@Smokeydope@lemmy.world avatar


@[email protected]

This profile is from a federated server and may be incomplete. Browse more on the original instance.

Goodbye Youtube and thanks for all the fish (infosec.pub)

Youtube let the other shoe drop in their end-stage enshittification this week. Last month, they required you to turn on Youtube History to view the feed of youtube videos recommendations. That seems reasonable, so I did it. But I delete my history every 1 week instead of every 3 months. So they don’t get much from my choices....

@Smokeydope@lemmy.world avatar

good for you to go to such lengths to get their crap out of your life. I suggest odysee/lbry and various peertube instances

@Smokeydope@lemmy.world avatar

Yeah its legit though the company that made lbry protocol and the crypto its based on lost a lawsuit against the SEC last year, it seems to still be alive and kicking regardless as even if the company itself goes defunct the blockchain will live on. Its one of the few good alternatives that currently exist.

Is there a device that makes my multiple USB powebanks work together?

My current means of powering things is USB rechargable batteries. I have a about five of them that range between small 3000-5000mah ones to a big 20000mah interstate battery jump starter pack. Is there a device that lets me add all their power together into a centeral power source so I don’t have to keep swapping them out?

@Smokeydope@lemmy.world avatar

So I could actually get a couple of old short usb cords together cut the ends off, strip the positive and negative wires and hook them in series without it changing the output voltage?

@Smokeydope@lemmy.world avatar

Thank you for the great reply!

@Smokeydope@lemmy.world avatar

We can’t ‘fix’ echo chambers nor should we want to. People should be allowed to use the internet how they like when it comes to communication and social services. There is nothing wrong with like-minded people coming together to form a community to support something.

Does it suck that sometimes that thing happens to be an ideology, extreme political stance, religion, drug, and every other ‘bad’ thing under the sun we don’t personally like? Yeah, sometimes I see a community for something I personally don’t like and wish there wasn’t one based around it. Does it suck that some communities exist for nasty, hateful, willfully ignorant individuals to openly share their bad takes? Yeah.

That doesn’t mean they should not have a right to congregate together on their own privately operated fourms funded and upkeeped by their own members. The nice thing about lemmy instances and the fediverse is that we can defederate entire instances. Its a great sweet spot between not seeing or interacting with hateful echo chambers filled with negative angry people and not infringing on their right to still exist.

@Smokeydope@lemmy.world avatar

I think its important for all people to understand a few important fundimentals of science and its grounding in physical reality. But there’s only so much time in the day and unless you have a real interest or profession in science its reasonable to just accept conventional answers. Its not the same thing as hard blind faith that religions sometimes ask for. Its taking an academic experts opinion at face value.

Its also important to understand that there are limits to provability/falsifiability which science relies on. or put more simply, not all things that are true can be proveable. There’s some aspects of to the human experience, and reality as a whole, that science will forever reject out due to its need for hard falsifyable truths within a working model. Science isn’t an answer to everything, just the hows and sometimes if were really lucky why’s of physical aspects to reality.

@Smokeydope@lemmy.world avatar

This person hit the nail on the head

Also doesn’t help that unions can become corrupt with members of leadership funneling money and becoming puppets of the company.

America's nonreligious are a growing, diverse phenomenon. They really don't like organized religion (apnews.com)

Mike Dulak grew up Catholic in Southern California, but by his teen years, he began skipping Mass and driving straight to the shore to play guitar, watch the waves and enjoy the beauty of the morning. “And it felt more spiritual than any time I set foot in a church,” he recalled....

@Smokeydope@lemmy.world avatar

Im not religous but am spiritual, I prefer to come to my own conclusions about certain things.

@Smokeydope@lemmy.world avatar

The android arc before cell is introduced, vegeta and trunks were shown to go SS but not SS2 until well into the cell arc

Ecosia adds Microsoft Clarity and optional Google search results and advertising (www.ecosia.org)

Ecosia adds “contractually forced” Microsoft Clarity tracking (learn.microsoft.com/en-us/…/about-clarity | privacy faq : learn.microsoft.com/en-us/clarity/faq#privacy), which will record the behaviour of users on the website. Recording clics, size, and more....

@Smokeydope@lemmy.world avatar

Startpage is very slow and chock full of ads now.

