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At least as recently as 2005, diesel subs were the quieter option. There was that somewhat notorious story of the Swedish one that beat an American carrier group in a wargame because the Americans just couldn't find it. I'm sure there have been developments in the equipment and methods since then - it was 18 years ago, after all - but it's still notable enough that the Americans leased the sub from Sweden for a couple of years to practice against it.

That said, the Swedish sub in question was packed with cutting-edge (at the time) stealth features. I suspect North Korea's fleet is not.


I did specifically say "it was 18 years ago after all"

US inflation means families are spending $709 more per month than two years ago (

Most of that increase in spending is driven by housing costs, which have surged, Zandi told CNN in an email on Friday. He added that families are also spending more at the grocery store; on buying, maintaining and insuring vehicles and on recreational services like cable....


No, it's $709 more per month. It's just being compared to 2021.


Well when we see the story of LotR, the elves and dwarves are disappearing - maybe it's the Trek rule happening in front of us again! Orcs certainly don't seem to fare well during it either. Hobbit are disappearing too, if they're to be counted as separate to humans at all. It's very much becoming a world of humans when the plot of LotR happens

Fan Ports PlayStation Classic [WipeOut], Dares Sony To Shut Him Down And Make Its Own (

WipeOut was Sony’s initial first-party exclusive for the original PlayStation when it launched back in 1995. The anti-gravity racing game was phenomenal. Now it’s abandoned. So one dedicated programmer took it upon himself to excavate the game’s leaked source code and make it playable for free in any web browser....


To be fair there are already quite a few of those. Pacer (which used to be called Formula Fusion), Redout, and BallisticNG are all already out


Pretty sure they mean BallisticNG, which actually a Wipeout-alike


Are you sure? Likening it to the dot com bubble doesn't mean that the tech is never going to make an impact, it means that the behaviour of investors is irrational. After all, the Internet is very much still here and affects our lives enormously, but the dot com bubble also absolutely did burst


I feel like I am owed compensation as a victim of this infohazard


"imperialism is when America does things, and the more American it is the more imperialismer it is"

Other countries can be imperialist too. Like Russia, when it invades its neighbours to annex their territory. Stop defending imperialism. A thing does not automatically become anti-imperialist if the USA doesn't like it.


So you'd just abandon them to Russian imperialism? Yeah that's historically gone fucking great for Ukrainians. I can't possibly imagine why they'd be against that.

Ukraine was fighting the invasion before the West started sending them guns anyway. Ukraine is choosing to fight whether it has support or not.


Yanukovych wasn't strung up by protestors, he was removed from power by a huge majority of the Ukrainian parliament, including members of Yanukovych's own party, and they held an election later that year. For what you're saying to make sense, any large protest in a country would have to potentially void any international treaty that country is party to. Russia doesn't get to invade and annex land just because there was a big protest and then the parliament kicked the president out.


I don't have to be willing to sacrifice any Ukrainians because it's not my call to make. I can't make them fight. If they want to surrender, they can. Sending them guns and ammo doesn't stop them from doing that. The guns do nothing without someone to use them. For so long as they don't want to surrender, I say we should support them. How many Ukrainians are you willing to abandon to Russian imperialism? All of the Ukrainians of Crimea, Donbas, and Luhansk? The whole country?

Yanukovych's removal was debatably unconstitutional, but it's an important point that it was done by parliament and not by violence. The parliament's position is that Yanukovych abandoned his post.

Tell me, if it had been Zelensky in power in 2014 and he was removed by parliament in the same manner following a big protest, would you be as understanding if Romania marched in to Chernivtsi Oblast and annexed it? Or is Russia just special enough that it's allowed to decide the politics of its neighbours?


So in your own description, if international support ends, Ukraine will be forced to surrender without a negotiated peace. On that basis, it is either "keep supporting them" or "Ukraine surrenders". Again, that's the situation as you have just described it.

Considering the total failure of both Minsk agreements, the fact that the pre-2014 borders were already based on a treaty with Russia that included security guarantees for Ukraine, and the fact that Russia has no right to anything out of this war, I don't expect Ukraine to really have a lot of faith in any negotiation in which they don't hold an extremely strong hand. The Russian government has demonstrated with Crimea that even if it takes something, it will not be satisfied there, it will be only be emboldened to try to take more. Following that, I say we should give them that strong hand.


