
@[email protected]

This profile is from a federated server and may be incomplete. Browse more on the original instance.


Nah, I say that’s part of the superpower. After using it a bunch, the weilder will have little or no more cognitive dissonance of their own. Every time they use it will further purify their own thought process. That’s like a superpower where every time you use it it replaces a little bit of your body fat with muscle. After you use it a bunch, you end up ripped.


Google for polyphasic sleep. By fucking with your own sleep schedule you can reduce the number of hours you sleep while still getting the same restful effect. There’s a few different schedules, some work better than others. The concept does work though, I’ve done it.


You need a magic coffee table


The problem with this question is your friends, if whatever you decide on isn’t something your friends have or are willing to get, then it’s not useful for you. Signal offers probably the best mix of adoption and security. It however misses a few notable features, for example the iOS client has no way to back up or restore your messages. I’m a big fan of matrix, which seems very extensible and has good security, but if you are in a sensitive application like an authoritarian country, it wouldn’t be my choice. All the messages are stored on the server and while they are encrypted it’s still not what I would use for a chat I never want to see in court.

I’m a Luddite (and So Can You!) : What the Luddites can teach us about resisting an automated future. (

This comic goes over the political history of technology in the workforce, showing that even automation to reduce manual labor was introduced as class warfare against the laborers, and that sabotage, protests and legal action were needed to preserve worker's rights.


Good piece. I wish it went a little more into how efficiency gain from automation has only helped management and investors, not employers. That is one of the biggest reasons to reject a lot of the technology in my opinion, or at least demand new frameworks and better compensation. Even talk of changing how society works. Because if all the jobs are taken over by robots, then you leave an awful lot of humans with nothing to do and no way to support themselves. But on a broad general scale, machines should work for us and make our lives better rather than the other way around. If the result of a machine is that a few billionaires become trillionaires but thousands of workers become destitute of homeless, that’s not a good trade.


Me too man, me too. Or at least come and get more people to think that way. I’m all for automation and technology and all that. And I love capitalism. But if a majority of the jobs can be done by machines, capitalism as a concept can start to fail.

And whatever system we have, should exist in service of the people of the nation, not the other way around. I believe in capitalism because I think it can be good for everybody (with the right regulations of course). But when you have automation to an extreme degree, that changes things. We’re just starting to see that with AI and creative professions, but once robots like Tesla’s Optimus hit the market the same concept will apply to almost any basic job. And it only expands from there.
There’s a very real possible future where production of almost anything is more or less free. But if the cost of production drops to zero, and the efficiency gains only go to the guy who owns the robot, we have a real problem.

This story may interest you-


Glad you liked it.
I would love to have a society where machines do the grunt work so the humans can enjoy our lives and devote ourselves to grander pursuits like art, music, science, space travel, and other forms of creation and discovery and nobody has to spend their days cleaning toilets (unless they want to).
I think one of the biggest hurdles to this is education. If we’re to be such an enlightened society we need to be smart enough to utilize that. And if we put kids through 12-16 years of school with the primary result of teaching these kids that learning isn’t fun and should be avoided when possible, that society will fail and you get an Idiocracy style future. And a lot of that will need generational change- take the kids of small-minded low-educated parents and teach them to be big-minded and crave knowledge. That’s easier said than done in many cases.
But of course the other big hurdle is economical. Some sort of universal basic income is a must in such a society, and it would involve a major rethink of how many of our markets work.

Getting Over a Breakup

How have you successfully gotten over a breakup? I did not end the relationship and it was the most significant of my life. I feel confused and trying to understand why. I’m not sleeping well and my anxiety has decided to resurface. I’m ruminating. I don’t have many people to go to about this. Please don’t say I will...


First- understand that everyone goes through this, everybody has an answer for you, but the answer that worked for them may not work for you. There’s no right or wrong answer. A lot of people say ‘the way to get over someone is to get under someone’ personally I’ve never subscribed to that sort of thinking. It leads to unhealthy rebound relationships IMHO.

