This profile is from a federated server and may be incomplete. Browse more on the original instance.


No, most multiplayer games and services these days only share your IP with the server, and not with other players.

Leaking your IP to someone malicious can mean DDoS attacks and rough geolocation. IP can be a good narrowing to find your address when combined with additional information.

SC2 is not a game one would expect to leak your IP and is a valid, small concern.


Choosing to join a private server is very different from having your IP leaked on official servers.

Serinus, (edited )

Being aware of the small risk you’re taking with one person (the server owner) versus being unaware of the risk you’re taking with many different random lobbies.

Server owners are more likely to ban you than DDoS you. And it’s a single digit number of people with access to that information vs hundreds in random lobbies.

The risk, while still small, is hundreds of times greater than a private server.


Star Trek has a federation of Humans, Vulcans, and many other races. Their ships are still separate, but they work together.

The Fediverse has a federation of Startrek.Website, Lemmy.World, Sh.itjustwo.rks, etc.

Email has a federation of,,,, every,, tons and tons of small servers. This is probably the biggest federation. Many servers will choose to only federate with specific instances, or may explicitly defederate with a list of instances. If I stand up a private, home email on my own domain, there’s no guarantee that your work will accept my emails.


They make special TVs with fewer features (such as no audio out) specifically for Black Friday specials.


I believe there are people here who still haven’t switched, and this post about a problem and the obvious solution could convince them.

Do they already know the argument? Sure. It’s a pretty simple one.


I’d like to have more of these set up for home assistant controllers.

Some day, in the distant future, homes will be wired for these panels and the “switches” won’t be directly wired to the lights. It’s currently more difficult than it seems to make this look smooth. Ideally, you’d want the power connection in the back of the phone/tablet to plug into an outlet (USB-C) recessed into the wall, with a holder on the wall that the tablet could slide into and (rarely) out of.

Think Star Trek: TNG wall panels next to the doors in that show.

It’s already easy to set a different screen for each switch panel, with an option to go into more detail.

Image of Home Assistant control panel with options to turn lights and thermostat on and off.

Right now I use a combination of smart switches and smart bulbs. Smart bulbs for colors, primarily. Smart switches integrate better with current technology and standard bulbs.

Plus the Matter/Thread standard isn’t ubiquitous yet, so it’s kind of better to wait for more adoption there.


Maybe, just maybe the actor is more invested in their particular character than the writer. Or maybe the line suits the actor better.

It’s disrespectful for the writers to expect actors to play their characters without putting anything of themselves into the act.

It should absolutely be a collaboration, and not one side dictating to the other, with no feedback allowed.

But I’m not going to downvote a contribution to the conversation just because I disagree.


Maybe someday I’ll have to try it again while pretending it has nothing to do with Asimov.


1 to 1

You’re kidding, right? The series would have been better if it weren’t called Foundation. They’ve mutilated the source material far worse than anything JJ Abrams has ever done.

If you start watching that show because of the name and history, then it’s a terrible show.

If you took Jersey Shore and renamed it “Lord of the Rings: Shoreline” while having the characters spout the word “Hobbit” here and there, people would be rightfully disappointed.

This honestly isn’t far off of that. The show is a disgrace to the books and shouldn’t share the name. Maybe if I can go back and forget the association, I could appreciate it for what it is. But it’s not what it was sold as.


If it were anyone other than Amazon or Apple.

Speaking of which, isn’t MacOS Linux based these days? How much have they contributed back? (Genuine question)


I expect to have access to all of my data that the system retains. I expect them to not share my text messages with anyone else. I expect to have the ability to manually delete data.

I prefer that it doesn’t retain information any longer than I have use for it.

That’s not asking much.


There’s really no reason to cache anything more than a day old. And if you’re using Android Auto, the car shouldn’t need to store anything. It all goes through your phone.

Did racist use the "biological advantage" argument when Black athletes started competing alongside white athletes?

Given that racists and slavers used the “natural physical strength” of black people to justify putting them on hard labor and some medics still think that blacks has higher resistance to pain, I wonder if when black athletes started to join mixed race sport teams, some racist would have used the same “biological...


And you can tell by the way they don’t win competitions.


Exactly. It’s harmful to both women and the LGBT+ movement.

We should all just get on board with allowing discrimination based on sex at birth in women’s sport competitions.

And then we can really focus on discrimination where it matters. Drag competitions aren’t hurting anyone.


The issue is that exceptional people win. And you can’t allow people to compete, but then tell them it’s not okay if they win.

I’m cool with anyone competing in men’s competitions, but sports set aside for women at birth should keep that standard. The same logic applies to Oscar Pistorius, who shouldn’t have been allowed to compete in the Olympics. If you win a competition with artificial legs, it’s hard to argue that the artificial legs aren’t an advantage.


