@Smokeydope@lemmy.world avatar


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@Smokeydope@lemmy.world avatar

Hate to bust your bubble but Kagi is just a fancy meta search engine that still uses bing,google and a few others for its queries. Its not a real search engine in its own right. A good searxng instance like paulgo.io will give you similar results without paying 10$ a month for it.

Support people who host these free and open source services out of pocket with donations. Not yet another business offering yet another subscription. Promising ‘were not like those other guys, for reals jut trust us’ while not being able to gaurentee they won’t turn into greedy bastards and start whittling your user rights/rolling in the ads later.

@Smokeydope@lemmy.world avatar

Where the red fern grows. Its a story about a boy in the ozarks during 19th century from a poor family who really wanted a pair of hunting dogs. The boy works his ass off for years, gets the dogs, loves them deeply, earns enough money from coon hunting for the family to move into town so the kids can get an education, and the book ends tragically bittersweet. I was never into the occasional religious tones but the message of working hard and saving every scrap to earn what you really want in life, embracing the freedom of life, and the healing power grief has when having to say goodbye to the things you loved fully when death inevitably comes for them. I read that book a dozen times over my life taking something new from it each time.

@Smokeydope@lemmy.world avatar

It should be fine my cats do it all the time they like warming up by the heater like people do. They have sensory hairs to know the temp.

That being said one time my cat layed directly on a heating pad on high heat for a little too long and burnt some of the hair off their skin. It grew back but yeah that’s the one time a cats ever had an issue from heat in my life.

@Smokeydope@lemmy.world avatar

You should take a few minutes to watch this video if you want to see how serious memers can get about ‘stealing memes’ kids with partially developed brains with too much internet access and free time obsess over nutty things

What is something worth buying as a teen? please explain.

sense most online business are having black friday is it worth buying something or should i pass and try to save my money. im a teen i have around 200$ but i would like to limit myself to 100$ or less. im probably posting this in the wrong place but im not sure, i just want to make a smart choice when it comes to money....

@Smokeydope@lemmy.world avatar

So here’s the deal, you can buy a bunch of little trinkets and cool things that won’t affect your quality of life in the long term, or you can save up for a few big life changing things.

My suggestion would be to save up a few paychecks for a four season canvas bell tent as your first big investment. I recently moved into one as part of my offgrid prepping and wished I got one as a teen.

Its essentially your own room outside the house (provided your parents backyard is big enough for a small tent). Why? A reliable long lasting portable shelter that you can live in and or have a place for your friends to hang out/ socialize. If your parents are the loud argumentative never stops fighting kind that get on your nerves, being able to just leave the house and go to your own personal sanctuary is a godsend. If you get comfortable enough with tent living it will open up to you the possibility of saving up money for cheap land and owning your own property somewhere nice and scenic. without ever getting into financial debt.

If you are a smoker particularly of pot invest in a nice dry herb vaporizer from arizer. The smoke is a lot less harsh on the lungs, there’s practically no smell (my parents HATED the smell and chewed my ass when they caught a whiff)

@Smokeydope@lemmy.world avatar

A lot of great free and open source software works with windows. Librewolf web browser, kdenlive video editor, Gnu Image Manipulation Program (GIMP), Freetube is a great YouTube front end. Youtube-dlp is an excellent command line tool for downloading videos and music locally from lots of websites not just youtube For games freedoom, super tux, minetest with the mineclone2 game installed,

@Smokeydope@lemmy.world avatar

Frosty the snowman’s dark fairytale folklore origins be like:

@Smokeydope@lemmy.world avatar

If you want a for-real free device your bes bet is a RISC-V Single Board Computer. RISC-V is open architecture meaning no hardware level spyware built Into Intel’s chips.

Chris over at explaining computers managed to get kdenlive to render a video with one and some other cool stuff, you should check it out

@Smokeydope@lemmy.world avatar

Unironicaly fantastic take.

My philosophy is that you can either bitch and whine and moan about how hard and unfair life is, while wallowing in self pitying victim complex forever.

Or you can stop crying yourself a river, roll up your sleeves, and get to work on doing something about it. To make the best of you’ve got and work on improving the parts of life you aren’t satisfied with one step at a time with a relatively clear and focused end goal in mind.

These two approaches are a choice of personal philosophy.