The only thing that will really fix this is time. So there is no magic bullet. There are things you can do to help though or pass the time faster. The biggest one is find ways to not ruminate. Focus your attention on other things, ideally useful things. Take some time to improve yourself in fun ways. Hit the gym is an obvious one, but I generally recommend take up a hobby or learn an instrument or take a class. Basically learn some fun new skill and focus your attention on that. It serves as a distraction from your grief, but also a source of engagement and a little happiness.
It WILL get better.

How do you choose an instance and does that have a significant effect on your Lemmy experience?

I originally chose to make my account on since all the content seemed to come from there. But I’ve since learned that I can fill my feed with stuff from any instance so it feels like it doesn’t actually matter if I’m on or not. At the same time, seems to be frequently under attack so...

SirEDCaLot, (edited )

A lot of people are talking about federation and access to admins. But what’s missing is defederation policy.

Lemmy is a federated network of instances. If you’re on InstanceA and you make a community on InstanceA, and I’m on InstanceB, I can connect to your community on InstanceA. UNLESS, there’s a defederation- either InstanceA or InstanceB manually block the other. This is something the admins of the instance do.

Different instances have different policies on when (if ever) they defederate. Beehaw for example defederated a number of instances, but that’s due to the experience Beehaw is trying to create- very inclusive and affirming and whatnot. That’s their choice, but it meant defederating some of the more popular public instances (including

//edit: Another thing relates to creating communities. Any communities you create will ‘live’ on your instance, and thus be under your instance’s rules. Some instancess are friendly to questionable subjects like piracy and NSFW material, others are not. So even if you don’t today intend to create any communities, it’s good to be on an instancewhose rules align with your own preferences.


True, but that brings up another point which I just edited into my parent comment- instance rules. Any communities you create will be hosted on your home instance and thus subject to your home instance’s rules. So you should make sure those rules align with the sort of activity you’ll want to be doing.


Don’t underestimate that red tape. Makes it very difficult / slow / expensive to do business there.


I think I may not be presenting my position well, and thus am coming off as a right wing partisan hack of the sort that wants to defund the EPA. That’s not my position.

A lot of people (mostly conservatives and big businesses) that complain about ‘red tape’ as a way of attacking various regulations. For example, people will say it’s impossible to build a power plant because of environmental red tape.
A lot of that regulation is positive though. For example, even if the land is cheap, you can’t build a power plant next to a nature preserve because the pollution will kill all the birds. And I like that regulation. The power people will of course complain as will the mines that were going to sell the plant coal. In cases like this, IMHO, they can all fuck off.

At the same time though, the ‘red tape’ that many businesses complain about does sometimes actually exist. That is, to do business you have to get endless streams of licenses, approvals, permits, etc for things where the bureaucracy and licensing process adds little or no value to either the industry or the population at large.
From what I’ve read, this sort of thing exists a lot in Germany. I’ve talked to a few people who were starting a business in Europe and they specifically avoided a few countries for that reason.


I’d be interested. I have experience moderating Reddit communities (I’m /u/SirEDCaLot over there too).

I’m Eastern time. But I can’t commit to any specific amount of availability for two reasons. 1. My real life is pretty hectic and many days I literally have no time at all to participate let alone moderate, and 2. Lemmy/Reddit for me is a hobby, not a job, and I have no desire to change that. So my availability is ‘when I have time and feel like doing it’. Sometimes that will mean I disappear for days, sometimes that means I’m on for multiple hours per day.

What I will say though- is that whatever I do have time to do, I will do well. I believe in treating users with respect, even when they break seemingly simple rules. I’ve found that if you don’t assume bad faith and treat people with respect, even when they appear to be idiots, more often than not they return the gesture.
I also believe that moderators are more like janitors than gods. So I’m not interested in ‘power’.


Making an account is easy. Consistent time, not so much. Heh.


DeSantis framed the barrage of negative press stories as the workings of a “corporate press” that does not want to see him “dismantle the administrative state.” He insisted the Republican debates would be another vector for highlighting his personality to voters.

