Israel, Ismail Coovadia, wrote that Israel’s treatment of Palestinians is a “replication of apartheid.”

One of the first people to use the word “apartheid” in relation to Israel was Israel’s first prime minister, David Ben Gurion, who warned following the 1967 War of Israel becoming an “apartheid state” if it retained control of the occupied territories.
In 1999, then-Israeli prime minister and current defense minister Ehud Barak stated: "Every attempt to keep hold of [Israel and the occupied territories] as one political entity leads, necessarily, to either a nondemocratic or a non-Jewish state. Because if the Palestinians vote, then it is a binational state, and if they don’t vote it is an apartheid state.” In 2010, Barak repeated the apartheid comparison, stating: “As long as in this territory west of the Jordan river there is only one political entity called Israel it is going to be either non-Jewish, or non-democratic… If this bloc of millions of Palestinians cannot vote, that will be an apartheid state.”

The 2002 Rome Statute of the International Criminal Court defines apartheid as “an institutionalized regime of systematic oppression and domination by one racial group over any other racial group or groups and committed with the intention of maintaining that regime.”
Over the entirety of its 65-year existence, there has been a period of only about one year (1966-67) that Israel has not ruled over large numbers of Palestinians to whom it granted no political rights simply because they are not Jewish. Prior to 1967 and the start of Israel’s occupation of the West Bank, East Jerusalem, and Gaza, Palestinians who remained inside what became Israel in 1948 were ruled by martial law for all but one year, similar to the way that Palestinians in the occupied territories have been ruled ever since.

Inside Israel there are more than 50 laws that privilege Jews or discriminate against non-Jewish Palestinian citizens, affecting everything from immigration and family reunification to land ownership rights.
In the occupied territories, Palestinians have lived under a brutal and repressive Israeli military regime for more than 46 years while Jewish settlers protected by the Israeli army colonize their land and lord it over them. In the words of a 2010 Human Rights Watch report entitled "Separate and Unequal: Israel’s Discriminatory Treatment of Palestinians in the Occupied Palestinian Territories”

Is there going to be a military solution on the ground?
The answer is, no, there isn’t going to be a military solution. Whatever Israel is engaged in right now is pure revenge. It doesn’t have any strategic value. And it doesn’t have any direction. Israel is just bombing Gaza nonstop, killing as many civilians as it could, simply because it’s being enabled by the international community. No one in the international community is asking the tough questions. Is there going to be a military solution? What will this look like? What will this mean for the region?

Jehad Abusalim, a Palestinian scholar and policy analyst from Gaza. He’s the executive director of The Jerusalem Fund in Washington, D.C. shared the following.
“Let me tell you about my 88-year-old grandmother who lives in the southern part of the Gaza Strip. She is frail, she is old, and she’s ill. She was sleeping in her bed when an Israeli bomb hit the neighborhood where she lives, and she was injured by shrapnel and glass. My cousin, who was taking care of her, had to carry her on his shoulders and run down the stairs, run across the neighborhood as the bombs were falling, carrying a frail 88-year-old grandmother who witnessed more than eight or nine wars so far since she was born. Her entire life has been defined by war, by bloodshed, by aggression, by losing loved ones.

So, I think this entire narrative about north versus south, safe versus unsafe, is nothing but a false narrative that I think we should resist and we should not accept. Nowhere in Gaza is safe. Hundreds of people have been killed and lost their lives regardless of where they reside. That’s why we need a ceasefire now. And this is the demand by Palestinians from Gaza, whether they live in northern Gaza or southern Gaza.”

Kinda blows to shit your “They should have moved someplace safe” narrative.

Shall I continue?


Technical speaking by hosting IDF military units the music festival became a legitimate target.

Can you see how stupid and you sound?


Ahh the “this all started on Oct 7 defense”.

What a gloriously moronic way to justify genocide and ethnic cleansing.


What a load of apologetic tripe.

Keep making excuses for the apartheid state you seem to feel the need to stan for as they conduct an ethnic cleansing. History will look back on you with shame and disdain.


YOU keep equating all Palestinians to Hamas. Amazing how you needed to toss out racism only when it doesn’t agree with how the Israeli govt is acting presently. Criticizing a govt is not racist.

I have not taken the side of Hamas. I have taken the side of not killing civilians on any side of the conflict.

2021 was a major turning point for pro-Palestinian emancipation because in the beginning of 2021 in the spring Amnesty International and Human Rights Watch openly admitted that Israel is an apartheid state Israel had been an apartheid state at that point for 50 plus years, but them admitting this was a major step.

Why do you disagree with Holocaust Scholars, the Human Rights Watch, Amnesty International, and professionals that dedicate their entire lives to war crimes and human rights violations that Israel is an apartheid state?

