@SpaceCowboy@lemmy.ca avatar


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@SpaceCowboy@lemmy.ca avatar

Your shoes are like the top one only because you have small feet.

@SpaceCowboy@lemmy.ca avatar

Hey man, I’ll say there are whatever number of lights you want me to say if you give me another one of those tasty eggs.

@SpaceCowboy@lemmy.ca avatar

I have a friend that has Thai writing tattooed on his leg that translates to “I love chicken soup.”

I think when he was drunk he went into a tattoo parlor thinking it was a restaurant.

@SpaceCowboy@lemmy.ca avatar

Apparently atheists don’t understand the concept of forgiveness.

@SpaceCowboy@lemmy.ca avatar

What you’re talking about would likely cost around 100K per location. Multiplied by 5000 locations, that’ll run them a cool half a billion dollars. Minimum.

The real issue is Walmart (and others like them) eliminated local businesses, which replaced decent paying jobs with minimum wage jobs. Then lobbied the government to keep minimum wages down. This had the effect of depressing local economies, creating scenarios where people have to shoplift basic necessities.

So instead of having massive corporations spending insane amounts of money (or calling the police) which serves to make grocery shopping a dystopian nightmare for everyone, maybe we should consider the root cause of the problem? It seems insane the amount of resources being devoted towards maintaining economic problems.

@SpaceCowboy@lemmy.ca avatar

Be sure to also avoid any Oktoberfest celebrations this month! After all it lead to the murder of 12 million people!

Or is it possible to celebrate German culture without constantly bringing up horrible things Germans have done in history? Maybe it’s possible that it wasn’t beer and lederhosen that lead to genocide?

Could it also be that eating a turkey dinner with your family also doesn’t lead to genocide?

Nah, internet says we should be angry about thanksgiving, so let’s not do any critical thinking about it! BE ANGRY!!!

@SpaceCowboy@lemmy.ca avatar

The internet will always be be telling you that you should hate your own country. No matter which country you’re from, it’s the worst country in the world. Funny how that is.

@SpaceCowboy@lemmy.ca avatar

This is kinda like that Always Sunny bit. Those pirate sites are so terrible! But there’s so many, which one?

@SpaceCowboy@lemmy.ca avatar

Also assume that no one is turning onto or off of the road?

Theoretically the highway I can see outside my window could handle tens of thousands of passengers per hour moving at over 60mph. But for some odd reason when I look out my window on workday it’s moving significantly less than 25 mph. Some days is not even moving at all.

@SpaceCowboy@lemmy.ca avatar

It’s a nice image and completely senseless that someone would destroy it. The story creates a universal “WTF?” reaction from everyone.

No people died, so it’s a story that isn’t morbid, no debates about anything political, it’s just pure WTF so it’s a simple story for news companies around the world to pick up.

@SpaceCowboy@lemmy.ca avatar

I wouldn’t say it’s leftist, though there’s a lot of leftists here. Lemmy is more like how internet discussion boards used to be. There’s a lot of people with weird opinions on things, and there’s no Reddit Karma pushing people to conform to the consensus. So people are going to have weird takes on things, and there’s not 1000 comments upvoted above the weird ones, so you’re going to see comments like that. So reply to with you your weird opinions on those weird comments.

Welcome to the version internet that’s not pre-packaged and filtered to be bland!

@SpaceCowboy@lemmy.ca avatar

Yeah… but that’s what the internet is. You’re connected to different people with different points of view, but you’re also connected to assholes. Just don’t take it personally, they don’t know you and you don’t know them.

@SpaceCowboy@lemmy.ca avatar

You could “prove” any long running show is misogynistic or racist by combing through it and taking things out of context.

You really should be more be careful of youtube videos. Many of them just invent controversy for clicks. A silly TV sitcom is far less likely to propagandize you than a youtube video.

@SpaceCowboy@lemmy.ca avatar

Since it’s apparently fine to demand things from strangers on the internet, you will need to provide me payment for the research you’re asking me to do to provide you with these examples.

Or not. You can go on living your life believing whatever random video pops up on your youtube recommended list without ever questioning it. Why would you think I should care if you believe in weird shit? The onus on you to question the content you get on the internet, not on other people to debunk every single video an algorithm shoves in your face.

@SpaceCowboy@lemmy.ca avatar

Yeah and Bill Maher said Justin Trudeau was a dictator because he called some protesters disgusting. He left out the part where the particular protesters he was referring to had Swastika flags.