The dude picked a fight with a mouse and lost… over the ‘don’t say gay’ bill.

He says a lot of good things, but that above tells me everything I need to know about him- that he’s petty and vindictive and will use the power of his office to punish anyone who dares oppose him. Even a company that’s one of his state’s biggest employers, who’s brought literally billions of dollars of trade and investment and tourism to the state. And that for me is a hard pass, even if he says a lot of other good sounding stuff. It says he won’t run the nation for the good of the nation, but for the good of his own agenda.


Is there like a ‘how to be a cartoon movie villain 101’ book that these companies are all following?

SirEDCaLot, (edited )

Honestly I think you’ll be happy either way. Synology is very very good at some things. And the software makes it very easy and approachable to spin up a lot of private cloud type stuff without a lot of technical messing around. That said, you will get more hardware/performance for your dollar with a PC server. You can go the DIY route, or if you don’t mind a little more power consumption and want more performance buy a used Dell PowerEdge on eBay. Based on what you say, I think you’ll be happy either way. The real value you get from Synology is their software. Their photo app is very wife friendly. And I don’t think you’ll find any serious restrictions with it, you get full root SSH access into the box.

So I guess my suggestion would be evaluate the photo management in TrueNAS versus Synology. You can spin up a virtual machine of TrueNAS on your desktop and play with it if you want. The only other gotcha is if you want Plex to do transcoding you definitely want the PC because you can throw in a GPU and accelerate that a lot.

//edit- the one other thing to mention is backups- Synology has GREAT backup software and it’s free. Active Backup for Business will back up your desktop/laptop, versioned, deduplicated, very efficiently. And Hyper Backup will backup your Synology itself (or some parts of it) to the cloud, optionally with client-side encryption. I suggest Wasabi as the backend for that, it’s only like $7/TB/mo. Or just get another Synology and put it at the house of someone you know and you have an instant offsite backup with no recurring cost.


Salt and/or butter with a little pepper and garlic powder. Or pesto, mmmm. Plenty of shit other than tomato that can go on pasta.

SirEDCaLot, (edited )

From the bottom up…

Whatever you say asshole.
A moron like you has no idea on how arguments should work.
Your self righteous infographic is just arrogant.
I know how to argue far better than you do.
I get in many arguments and I almost always win them.
You talk about disagreement, but your pyramid only works when both people are arguing in good faith.
You say that attacking the central point of an argument is the most effective, but often the stated central point is not the central point at all, especially with emotion based positions. For example, a more conservative person arguing against liberal changes will state specific objections to these changes, but arguing those objections is futile if the real underlying objection is simple fear of change.

Jokes aside-this pyramid is right on the money.


Missed a line break but the text was there. Check now?

Tell HN: Nearly all of Evernote’s remaining staff has been laid off | Hacker News (

Its acquirer (Bending Spoons) has taken over operations. They’ve also hiked subscriptions prices and told customers they intend to use new revenues to pay for new features. How they intend to do that without any staff is something I would like to know about....


And this is why for something simple like this, I say self hosting is the only option. I’m sure their software is great. But it’s the sort of thing where a subscription fee is not necessary. If it’s the sort of thing that conceptually can be run on a raspberry pi and use less than 1% of that little CPU, it’s not something I want to pay every month for.


I think new laws in Europe have something to do with it. EU is trying to force the big platforms to interoperate. Facebook/Meta is of course one of the most targeted. So I think their thought is by signing on to the existing fediverse, they can say hey we are playing nice no need to regulate us further

SirEDCaLot, (edited )

It’s a user name. Users are @name Communities are !community

So I’m @SirEDCaLot
Posting a reply on !no stupid [email protected]
To you @tofurious_is_god


I think it’s more they’re trying to make a Twitter-killer then kill Mastodon from the inside.

This is the answer. They aren’t stupid, they know that if they just spin up a Twitter clone, nobody will use it. They need a reason to exist. Honestly I don’t think they give a single shit about Mastodon or killing it. But what ActivityPub does, is get them an instant content base. And if they are building their own AI, it’s a whole lot of live conversation for them to train it on.


