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Snapz, avatar

Good. Now, extending this logic, if I have ZERO WATCH HISTORY of shorts videos on my account, then… STOP CLOGGING MY SUBSCRIPTION FEED WITH SHORTS!!!

Snapz, avatar

Anyone have an idea of how much of this is “the EPA” versus vestiges of the virus that trump/pruit were as they purposefully broke agencies like this? How much of that poison remains in the org today?

Snapz, avatar

Oh man… this takes me back.

My grandpa used to always say to us kids, “I’m going to go upstairs to have sex with your grandmother”.

Snapz, avatar

Can someone please explain telemetry to me in this context? Is telemetry just a broad umbrella term for usage data or does it indicate a specific type of data or category of data?

AntennaPod (

AntennaPod is a podcast manager and player that provides instant access to millions of free and paid podcasts from both independent and major podcasters. Easily add, import and export their feeds using iTunes podcast catalog, OPML files or RSS feed addresses. Downloads, streams online or adds issues to a queue, with adjustable...

Snapz, avatar

Had anyone here switched to this from pocket casts? Anything you miss, did you go back?

Snapz, avatar


All Chromes Are Bastards

Snapz, avatar

I’m sure they are bad, because general corporation and enshittification cycle, but when someone consistently mentions, “a single tweet” or something like that that they represent as purely innocuous (but without any explanation or link to source), gets my suspicious radar WAY up…

Snapz, avatar

On purpose.

Only clearer by the day that this was all an exercise to intentionally kill Twitter to the benefit of billionaires, fascists and other extremists.

Twitter existed as a relatively free and open public space to communicate, organize and assemble to take actions for and against things at scale before musk (e.g. The Arab Spring, a terrifying moment for the Saudis especially - the second largest shareholder behind musk).

When people collectively laughed at elon and his cringe, inbred, emerald boy antics or his humiliating divorce and other routine failures, Twitter was the bullhorn.

Now elon and his desperate far right Toadies will work to try to rewrite reality so they can eventually have this conversation:

"Twitter? What’s a Twitter? Wait, are you talking about blork? A bird? No, blork’s logo is a dinosaur with chainsaw arms… and everyone wants to be his best friend… and it’s against the law to divorce him… and he’s cool… and…"

What an everlasting tool history will remember you as, elon. If they remember you at all, it will be to laugh at you - you’ll never outrun that.

Snapz, avatar

He needs daddy’s approval and the other billionaires are surrogate daddy. That would be the social agenda influence you’re referencing. Look at how desperate and odd he was on stage with dave chapelle, that was a core view into his base self, he needs to be praised. He’s also a eugenics/natalism cult member and sees the wealthy as his equal, superior “race” of people - so he would 100% sacrifice a lot for even their passing approval.

Snapz, avatar

Of course there are degrees of usefulness and different types of organizing, but generally, your wrong here in your first point. Some merit in your second claim, but overall, it’s something they likely feared to a degree as a point of connection and amplification of information.

Snapz, avatar

No it isn’t.

No… No it’s not… But you can imagine what’d be like if it was, right?

Snapz, avatar

Only clearer by the day that this was all an exercise to intentionally kill Twitter to the benefit of billionaires, fascists and other extremists.

Twitter existed as a relatively free and open public space to communicate, organize and assemble to take actions for and against things at scale before musk (e.g. The Arab Spring, a terrifying moment for the Saudis especially - the second largest shareholder behind musk).

When people collectively laughed at elon and his cringe, inbred, emerald boy antics or his humiliating divorce and other routine failures, Twitter was the bullhorn.

Now elon and his desperate far right Toadies will work to try to rewrite reality so they can eventually have this conversation:

"Twitter? What’s a Twitter? Wait, are you talking about blork? A bird? No, blork’s logo is a dinosaur with chainsaw arms… and everyone wants to be his best friend… and it’s against the law to divorce him… and he’s cool… and…"

What an everlasting tool history will remember you as, elon. If they remember you at all, it will be to laugh at you - you’ll never outrun that.

Snapz, avatar

Not pretty, but Kenesis (sp?) is the winner. Tried many available options through work, stuck with their design for years now.

Religious can deny service to gays? I can deny service to religious bigots! SCOTUS conservative majority rules in favor of web designer that denied service to gay couple. (

Based on this SCOTUS ruling, as an #atheist, I can now deny service to a religious person... I mean, it should go both ways, if a religious person can deny service to a gay couple, I can deny service to a religious bigot!...

Snapz, avatar

Nobody ever asked this "web designer" to design a website for a LGBTQIA+ wedding. This is a created farce, about a "what if". This person creates web templates, and doesn't want LGBTQIA+ to be able to buy them as anyone else could. Conservative donors cherry picked this to ride it up the line to get their time in front of the corrupt, broken SCOTUS.

This allows a person to say that, if they FEEL that whatever their work is is a demonstration of art or self expression, they can limit who receives it... A.K.A. "I put love into all the food I make at this diner I own, and my religion is for white, Christians only. We don't serve food to none of the other non-whites. You need to leave!"

