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Microsoft’s phone link app works with iphones messaging app now.


Meanwhile Sweeney is being litigious instead of inventive.

Not that the lawsuits don’t have merit, just very interesting to see the vast difference in focus between the two companies.


My one hope is that the meltdown is tied to commercial real estate, which will hopefully avoid this whole thing.


His problem was he didn’t speak the incantations just right.

These sov cits are so close with their spells, they just haven’t gotten the words just right yet.

Keep trying.


lol exactly.

I want to show up, do work, get paid, be left alone.

I’ll do really good work, and take pride it in because that’s just who I am, but I don’t want to do overtime, I don’t want to go above and beyond for the company, I don’t want to play office politics, I don’t want to jockey for higher roles. None of it.

Show up, get paid.


They’re counting on people being complacent and just whitelisting.

The problem is, they’re probably right to try the tactic too. People need those dopamine hits.


The cost of vanity for narcissists.


That economic loss isn’t affecting the people it needs to affect for there to be real change. That’s the problem.


Dimishing returns tax calculated on personal worth, not including liabilities.

The more you make/have the more you pay.

Doesn’t matter if you have it sitting in investments, antiques or income, it all gets taxed the same. Can’t hide it by subtracting liabilities, because those are your own responsibilities, not the governments.

This will shift the burden to the upper class and remove the burden from the lower class, it will also help the middle class by not being stuck in the middle and being able to be judged on levels and on a scale.

Apply the same to companies, it will actually encourage mega-corps to split into smaller companies.

Man who refused to wear mask, assaulted B.C. Walmart greeter sentenced (

The vulnerability of the victim, a senior who is described as “of very small stature” was also considered aggravating. The judge noted that although Beresford was using a scooter, there was no evidence that he needed to do so because of a disability and that he was younger, bigger and stronger than the victim.


With priors he only paid fines for, he’s a “freeman of the land”, the judge thought he only pled guilt as part of the script and not because of remorse, when he committed the assault he was in a scooter he didn’t need, he still believes that his rights were infringed by the requirement of a mask.

After all that 6 months is to make an example of him.

Fuck, do criminals ever get kid gloves in this country.

Assaulting an elderly person just doing their job, causing bodily harm, showing no remorse and thinking laws don’t apply to them, while admitting all that in court? 5 years to think about it at least if you’re trying to make an example.

You just told all these other morons they get a time out for doing whatever they want.


Because there’s a profit to be made.

Every penny of yours isn’t theirs yet, so their work isn’t done.


Slides from 20 years ago.

This is news, yes, especially considering that Apple made a deal with the devil considering its new self-reported bloom as privacy focused.

But news headlines are acting like Apple just said this today, and that is complete headline bait.



If you’re running Radarr in a docker I’ve found that certain things can get reset on docker restart as well. You could try pulling a different Radarr image.


Listen here, you little shit


There’s no soulseek integration yet, but that would be a game changer, the collections in there are incredible, especially when trying to find EPs, singles and rarities. We’ve been waiting for a good long while though.

In the meantime, it’s a lot of work to build a collection, even with lidarr, torrents, semi-private, private trackers and usenet.

For soulseek, I’d recommend setting a blackhole torrent client that points to the soulseek download folder, them always make sure you download the folder not the files from the share. That will make importing the files a lot easier into lidarr if you choose to keep that as your centralized download tool.

There are also extended scripts for lidarr that will pull music from various sources as well.


If not, we can expect to see legal channels raising their prices again to cover the losses caused by piracy.

And with the last paragraph the whole article loses its legitimacy as propaganda. I mean I should have expected as much considering the source, but I still wanted to see how well researched it was.

No, this is a case where people are rebelling against a broken system, that didn’t need to be broken in it’s mostly recovered state.

No, the general paying public shouldn’t shame pirates for their actions, they should shame the companies for their actions that have driven them to this. Companies aren’t your friends, they don’t care about you, they just want your money.


Based on your metal choices, I think our tastes vary, but almost anything by:

  • Meshuggah
  • vildhjarta
  • Xenobiotic
  • Architects
  • Periphery
  • Daughters
  • Every Time I Die
  • Monuments
  • Feed Her to the Sharks
  • Oceans Ate Alaska
  • After the Burial
  • Veil of Maya
  • Chelsea Grin
  • Harms Way
  • Born of Osiris
  • Sylosis

Has always worked better than creatine or any pre-workout for me.


It’s not worth it for free.

The grift is on hard.


Chaired by Stephen Harper.

Someone should chair him instead


I thought that whole segment of the population has moved from covid vaccines to abortion to drag story time to blocking trans rights to blocking kids gender rights, so they’re several “crusades” removed from this, and yet they’re dragging this up again?