If privacy is the ultimate goal, I think Signal is a bit better.

That said, Signal is doing a bunch of user-unfriendly stuff that turns me off a bit. For example, they had a great SMS integration on Android that they’re now killing for no obvious reason. And more problematic- on iOS there is NO backup/restore functionality. None. So if you lose your phone, all your chat history is gone. It doesn’t backup to iCloud or anywhere else. The ONLY backup or transfer option is if you get a new phone you can transfer data from old to new.
Android has a full backup/restore function that backs everything up to an encrypted file. No idea why they don’t do the same on iOS.

Matrix is also better for multiple device access. On Signal, you can connect additional devices (laptop etc) but they are always subservient to the main device. Conversation history doesn’t transfer from the main device to addon devices, although conversations stay in sync on both devices from the point you add the device forward. But if you get a new phone for example, that’s a new parent device, so your desktop convo history gets wiped.
Matrix on the other hand, no device is primary and conversation history is stored (encrypted) on the server. So backup your crypto key and you can access everything from any device (including a web browser).

For Matrix- Element is the one to use most of the time…


Then why on Android do they do a full database backup encrypted by a simple PIN code?


Or, maybe they just don’t consider at an important enough problem to get fixed. A big part of my point is that if there was a specific reason why they chose not to do it, that reason would be communicated to the users. As far as I am aware, no such reason has been communicated. Don’t get me wrong, I like signal a lot. I’m a little bit critical sometimes because I feel that there are important features like this, which have a serious effect on usability, that are not getting the priority they need.

Are there really no stupid questions?

If we for instance take, as an example, someone thoroughly explaining something which is clear to 99,9999% of the earths adult population don’t you think the remaining .0001% could come up with some? I get that this community is a place to allow people to ask questions they can’t or won’t ask elsewhere but I certainly feel...


Exactly. There may be a piece of knowledge that a person should already have, but not asking the question just means continuing to be ignorant.

I’ve always liked the saying ‘there’s no such thing as stupid questions, only people too stupid to ask and fix their own ignorance’


For the record, I am pro vaccine, I was very pro mask during COVID, and I strongly supported the various lockdown and masking policies. If anything I felt they often didn’t go far enough, prioritizing continuity of business over public health. For the most part I stand by those positions. The question here is not the validity of anti-maskers or anti-vaxxers, or the question that their visibility can do harm to society. I believe it is pretty obvious that such groups did some serious harm and cost a lot of lives.

The question here is whether the government should be coordinating with technology platforms to suppress speech it disagrees with or considers harmful. And I think the answer is hell no. Even if they requests in the COVID era were helpful, this is not a good thing for government to be doing.

Go back to the 9/11 era. It was a similar situation, just with the parties reversed. Then a Republican government was saying limits on civil liberties were essential for national security, and opposition to these policies help terrorists. Now a Democratic government was saying limits on civil liberties were necessary for public health and opposition to these policies spreads disease. The merits of these two positions are irrelevant. What matters is that a free American people should have the opportunity to make that judgment for themselves, not have the “wrong” answer suppressed before they even see it. Because if we suppress the ‘wrong’ anti-vax today, then we open the door to suppress the ‘right’ answer tomorrow.

If American people are such sheep that they must be protected from ‘wrong’ ideas, then the answer is not censorship, it is education. If we are that stupid, that we need to be treated like children, then we need to very quickly and with great urgency figure out why our educational system is failing to teach critical thinking and fix it immediately.


This is not a partisan issue and I am not taking a partisan position. I’m not endorsing or defending Republicans or anti-vaxxers. GOP does a lot of crappy stuff. That doesn’t automatically mean I should line up to support every single thing the Democrats do. We need better education. We need less censorship. These are two separate unrelated issues.


Once again, my position and my post were non-partisan.
I am 100% against book bans. I’m 100% against ‘suppression of ideas on social media’.