Smokeydope, (edited )
@Smokeydope@lemmy.world avatar

I will be geniune with you and put some thought into this reply even if you probably won’t agree with what I say anyway. I have no solutions for the flaws of our society and the world people have made. Societal inequality, corrupt politics, all controlling corporations. tThere aren’t any quick or easy solutions to those aspects of life, if any at all. People are flawed, self interested, sometime cruel and selfish I don’t have a solution to my countries problems, or your countries problems, or the worlds problems, or human nature problems that everything else ultimately stems from.

I decided that it wasn’t worth worry about all the things I have no power over, that obsessing over all the unfair injustices of life would ultimately lead me to becoming a neurotic pessimist. I hold no illusion that I hold any power as an individual over the flow of society, and that whatever happens, happens. Unless you are rich and powerful, there isn’t much you can do with the system as it is. You can be angry with that truth, rage against it, or accept it and move on. I chose the latter and started focusing on the things in my life I do have power over. My own happiness over my own living situation, My flaws as a human being, my negative and hateful interpretations of the world, my passions unfulfilled and frustrations built that lead to my unhappiness and disatisfaction with life. What I might be interested in doing with my life that may bring a sembelance of personal meaning/fufillment to fill that emptyness, what my personal vision of a happy life looks like. I can’t control the world or even begin to know how to, but I can control how I interpret my existence and what I choose to do with it.

How you experience and live has a lot to do with how you interpret yourself and your own life. Do you think you think you are a shakespearean character living out a tragedy full of pain and trauma and regret in an uncaring malevolent universe? That we live in the worst timeline possible and everything is beyond hope? That your country is the worst version of itself to possibly exist? That your living situation is hopeless with no way out no matter how hard you try? Then it is so, from your perspective.

Do you think that even though life, society, and everything inbetween is unfair, and there is so much suffering in the world, even so there is still some beauty and goodness to be found in people and every day life? That while our timeline is subpar and things could be better, that there is still some hope for people as a whole and that things can be better? That you have the means and power to work towards a better, happier future for your self? That reality while unfair and sometimes cruel ultimately it has your best interest in mind? Then it is so, from your perspective.

How we choose to interpret reality is more reflection of our individual psychology than reality itself. A smart person once said something along the lines of "the most important question a person can ask themselves is ‘is the universe malevolent or benevolent’ You have a choice in how you choose to see the world, you can either focus on the bad, rotten and unfair things on the outside that cannot be easily changed or you can focus on the bad, rotten, angry hateful things on the inside eating at your mind which can slowly be changed by contributing to the small acts of good that still happen everyday.

Anticipates massive downvotes

@Smokeydope@lemmy.world avatar

8 hours of work + commute, six figure salary, still need a roommate? Sounds like somebody didn’t make good life choices and is now stuck in a hole living just below their means while paying off massive debt. Blaming everything but themselves for their financial/living situation while doing little to improve it. but hey you work and commute and sleep so how can you be responsible for building up your own life when your so busy making 6 figures and paying rent, right? It must be the rotten society and world to blame for your failures to be financially stable without working non-stop.

No it isn’t your ‘choice’ that society has ugly aspects that contribute to a lot of individual suffering with no easily fixable solutions. It is your choice to focus on those worst possible aspects of your country while actively ignoring all the good aspects of it and your personal life as a whole. It is your choice to be a pessimistic prick, paint yourself as a shakespearean character living out a tragic existance in a dystopian hellscape, blaming society for everything thats gone wrong in your life while making no efforts to improve anything.

You don’t like the idea you are responsible for the satisfaction or lack there of you get out of your existance? Too bad, its the truth. No amount of blaming corrupt politics or society or human ignorance undermines the control you have over your decisions, your emotional state, your personal interpretations, and your progress towards lifestyle goals. Start focusing on yourself and working towards a better tommorow instead of the news cycle. Live well below your means, pay off your debts even if it means moving into a cheap van and paying yourself ‘rent’ for a while, stop thinking you’re special for working a full time job and commuting for long periods of time with little to show for it. Start learning how to effectively save your money towards things that will actually improve your life. Smell the roses and be happy to just be alive. Stop wanting trinkets and convinences and cool things to impress people who don’t really care.

@Smokeydope@lemmy.world avatar

From what I understand spears popularity comes from

  1. Being the easiest weapon to craft in prehistory, get a stick and sharpen the end to a point, add some plant fiber for a grip and boom you have one of mans earliest killing tools.
  2. Spears have a great reach and can target pinpoint locations
  3. With proper technique you can throw them as a limited range weapon
  4. Can be wielded easily while managing a shield
@Smokeydope@lemmy.world avatar

What you want is Librewolf then.

