@ShellMonkey@lemmy.socdojo.com avatar


@[email protected]

Some dingbat that occasionally builds neat stuff without breaking others. The person running this public-but-not-promoted instance because reasons.

This profile is from a federated server and may be incomplete. Browse more on the original instance.

@ShellMonkey@lemmy.socdojo.com avatar

Interesting idea, a DNS filter won’t do much for traffic pointed at a specific IP though. Curious how that would set the system wide DNS without being a root level app.

@ShellMonkey@lemmy.socdojo.com avatar

SD card? Did those actually ever become a popular grab and go storage? Always thought they where outdone by USB flash drives just for the pocket durability.

DeepSouth (www.westernsydney.edu.au)

A supercomputer capable of mimicking the human brain is set to be activated in 2024. The DeepSouth system, developed by researchers at the International Centre for Neuromorphic Systems, uses spiking neural networks to efficiently emulate large networks of neurons, rivaling the rate of operations in the human brain. This...

@ShellMonkey@lemmy.socdojo.com avatar

Had to start with a low bar to be able to claim ‘capable of mimicking the human brain’ I guess.

@ShellMonkey@lemmy.socdojo.com avatar

My thoughts on 4chan as a breeding ground of a pile of internet culture, the pretty well unrestrained anarchy that defines the place mixed with the ability to post whatever insanity drips out of your head makes for a perfect shit storm.

It’s a lot like bacteria in a petri dish, generations of meme evolutions happen in a matter of days until something shows up that’s so virulent it infects the rest of the web.

@ShellMonkey@lemmy.socdojo.com avatar

Hmm, not sure exactly what you mean by the one who talks, but normally the type I’m thinking of try and be ‘special’ in some way by having secrets with each person. It gives them a sense of control by presuming they have some unique information shared with only certain people. How to get them out of that mentality is a trick, but breaking that illusion of control is a big part of it.

@ShellMonkey@lemmy.socdojo.com avatar

I’m not aware of specific writings, but similar topics come up in things like being a leader in the workplace. Say there is someone who has a few skills, but is uniquely the only person who knows how to deal with some arcane process. Now this person has a measure of control by being the only one with ready knowledge of this process, but this also puts them solely as the point of failure and responsible for the outcomes.

So this person has some control but also breeds resentment and is likely holding back other improvements. Someone will eventually find a workaround to this process and strip this person of the special status they had involuntarily and possibly leaving them out in the cold.

Conversely, if this person voluntarily gave up their control, spread the knowledge, helped improve the situation and at the same time relieved themselves of the duty to be the single keeper of knowledge, they become a valued member and even leader within the group.

It may not be a great comparison, but it’s something of a ‘shifting the peceptions’ for someone.

@ShellMonkey@lemmy.socdojo.com avatar

I’m pretty sure the game is eternal, but we might limit it to when we’ve run out of IPV6 addresses to post it on.

@ShellMonkey@lemmy.socdojo.com avatar

I’m guessing that they where looking at this from a supply side liability rather than consumption. All the largest ones are top oil exporting nations but what chance it there that the demand/consumption of the UAE outstrips the USA by 50%?

@ShellMonkey@lemmy.socdojo.com avatar

Hoho, buy how vuld we maintain ze image of ze snooty fenchman with ah rideeculously long cigarette holder zhen?

@ShellMonkey@lemmy.socdojo.com avatar

I’ve wondered about finding something like this. Putting in good alternative text for pictures could be a lot easier that way.

@ShellMonkey@lemmy.socdojo.com avatar

Heck, there’s a self hosted app out there on GitHub (github.com/Yooooomi/your_spotify) that allows people to do this in house and I’d guess more real-time, so there’s a demand for it out there. Spotify knows these things anyhow, they have to in order to calculate payments, so why not make it available.

@ShellMonkey@lemmy.socdojo.com avatar

I have a habit born out of having young kids around of cartoonizing more expressive language that leaks over into online conversations. There might be a bit of that going on along side the more censorship style responses put out elsewhere.

@ShellMonkey@lemmy.socdojo.com avatar

Because there really isn’t a place where it’s nessecary and thus appropriate. Sometimes it’s cathartic, but in general it’s used as a fallback for when other words and expression fail. In that regard it’s less shielding and more setting an example.

ShellMonkey, (edited )
@ShellMonkey@lemmy.socdojo.com avatar

Calling someone a fucking ass doesn’t convey anything of what your point is. In those cases where someone absolutely can’t be reasoned with swearing at them isn’t going to change the situation, actions might, but words won’t.

