@SharkEatingBreakfast@sh.itjust.works avatar


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@SharkEatingBreakfast@sh.itjust.works avatar

If you want to entice a cat to come closer, don’t look at it! Direct eye contact is seen as threatening.

Put out your hand, point your face away from the cat, and put your hand out while gently calling it over. Your success rate will be much higher!

Also, a good cat-noise to attract them is a light trill with an upward inflection. It’s my go-to when assuring nervous/unsure cats.

@SharkEatingBreakfast@sh.itjust.works avatar

Train & pay me to scare away monkeys.

I want that job title on my resumé.

@SharkEatingBreakfast@sh.itjust.works avatar

In order to get the answers you’re looking for, put out the question “what exactly does this statement mean?” instead of “sounds like this means ___” and waiting for a confirmation/rejection of your assumption.

@SharkEatingBreakfast@sh.itjust.works avatar

You’re definitely not ugly.

I hope that you’re able to appreciate, love yourself, and see yourself how others see you eventually, my friend.


@SharkEatingBreakfast@sh.itjust.works avatar

Not exactly the same thing (though it’s as close as you can get currently without surgery), but I used to wear circle lenses.

People were either wholly freaked out by it, loved it, or thought I was on drugs. No in-betweens, really.

@SharkEatingBreakfast@sh.itjust.works avatar

I’ve never met a well-adjusted homeschooled kid.

— former homeschooled kid

@SharkEatingBreakfast@sh.itjust.works avatar

I do stuff that involves quite a lot of printing, scanning, and copying.

My goofy lil Canon Pixma MG3620 printer has held strong throughout the years.

I will scream if it ever dies, as I have zero desire to peruse the hellscape of current-day printers.

@SharkEatingBreakfast@sh.itjust.works avatar

My kid now has to sit in classrooms where kids scream, threaten people, throw things, and break shit. The teacher has had to evacuate the classroom until these kids calm down. Barely any teaching or learning takes place because these poor teachers are far too busy trying to manage these students.

My kid went from top student in every single grade to an anxious wreck because he now has to deal with kids who threaten to hurt both other students and themselves.

I’m very much for “education for all”, but this ain’t the way to do it. It’s a fuckin’ mess out there. I don’t envy the kids of today in the slightest.

@SharkEatingBreakfast@sh.itjust.works avatar

They look so friendly! Probably great breakfast buddies. Where are they from?

@SharkEatingBreakfast@sh.itjust.works avatar

I have no issues paying higher prices for good-quality plushes. Thank you!

SharkEatingBreakfast, (edited )
@SharkEatingBreakfast@sh.itjust.works avatar

My parents used to be against me taking my meds. Been on them for nearly 9 years now.

I was forced to stop taking them for months due to a shortage last year.

My mother came over one day to find my house absolutely trashed, my mail piled up, my water shut off, I had gained 20 lbs, and all sorts of other “fun” things I was unable to address thanks to my condition.

She no longer encourages me to stop taking my meds.

Meds can be good. They may not be right for everyone, but take them if they help (while working with a qualified medical professional).

@SharkEatingBreakfast@sh.itjust.works avatar

Exploiting people: making them feel that they have no choice under the threat of poverty if they don’t comply, often resulting in accepting less than favorable pay/them paying more to get something they need.

Monetizing people: “We already play video games for fun, so why don’t we turn it into a thing where we get paid to play video games by streaming it and possibly doing ads or accepting audience donations?”

Basically, exploitation is taking advantage of people’s possible desperation. Monetization is just taking something people might want and changing/making money off of it.

Monetization can lead to exploitation, but they are not intrinsically the same at its base.

@SharkEatingBreakfast@sh.itjust.works avatar

P×dophiles are flocking to churches because they’re unregulated by the government. They’re becoming a safe haven for these sick fucks because they often attempt to handle conflict and scandals within their own walls. Also, due to a high need for childcare, often no background check is needed!

A “scandal” is bad for business attendance numbers, so they like to keep it quiet, if they can.

My family has gone to so many churches throughout the years, and at least 5 or 6 have had the sexual abuse of a child come to light within church leadership.

I am dead serious about this: KEEP YOUR KIDS OUT OF CHURCHES!!!

EDIT: I forgot to mention that most clergy are not bound by laws that would make them mandated reporters for child abuse.

@SharkEatingBreakfast@sh.itjust.works avatar

I mean, yeah, that’s how I deal with it.

But even some non-church-going folks with drop off their kids at “youth group” essentially for free childcare and debatable “moral development.”