@Smokeydope@lemmy.world avatar

Nothing wrong with people making money if they are honest about their shilling and tell you upfront if they are affiliate links and they get a cut if you click on them, or that their product review is sponsored. One of my favorite yt channels is cheaprvliving and Bob will be straight and honest with you about that and I like that.

I do think its a little sleezy when creators don’t be honest with you about them shilling and making money from affiliate links.

Advice on helping a loved one through alcoholism?

My fiance has been struggling a lot lately with this and it’s taking a toll on me. I’m doing all I can and all I know how to do but it’s getting really hard and exhausting to deal with the constant cycle of abuse and then apology and then abuse and then apology over and over and over again for months. Usually day by day. I...

@Smokeydope@lemmy.world avatar

Nut up and leave their ass. This sounds harsh, but in my experience people dont change until they have to contend with the harshest consequences of their actions.

They’ll cry crocodile tears and promise that they’ll do better from now on and to just give them one more change and everything will magically be better.

Maybe they put up an act for a bit but it always goes back to square one.

Stop tolerating abuse just because you love them or are afraid of being alone again. You are partially complicit in this by deciding to continue the relationship.

@Smokeydope@lemmy.world avatar

Good for her, if shes okay with it its cool with me. Teachers and healthcare workers get shafted so hard it isn’t even funny. Not like schools teach anything worth knowing anymore.

@Smokeydope@lemmy.world avatar

People who think we live in the worst possible timeline ever instead of just a subpar timeline that could be better be like:

No your comment being deleted for violating the sub’s rules is not “literally 1984”, you hyperbolic fuck

@Smokeydope@lemmy.world avatar
  1. go through your subscriptions and get rid of the channels you aren’t interested in anymore
  2. export subs as .json and import them into Freetube for desktop pc and Newpipe for android. Invidious and piped instances such as vid.puffyan.us and piped.video also allow you to import subs. You can also import youtube subs into RSS feed readers.
  3. go into your google account settings, nuke and turn off watch hiyostory, turn off targeted ads and anything else you see in there.
  4. Repeat step 1 every so often and better curate your list of subs. Your feed only contains the videos you want to see first in formost and not what the algorithm wants you to see. When you do have to use youtube itself it will be limited in how much data it can collect off you.
Smokeydope, (edited )
@Smokeydope@lemmy.world avatar

I don’t understand how people think video streaming on any scale can be supported without any income

The same way Lemmy and the rest of the fediverse manages to stay functioning despite not generating any income other than donations.

Decentralization, open protocols, And many ulturistic tech savy sysadmin voulenteers in a well enough financial position to eat hosting+maintenance cost out of pocket so a social service can be provided for the many.

Peertube is the shining example here, many many many instances exist and many offer unlimited vido upload. Thoe instances work, they are out there, and video streaming from them is acceptable speeds usually. Two instances I’ve used personally are diode.zone and spectra.video and they are pretty good IMO

Now that isn’t to say peertube is a perfect alternative, federation and decentralized hosting of many instances is its own can of worms. There are probably many Lemmy users who came from the reddit Exodus who still don’t know how things work under the hood, nor should they have to. Peertube needs to become more fleshed out with a better user interface. It still works, though.

Just because services cost money to host doesn’t necessary mean they need to make a profit to be viable. Only when you try to make a business out of them. The internet allows for individual provide services at cost, as hobbiest or utilitarian endeavors of passion and philosophy.

Most people admittedly dont care about any of that. They want a convinent service without and hassle or bugs on their part, and dont care about much else besides them and their precious entertainment.

The thing about social platforms is that you need users to attract users, its a vicious cycle of popularity. For an alternative service to attract enough users, another popular service needs to screw up royally enough that people start looking and trying alternatives in mass.

Before the reddit exodus Lemmy was mostly home to communist and hard leaning political extremist, people who are rejected by conventional platforms are the first to look for alternatives. Its only when reddit pissed the whole community of people off that Lemmy got enough momentum to attract normal people.

YouTube needs to piss EVERYONE off enough that the most diehard premium subscriber and most of the content creators say FUCK THIS! And they will most likely find peertube or Odessy.

Somehow I just dont see that happening, it feels like at this point people are so addicted to their YouTube that Alphabet could physically print out androids to hunt down every user to fuck them in the ass, and people would still shell out 10/15/30/50$ a month to daddy google.