Another mentioned about it being needed in some cases where the situation doesn’t merit politeness. In those cases though what’s gained by charged emotional responses if you’re going to engage at all? It’s wasting energy on things that have no benefit to anyone.

Cursing really only has any meaning because we give the words power. Similar to slurs against various groups, they only have bite because we give them meaning and history. I’ll give this challenge, give me an instance where any given situation was benefitted by their use though, outside of mere expression of rage or hate what benefit did it add?

@ShellMonkey@lemmy.socdojo.com avatar

Common go to for me is the incoherent muttering of Mutley.


@ShellMonkey@lemmy.socdojo.com avatar

My thoughts go to a lot of our stored and operational fuel supplies. Nuclear fuel (both civil and weapon) would eventually become exposed through lack of storage container maintinance and cooling starting meltdown reactions in their localized environments. Oil extraction, distribution, and refining systems are automated to an extent but somewhere a tank is going ng to rupture or just run out of space and then it’s all getting into the environment, likely at sea to have what effects that may cause.

ShellMonkey, (edited )
@ShellMonkey@lemmy.socdojo.com avatar

I’m sure it’d level off, but a driver falling asleep at the wheel on the highway tends to cause problems. If the BP spill in the Gulf had nobody trying to cap it off who knows how long it’d have kept going.

@ShellMonkey@lemmy.socdojo.com avatar

Shh, beeg secret… Emojis used to be put in on keyboards long before touchscreens where a thing ;)

@ShellMonkey@lemmy.socdojo.com avatar


Well an estimate from 2008 put it at upwards of 4,000 just as federal crimes. Not to even touch on state matters ,tax, civil affronts, etc.

@ShellMonkey@lemmy.socdojo.com avatar

I’m pretty sure Ars has a minimum acceptable level of snark and sarcasm that needs to be met for publication, particularly with things like Google shutting down some service they’re bored with.

@ShellMonkey@lemmy.socdojo.com avatar

A couple different threat models to consider, hardware failure vs human failure. Things like RAID can effectively cover the hardware failure side and be fully transparent. Human failure is a bit more tricky. There are a number of old expressions about backups but one that’s good to keep in mind is snapshots are not backups. They’re convenient and easy to automate but if the system making them goes kerplooie they’re pretty useless.

A tiered version is good for off device backup, using diff backups routinely to only copy the new or changed data with a periodic full backup.

Cold disks are great but make sure to test them periodically, nothing worse than looking to restore a chunk of data only to find the backup can’t be read.

@ShellMonkey@lemmy.socdojo.com avatar

Curious what you mean here. Aside from RAID0 all tiers allow for at least one disk to fail without loss. If the whole raid controller fails you can typically replace that independently and import the foreign config. This is all talking about hardware backed RAID of course, not a soft-raid config.

ShellMonkey, (edited )
@ShellMonkey@lemmy.socdojo.com avatar

Fair enough if using a more expansive version of hardware failure. Things like a house fire would presumably destroy a series of optical disks which would make most any in house option non-functional. Network based backups could also fail to transmit data securely and accurately as well so really any sort of replication solution needs validation of the data is of significant value. A first step in preservation is to not have the box that it came from burn down, and have a way to recover if someone does a ‘sudo rm -rf /’ accidentally.

@ShellMonkey@lemmy.socdojo.com avatar

Hell I’m mid 40s and the last time I was single was right about your age. Getting all the school stuff out of the way first puts you on a level to have a better perspective on what you want to have in a partner.

@ShellMonkey@lemmy.socdojo.com avatar

The color of Cerium and the flavor of Mentos in one…


@ShellMonkey@lemmy.socdojo.com avatar


I’ve used this for similar tasks before. Might need a few steps if the formats vary to get them all together but it should be possible.

Recommendations for beginner winter running clothes?

2 1/2 weeks ago, I started going for short (25-40 minutes) daily morning runs. Right now the temperature is mostly 10C or higher, so I can just wear shorts and a t-shirt. One day it was below 8, felt a bit cold, and so I got a functional (=plastic) sport long sleeve. That works well, and I can even wear a t-shirt under it if it...

@ShellMonkey@lemmy.socdojo.com avatar

If you’re talking 0c then really any normal running gear should be good still. Some of those stretchy calf length pants work relatively well. It might be a bit brisk to start off but if I’ve learned one thing after a few frozen runs it’s dress for the finish not the start. It gets really obnoxious to have a bulky coat on half way through, particularly when there’s no need to wait around at the start where it might keep you warm.

@ShellMonkey@lemmy.socdojo.com avatar

So long as it’s comfortable. Somewhat counterintuitively it seems like tighter is better in cold in my experience. Less space for sweat and air to move around and cool things off as you run.