@SharkEatingBreakfast@sh.itjust.works avatar

Honestly? I think it will eventually be astroturfed by corporations and bad actors once it gets big enough.

SharkEatingBreakfast, (edited )
@SharkEatingBreakfast@sh.itjust.works avatar

Because when I do what I want, I get called a “retard” or asked “what the fuck are you doing?” by the people around me. I make a point to try to do things quietly (stopping to observe a cool bug, making chalk drawings on the sidewalk, saying “wheee!” on the swings, etc.), but it really doesn’t matter.

I’ve caught glimpses of people filming me before, so I now only do what I want in privacy.

Also doesn’t help that I’ve been accused of “doing it for attention.” Nah, my dude, pretty sure I’m just fckin’ autistic.

I only want people to leave me alone now. I don’t like having to justify my actions when I’m just trying to enjoy myself.

@SharkEatingBreakfast@sh.itjust.works avatar

Thank you. Maybe one day.

@SharkEatingBreakfast@sh.itjust.works avatar

Have you ever been pregnant before? I can assure you, it’s absolutely not a lighter weight alternative.

@SharkEatingBreakfast@sh.itjust.works avatar

I genuinely can’t tell if this is trolling or genuine ignorance.

Either way, I’m disappointed.

@SharkEatingBreakfast@sh.itjust.works avatar

A friend in Austria made me realize how absolutely asinine it all is.

“Imagine having to be diagnosed as gender.”

@SharkEatingBreakfast@sh.itjust.works avatar

I wrote 3 - 4 sentences and got in.

They want people to join who will make an effort to contribute to their community.

So their “”“essay”“” requirement is working if it keeps out people who think that writing a couple lines is “mental”.

@SharkEatingBreakfast@sh.itjust.works avatar

They want to know if your views will mesh well with the community they are trying to curate before they let you in.

I browsed Beehaw for a bit before deciding that it did, and mentioned it in my application.

I think they’re a bit more choosy now, as I used to see folks spouting things like “can you not use the word ‘minorities’? It shows a bias. You need to address everyone, not give preferential treatment,” or some other dumb horseshit.

Honestly, I think they just don’t want to have to deal with people saying stupid shit and they’re tired of trying to argue with people who A). genuinely hold stupid, shitty beliefs, or B). are trolling/pretending to be stupid in order to get a reaction.

More power to them, if that’s the case.

@SharkEatingBreakfast@sh.itjust.works avatar

It’s a nice sentiment, but…

This was premeditated. She needs to be held accountable and have consequences for what she willfully and knowingly did.

She literally killed people. I’m not sure this can be a case of “forgive and let her off lightly.”

@SharkEatingBreakfast@sh.itjust.works avatar

That’s fine, but she still made a conscious decision to do it. If she was one year older, would that make any kind of difference?

And let me be clear: mental illness can make some behaviors more understandable, but not murder– if the blame is put solely on mental illness, all that does is put more stigma on it. Not every shitty decision people make is because of “mental illness”.

@SharkEatingBreakfast@sh.itjust.works avatar

I’m not sure you know what the word “reactionary” means if you think that my comments and opinions were “reactionary”.

The family can grieve, and my opinion has no bearing on the outcome of whatever happens. My point was, in the end, no matter what the reason, there needs to be consequences for someone who killed people, regardless of what the grieving parties think. I don’t think that’s particularly radical.

It’s a sad and awful situation al around. I can see why those poor families just want to move on.

@SharkEatingBreakfast@sh.itjust.works avatar

That’s fair, and I get it. To me, that’s absolutely radical, especially if it was my child who was harmed.

I personally have just learned from experience that people who get off easy are likely to continue on the path of destructive behavior.

I’m not necessarily calling for her death or anything… but the punishment needs to fit the crime. Two lives are permanently gone from this world because of the careless and stupid choices she made.

@SharkEatingBreakfast@sh.itjust.works avatar

I agree. 15 years is hardly “life” in prison, though. I think it’s more than fair.

@SharkEatingBreakfast@sh.itjust.works avatar

Oh, absolutely. The internet adds the layer of anonymity, too, so that certainly doesn’t help.

@SharkEatingBreakfast@sh.itjust.works avatar

That’s fair. Still, though, something is needed.

@SharkEatingBreakfast@sh.itjust.works avatar

“Oh no, I’m addicted to being able to function!”

Remember that you should never feel guilty about using meds as they are intended to be used. Dependence ≠ addiction.

Guilt about that kept me from getting medicated for my own issues, but when I finally found what worked for me, I genuinely wept. “Is this what ‘normal’ people feel like? Able to function? Quiet thoughts? Not overwhelmed by pure, constant anxiety?”