I also think the cure feeds the disease. The second someone in authority says ‘you musn’t say that’ or ‘you musn’t believe that’ or ‘that idea is dangerous’, you create the conditions for weaponized misinformation to flourish. Doesn’t matter if you’re right or wrong. The instant you classify a position as unacceptable, a whole host of people (many of them stupid) will adopt that position for no reason other than that they were told not to. They’ll say ‘the establishment told me not to do this, there must be something here that I want that they want for themselves’.

Look at coronavirus. Yes there was TONS of weaponized misinformation. But the way our culture made it unacceptable to even question the status quo helped spread that. Republicans (and idiots) accused the government of a power grab, treading on civil liberties, using a fancy flu as an excuse to grab power. I don’t personally agree with that take, but if you suddenly aren’t allowed to say or share it, that puts a LOT of legitimacy to the ‘trying to grab power’ argument. First they come for your freedom of movement or freedom to make your own medical decisions, next they come for your freedom of speech when you try to say otherwise!

I honestly believe the suppression efforts, if anything, only amplified the message they were trying to suppress.

And I’d point out- if the government has the authority to mute a loudspeaker, then what happens next time when the guy with the loudspeaker is correct? If we make suppression of speech a legitimate government power, who’s to say it will only be used for good?

Zoneminder is awesome if you want to keep your security footage to yourself. (

Zoneminder is a pretty solid setup for IP security cameras, and the zmninja app is really nice too. I had tried it years ago but got back to it recently with some sketchy IP cameras. I just put them in their own VLAN, no Internet access, Zoneminder does motion detection and event recording, and so far I’m quite pleased with...


Windows users will want to check out BlueIris

Otherwise, Synology has a great surveillance package, but you only get 2 cameras licenses with your NAS and more licenses are like $50 each

What's the value of Lemmy federation differentiation?

What I mean is, why not just a bi-directional mirror, with several servers in the larger users goes? Can the federation API be leveraged to just do that to address the dramatic load increase? Folks firing up Lemmy servers all over that only have a tiny portion of unique content are likely to provide poor experiences and stress...


A lot of the value isn’t technical, it’s social. Each instance can set their own rules for acceptable conduct and what sort of content they want or don’t want. That’s one of the most valuable parts of decentralization, an instance like Beehaw can try to be an open and inclusive space and thus have a longer list of rules, while another instance can be more permissive and allow NSFW and more offensive speech. And thus the two can coexist in the same network with the same namespace.


Reddit will survive. I hope it does- we (Lemmy) need it to.

Fact is, not every Reddit user is a good fit for Lemmy / is someone we want to bring over to Lemmy. Reddit has been intentionally courting a demographic that just wants quick content scrolling, like TikTok. I think that’s a big part of why Reddit has gotten so much more hostile in the last few years- such people don’t generally have open minds.

I want to migrate the people who are respectful, open-minded, who want a discussion and a debate. I don’t want to migrate the people who just want to endlessly scroll through shiny videos and never produce an intelligent thought.

So I say let Reddit have those people- if Spez can monetize them, do it with my compliments. The site/company won’t be nearly as valuable, but who cares.


I think this was probably the correct ruling.

If you are considering race as part of a college admissions, then you are NECESSARILY racist. You’re not picking the best applicants, you’re picking the best applications of a race mix you want.

Now, I’ll be the first to say that certain minorities are under-represented in colleges. But that’s not necessarily the fault of the admissions process. If the admissions process truly is race-blind, as it should be, then we should be asking why fewer people of whatever race are showing up as competitive candidates. And that brings us to the REAL problems- that a lot of minority applicants come from poor neighborhoods with bad primary education, crap high schools full of gangs and drugs, and few resources like books and computers and other opportunities to excel. And THAT is the problem we should be fixing.


You don’t have to sell me on the merits of diversity. I agree diversity is important.