For what? Points with people in the slow lane? People studying up for their conservatism fascist turn SATs? Or just to dredge some more outrage for his new look party of “no new ideas, just point the finger and be obnoxious”?

It’s looking a lot like the latter. I hope people see through it, or get tired of it, but we all know we don’t vote in parties in Canada, we just vote them out.


With it being a free product, it must be very valuable for them to have you use it.

Just remember that when using edge or chrome.


I dream of a Venom game that plays similarly to Prototype 2 but with the polish of the Insomniac Spider-Man games


Xbox’s subscription service didn’t stop Bethesda’s RPG from dominating sales charts last month

The myth being that game pass nukes sales.


And those who were waiting for Steam may have just heard the announcement about it likely coming to Game Pass in 2024.

They’ve waited this long, why not a a little longer.


Scotiabank said Wednesday it’s cutting about three per cent of its global workforce as a result of changes at the bank and customers’ day-to-day banking preferences, as well as ongoing efforts to streamline operations.

Let’s fix this up a bit: Scotiabank said Wednesday it’s kowtowing to global market trends with needlessly firing about three per cent of its global workforce as a result of changes at the bank and customers’ day-to-day banking preferences, as well as ongoing efforts to streamline operations. a bullshit forced recession and to force the existing workforce to work harder and be more subservient.


Oh I’m sick of hearing this shit, because it’s a problem that affects the poorest the most, and nothing is being done to stop it.

When it was greed, nothing, now that it’s “out of control”, nothing.

Fucking do something.

I’ll tell you what should have been done years ago when the bread price fixing happened, take away powers from grocery chains that don’t follow the rules. What they had was a slap on the wrist “cost of doing business”, what they should have gotten was a massive red line on their yearly item lines: pay to the order of “the government of Canada” for setting up better watchdog services to keep this from happening again.

Then cap their inflation, capitalism be damned. They complain? Ok we’ll buy parts of the grocery supply line. We’re already supplementing farmers, why not make supply chains and possibly cash and carries crown corps?


I’m so sick of defending him from all the blatant lies told about him, mainly because I’ve only ever voted LPC as and ABC option, but I can’t just let sleeping dogs lie with the more extreme lies.

I’ve been painted as a Trudeau lover by some, and that’s only because they only see the world in black and white, you’re either against him or with him.

I really really wish I could have a conversation where I could criticize some of the stuff he does/has done, and give him recognition for other things, without a political conversation turning into the same sound bites from the news, or bullshit from Facebook within 30 seconds.


It’s a bunch of bean counters seeing trends in the markets, seeing others cutting jobs and following suit.

Bull, bear markets, trends, the whole thing is fucked.

It’s spoken about like it’s some mythical, mysterious thing and the government can try to rein it in with their levers if they must as a last resort, because we mustn’t interfere with the markets unless the outlook is bleak.

Give me a fucking break. Is anyone buying this anymore?

The old rich fucks and their old rich fuck friends and their old rich fuck companies, investment firms, hedge funds, whatever else their wrinkly old hands can get on they will move in their directions as they choose.

They don’t lose at this game and they’re pulling away at an outrageous rate, they’re killing us and the planet while they’re at it. They don’t even have to. They don’t even fucking have to. The people who have the shortest time left here are trying to suck the most out of it before they leave and leave way less of it for the rest of us.

I don’t know when others will start getting mad, but it’ll probably be too late.


It’s a shame that Oculus was gobbled up by them, and a shame that they seem to be the only ones capable of making an untethered unit.

I’ve used the quest, and could take or leave the built in stuff, mostly leave, but the untethered desktop VR experience was something else.

I just won’t ever buy a Facebook product.


He had remarkably good PR back then


Netflix had it, lost it due to a more competitive landscape. Now they all have reached about peak saturation and are struggling to hit those massive numbers where people are doing it willingly, they they think they can strong arm people into it. Streaming is all about convenience. Can I sit on the couch and put on something relatively engaging for a few that seems relatively reasonable? Ya? Cool. The further you move away from that model the more people start to look elsewhere. Pirating has gotten a lot, and I mean a LOT easier, and that arm is only so strong.


Looking at the news out of India, I wonder if some of that affected Trudeau with Indians eligible to vote in Canada.

Looks like the media and people there are really running with it, even if it’s not a good look for their government

What to do with a beefy server?

Alright, this may be a bit of a loaded question. But I figured it may provide good insight to both myself and to others. I just came into a pretty beefy server - dual Xeon E5 2699 v3’s (18 cores each), 768 gigs of RAM. Ten front drive bays, 6 of which have 7.68T NVMes and 4 of which have 15.36T SAS drives. I’m thinking the...