Does it kinda suck to think that I may have to take it indefinitely? Yeah. Sure. But it’s much better than being stuck in my own head and paralyzed by my own stupid brain.

Love yourself and do what’s best for you, meds or not.

@SharkEatingBreakfast@sh.itjust.works avatar

besides the admins of both instances can read them as well.


@SharkEatingBreakfast@sh.itjust.works avatar

Ngl, being a professional cosplayer sounds dope.

@SharkEatingBreakfast@sh.itjust.works avatar

Y’all silly. They already have machines that write stuff out for you with pens and stuff. And markers, too.

I have one! A Cricut. But there are more kinds out there.

@SharkEatingBreakfast@sh.itjust.works avatar

I went to hospital ER once after being literally unable to walk (unknown spinal issue). After 4 hours, they took Xrays, gave me a steroid shot and some extra-strength Tylenol, told me I have mild scoliosis, and then discharged me. I was bedridden for nearly 2 months after that. I then received a bill for 4000$.

@SharkEatingBreakfast@sh.itjust.works avatar

My favorite bird.

Good. Round. Lovely voice. Funny walk. Makes me smile every time I see them.

Excellent bird.

Thanks for sharing!

@SharkEatingBreakfast@sh.itjust.works avatar


@SharkEatingBreakfast@sh.itjust.works avatar


I like myself just fine, but I am well aware that I do not fit in with general society.

That in itself can be very isolating and can lead to difficult feelings about yourself and your abilities as a person.

@SharkEatingBreakfast@sh.itjust.works avatar

What is challenging in art? Just put a pencil on paper and move it around.

@SharkEatingBreakfast@sh.itjust.works avatar

I hate you. I hate you soooo damn much.

@SharkEatingBreakfast@sh.itjust.works avatar

Dental assistant once thanked me profusely for brushing my teeth before the appointment. I always do, but that cemented my resolve to continue doing it indefinitely.

@SharkEatingBreakfast@sh.itjust.works avatar

Unmedicated, I would crave soda like a fucking sugar tick. I’d eat until I was sick, then eat some more. Actually rotted a bunch of my teeth with my shitty habits and poor self-control. Needed several root canals… ugh…

Medicated, I have soda maybe once per month or every other month. I don’t have uncontrollable cravings for sugar anymore. It’s fucking great!!

@SharkEatingBreakfast@sh.itjust.works avatar

Endless content can definitely lead to a more addictive platform. Because it’s trying to encourage more users to generate their own content, there’s certainly less of it, bit definitely less garbage to wade through.

That said, I feel that I’m learning more, sharing more, and interacting with others more.

It’s also much nicer than R×ddit, because I’ve seen so much less: ragebait, fake stories, sensationalism, intentional factual inaccuracies/disinformation, shilling, shitty bots, etc.

SharkEatingBreakfast, (edited )
@SharkEatingBreakfast@sh.itjust.works avatar

These non-human pieces of shit can be easily put into power over the weak, naive, and vulnerable when a part of the church. It’s as simple as “volunteering” to help out with the kid’s Sunday school classes, childcare, youth group, “mentoring”, and all other kinds of jobs they so selflessly volunteer to do. No background checks needed!

They’ll pick out the ones least likely to speak up. They’ll gain their trust. They’ll form a bond of trust. They’ll nurture the relationship. They can easily convince the party they’ve assaulted that you should be guilty for what happened… what you made them do.

I know this, because I was a victim many many years ago.

A church in my area recently had an uproar because the pastor’s son had been doing things to children. Thing is… it came out the pastor and his wife knew their son had a “problem” for years before… AND STILL GAVE HIM FULL ACCESS TO THE CHILDREN IN THE CHURCH!!!

Dead serious: keep your kids out of the church. Do not trust them with your children!!

@SharkEatingBreakfast@sh.itjust.works avatar

What about a platypus? It could be considered part/half-duck. Or even duck-like!

@SharkEatingBreakfast@sh.itjust.works avatar

Pic of your credit card and/or social security card only.

@SharkEatingBreakfast@sh.itjust.works avatar

I had to do this recently with one of my sisters.

She’s so self-centered to the point where I just can’t stand her, and she keeps crossing boundaries that I have repeatedly set.

Turns out, my mother begrudgingly admitted “She’s not malicious, she’s just mind-numbingly stupid.” I observed quietly for some time, and… yeah. She’s just stupid. That’s the only way I can’t be mad at her, so that’s what is keeping the peace between us.

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