@Smokeydope@lemmy.world avatar

I don’t want to spam but just wrote up a huge ass comment detailing several novel and open source search engines that don’t get talked about much. If anyone here would like to learn more about SearX, Marginalia Search, and YaCy feel free to check it out

Smokeydope, (edited )
@Smokeydope@lemmy.world avatar

This is a copy/pasted message I wrote up on another thread. As long as there are people in the comments shilling kagi, I will shill my prefered engines. At least my suggestions will bring awareness to free as in freedom projects. I hope to god people paying 10$/month just to not get datacucked by search engines will also learn something and save their money.

SearX/SearXNG is a free and open source, highly customizable, and self-hostable meta search engine. SearX instances act as a middle man, they query other search engines for you, stripping all their spyware ad crap and never having your connection touch their servers. Of course you have to trust the SearX instance host with your query information, but again if you are that paranoid just self host.

I personally trust some foss loving sysadmin that host social services for free out of alturism, who also accepts hosting donations, whos server is located on the other side of the planet, with my query info over Google/Alphabet any day.

Its nice to be able to email and have a human conversation with your search engine provider thats just a knowlegable every day joe who genuinely believes in the project and freely dedicates their resources to it. Consider sending some cash their way to help with upkeep if you like the services they provide, they will probably appreciate and make use of that 10$ better than kagi.

Heres a list of all public searx instances, I personally prefer to use paulgo.ioAll SearX instances are configured different to index different engines. If one doesn’t seem to give good results try a few others.

Did I mention it has bangs like duckduckgo? If you really need google like for maps and buisness info just use !!g in the query

search.marginalia.nu is a completely novel search engine written and hosted by one dude that aims to prioritize indexing lighter websites little to no javascript as these tend to be personal websites and homepages that have poor SEO and the big search engines won’t index well. If you remember the internet of the early 2000s and want a nostalgia trip this ones for you. Its also open source and self-hostable

Finally, YaCy is another completely novel search engine that uses peer-to-peer technology to power a big webcrawler which prioritizes indexes based off user queries and feedback. Everyone can download yacy and devote a bit of their computing power to both run their own local instance and help out a collective search engine. Companies can also download yacy and use it to index their private intranets.

They have a public instance available through a web portal. To be upfront, YaCy is not a great search engine for what most people usually want, which is quick and relevant information within the first few clicks. But, it is an interesting use of technology and what a true honest-to-god community-operated search engine looks like untainted by SEO scores or corporate money-making shenanigans.

I hope this has been informative to those who believe theres only a few options to pick from, I know these options are so unknown to most people.

@Smokeydope@lemmy.world avatar

You’re welcome updated the comment with proper links

@Smokeydope@lemmy.world avatar

Yup! Enjoy :)

@Smokeydope@lemmy.world avatar

I hope you find more success with it this time. Like I said not all SearXNG instances are equal paulgo.io was the first to really click with me and give useful results. Some SearXNG instances won’t query google or most other engines making their usefulness rather limited. Also the more popular an instance becomes the more likely it will be rate-limited by search engines which isn’t the fault of the instance but can be an occasional annoyance for sure. Not perfect solution by any means but I think SearX would be a great fit for lots of people here who just want google results without all the spyware ad bs

Nice choice of lemmy instance, btw. Pubnixes like SDF rule!

Smokeydope, (edited )
@Smokeydope@lemmy.world avatar

I have a bad habit of mixing personal bias into things when I get into a passionate writing fit and it sometimes comes off as pretentious dickery. I never set out to attack kagi users themselves even if I can now see now it did come across and those comments were unneeded. I was being a pretentious jerk with those comments and apologize to all you kagi users for my assholery.

I do think its a waste to spend money on a search engine, and that open source software instance maintainers could probably make use that $ better than another search engine startup. I am being honest with those personal opinions. But its not my place to judge those who decide they are in a well enough financial spot to pay $ for a service that adds precieved value to their life or where they decide to pay it to.

Its fustrating as a FOSS nerd to see so many people shill yet another subscription based service feeding money into another souless company that makes promises of protecting your data and not selling it to ad companies now but has no gaurentee of holding those promises over time. That’s how the subscription services get you once they have you, slowly changing promises and creeping in their money making bs but slowly enough to not be too jarring. Maybe I’m just disillusioned with things after being burned so many times. Best of luck to you though I hope it continues to be a valuable service to those willing to pay for it.