Snapz, avatar

"Folding Ideas" does amazing work on YouTube around exposing grifters in well structured, long form explanations of their grifts.

One of their videos looked into a group of growth hustler type folks, a pair of twins. Part of their scam was automating the process of creating fake books like this from start to finish to sell them online for passive income.

Highly recommend anything this channel creates. Worth your time to have a focused sit to watch the journey unfold (especially if interested in the main subject of this post).

Snapz, avatar

Where were you complaining about Broadway shows before this right wing talking point came into focus? This isn't pornographic. You've never been to a trash show and you don't know anyone in this community. You're frightened of what you don't know and you scream it with ignorant comments like this.

Snapz, avatar

"Some videos floating around" huh? "I know a guy who saw a thing", "people are saying these things, okay?"

You're speaking of vapor, that said there are always single sensationalized "examples" that have nothing to do with the common reality for every argument by hollow, frightened, bigots.

Cling to "your truth" for dear life...

Snapz, avatar

And they do, parents who actually take their kids to story tone or shows aren't the ones that are upset.

The people who are upset (terrified) are grandma death and uncle Karl. They live in kansas, they've never seen or spoken to an actual trans person, yet they open their trash can lids slowly because they think one is inevitably "gonna jump out and bite 'em!". Ignorance is a plague.

Trans people are people.

Snapz, avatar

Glad you called it out. Hate this forced crossed contamination.

I make it a point to not engage with any of the shorts content - especially since they deliberately made it difficult to add to watch later list. My time is held hostage in that moment and FUCK if that isn't a great way to get me to not engage with that bullshit, even if I was interested in the content.

Snapz, avatar

They reject level 10, clearly unconstitutional BS that wouldn't even be taken up by the court in a legitimate SCOTUS all so they can then pass level 7 BS that also wouldn't be taken up by a legitimate court.

Snapz, avatar

They do one to achieve the other. Always pushing the line as close as they can. Don't pretend they aren't theocratic fascists for a moment.

"Antiwoke" magazin on posting bullshit like "how to end Wokeness" and "Time to reject the extrem trans lobby harming our society" How to report ? he is the moderator of that magazin. (

@ernest how do I report a Magazin on ? There is a usere called "ps" who is posting to his own "antiwoke" Magazin on Please remove this and dont give them a chance to etablish them self on When I report his stuff it will go to him because he is the moderator of the magazin? Seems like a...

Snapz, avatar

Let's all agree that of its many issues, locking/deleting open threats to targeted minority groups and pro supremacist propaganda meant to hurt or influence vulnerable people was NOT a drawback of the Reddit experience.

Yes, it's a difficult thing to enforce a subjective line of a basic standard of decency, but it's also what a society is and one of the main reasons we gather as people. The quality of a group is shown in how they accommodate the weakest and most vulnerable among them.

If we aren't prioritizing a way to send this CHUD and people liked them to the hypothetical edge of town, to be sure they can't bombard the young person struggling with their gender identity with targeted hate at their weakest moment, then what are we doing here?

Snapz, avatar

I can't imagine there is a good business, that communicates effectively, that is built on Microsoft Outlook.

I never appreciated Google's productivity software until I was forced to use Microsoft's at a large company. People just openly accept this broken system and the fact that they'll miss important communications and spend far too much time accounting for the SW's shortcomings.

FUCK Microsoft Outlook. The executives making decisions for the team's designing and maintaining that product are committing crimes against humanity.

Snapz, avatar

It actually does get solved with other systems. I can tell you that because I worked within Google platform for over a decade in the same industry, add with differs companies/environments and probably invested a total of 1-2 hours collectively in thought and setup deliberately for that system. It worked, and it improved over time.

Especially when outlook does things like give a notification that you've replied to a thread on a given date, but clicking that text doesn't jump to that mentioned reply AND the reply in question is not shown in line with the message you responded to.

I'm the last person to champion Google, but in comparison, Gmail handles conversational email threads intuitively and without deliberate setup or skill required. It follows the logical human expectation for the course of a natural conversation between parties. It also collapses less recent messages and surfaces more recent, relevant ones on longer term threads. But everything is logical and accessible.

I have a list a mile long of little features that have blocked me day to day in outlook mail and calendar that break productivity flow compared to gmail. They require deliberate setup and a learning curve to get something that feels close to usable and even then, glaring omissions in the product.

If your work isn't very complex and you don't communicate often (i.e. You're coding all day or reading/responding jira tickets), I can see you having that take. If you're forced to interact with these systems constantly though, it is objective trash. It's stale and afraid to change due to enterprise malaise and already approved workflows with said broken system.

I fucking hate it every day.

Snapz, avatar

Bird up

Snapz, avatar

Try not to link if you can, just screenshot or copy text. Don't need to drive any traffic to that pit of despair.

Snapz, avatar

On Android...

I am eternally grateful for the welcoming start to fediverse apps in Jerboa.

Connect is visually nice in places, but not a fit for me (so far).

I'm REALLY enjoying functionality of Summit so far - don't know how to submit a new post in a community in app though and it's driving me crazy that I may be missing something obvious...

Snapz, avatar

On Android...