So would you say the Bill Maher took Trudeau’s words out of context? If so you’re no different from your father in law. Therefore you’re a fan of Rush Limbaugh!

See how easy it is to take things out of context and use specious logic to form a narrative about anything?

This is why critical thinking is important. The point Justin Trudeau was making was the Nazis are disgusting, therefore Bill Maher was taking things out of context. The point of Rush Limbaugh was right wing grifting, so him saying shitty things isn’t out of context.

Applying even more critical thinking, how are fictional stories different from political commentators? Stories often have character arcs where a character starts out as being wrong, they learn something, improve themselves and are no longer wrong. So you can easily make many stories appear to bad in a political context by giving examples from the earlier part of a story (where the character was wrong) and leave out the part of the story where the character learned they were wrong and why.

Political critiques of works of fiction are fertile grounds for grifters to create false narratives. They should always be taken with a grain of salt. Did you see Ben Shapiro’s critique of the Barbie Movie? Really convincing if you never saw the movie.

I haven’t watch all of BBT but I’ve seen enough that I can tell you that in the beginning they were losers with misogynistic tendencies. Women are disgusted by them and rightfully so. Over the course of the show they learn to respect women and because of this they are able to form healthy relationships. Yup, you can pick out examples of misogyny, but how do you tell a story about misogyny being bad if you cannot portray misogynistic tendencies out of fear of “video essays” taking it out of context to create a false narrative?

@SpaceCowboy@lemmy.ca avatar

Did you watch the entirety of BBT?

I’ll watch your video after you’ve watch BBT an analyzed it yourself. Otherwise what’s the point of discussing anything with you rather than whoever made the video you linked?

I haven’t watched the entirely of BBT, but I’ve seen enough episodes to know the thesis of the video that you’re repeating (without doing any verification yourself) is false.

Are you paid by the person that made the video? Why do you feel the need to defend something that’s discussing something you’re unfamiliar with? We aren’t talking about some arcane secret scrolls that are locked away under guard that only a few are allowed to view. It’s a popular TV show that you could watch yourself to check whether the video is correct. Why won’t you do this? Why do you trust a random youtube video that has a profit motive in promoting a false narrative over people that have actually looked at the source material under discussion?

@SpaceCowboy@lemmy.ca avatar

Why do you give youtube the benefit of the doubt? You believe youtube to be a reliable source of information?

BBT is a popular TV show, I’m certain you are capable of finding it on a streaming service somewhere. If not there is the possibility of pirating it. You are capable of watching the show yourself to verify the claims coming from youtube. Or you could trust people who have seen enough episodes that tell you the youtbue video is false.

Or you can go on being a “I did my own research on youtube” type of person. I’m not your mom, do what you want to do.

@SpaceCowboy@lemmy.ca avatar

Yeah kinda. In politics there’s going to be scenarios someone has to choose between doing the right thing or doing what’s best for their career. And yeah, militaries have politics at the top, just not the left-right politics that’s common in a democracy. These political scenarios filter out the “do the right thing” people and prevent them from advancing to the top. Not all of the time, but often enough that there’s a higher percentage of shitty people in leadership positions then you’ll find in the general population.

@SpaceCowboy@lemmy.ca avatar

The Ewoks represented Viet Cong. The Rebel Alliance was more based off the Allies in WWII with the Empire being the Nazis.

And yeah, a lot of people died in WWII who were conscripted into service. People die in wars, just how it goes.

@SpaceCowboy@lemmy.ca avatar

Cheaper than highways. The reason why long haul trucking exists is because the construction of highways is highly subsidized. Even then, it’s often more cost effective to use rail.

@SpaceCowboy@lemmy.ca avatar

Yeah Reddit just became more like Facebook which is disappointing, but not a dumpster fire.

Twitter is a radioactive dumpster fire that’s spawning mutant fire rats. There’s really no comparison.

@SpaceCowboy@lemmy.ca avatar

Yeah when you think about how many meals they sell in an hour, they probably only need to charge less than 20 cents more for a meal to cover the cost of employees having a livable wage.

If were charging more for your burger in Italy, the difference in price was small enough to be unnoticeable. Because when you do the math, employees wages at a fast food joint isn’t a significant percentage of the price.

@SpaceCowboy@lemmy.ca avatar

Assholes generally don’t stop with their assholery when they keep getting away with it.

@SpaceCowboy@lemmy.ca avatar

I got no problem with pronouns. It’s adverbs I got an issue with. Stop trying to modify what I’m doing!

@SpaceCowboy@lemmy.ca avatar

Debian-oldstable is the one for me. All y’all can go ahead and test things for me.