@ShellMonkey@lemmy.socdojo.com avatar

This would be more for the people who set up full automation paths and have a good bit of technical expertise. Not bad to learn but not useful if you’re more of a go to site and get a file manually user.

@ShellMonkey@lemmy.socdojo.com avatar

I’m going to guess that there’s some kind of pruning going on just by virtue of the size of them. My Mastodon instance which is pretty well unused other than the few dozen people I followed on there has an image store or around 300 GB last I looked. Lemmy seems just as hungry though I’ve ran it for less time. Scaling that up to the biggest instance around and I’m sure they’re at many multi TBs of storage just for things to chill there. Those on outside instances might have cached copies that the home doesn’t though.

@ShellMonkey@lemmy.socdojo.com avatar

Personally I go with low resource box with lots of drives for a nas and a higher compute but low storage box for a hypervisor. That way the NAS storing all the bulk data uses as little power as it can and can just sit there doing the pretty well singular task of serving drives. Backup is all automatic via mirror raid and snapshots.

@ShellMonkey@lemmy.socdojo.com avatar

I use Xigmanas, which is kind of the forgotten grandfather of TrueNas due to a fork/renaming years ago. I like that it’s more designed as a embedded image image, so it feels more clean and purpose built.

For the VMs I go with XCP-ng, It’s been a long time to recall exactly why I switched away from Proxmox but it had to do with the way that resources got shared by the VMs and the host where I wanted them to have a more distinct split.

They all have their +/- and eventually if it gets taken far enough as a hobby you’ll end up finding little adjustments to make that are specific to your needs and setup that make sense only to you.

@ShellMonkey@lemmy.socdojo.com avatar

Your login is unique to the home instance. In effect your username is the full [email protected] but the @ portion gets added in when you log in on the linux.community page. There is some theoretical talk of federated identity that would let you use credentials across instances but the logistics of it seems daunting.

You can still read and post to wherever from your home instance, so long as the other server wasn’t defederated for some reason.

@ShellMonkey@lemmy.socdojo.com avatar

If I recall there was talk of migration being a thing in the next major version.

@ShellMonkey@lemmy.socdojo.com avatar

It’s a fine line but think of the format of something like NPR. They’ll make mention of being funded by X corp, but that doesn’t by extension mean that they are beholden to them in any way. Now if you talk poorly about your sponsors, particularly if it where untrue they probably won’t be sponsors in the future, but there’s no obligation on either side to mask things for another’s benefit.

If they where in whole or major part given their operational funding by a singular entity that changes things a bit though. At that point you are owned and operated by some parent corp. In that case you would be expected to toe the company line or get shut down.

These two are the difference meant in ‘independent journalism’. An entity may have a very heavy slant on their reporting but can still be independent. Take a look at the ‘improve the news’ feed/site/community, they have a left vs right (or whatever fits the story) headline version as part of each story. The same thing said with different words has major implications for the impression it gives off.

@ShellMonkey@lemmy.socdojo.com avatar

The porn front is funny, it gets kicked back and forth between ‘good and healthy, have a regular wank to clean out the pipes with no psychological maleffects at all’ and ‘mysogonisitc, abusive, human trafficking, setting warped expectations of subjective women used only for physical release’.

The more reasoned response to NNN isn’t to become so enraged by the mere mention and presume it some far right cult out to cause violence and mayhem, but rather to think maybe some look at it as a good reminder to reassess their views on sex, temperance, and their approach to others and their expectations of relationships.

Interestingly enough it was born out of something of a parody of no-shave Novembe or ‘mowvember’ growing out an extensive beard in a overt display of masculinity to promote awareness of prostate cancer. I wonder if that would be shunned today as being a toxic behavior as well.

@ShellMonkey@lemmy.socdojo.com avatar

Read again, slowly…

Not you specifically, but if you look about the responses there are some that are pretty unhinged over the fact that some take a bit of abstinence as being an affront to themselves.

@ShellMonkey@lemmy.socdojo.com avatar

Why have a mental health awareness month when you can just shame people and say it’s their problem to fix?

Sounds like a pretty crass take on things. Look for a bit of empathy when someone has challenges in their life.

@ShellMonkey@lemmy.socdojo.com avatar

Lost count how many times I’ve had a thought to the effect of back when I used to plug in a portable CD player through a tape adapter in my car, if you where to suggest that one day I would tap my watch to command a full fidelity song be played from a remote server who knows where off of a wireless link I’d have called you mad…

@ShellMonkey@lemmy.socdojo.com avatar

In theory it helps to have multiple people verify the code. In reality, unless it has wide use and a fairly clean core it won’t likely get reviewed by anyone, but even without that it helps provide a level of trust just by the author laying their cards out for people to look at if they like.