Skies5394, (edited )

Depends on how safe you want to get but you could look into VLANing off all your piracy stuff, then VLANing IoT, then the rest on another for security purposes.

If that’s the case you’d want a good router (Mikrotik for best bang for your buck but most difficult to use, Ubiquiti for the opposite), and a managed switch (I personally love HPE for switches. Their enterprise brand is much better than their consumer stuff). Then you can set that all up in whatever Hypervisor or OS, or whatever you choose to move those all around on the NICs to keep your precious stuff safe.

For set up, you’ll want to look at the *arr stack. Check out trash guides for a getting started, there’s also servarr for even more info. But with those you can set it to auto download movies, comics, tv, books, audiobooks, all sorts of stuff. Then there’s all sorts of ways to feed it to devices and out into the net to others if you choose.

But be very very very cautious about that last part, not just for the obvious reasons of laws and whatnot, but when you start to poke holes for allowing stuff out, you could be allowing stuff in. And there’s lots of people who want in. So setting up your external access with credentials, MFA, certificates if you can, my opinion on those 3 is must, should, could respectfully.

Then you can thing about backups. You should backup your new server once you get it all the way you like of course, but now you can keep your backups of all your computers. So do you want single file backups, directory backups, drive backups, baremetal backups? Some combo? All the above? Who knows it’s all your choice!

Then you can host databases, services, your own smart tech whatever. It’s a blast. Enjoy it all. But I also recommend looking into docker as well! It’s huge as far as hosting a bunch of services.

For drive config, depends on how you plan on using your server, and how you plan in dividing up the data between ssd and platter drives, but if it were my set up I’d do raid-10 for both arrays. Reason? Speed and single fault tolerance. Bigger reason? I don’t trust anything with a single copy. 3-2-1 rule. If you have data you need to have protected that can’t stand an array failure, it shouldn’t only be in the array. But that’s just me. I run multiple servers and keep cloud storage.


The biggest reason I personally use and would recommend Unraid is it simplifies everything, specifically around docker.

Deploying docker containers? There are community apps where people have set up scripts so all you have to do is fill in the blanks for your set up and bam, your container is deployed and running.

Managing you can add your own items and fill in your own blanks, or change them and it’ll deploy and remove the old container.

I’ve used portainer, compose, and looked into runtipi for docker management, and tried out windows server, Ubuntu, proxmox, truenas for HV/VE/OS, and while they all had bits I liked they all lacked something, and unraid had it all or a way to have it.

The initial reason was ragged arrays for why I chose it ever the others, but now I like its simplicity, and don’t find myself wanting for more control over anything.


I’ll build your shelves if you build my shelves


There are some deaths that will do mankind a great service. His is one of them.

Let’s hope his follow up doesn’t have the ability to continue sowing the seeds of discord.


That is 100% cokeheads in a board meeting looking for anything that might stick reasoning right there


This is my fucking nightmare. Installing Xbox game pass games on windows already sucks, especially since it’s so locked down. Even the saves are locked down.

It’d make pc gaming just another console


I will have to disagree with him.

Certain aspects of humanity are making us extinct, but really one that it can all be boiled down to: greed.

Corporations, ultra-rich, industry and certain nations have a lot more to do with the planet dying than we as a society should have to bear blame.

This whole act of we’re all to blame needs to end. They’re to blame. They’re killing us. They’re killing our kin, loved ones, future generations.

This is where it needs to stop. If it doesn’t stop the planet will do it for us.


Hey Randy. How about you just face justice like the rest of us would have to


100% right here with you.

The main missions were definitely soft and the games overall have their warts, but that base mechanic was pure art.

You could take all the care in the world and special ops the shit out of it, or you could go in there and Rambo the shit out of it, and each would work or wouldn’t for various reasons and the difficulty scales well enough that you don’t just automatically pick the latter every time.

Only other games that have scratched that itch have been MGSV, Ghost of Tsushima and Sniper Elite.

Most games have some variety of this now but those three along with Far Cry build and scale it well enough that feels like an accomplishment over the course of a whole game.


Payola by any other name.

The more things change the more they stay the same.


I was taken to a very expensive steak restaurant once, and while others got more expensive cuts I got a 10 oz California sirloin aged 8 years in house.

I love steak, I loved steak, I will always love steak, but every steak from that day has to measure up to that one and never will.

I’m so glad I had the experience, but I don’t have $280 to blow on steak each time I want it lol.


What the eff is that picture?

Is it normal for politicians to have mock gatherings to announce things as we see here with the curtain pulled back?


I’m not a huge conspiracy theorist, but considering the c-level execs pulled their investments before all these announcements, it’s not out of the question that they could tip people off to short the company as well.

Hell the realist in me sees the fines these guys get and they see it as a cost of doing business.

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