Well I disagree with your analysis, but even if you're 100% correct then we should still keep sending them equipment or they'll be forced to surrender. So what's your gripe with Biden looking for money to do that?


I'm sorry, who is actually running Ukraine? Is it the Azov lot and their like?

One of the two sides of this war has warmongering ultranationalists in government. It's not Ukraine.


If your proposed plan for dealing with the likes of Azov is "let Putin's Russia win" then you do not actually have a problem with the far right being in power in Ukraine, you just have a preference in your flavour of far right. Frankly if I were in Zelenskiy's position and a fascist told me he wanted to go die to defend democracy from other fascists, I'm not about to discourage him, I'm gonna chalk it up as a win-win


No, I'm saying that the Zelenskiy has got to pick priorities and the invading army committing war crimes all over the country is the one he put at the top. Which of the two countries is waging an offensive war to annex territory? Which one of the two has the imperialist mob boss in power? Which one of the two has clung to its colonial empire? You don't give a fuck about opposing fascism, you've just seen the West supporting something and decided that you're going to do the opposite of that


Maybe both sides should have respected the Minsk agreements, but neither did. Both were followed by a failure for either side to reach a full ceasefire and then a major offensive by the DPR.

At no point have I said Ukraine is acting flawlessly here. But you're still comparing a flawed democracy with some fascists living in it to an invading militaristic empire with a centuries-long track record of imperialism openly asserting claims on the grounds of blood and soil. Not to mention that it seems to function specifically for the benefit of the unfathomably wealthy man who has literally had the constitution changed to specifically get around term limits just for himself and his buddy.

I can't wait to hear your explanation of how Zelenskiy is an imperialist and Putin isn't. Is it because he's being mean to poor little Russia by not giving them all the things Putin wanted for his birthday?

And on the colonialism

Oh Canada and Australia have good infrastructure, pretty similar to the UK, I guess they weren't colonies either then? Or are swimming pools actually a fucking ridiculous metric to use? But besides that, I was referring to Siberia. You know, where Russians colonised their way to one of the largest empires in all of history and most of it is still part of Russia.


I agree wholeheartedly with supporting Ukraine, but Russia has had a land border with NATO for twenty years at this point. They just pretend they don't so that they can cry "NATO expansionism!"


Oh, okay, so to be clear, according to you:

  • Invading another country to take its land and people = not imperialism (as long as America doesn't like it)
  • Fighting back against that invasion = imperialism

You aren't worth engaging with. You're just unbelievably horny for the right wing authoritarian country with a big army because it once painted itself red.


That sounds absolutely delicious. There's no chance I'll be able to actually buy them where I am, so it looks like I'd better go read up on how to do it myself


I think it's pointing out that nobody actually uses the Old English rules and therefore we shouldn't take the historical meaning of "mann" as "person, gender unspecified" to be a reasonable defence. Realistically, using "man" in this context absolutely does carry a male defaultness to it because we don't use a different term for "male post-person".

On the other hand, the alt text is "some day I'm gonna have a book in which every comic looks like it's going to be controversial but then goes all in on stupid", so it's possible the orange shirt character is just meant to be ridiculous in general


Especially when the martials already include things like "man literally too angry to die", "woman literally so angry that she gains the power of flight", and "sneak thief bastard can dodge an explosion while standing directly in the middle of it"

They're all already magic, they just don't do the magic by casting spells


While this is still obviously not a realistic solution to the damage we're doing to our climate because it still involves launching 35,000 tonnes of material in to space and moving 100 times that much to the right location, the solar sail thing has been accounted for in the paper. Basically you stick it slightly closer to the sun than the actual L1 point, where the force from solar radiation balances out the slightly higher pull of the sun's gravity


Let's assume SpaceX's Starship starts working flawlessly tomorrow. It is apparently intended to get 100 tonnes to the moon, but it needs a second launch to get fuel in to orbit to reach higher energy targets. So we're looking at two launches per hundred tonnes. Assuming flawless operation and literally no weight for equipment to actually assemble the stuff once it's at the location, that's 700 maxxed out Starship launches just to get the shield in place.

After that, you've still not even started on getting the 35 million tonnes of counterweight in to position. And yeah, it helps if you only have to get 35 million tonnes of rock out of the moon's gravity well instead Earth's, but you still have to move 35 million tonnes of stuff. Getting 35 million tonnes to lunar escape velocity requires equal energy to 1.6 million tonnes to Earth's escape velocity (which would be 32,000 Starship launches), and that's before you account for having to get your rockets, fuel, and infrastructure to the moon in the first place.