I want to rectify those historical issues. But doing that in college admissions is too late. It’s like being on a crashing airplane, and sticking gum on the altimeter to stop it from spinning down. It doesn’t fix the real problem. And the real problem is the cycle of poverty that grips former red-line neighborhoods. And that cycle persists continually because whenever someone gets enough money to afford it they leave the neighborhood so it stays a slum forever.
Fixing that will cost billions. It will need education, job training, family support, social services, drug rehab, and JOBS so the people have some light at the end of the tunnel. If you’re gonna tell a 18yo gang member to hang up his illegal Glock and bust ass in school so he can get a job at Burger King, he’s gonna say fuck that imma keep slinging dope and if I’m dead by 30 at least I ain’t broke.

I call it racist because if you let Harvard dictate a race admissions profile like we want at least 50% minority students, then you necessarily have to let a racist college dictate a race admissions profile like we want at least 97% white students. And if you let colleges favor black people but not white people, that’s literally the definition of racist law (law that favors one race over another).

Racism has done terrible things to our nation. More racism is not the right answer to fix it.


I’m not sure this guy should be held guilty.

The one who SHOULD be charged is the commander who showed up on scene, left his radio in his car, failed to take command, and spent most of the next hour or two wandering around while innocent people were killed and nobody was giving any orders. And he says he ‘didn’t realize he was in command’ fucking bullshit dude that is your job to know that you are a part of the chain of command. When you, a command officer, shows up on scene you should establish where you fit in that chain- if someone else is in command report to them, if nobody else is then take command. That’s your DUTY. You personally don’t have to rush the gunman, you just have to take command of your men.

In the absence of orders, ‘do nothing’ became the de facto order until a border patrol team (different chain of command) showed up and said fuck you all we’re ending this.

Let’s charge that commander with gross negligence.



I think there’s two issues.
One is that Google’s search has gotten a LOT less useful over the last few years. I blame enshittification- it used to just search for whatever you typed in, now there’s a lot of ‘you typed X but we think you might mean Y’ type stuff that produces tons of irrelevant results. You can turn on Verbatim mode and that helps a little but it’s still not ‘just search for what I fucking typed in and not something else’.
The real advent of enshittification was when Google+ the social network came out- they removed + as a search operator and now you have to enclose something in quotes for ‘must include’. It’s been going downhill since then.

The other is that Google is either losing an arms race or simply not trying to weed out SEO spam sites. So you ask a question like ‘error 0x0000001b blue screen’ and you get pages and pages of ‘how to solve error 0x0000001b [FIXED]’ that are just ‘error 0x0000001b is a common error lots of people have, it can be caused by many things, to fix it reboot your computer and if that doesn’t work try safe mode and if that doesn’t work try OfficialDriverFixRegistryCleanupUtility.exe number one free recommended utility to solve all system problems’ (only spread out over 3 pages).
Or you get a bunch of 10 minute videos that illustrate a 20 second fix.
No thanks.


Still Google TBH. Just with more frustration.

At some point I’ll give DuckDuckGo another try…


Leaks contact information to the other users? Can you elaborate on that? I haven’t heard anything like that


Very interesting. This may be of interest- it’s basically the same thing. Seems that before that patch was merged, bridge-created puppet contacts would show up in searches.
Of course that’s for Synapse not Dendrite. So it sounds like Dendrite never applied that same functionality.


Whole thing seems pretty short sighted.

At least the dude is honest though- ‘we used to consider CentOS valuable, we no longer see value in that’.

What this all is really doing though is introducing a lot of uncertainty into the RH ecosystem, and pushing people toward other distros. And that will make RH the only fish in the small and shrinking pond. Because let’s be honest- 99.9% of the people running CentOS and the like were never gonna buy RHEL to begin with.

Are USB dongles bidirectional?

I have a Logitech mouse that I can map the buttons with an app when in Light Speed mode, but my wireless Akko keyboard requires the cable to be plugged in to be able to remap the keys. Since the dongle is called "receiver", I kinda assume it can only receive signals but cannot send them, but that doesn't seem to be the case with...


This can really go either way and it’s up to the manufacturer. Also depends a lot on how the device is designed.