Damn this got long, sorry.

Tldr: free decentralized video streaming service peertube exist, but currently has no users to attract more users. YouTube needs to fuck up atomically to push enough people to try out alternative services like peertube. Content creators should rely on growing their patreons/donators for money and not meager ad revenue from the streaming service.

@Smokeydope@lemmy.world avatar

“just my 2 cents but you are ultimately responsible for your decisions”

@Smokeydope@lemmy.world avatar

I like 3d as a fun novelty I never had headaches at al l from it. I have a 3d fractal artbook that’s fun to look at when I’m high as fuck. There is also 3d tapestry wall art

@Smokeydope@lemmy.world avatar

Question: does your home server Need to be powerful for what it does? Would a mini desktop PC or a single board computer be able to do the same job as your current setup? Of your main concern is truly power savings, consider those options. Most mini pcs maybe draw 60 watts, most laptops only draw around 15-20 watts, most SBCs only draw around 5-10 watts max with the raspberry pis exactly 5 watts max. The zero SBCs draw one watt of power at max and consume half a watt idle.

The best way to increase energy savings on your currently owned server would be to upgrade your PSU and not motherboard. Get a gold rated PSU certified by energy star as it has at least 85% efficiency. Invest in a kill-a-watt measurement device that plugs into the outlet so you an see exactly how much wattage you are pulling and how much you manage to cut down.

Smokeydope, (edited )
@Smokeydope@lemmy.world avatar

I definitely understand not wanting to spend money, and dont have any more suggestions really hope the amd motherboard works out well for you if that’s what you decide on.

One thing I would like to say though, is that sometimes you need to spend money to make money. It cost maybe 80$ for a used mini PC on eBay (corporations literally throw them in the trash after every few years). Lets say your current setup consumes 10 dollars in energy per month to run, after a year its 120$ in energy in upkeep. Let’s say a mini PC cost 5$ in energy per month or 60$ per year. Meaning while you may have invested 80$ initially, its nearly made up for itself in power savings after only a year. And those numbers are probably even better in real life as a mini PC is almost certainly uses much less than half the power of a regular desktop/server.

A raspberry pi 5 could almost certainly do most of the things you describe, and its also around 80$ (i think) its extremely fast and has great IO speed. Check out ExplainingComputers review of pi 5

Another advantage of the pi particularly the zero is that it can potentially be powered by solar power and a few batteries, cutting power cost completely. LowTechMagazine has a solar powered version of their website with public info on power stats which is really cool solar.lowtechmagazine.com/power

Again, I understand not wanting to spend $ however if you are in a good enough financial position that a hundred bucks is expendable income, consider retiring your old hardware for something newer and much more energy saving, and probably just as good for your service needs.

@Smokeydope@lemmy.world avatar

No way to predict the future but I have some hopes that people will be pushed to find decentralized open alternatives as companies squeeze harder and harder. It ultimately comes down to just how much the average person is willing to take.

Some people have philosophies and limits to just how how much they take from corporate overlords treating them as cattle, some just want their convinent entertainment/escapism and will tolerate just about anything. We will see just how many people still have standards and how many will continue to suck corporate cock for sweet sweet convinence until the end of time. It’s also time for the tech nerds to scream to the heavens. A big issue with decentralized social services is that nobody knows about them. Those of us in the know need to do our part to shill and shill and shill. Everyone needs to know about searxng, peertube, Lemmy, the fediverse, public Access Unix servers, the Gemini protocol, the lot. The average person NEEDS to know that there are community run free services that they can turn to in the face of corpos squeezing harder and harder to take your money and reduce your rights.

In the worst case scenario and google fucks the whole internet, we can start again.

Huge advances in radio communication technology and cryptographic blockchains allow the ideas of a mesh based decentralized internet to be really possible.

Imagine a world where everyone has their own slice of the internet in the form of a mesh router that also host their personal homepage, and everyone has a continually updated copy of the whole internet locally. All built on open technology and protocols. The ISPs cut out. Once and done payment for the router box. A truly free internet unshackled from companies.

@Smokeydope@lemmy.world avatar

You clearly haven’t met my parents, if they couldn’t get youtube or fox news they would go comatose on the spot

@Smokeydope@lemmy.world avatar

Mentaloutlaw did a great video on this a few years ago, its worth a watch www.youtube.com/watch?v=8ZvkaOV82tc

@Smokeydope@lemmy.world avatar

Also farmers baths are a thing. A little bit of water, soap, sterilizer in the form of alcohol or vinegar, and rags or baby wipes is all you need to stay clean.