Smokeydope, (edited )
@Smokeydope@lemmy.world avatar

I did a quick search and found instructions to what I think you are asking for hopefully this helps. The query string for paulgo.io is “paulgo.io/search?q=

I have also heard Xsearch works

Smokeydope, (edited )
@Smokeydope@lemmy.world avatar

I am not the most knowledgeable person on searxng innerworkings so may be wrong, but searxng instances usually use the ‘get’ and ‘post’ commands to request+fetch http/https content not an API key. You can get your own api keys/tokens from google and plug them in to searx in the preferences menu if they ever make it API only. There’s a lot of IT academic research that relies on google they will most likely never pull API access fullstop but you never you I guess.

There is not much if anything SearXNG instances can do if google changes algorithm. In worst case scenario it can still index other search engines which themselves scrape google like startpage or engines completely independent like duckduckgo, bing, brave, YaCy, ect. Here is a list of all configured engines SearXNG uses by default you can go into preferences at top right of searXNG to configure what engines you want to use among other things.

@Smokeydope@lemmy.world avatar

Hey just to update I heard XSearch works if that other thing didn’t work out

Professional/Power apps for Android?

I’m curious if anyone’s come across a list of “power” or “professional” apps for Android. I mean things like Termux, Audio Evolution, or PowerDirector, which provide functionality that you would normally need a computer for. I’m being purposefully broad so that I can discover more cool apps, but generally I mean...

@Smokeydope@lemmy.world avatar

Imagepipe is both an excellent meta data scrubber and image compression tool that lets you find a good balance between image quality and size so you can send that picture you took through text or email within the 100kb data limit cap

@Smokeydope@lemmy.world avatar

who curses pythagoras?

At the very least that one guy who got drowned for blasphemy by the pythagoras cult, because he proved that the hypotenuse of a triangle with a base of 1 is an irrational number.

Also to be fair I imagine more people are cursing Euler for having his name stapled to half of every theorem and proof it seems.

@Smokeydope@lemmy.world avatar

Yes, you can take some psychedelics in order to shake your brain out of its decades of set pathways. All children’s minds are open and lack set thought patterns and pick up on reality in full. An adult brain is set in its pathways and doesn’t do much in the way of processing truly new information. Very few things are able to get people out of their set neurological pathways, psychedelics is one of them. You can also practice meditation and Buddhist or daoist excercises like the whole ‘learn to look at a tree without calling it a tree’ thing. Honestly though microdosing on psylocibin mushrooms are easier, quicker, and more gaurenteed to give you the results you want. As an added bonus will blast the depression and anxiety right out of your brain if you are suffering from those particular mental issues.

Smokeydope, (edited )
@Smokeydope@lemmy.world avatar


“How do you do fellow kids? Yes indeed the day does for-real be cap. Hope you have a mid one!” (I did the photo edit myself btw, OC)

@Smokeydope@lemmy.world avatar

If you aren’t joking then unironically congrats on your relative financial success!

@Smokeydope@lemmy.world avatar
  1. download F-droid appstore, all apps on there are open source which by nature reduces privacy concerns and if they do have features which impact privacy there will be a warning about what it does.
  2. search through a few of the keyboard apps and find one that catches your eye, preferably one still occasionally updated within past year I found one I liked and trust but don’t have my phone with me, think it was called ‘simple keyboard’ or something. Happy hunting!
@Smokeydope@lemmy.world avatar

Kiwi is the only android browser for me, being able to access all the standard desktop addons is game changing, like damn.

Smokeydope, (edited )
@Smokeydope@lemmy.world avatar

No, actually.

SearX/SearXNG is a free and open source, highly customizable, and self-hostable meta search engine. SearX instances act as a middle man, they query other search engines for you, stripping all their spyware ad crap and never having your connection touch their servers. Of course you have to trust the SearX instance host with your query information, but again if you are that paranoid just self host.

I personally also trust some foss loving sysadmin that host social services for free out of alturism, who also accepts hosting donations, with my info over Google/Alphabet any day.

Heres a list of all public searx instances, I personally prefer to use paulgo.ioAll SearX instances are configured different to index different engines. If one doesn’t seem to give good results try a few others.

Did I mention it has bangs like duckduckgo? If you really need google like for maps and buisness info just use !!g in the query

search.marginalia.nu is a completely novel search engine written and hosted by one dude that aims to prioritize indexing lighter websites little to no javascript as these tend to be personal websites and homepages that have poor SEO and the big search engines won’t index well. If you remember the internet of the early 2000s and want a nostalgia trip this ones for you

Finally, YaCy is another completely novel search engine that uses p2p technology to power a big webcrawler which prioritizes indexes based off user queries and feedback. Everyone can download yacy and devote a bit of their computing power to help out a collective search engine. Companies can also download yacy and use it to index their private intranets. They have a public instance available through a web portal. Its not a great search engine for what most people want, which is quick and relevant information within the first few clicks. But it is an interesting use of technology and what a true honest-to-god community-operated search engine would look like untainted by SEO scores.