How can you sit there and tell me that both Israeli activist organizations dedicated to Human Rights and numerous former Israeli officials have declared Israel to be an apartheid state are wrong? As well as those who have fought and won against the South African apartheid State and have always considered Israel to be an apartheid State?

Why do you think your opinion is more valid?

Sadly you don’t see the people in Gaza and the West Bank as human so it poses no moral issue for you. You are the racist in this situation.


Amazingly his account here is banned now. I would argue that does make him a “massive shit-loaf”


The fact that the idea of an air filter is controversial is frankly amazing.

They apparently only work in every situation except when put over your face.


Israel has traded 1000 poisoners for a single soldier in the past why is it “an insane proposition” all of a sudden?…/index.html

You sure can’t be consistent.
You keep quacking dude don’t blame us for noticing it.


The Pro-Israel crowd will say it is all lies and Israel is really making good friends with all Palestinians then act all shocked that rockets keep flying from gaza at them. Bombing the shit out of Palestinians has worked SO well over the last many decades. Yet they figure ‘we just didn’t bomb hard enough’ to make them like us!


Israel’s strikes are the most targeted fucking strikes you’ve ever seen a military do,

Are you high?…/index.html

Flattening whole communities is as targeted as using a shotgun to kill a fly.


Warnings like?

On Saturday, Israel Defense Forces (IDF) spokesperson Rear Admiral Daniel Hagari issued what he labeled an “urgent military advisory” video message on X, warning Gazans that the military is set to “neutralize” Hamas with “precision and intensity.”

“For your immediate safety we urge all residents of Northern Gaza and Gaza City to temporarily relocate south. This is a temporary measure. Moving back to Northern Gaza will be possible once the intense hostilities end,” he said.

Since the message, many took to X to raise questions and concerns related to the communications blackout Gaza residents are facing and how they’re expected to hear the urgency to relocate.

Mehdi Hasan, host of The Mehdi Hasan Show on MSNBC, asked, “How are Palestinians in Gaza, who have had their electricity and internet communications cut off by the Israeli military, supposed to hear/receive this ‘urgent’ message from the Israeli military?”

Lindsey Hilsum, international editor at British broadcaster Channel 4 News, questioned the message by posting to X, “Hard to see how this ‘urgent message’ will get to the citizens of Gaza as the Israelis cut internet and mobile phone.”

Ayman Mohyeldin, host of AYMAN on MSNBC, noted the IDF’s use of English to issue their message rather than using Arabic.

“The spokesman for the Israeli military is speaking in English, rather than in Arabic, to the residents of Gaza in order to deliver to them an urgent message on social media, a day after the Israeli military cut off all telephone and internet communications to the people of Gaza,” he wrote on X>.


The 8k number also comes from Hamas, the same people who said that 500 people died in the hospital explosion (and blamed it on Israel). Go see the estimates literally anybody else made. All of these numbers come from Hamas.

You know this is propaganda right? That number never came from Hamas go find them quoting it as fact, I’ll wait.

The number came from an interview with a doctor right after the attack and it was mistranslated on Aljazeera. Other news agencies never fact checked it and ran with the number attributing it to Hamas.


Im posting all over the place you keep showing up and quacking away.


In your favor… wow you are truly amazing at spin. Keep making the argument that I was right about you being a duck.


Fuck off.

Netanyahu said “You must remember what Amalek has done to you, says our Holy Bible. 1 Samuel 15:3 ‘Now go and smite Amalek, and utterly destroy all that they have, and spare them not; but slay both man and woman, infant and suckling, ox and sheep, camel and ass’," .

I’m done debating with genocide cheerleaders.


There’s got to be a way to remove Hamas without killing everyone in Gaza

Bibi isn’t interested in that.

Netanyahu said “You must remember what Amalek has done to you, says our Holy Bible. 1 Samuel 15:3 ‘Now go and smite Amalek, and utterly destroy all that they have, and spare them not; but slay both man and woman, infant and suckling, ox and sheep, camel and ass’," .

He’s openly calling for genocide.


You didn’t follow your prescription in response to my comment. So I feel your comment is just a flat out lie and you would be a liar by extension.


Netanyahu said “You must remember what Amalek has done to you, says our Holy Bible. 1 Samuel 15:3 ‘Now go and smite Amalek, and utterly destroy all that they have, and spare them not; but slay both man and woman, infant and suckling, ox and sheep, camel and ass’," .

Who’s doing an auschwitz again?


No I called you high.

Israel’s strikes are the most targeted fucking strikes you’ve ever seen a military do,

Are you high?…/index.html

Flattening whole communities is as targeted as using a shotgun to kill a fly.