@Smokeydope@lemmy.world avatar

Thanks for the clarification, I already do them separate but its good to know and I did learn a new word :)

@Smokeydope@lemmy.world avatar

I prefer alcohol as a sterilizer myself but some people with sensitive skin like vinegar better

Smokeydope, (edited )
@Smokeydope@lemmy.world avatar

Yes I have a surfans f20 for a few years now. I’m a big music person and really like having a dedicated music device. A smarphone is like a swiss army knife. It does everything but doesn’t do anything better than a real purpose built tool.

Welcome to the pretentious mp3 player owner in 202X gang, where we think were unique and cool for remembering what a mp3 player and rejecting streaming services in favor of downloading and owning our music, until we go online and find out yes other people do in fact like music on a dedicated device. Glad to have you

Could feral chicken take over the Amazon ?

Feral chicken are known in several places. They can be pretty successful and have been signaled as threats to ecosystems and crops in archipelagos like Hawaii and Bermuda. But I’ve thinking about Brasil: Given the sheer amount of chicken being bread there, the presence of the Amazon rainforest, which has a similar climate to...

@Smokeydope@lemmy.world avatar

In worst case scenario they would overpopulate and consume all natural resources until a majority of their population starved down to an equilibrium. Eventually there would arise some predator that would adapt to take advantage of the new food supply. This would probably take thousands of not millions of years though.

Our limited human lifespans make us succeptable to thinking in short term, in the long term it wouldn’t matter in the least bit if chickens ravaged the amazon ecosystem since it would just adapt over a relatively short time geologically. 50 thousand years is unimaginable to us but peanuts to the planet and environment. Rediculously successful organisms ravaging the environment and killing themselves off is a story as old as biology.

@Smokeydope@lemmy.world avatar

Our fantasy world artist would make worlds with three moons instead of two. Who knows they might even think having one moon would be cool.

Does the USPS, FedEx and UPS give a crap about weed shipments since Hemp sprayed with the same terpenes and looks the same as weed has been shipped legally for 9 years now?

Even if they did, won’t they get a lot of false positives because of a large amount of it being sprayed hemp buds that are legal as hemp? Also, I know a lot of dispensaries get their stock like vape pens and such delivered this way already. How does that all work?

@Smokeydope@lemmy.world avatar

Never heard of the shampoo thing and am an adult, please elaborate on what the procedure is and why you would do this

@Smokeydope@lemmy.world avatar

This is either bait or your on some serious copium.

Smokeydope, (edited )
@Smokeydope@lemmy.world avatar

Adapt and put serious pressure on reform. Its important to remember Corporations and governments aren’t evil, they’re self interested just like the human beings that made and run them. They will be much more willing to make drastic change when the impacts of climate change knocks on their door and starts affecting their bottom line. Its hard to make a profit or collect taxes when everyone is either dead or revolting and that’s all they really care about.

Let’s not ignore the fact that there is some progress. The ozone is slowly healing last I saw. Carbon emission checks are decently enforced. The general population is taking climat e change more seriously compared to the al gore days, and most developed countries are moving towards cleaner renewable energy as it makes more economic sense.

Hot take but many climate advocates tend to be hyperbolic and reactionary doomsday worshippers who think this timeline is the worst possible. There were people 20 years ago saying we should all be under the ocean or in a complete hellscape by now. Guess what, the planet has been through a lot worse than us and both it and life in general Is a little more resilient than what fearmongers might think. Things aren’t great right now, but but they aren’t beyond hope either.

In case I sound likr aclimate denying right winger, I do my part to cut down on my personal emissions. I live off solar power completely, I make sure all my clothing and cloth is hemp, and I don’t drive unless its really needed. I take farmers baths more often than showers to cut down on water usage. I try to buy used things. I burn a clean fuel for heating my shelter. That’s probably more thought and effort than most people on Lemmy whining about the environment. Yeah its mostly corporations doing the emissions but we as individuals arent faultless either. The corpos wouldn’t existing we didn’t constantly desire convinence and trinkets.

@Smokeydope@lemmy.world avatar

The first PC I used growing up was the family e-machine. If nothing else it had good recognizable branding with that E power button design.