@SpaceCowboy@lemmy.ca avatar

Yeah it used to be it just wasn’t worth the effort to pirate stuff. There was always plenty to watch on Netflix and all of the movies got there eventually. Now you’d have to subscribe to 5 different streaming services, then search around for which one has the thing you want to watch on it. It’s more effort to get stuff on streaming (which you have to pay for) than to simply pirate it.

@SpaceCowboy@lemmy.ca avatar

Really. He’s supposed to be the leader of the Loyal Opposition. If he’s not privy to intelligence he can’t really understand what’s in the national interest. So he doesn’t know when it’s time to be loyal and when it’s time to be in opposition.

@SpaceCowboy@lemmy.ca avatar

With the China thing he showed incompetence even at Trudeau hating. Had this big scandal dropped in his lap, then got distracted by some changes to passport pages. Who even noticed there were watermarked images in our passports, much less cared that they were being changed?

The guy is just an idiot all around.

@SpaceCowboy@lemmy.ca avatar

I always think of Batman is a crazy person that he knows he’s a crazy person. Which is why he has to strictly follow rules he set for himself.

If Batman broke his rule against killing, within a few years people of Gotham would have to worry about getting killed by the Batman for jaywalking. Batman knows that he has the potential of going this way so he has to follow his rules to prevent that from happening.

@SpaceCowboy@lemmy.ca avatar

Yeah that’s why the Joker is a great nemesis for Batman. They’re both crazy people, they’re both are aware that they’re crazy, only difference is one has rules and the other doesn’t. That’s basically all that separates them.

I feel like portraying Batman as someone does kill people is boring because there’s not psychological aspect to it.

@SpaceCowboy@lemmy.ca avatar

Eh, it’s food, there’s only so much I can eat. So it’s not as if I’m going to suddenly buying more food because I’m walking around the grocery store. Even if I did, it would be longer before I’d need to go back and get more food.

I think it’s more down to certain brands paying the grocery store to have their products placed in more prominent places. So yeah people will buy different things, but not more. But if it’s more Brand X instead of Brand Y, Brand X makes more money and kicks back some of that to the grocery store.

@SpaceCowboy@lemmy.ca avatar

Grocery stores don’t have interaction with brands? Are you sure? Why do you think most them have discount cards? It’s not because they’re being generous.

The discount cards allow them to sell that data to market research companies who analyze which products are often purchased together. They use that data to determine the optimal places to put the products.

You get that discount in exchange for allowing them to track what you buy. The money they make from their interaction with various brands exceeds the discount they offer with those cards, otherwise they wouldn’t be offering those discounts.

@SpaceCowboy@lemmy.ca avatar

I feel like technology has changed things a lot. In the past when there was tube TVs with crappy resolution and poor quality sound you had to go to a theater for good quality picture and sound. Now TVs are good enough that if you’re going to watch a 3 1/2 hour long movie about some gangsters in their 70s reminiscing about a hit they did many decades before, you’re better off watching it at home. Why would someone want to go to the theater for that?

Now people go to the theater for the spectacle. Big event movies that people get dressed in costumes for. Movies with big effects that their home TV and sound system just won’t give as good an experience.

Serious dramas? I’m not getting anything more from watching it at the theater than I’m going to get at home on my TV.

And why is that a bad thing? A modern 4K TV with even just a speaker bar probably gives a better viewing experience than people had when they watched Taxi Driver in the theaters in 1976.

@SpaceCowboy@lemmy.ca avatar

Those are big special effects movies. You’re certainly not going to Villeneuve movies because they’re well written. Well the writing in Dune is good, but only because he’s sticking close to the novel. But even with Dune, I’m obviously not going to the theater for the story (because I already know the story) I’m going for the visuals and sound.

@SpaceCowboy@lemmy.ca avatar

The United Federation of Planets was just made up to cover up the fact the Galaxy is actually disc shaped!

Just look at the Federation flag!

The galaxy isn’t round, sheeple!

@SpaceCowboy@lemmy.ca avatar

It’s not even that it’s unique. It’s just one particular system associates you with something. It’s basically those star registry scams. Except you’re not associated with a star by one particular scam organization. You associated with an image of a cartoon ape by a scam organization! But there’s a trendy technology involved so idiots think that makes it somehow legit.

@SpaceCowboy@lemmy.ca avatar

She could also simply write down the name of the person who bought the painting from you. And ask them to let her know if they sell it so she could update her records.