I am eternally grateful for the welcoming start to fediverse apps in Jerboa.

Connect is visually nice in places, but not a fit for me (so far).

I'm REALLY enjoying functionality of Summit so far - don't know how to submit a new post in a community in app though and it's driving me crazy that I may be missing something obvious...

Help: I'm dealing with hundreds of ripe plums

Last fall I moved into an apartment with a plum tree in the front yard. I don't know anything about plants or trees or fruit, and now that summer is here there are hundreds of plums dangling off this tree. They're attracting millions of ants, as well as raccoons, possums, rats, and a few bold humans who I've caught plucking from...

Snapz, avatar

Be advised: the methods given here to make things like wine and jam are missing crucial steps in process. They are going to taste bad at best and at worst... a lot of food borne illnesses in the future of anyone who takes advice here at face value.

Canning and wine making are very specific processes.

Snapz, avatar

"upgrades" "soon"

Anything to say about the timing of this announcement, Reddit? Goons.

Snapz, avatar

Learn from Reddit, don't give corporations the power to do so and they can't inevitably abuse that power.

Snapz, avatar

Invent the problem, then sell the solution.

Just fix search that you intentionally broke so that it returns all relevant results, inhumane cowards.

Snapz, avatar

May I suggest a refreshing trip to the Titanic to lift your ailing billionaire spirits?

Snapz, avatar

This reporting is so refreshing, I hope the reporters are rewarded for the effort and Alito carries this stain, along with the rest of the festering collection at SCOTUS.

We have a captured, illegitimate top court. Each day the US proceeds with this charade only extends this dark era that history will look back on with disgust.

Snapz, avatar

No "think" in the approach

Snapz, avatar

Look around and realize how you got here to Lemmy/kbin/beehaw/etc - you were betrayed by a few VC-captured executives that made profit-blinded, consumer-hostile decisions about an important product you used frequently. They ruined it.

Anyone here defending digital media or saying it's not that bad or they should have done a digital lending system, you're not remembering the recent past.

The only acceptable ground to give here is NONE. Physical media needs to start mandatory, or your purchases are never owned and you're always at risk and at the whims of someone like Spez.

All programs should tell you where they store config files (

I wholeheartedly agree with this blog post. I believe someone on here yesterday was asking about config file locations and setting them manually. This is in the same vein. I can't tell you how many times a command line method for discovering the location of a config file would have saved me 30 minutes of googling.

Snapz, avatar

I think this is a drawback of not having more specialized communities in beehaw yet - I'm not sure if this advice is very niche advice or if it has some value in general awareness for the layperson?

Normally I'd look up and see "r/DevChat" or some such distinct community name and have immediate context of, "that's not really for you to figure out". But this is essentially "r/technology" so I'm left wondering if I personally can take anything of value from this post.

Not a criticism or complaint, just an observation.

Snapz, avatar

If you pour any non-Apple proprietary liquids into the mug (i.e. poor people liquids), the cup turns green to signal to bystanders that you’re less worthy of love.

Snapz, avatar

Remember the threat that Reddit presented to capitalism's status quo around the height of antiwork and GME.

If Reddit falls, it will be on purpose. Same as the 180 of Twitter as a somewhat legitimate forum - Twitter being a key organizing tool during the Arab Spring (with the Saudis being the largest investor in Twitter behind elon of course).

Billionaires do each other favors to keep the class war in balance.

Snapz, avatar

This was a very illuminating view from another post

Snapz, avatar

...usability over privacy.

^ The eternal struggle that most likely leads to our eventual downfall as a society.

Snapz, avatar

Great read. Those who don't know their history indeed...

Snapz, avatar

good illustration of how we pay for brand and packaging, but in many cases they all just come from the same factory.

Justice Samuel Alito Took Luxury Fishing Vacation With GOP Billionaire Who Later Had Cases Before the Court (

In early July 2008, Samuel Alito stood on a riverbank in a remote corner of Alaska. The Supreme Court justice was on vacation at a luxury fishing lodge that charged more than $1,000 a day, and after catching a king salmon nearly the size of his leg, Alito posed for a picture. To his left, a man stood beaming: Paul Singer, a...

Snapz, avatar

He didn't just "put out his own statement". Propublica reached out to him for comment on this article, he didn't respond and then he scrambled to have an op-ed published in the Wall Street Journal hours later (always worth saying that that is a Rupert Murdoch owned company). It was a poor attempt at damage control by a weasel trying to get ahead on spinning the narrative.

Snapz, avatar

If you're going to ever say, "yeah, we know..." you should take a moment to acknowledge that was the exact strategy of bombarding the public with a constant stream of scandal, crime and controversy - to numb you to real issues like this, worth actual outrage and attention.

I know it's overwhelming, I feel it too, but I work to not indulge that feeling when I can avoid it. Glad you came back a second time and read the article.

Snapz, avatar

Great, I figured as much. Too many people use the blanket, "Uh yeah, we know..." as an excuse to ignore reality that demands some sort of response and relieve the guilt of tuning out.

Snapz, avatar

Ask them what "woke" actually means.

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