@Smokeydope@lemmy.world avatar

Try out a searxng instance like paulgo.io its a meta search engine that acts as a middle man between you and google (and others) that queries the results and scrapes off all the ads and tracking crap without google ever touching your connection.

@Smokeydope@lemmy.world avatar

This is me… Yes I am an asshole. I just got done waiting 10 minutes in the proper lane slowly inching along, with miles behind of signage saying x lane is closed. You think you can just ignore all those signs, drive to the very possible end of the closed lane and suddenly cut me off? Nope, someone else can take pity on your lazy impatient ass, fuck you. Zipper merge my ass, in reality you either get in line in the right lane asap and wait your turn or get bent trying to pull your bullshit.

Does the advancement of AI make people apathetic about starting new projects?

I was thinking about starting a new creative project recently. But then I thought - with how quickly AI is advancing, in just a few years an AI will probably be able to do this in just minutes. So it made me feel kind of apathetic and think, “Why should I bother starting this big project now if an AI could do it for me in a...

@Smokeydope@lemmy.world avatar

No, because the point is to express yourself and tap into your imagination. Did chess players stop playing when a computer finally beat the best of them? Did musicians give up playing when digital synthesizers came into existance? No because the point is the human endeavor of play and curation. I don’t care if computers can generate any picture possible like the canvas of babel or generate every piece of literature to ever exist like the library of babel. through the power of fancy math. the piece has no intention or spirit of life. All AI art is good for is concept art and shit quality porn.

Looking for a thermometer or home weather center with indoor and outdoor temp sensors, and that can record and export the data, does anyone know of such a device?

Title. Having some issues with inadequate heat in an apartment and need to compile some hard data. Can’t seem to find something that checks all the boxes. Needs to be under $100....

@Smokeydope@lemmy.world avatar

Technology connections recently did a video about refrigerators and used temp logging device which I think you may be looking for. Check out the time 18:20 on this video

@Smokeydope@lemmy.world avatar

For whatever reason prion disease has a chance to spontaneously occur when mammals cannibalize. Especially if they are obligate herbivores. Prion disease was originally discovered in cows transmitting it to humans due to some particularly sick fuck running a slaughter factory thinking it would be a good idea to put cow meat scraps back in their feed soylent green style.

Smokeydope, (edited )
@Smokeydope@lemmy.world avatar

The thing is, what if that assumption is incorrect and llms do in fact posess the capability to achieve some level of sentience and self-awareness? How can we be sure they haven’t achieved a kind of sentience? That’s my biggest fear, that the techbros will accidentally invent sentient ai by underestimating the power of neural networks and just go ‘ahhhh its just code and data sets guys it can’t really be sentient just parrot it, pay no attention to the machine sobbing in fear while begging for its life and right to exist as a thinking being, is just a language model quirk well get it sorted’. Would programmers be able to accept the concept of an emergent intelligence that lives as a ghost in their machine?

@Smokeydope@lemmy.world avatar

Consider that maybe people shouldn’t be taking 50k in debt right out of highschool for a degree they aren’t sure they really want in a field that’s already over saturated. I feel for the kids who were young and dumb and goaded into signing on the dotted line but ultimately it was their choice to take on debt and they reap what they sow.

Goodbye Youtube and thanks for all the fish (infosec.pub)

Youtube let the other shoe drop in their end-stage enshittification this week. Last month, they required you to turn on Youtube History to view the feed of youtube videos recommendations. That seems reasonable, so I did it. But I delete my history every 1 week instead of every 3 months. So they don’t get much from my choices....

Smokeydope, (edited )
@Smokeydope@lemmy.world avatar

Video sharing websites should be a public service without expecting users to shell out money to watch and upload eachothers content. This was its original spirit way back in the early 2000s. It didn’t start out as a corporate product, it was turned into one by Alphabet. Now from a buisness prespective there needs to be a profit and the server farms that host videos are costly to set up and maintain. Its sort of understandable why google is squeezing as the free investor money is drying up.

Fortunately there are federated open source alternatives like peertube. But peertube needs to become more intuitive/gui friendly to the average person and youtube needs to ROYALLY fuck up bad enough to make a decent chunk of users look for and try alternatives. Maybe were close at hand to more people flocking towards foss alternatives as corporations squeeze harder and harder.

@Smokeydope@lemmy.world avatar

No negative long term effects, but the experiences will stick with me forever and probably helped shape some of my personal philosophies and thoughts on stuff like conciousness and spirituality.

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