@ShellMonkey@lemmy.socdojo.com avatar

I’ve been off and on since the way back times. It seems to be frozen for some while ever since the original dev ‘Toad’ went off to do his own thing a few years back. Conceptually it’s a neat idea but suffers greatly from a ‘slowest link in the chain’ problem when looking to fetch sites since any given node only knows their immediate peer rather than the true source on either end of a request.

@ShellMonkey@lemmy.socdojo.com avatar

Interesting, hadn’t looked recently to see that. Ian Clark, aka Toad, wrote both though and likely just wanted to take advantage of the name recognition from Freenet without all the uproar that happened when they announced the 0.5 to 0.7 rewrite of Freenet. Back then, it was migrating TCP to UDP now it’s moving from Java to Rust. Both though end up being an effective reset of the odd little sub-web we know as Freenet.

ShellMonkey, (edited )
@ShellMonkey@lemmy.socdojo.com avatar

The opener version by necessity makes it apparent that you are running a node, but without some coordinated efforts to ‘surround’ you and be in control of all node points connecting to it nobody can verify what requests originated or ended at your host. It’s a plausible deniability state rather than pure anonymity as far as the neighbors go.

Very simple comparison, shout to everyone in the room you want a file, if they have it they’ll send it, if not they’ll ask their neighbors, but they never tell the neighbors it’s not for them they just ask for the file, this continues on until someone has the file and passes lt back to the one who requested it from them up the chain until the first person gets it. In this way even the second person who was the first peer doesn’t know who originally requested it, just that this person asked them.

@ShellMonkey@lemmy.socdojo.com avatar

Unless this friend was walking about to various clinics asking for shots this seems exceptionally unlikely. They only ever kept someone around for 15 minutes or so to check for accute reactions, the same as they do for any other vaccination. It’s not as though docs where just wandering the malls sticking people as they passed by…

RookieNerd, to fediverse
@RookieNerd@hachyderm.io avatar

@fediverse Let's face it. When talking about the Fediverse, it is very hard to sell interoperability between different types of instances as a major advantage.

ShellMonkey, (edited )
@ShellMonkey@lemmy.socdojo.com avatar

Given the way this is tagged up with the @ and # throughout the comments I’m venturing it originated on Mastodon, yet here I am commenting on it from a Lemmy instance. Some of the inconsistencies of the federation between different platforms are going to come down to them each having different focuses, and that’s plenty good. Trying to jam every functionality into a single platform is likely to result in it doing none of them well.

For my part having the ability to see one from another is a neat bonus, but not the main driver of use. The format and style of interactions leads me more towards things like Lemmy/K-Bin where some find Mastodon, Pixelfed, or any of the Friendica/Hubzilla style page base ones to be their thing. It’s even possible people like more than one. I host both a Mastodon and Lemmy instance, and have toyed with others but didn’t find them compelling enough to maintain.

So no, the notion of talking across platforms isn’t so much the huge point of the fedi in my mind, but toss that in with the ability to do what you want to do similar to any of the big social platforms (they all pretty much have some kind of fedi counterpart now) without selling your soul to the corporate overlords is pretty fn awesome

@ShellMonkey@lemmy.socdojo.com avatar

In those two cases I’d think the Friendica/Hubzilla apps and the Lemmy/K-Bin apps would fit those two needs respectively. I’ve also bookmarked this thing called Fire fish that seems to have potential as a sort of all-of-the-above effort that could prove interesting, just don’t want to see something that tries to be too much at once and fails at all of it as a result though.

A big part of the problems in anything on the fediverse as a professional presentation is that very little of the software is really well polished. Mastodon is probably the most ‘pretty’ of any of them right now that I’m familiar with, but there’s always the balancing act with new software between working well and looking good/friendly that takes some time to hammer out, particularly if there isn’t a massive development team backing it.

@ShellMonkey@lemmy.socdojo.com avatar

I’ve got a 55" from Westinghouse that’s probably a decade old by now. It technically has some half-baked smart functions, but they’re more like fixed apps than anything where you can install/update/change. It never gets connected though, just used as a monitor for whatever is attached. Cheap off-bramd type boxes are not bad if you’re just looking for an output. Lots of times they don’t have the time and resources to put into making some big infrastructure and app catalog, so they just focus on making the screen and inputs work.

@ShellMonkey@lemmy.socdojo.com avatar

Always a good plan. I’m not too creative but have a easy go-to with 1/3 each of oats, chopped dates, and some kind of granola mix. Add oat/almond milk until covered and leave it in the fridge.

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