I hope this has been informative to those who believe theres only a few options to pick from, I hate to be the ‘bhut achthually’ guy but know these options are so unknown to most people.

@Smokeydope@lemmy.world avatar

You’re welcome 😎

Smokeydope, (edited )
@Smokeydope@lemmy.world avatar

Very true, there always being a cost somewhere is a general rule for all services in general. Its the reality of computer infrastructure that theres gotta be a computer/server somewhere eating bandwidth and energy, and someone with enough time + technical knowledge to maintain them. Those cost need to be offset either through donation or profit, or the service provider just has to eat the expenses and pay out of pocket. ‘no cost actually’ is in reference to the end users directly paying for something with direct money or collected private info sold to ad companies. In many public hosting instances for open source services most active users don’t pay or donate at all and get to use the service without their info being sold. In these cases the expense is split between a few donations from better off charitable users and the rest is out of pocket from the sysadmin who most likely has a real job that pays well enough they can eat the hosting fees and not worry about it.

@Smokeydope@lemmy.world avatar

Yes you can install steam games on an external drive or seperate partition, but it still requires you to sign into account to access them, and if you try to say play the same game on two different computers at the same time with the same account steam will force you to close one of them. I recommend buying games off GOG when you can since they are truly DRM free you may not get cloud saves or workshop content but you aren’t being bossed around by steam either.

@Smokeydope@lemmy.world avatar

If you have enough technical computer knowledge to put commands in a terminal I highly recommend you check out and install Youtube-dlp (yt-dlp) I am an avid hoarder of music on my mp3 player and love being able to download a whole playlist from youtube (and other sites like bandcamp, soundcloud, vimeo, ect) and have it auto convert to music format and optionally number them in playlist order, with one command. It works with windows and most operating systems.

The best part is that theres no illegal activity involved. It uses the same technologies and rules a web browser uses to download and stream stuff normally.

Smokeydope, (edited )
@Smokeydope@lemmy.world avatar

There are many websites that exist that act as web front ends for youtube-dl/dlp you may want to give consideration to such as youtubemp3free.com/en/ Unfortunately these tend to be very slow to convert as they have a lot of people using them all the time.

Many invidious instances/websites offer video+audio format download functionality. If you don’t know what invidious is its a free and open source front end/scrapper for youtube that usually offers a better user experience than youtube premium. Here is a list of all public instances, vid.puffyan.us is my go-to but is currently having rate-limiting issues for being too popular so the vid download function is broken. However I managed to get another instance, invidious.slipfox.xyz/feed/popular to download a vids audio in .mp4 format.

There is also piped, similar to invidious in spirit and function but is built with different video extraction technology under the hood, based off the very popular NewPipe app and developed by the same team. Here is a list of public piped instances. piped.video is the most popular instance and you have probably seen a lemmy bot in the comments provide a piped alternative link whenever someone links a youtube url. Download is also hit or miss youll have to try a few piped instances yourself to find one that works probably.

Unfortunately your options are rather limited because IOS is so locked down. If you had said android instead I could offer you more and much better options but well it is what it is. I hope that you at least try out some invidious or piped instances and find one you really like.

If you want to be sold a little bit more on using invidious or piped, here is louis rossmann talking about why he ditched yt premium for it and why he recommends his viewers do the same regardless of his ‘loss’ in ad revenue

@Smokeydope@lemmy.world avatar

You’re welcome! 😎

@Smokeydope@lemmy.world avatar

theres a few BBS and aggregators on the gemini protocol with an atom feed. Gemini users tend to be a little more on the tech nerd side but theres some variety to be found.

Gemini BBS/Bubble: portal.mozz.us/gemini/…/%3Fatom

Antenna: portal.mozz.us/gemini/warmedal.se/…/atom.xml

@Smokeydope@lemmy.world avatar

Thank you, I hope that things go well for you and that you find success in whatever you need most out of life.

I always get downvoted to hell whenever I express my experiences and views on this. Many people are just in an absolutely miserable unfair financial situation with no easy way out. Many were goaded into terrible amounts of debt when they were young and dumb. Taking 50k in debt for a useless college degree you weren’t really interested in right out of highschool and either paying exorbitant rent or mortgage for years on end just scraping by. It will make anyone bitter and resentful of those who managed to avoid such crushing financial debts and responsibilities.