The Logitech remapping of buttons is generally done on software side, that is, the mouse sends the same button no matter what and it’s the software that interprets it when it reaches the computer to send a different input to the software. Sounds like your keyboard is doing it in hardware, that is, when you change keymaps the keyboard actually sends a different signal to the computer rather than having a piece of software intercept the signal and send a different one to the operating system.

If I were to guess, I’d say the manufacturer of your keyboard probably put a programmable controller, but the wireless function is a basic off-the-shelf wireless keyboard chip and dongle that they purchase off the shelf from a supplier rather than design themselves. The USB cable lets them reprogram the keyboards controller, but the off-the-shelf wireless keyboard chip and dongle don’t have a reverse channel to send programming to the keyboard. For a situation like that I would question why they don’t use Bluetooth instead of a proprietary wireless system as that would give them an easy programming channel.


Absolutely I use ad block. Ublock origin, plus a couple other privacy related extensions, plus browser configured with most privacy settings turned up all the way.

Most publishers seem to have no interest in giving me a good browsing experience, only in shoving as many ads as possible down my throat and violating my privacy as much as possible. So I have zero sympathy. I have sympathy for the smaller websites that then get locked as well, that wouldn’t otherwise have intrusive ads, but I am not going to subject myself to the larger ones just for their benefit.

Without ad block I have found a lot of websites almost totally unusable, or significantly more time wasting. Reddit is of course a big one, new Reddit without ad block is a total clusterfuck. YouTube is also pretty bad.

Thing is, I’m happy to pay. I’m looking forward to an era when I can do microtransactions in crypto to pay a website a couple pennies for content I like.

Does anybody feel like the quality of reddit has already dropped massively? (

I see a lot of comments from bootlickers on how the protests are dumb and stupid and dont work and engagement metrics are still holding but the quality of posts and comments has noticeably depreciated imo. So much so that whenever I visit the site Im actually shocked at how bad it is.


I think Reddit quality has been declining for some time.

There are two factors at work I believe. One, once something goes mainstream, you get a much broader set of the population on the platform, and much like real life, the idiots seem to be louder. More importantly though, updates to the platform deprioritized serious conversation in favor of mindless scrolling. Look at the new website, or at the official app. They are not conducive to in-depth conversation. They keep trying to distract you with posts from other communities that you don’t even subscribe to, the goal is obviously to get you to keep clicking clicking clicking rather than spending a bunch of time on one page composing a well thought out reply.

And that shows. Really high quality in-depth conversations on issues of importance used to be far more common for me on Reddit. Today they are much less frequent, fewer people seem interested in real discussion or debate. And there’s much more of the attitude of ‘you disagree with me there for you’re wrong fuck you’.

I think the recent protest and beginning of migration are going to make that even more prevalent. I think many of the smarter people who enjoy in-depth discussion and post quality comments are going to migrate to Lemmy or Kbin leaving Reddit full of idiots. I think that will actually be good for Reddit as a company, at least in the short-term, because idiots don’t use ad blockers and they install the official app without thinking. It is of course killing their golden goose, but their actions suggest they have decided they prefer to do without that goose’s continued services.


Honestly I think that’s probably part of it. Spez and Kn0thing cashed out when they sold Reddit to Conde Nast for like 10 million. Now of course it’s worth billions. So I think Spez really wants his due, and is only interested in a payday.
Before this controversy, the account /u/spez was last active like 10 months ago. That speaks volumes- if you supposedly love the community but won’t interact with them on a direct level for almost a year, that suggests maybe you don’t actually love the community.


Yes exactly! I’ve always be in Reddit for the comments sections. 12-13 years ago, back when forums and IRC were what there was (aka, DISCUSSION based communities where low effort posts didn’t blow up, and platforms were run by hobbyists and webmasters catering to communities rather than social media corps desperate for clicks). It was a better time to be online IMHO. I think part of it was that joining web communities was slightly unapproachable, which meant you had to be at least a little smart to realize that you wanted to join that community and figure out how to join it. But I think the format of the sites had a bigger effect in selecting the quality of content that got popular.
As you say, nonstop torrent of visual candy you can scroll through and click click click getting another ad impression or 12 each time.

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