In other news:

Bibi just called for a genocide by referring to Palestine as Amalak. If you know your torah you know what that references but if you don’t he was kind enough to spell out the verse. Netanyahu quoted from First Samuel 15:3, saying, “You must remember what Amalek has done to you, says our Holy Bible. ‘Now go, attack the Amalekites and totally destroy all that belongs to them. Do not spare them; put to death men and women, children and infants, cattle and sheep, camels and donkeys’” The invocation of this biblical passage serves not only as a historical reference but also as a genocidal lens through which the Prime Minister views the current conflict.

I’m not on the side of genocide. You sure seem to be however. I’d say that makes you a piece of shit human being.

Is that substantive enough for your goose-stepping ass?

PS. You are still a deliberate liar.


You condemn terrorism, except on the internet, where you defend it. You don’t want people to die, unless Bibi also wants them to die, in which case you’ll divert and deflect all you want.


You think IDF doesn’t use human shields? Their headquarters is where exactly?

You are so in a bubble you can’t tell your head from your ass.

Go away piece of shit genocide cheerleader

Sparlock, (edited )

You sound like you have only become aware of this after Oct 7. I have picked a side for sure it’s just not the one you are implying. I am on the side of less people being blown up, shot or otherwise killed.

As it stands right now the vast majority of death and oppression is coming from Israel. It’s pretty simple really. They have all the power and continue the slaughter for decades on end.

It’s not your fault that the vast majority of news and political speech has been strictly pro-israel for decades and that has colored your view.

If you can look at this and keep parroting the “precision munitions” talking point you might need to check your biases.…/index.html

Also how much has the Israeli death toll gone up after Oct 7? Ya might wanna look it up if you think those Hamas rockets are raining down as much death as Israeli rockets do.


You are the one acting childish here when you ignore the apartheid conditions. Why have 120 west bank Palestinians been killed by the IDF since Oct 7? Hamas isn’t there so what’s the excuse? I mean those horrible west back civilians not wanting their homes stolen by settlers ( aka civian shields for the IDF muscle ) are so deserving of it if they get upset. There is no parity in this situation. Israel is only putting up the barest lip service of trying for peace and you are falling for it.


If Israel was truly worried about regretting it later they wouldn’t be growing a whole new generation of people that have every reason to hate them. Their actions over the decades speak FAR louder than the words they use to seem like they are trying, as does the body count of innocents.


I could not declare genocide.

Do I really need to go find every quote from Bibi and Israeli Officials declaring their intent?

Not do decades of persecution PRIOR to Hamas even existing.

Not have Israel fund Hamas for years.

Not drop bombs on refugee camps.

Not cut off food, water, electricity.

Not shoot peaceful protesters.

Not kill journalists.

Not kill clearly marked medics.

Do I really need to go on?

“What could they have done to prevent this?”



I thought I blocked your genocide apologizing ass… well that’s fixed now.

GAZA: 3,195 children killed in three weeks surpasses annual number of children killed in conflict zones since 2019 (

Since October 7, more than 3,257 children have been reported killed, including at least 3,195 in Gaza, 33 in the West Bank, and 29 in Israel, according to the Ministries of Health in Gaza and Israel respectively. The number of children reported killed in just three weeks in Gaza is more than the number killed in armed conflict...


It is crazy how you have people behind Hamas Israel or even stating both sides are “equally bad”.

Funny how it works still…


Is there somewhere where I can read a bias free summary of this? I know it’s been going for ages and I know Israel is known to use propaganda (like everyone else).

Start here:

It’s not perfect but it’s a starting point.


No, I wish people like you spreading hate would stop ignoring the inconvenient facts instead of focusing purely at the numbers.

Oh those inconvenient facts that make Israel look an awful lot like the monsters they ran from a few decades ago… we seem to not be ignoring them very much, dunno what you are talking about.


Perhaps it is because all we have heard for decades is the MSM parroting that Israel is the only victim here and how evil the Palestinians are. The Pro-Israel crowd is just a little surprised because there isn’t blind support of their talking points and instead other facts are now being talked about that don’t align with their propaganda.

Btw Israel isn’t just trying to genocide the palestinians they are doing a pretty good job over the last 3 weeks.…/index.html

Yep sure looks targeted and not like they are just demolishing whole communities. Get the fuck outta here with your bullshit.


First sane comment of yours in this thread.


Wild that someone downvotes you for saying this. It is literally the analogy of what has happened to the Palestinians but all the pro-israel crowd has their heads so far up their collective asses they can’t admit basic facts.

One part of your analogy that needs to be added is that they keep moving the walls of the garage in more and more to make more room for them and less for you. But hey why are you mad bro?

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