Its easy to convince ourselves that its not our fault for the choices we make when life doesn’t go well. Play the blame game and point fingers at unfortunate personal life circumstances, or a corrupt society, or an unfair economic system designed to make a few very rich and everyone else dirt poor, or whatever else. When the core of someones message is “You are ultimately responsible for your finances and the lifestyle choices you make, with proper planning, open mindedness, and willingness to compromise on some of the conveniences of modern living, you can still avoid crushing financial pressure in todays world” well its easy to see why a lot of people are mad and write it off as the words of the ignorantly privileged.

@Smokeydope@lemmy.world avatar

If a person legitimately doesn’t understand THE GAME as a concept, do they win it?

@Smokeydope@lemmy.world avatar

The background scenery is cool I like the poping colors

@Smokeydope@lemmy.world avatar

Damn im a little jealous, have a fairly strong resume that may be enough to get past a thc positive test depending on the job and how desperate they are, but I don’t really want to risk potential prospects and for now stick with… conventional options for getting past when needed. I hope I get to the point where either I do my own thing or grow some balls and just not worry about it.

Smokeydope, (edited )
@Smokeydope@lemmy.world avatar

You’re welcome, thanks for taking time to write up a good counter argument. I agree alot with what you said and also do partially feel that we should legalize everything and let people reap what they sow. I just don’t really know if letting everyone buy heroin from a dispensary would result in a net negative or positive for people in the long run. While peoples lives aren’t gaurenteed to be destroyed after one or a few uses, theres many horrible stories of just that happening, again usually with heroin and some ridiculously addictive opioids. Im not talking about the over dramatized cherry picked DARE stories that you hear in school. Im talking about the very real testimony of SpontaneousH and many others will forever haunt me as an important warning. Its easy to see how something that gives people the biggest dopamine high of their entire life and is also extremely physically addictive ultimately consuming them. The homeless that need to satiate their next high usually aren’t hooked on weed.

So yeah its just a really nuanced and hard thing to be one way or the other for me. There is some arbitrary hypocracy on what constitues soft vs hard drug and I can see an argument for legalizing everything for reasons already stated, but I also think that the ready availability and societal acceptance of things like heroin might be a net negative on the long term health of a society already filled with mental illness and a crushing need for escapism. Its easy to say justify legalizing from a self-interested user perspective, but when members of your friends family and children start legally ODing? Not so much.

Should adults be allowed to do what they want with their health? Yes. But try telling that to the grieving family of a depressed 22yo that overdosed for the 6th time in a year on legal readily available stuff and finally stayed down for good.

@Smokeydope@lemmy.world avatar

At least they took recycling seriously! ;)

Smokeydope, (edited )
@Smokeydope@lemmy.world avatar

This reads as bait to me. You can see multiple peoples testimonies in the replies confirming that psychedelics succeeded in helping them or those they personally know, where repeated conventional therapy failed them. The long term repairing improvement of a persons mental and spiritual well-being also counts as ‘healing’ to me as well as many other people.

In the off chance you are genuinely interested in the ‘helps fight disease such as cancer’ claim, here is a ted talk by a professional mycologist. Its about mushrooms improving the human immune system. At the end he shares the very personal story of his elderly mother developing stage 4 breast cancer basically being told she was too old for conventional treatments and was done for. Only for her to make a full recovery after taking a few medications along with turkey tail mushrooms. You can skip to 9:00 to hear the story.

Fantastic Fungi is a good documentary on netflix if you would like to learn more, very well made and accessible to the common person IMO

Thats all I have to say. I hope you are open minded and learn something new if you decide to check out the ted talk and documentary. If you think its all snake oil BS anyways there probably isn’t much I can say to sway your opinion. Hope you have a good one.

@Smokeydope@lemmy.world avatar


Never give up on your dream, it might just be possible with enough cybernetics and plastic surgery! The future is now!

@Smokeydope@lemmy.world avatar
@Smokeydope@lemmy.world avatar

When you were a teenager the dollar was most likely worth a lot more. 60-80$ 20 years ago is 300$ in todays money

@Smokeydope@lemmy.world avatar

I suddenly don’t hate my frugal ass self for spending 100$ on a custom piece of 100% hemp clothing for the first time last week. No way could I ever see myself spending > 200$ on a single pair of jeans

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