Sure it’s possible someone might not let her know they sold the painting. But it’s equally possible someone sells the painting without transferring the NFT along with it.

@SpaceCowboy@lemmy.ca avatar

Cool… I got a Phillips hue hub, but already have a Pi as well, Just never thought of using it this way. So I just need the Conbee II, and I should be able to make things work off the Pi. One less device to have plugged in.

Besides the stupid login stuff, I’ve noticed a lot of my stuff just isn’t as reliable as it used to be. It seems Phillips is just enshittifying things generally.

Thanks for the links!

@SpaceCowboy@lemmy.ca avatar

The rail strike affected the supply chain, it wasn’t just a straight up workers vs. the company kind of thing. A lot of collateral damage to consider downstream. And he hardly fucked them over. He forced a deal that was likely how it would’ve worked out anyway.

Biden has done more for unions than any President in history. That just doesn’t fit with the doomer narrative though.

@SpaceCowboy@lemmy.ca avatar

Yes, that’s the doomer philosophy. But you understand there are people that aren’t doomers that like having groceries on the shelves at the store?

@SpaceCowboy@lemmy.ca avatar

I don’t think it’s the left that discourages participation in politics. The right discourages the left from participating in politics and all too often the left falls for it, hook line and sinker. The right has the “both sides” narratives down to a science, but despite promoting this kind of thinking, they always vote.

does a society make choices between better and worse practice of politics/government?

Yes. But it’s not like ordering a product from Amazon. You don’t put your desired improvements in a cart and have it delivered in two days. To accomplish the change you want in a democracy, you need to vote in many elections, sometimes over decades. If you really care you might want to join a major political party and discuss the issues important to you with them. Again this may take decades, but if the issue is important enough then you’re willing to make that effort. Note how long the Christian right worked to get abortion banned. They didn’t instantly get to have things their way it took voting in every election, attending party meetings, along with decades of apathy on the left.

what would a world that doesn’t need government look like if you were to imagine it?

Mad Max kinda shit. Do you prefer the leadership of Lord Humungus or Immorten Joe?

There will always be a government. We’re a tribal species and we will form into tribes and war against one another if there is no one that sets the laws and enforces them. Those tribes would develop into a feudalistic society which may someday develop into a democracy again.

That whole Marxist “the state will whither away” thing is just pseudo religious belief comparable to the Christian belief in a rapture followed by an eternity of paradise. Which is why it’s attractive to atheists that were formally Christians. Old habits and all that.

@SpaceCowboy@lemmy.ca avatar

Well I see it as a necessary evil. If you have democracy you’re gonna have politics. Hell you still have politics even without democracy, just a different kind and usually behind closed doors.

For me the phrase “politics is stupid but politics is important” sums it up best.

Politics is like taking a shit, it’s messy and it stinks, but it’s something you gotta deal with. And it’s preferable to take a shower after it’s been dealt with.

@SpaceCowboy@lemmy.ca avatar

No the political aspects are also shit. Democracy is shit too. It’s just less shit than the alternatives. I think holding up democracy as some shining beacon of goodness leads to a lot of disappointment and disenfranchisement. Every system involving humans will be turned to shit, people will try to corrupt anything to gain personal advantage. But democracy is the best we’re capable of having and if we make some effort to improve it, it will be less shit. Though still shitty because because politics makes things shitty.

@SpaceCowboy@lemmy.ca avatar

Yeah a lot of things are shit. It’s weird to put politics (of all things) on a pedestal and try to see the world through the shittiest of lenses. There are plenty of things the world that are actually good and trying to make everything about politics is just making things shitty that otherwise wouldn’t be.

TIL In the Hot Coffee lawsuit against McDonalds,punitive damages were given due to McDonalds intentionally overheating coffee to save money on refills (www.poolelg.com)

During the trial it was revealed that McDonald’s knew that heating their coffee to this temperature would be dangerous, but they did it anyways because it would save them money. When you serve coffee that is too hot to drink, it will take much longer for a person to drink their coffee, which means that McDonald’s will not...

@SpaceCowboy@lemmy.ca avatar

LOL, a chemical engineer that’s not capable of sticking a thermometer into a cup of coffee to verify what the temperature of coffee is.

@SpaceCowboy@lemmy.ca avatar

The coffee was in her possession when the accident happened. Coffee is served hot, that’s just what the product is. If someone buys a knife and after the knife is safely handed to them by the employee of the store, then the customer cuts themself with the knife in their car, would you say the store didn’t take appropriate measures to ensure safety by only selling dull knives?

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