After that, you still need to stop blanketing Earth in greenhouse gases or you need to keep making the shield and the counterweight bigger to compensate.

This just isn't happening on any realistically helpful timeline. This is maybe helpful to just start repairing some of the damage in a scenario where we fail completely.


See after the first cut, maybe 10 seconds in. It actually is flashing

Skua, (edited )

I'm ten minutes in and he has done literally nothing but read out Russia's press releases. Exactly what is left-leaning about this guy who is spreading the conspiracy that LGBT+ people are grooming kids and that they should therefore cease to be a movement and who is also on Alex Jones' and Nick Fuentes'

Russia is a European colonial power that still has most of its empire. That this guy is so happy to frame Russia as anti-colonialist speaks volumes about his motivations


Considering what Poland's tank fleet is like, I don't think the rest of NATO would even have time to show up before Prigozhin got run over by a Leopard


This feels a lot like Randall played some Outer Wilds


aha, here's one I downloaded for one job that I do not remember and which I have to assume would be absolutely horrendous for dyslexic people


Picked up a long-running Paradox mega campaign with two friends again. We're most of the way through EU4 now, having started in 769 in CK2


That explanation of the prime number thing doesn't seem to actually match what's in the paper. GPT4 goes from a wordy explanation of how it arrived at the correct answer, "yes", to a single-word incorrect "no". GPT3.5 goes from a wordy explanation that has the right chain of thought but the wrong answer "no" to a very wordy explanation with the correct answer "yes". Neither of those seem to be predicated on either of the models just answering one way for everything.


Surely it can't just be a case of the LM saying a hard yes or no to any question of "is this prime" with the data they have, though? The results are a significant majority one way or the other in each case, but never 100%. Of the 500 each time, GPT3.5 has 37 answers go against the majority in March and 66 in July. That doesn't seem like a hard one answer to any primality query to me, though that does come with the caveat that I'm by no means actually well studied on the topic


Ahh, I see what you're getting at. Thanks for clarifying


I agree, great game with some big occasional frustrations. That puzzle near the end where the clue wasn't working properly so they just patched it out altogether was a real bother for me. "Ahh there's a bug. Let's just make everyone have the bug" sure is a wild approach to fixing things


I was lucky in a sense that I'm quite mathematically minded, I suppose. I believe that they actually patched the game so that it was always possible to return to the conversion machine in Hunrath though, so that players could always reference that if they weren't getting along with the base 4 stuff


Napkin maths to illustrate the point: Steam's game IDs are short numbers, typically close to 5 digits long. ASCII characters are one byte each, so let's assume 5 bytes plus one more for a separator character per game. If you wanted to store 8 billion accounts with 50 games each then the IDs would be about 2.4 TB, so a consumer hard drive worth ~$100 would do the job at least in the raw terms of data capacity


I suppose I quite like the notion of ableism simply being unpopular


There is a link in the last paragraph to a whole article about which video doorbells they recommend if you want that.


The Dutch, not content with merely driving the sea back, now seek to taunt and humiliate it


It's a matter of time before we start manually adding iFunny banners at the bottom for authenticity


GWAR is a less-than-serious thrash metal band

Tiny Desk is a long-running series in which musicians (usually indie rock, but it has included all sorts over the years) are invited to do a stripped down set at, well, a tiny desk. There are a lot seriously high-quality performances in their archives, but GWAR... don't quite fit the usual theme


An N turn is presumably parallel parking


I feel like it has to, otherwise turning 360 degrees isn't a turn


"We should use planes less" is not "you mustn't use planes ever". Not every plane journey can easily be replaced. That's okay. Near me there's a flight that takes off to go a few hundred miles to the country's capital each morning, and there are similar ones going much shorter distances all over the country. That journey could and should be a high speed train journey with suitable infrastructure


Bosco can be commanded to build pipelines for you once the framework is in place. Just ping the first unbuilt segment of pipe and he'll work his way along until he runs out of segments to build. Makes solo refinery missions so much better


It's not like "they" are some unknown quantity though, it's the Facebook people. It's not weird or unreasonable for people to not want the company that got fined literally a billion euros for data privacy violations just a couple of months ago to get involved in a thing they like

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