It’s not a winning issue in sports. Anywhere else you’ll get more support.

from Gallup polls


physically has some edge and should not be able to be on a girls soccer team?

Are you going to tell her she can play a sport as long as she’s not exceptional at it?

I’d be fine with the girls who are mediocre at a sport. It’s not reasonable to tell anyone that they’re allowed to play a sport as long as they aren’t good at it. Trans women shouldn’t be taking scholarships and awards away from born women.

The same doesn’t apply to bathrooms or the gym. You can be as good as you want at pissing in whatever gender bathroom you want. I don’t care.

Trans women who do not fully transition are going to have an advantage. And anyone who performs well is going to be suspected of not fully transitioning. It’s not fair to them and not fair to born women.

We already have controls in sports on sex hormones. This isn’t much different.

I wish the trans community all the best in areas outside of this one. I’ll call you by whatever pronouns you prefer. You can use whatever bathrooms you want. But this issue is different.

I respect your argument. I’m just not convinced.


Probably just an oversight and taking their word for it. It happens.


Hey, I have a local cult that uses that software.

They also like to pack a bunch of students into one apartment and then charge each of them $700*/month in rent.

*(Don’t take my word on the numbers.)


How is it that furry gets scorn, but scat skates right by without comment?


They also use a bunch of other names for smaller groups that are really part of Xenos. They know the reputation follows them.

Serinus, (edited )

Their tactics are pretty good and could get a lot of people, really. They do what’s called “love bombing”. One of them will befriend you, and invite you somewhere. You won’t realize you’re being targeted for recruitment. For that outing, the goal of nearly everyone there will be to make sure YOU are having a good time and feel accepted.

They’ll try to draw you in deeper, maybe try to get you to go to a Bible study (even if you aren’t religious.) If you have other friends, they’ll either try to draw them in with you, or they’ll do what they can to distance you from them. Even something as simple as hearing you have plans and then inviting you somewhere else on that day.

Eventually they’ll push a little harder on trying to get you to conform. If that goes well, they’ll try to get you to move in. At that point it’s a lot harder to extract yourself. They’ll try to keep you so busy with activities that you don’t have time for anything else.

During all this, they’ll try to get you to share personal things. It’s okay to talk about your sins, that’s how you get past them.

Past that point, if you try to extract they’ll start to use those things against you. Did you tell them about child abuse or pictures or something about a boyfriend/girlfriend? As discouragement from dissidence, they’ll hold meetings where they discuss those things as a topic. They have spyware on your phone at this point, so they may share anything embarrassing there they can find. They’ll threaten to tell your parents all the sins you’ve admitted.

It’s pretty insidious.


I spend enough time here that I’d be willing to help out. I think I can be a pretty good judge and allow opinions that are wildly different from mine as long as they contribute to a conversation.

I’m just not real motivated to compete with a bunch of other people who really want the job and will grovel to get it. I’m happy to help; I’m not desperate for an unpaid position in order to lord power over people.

I’d basically do it because I’ve been on the wrong end of bad moderation, and I don’t want to see more of it.

(I was permanently banned from r/leagueoflegends for saying Covid wouldn’t be fatal for a team of young 20-somethings that were all vaccinated. It was in a post about a team catching Covid. My statement isn’t perfect, but it sure didn’t seem worthy of permanent removal on a first offense.)


It’s something the clients could work around. Auto search the modlog once in awhile and send you a message with the details on a fresh hit.


Proper mass transit. Then pedestrian and bike paths are more useful.

After that, cars can go fuck themselves.


You can also submit corrections to Google maps. If they won’t correct it, there may be a reason. (Not to say which side of a dispute is right.)

Mozilla Senior Director of Content explained why Mozilla has taken an interest in the fediverse and Mastodon (

"the company looked at the history of social media over the past decade and didn’t like what it saw… existing companies that are only model motivated by profit and just insane user growth, and are willing to tolerate and amplify really toxic content because it looks like engagement… "


While I generally agree with you, you can’t call that a strange take.

Their views are concerning, but so far I haven’t seen them trying to force their views anywhere yet. And having a fork as a real option helps mitigate a lot of that risk.

I’m certainly okay with the $50k/year they’re trying to make for working on this full time. I’d be fine with triple that.

If it gets out of hand, we have options. They’re aware of that (in fact offered it), and have been acting appropriately afaik.


I am a dev, but not a Rust dev.

Rust, Go, and C# look like the future to me. Everyone is moving to strongly typed, explicitly typed languages for a reason.

Rust is as fast as it gets, and much much safer and easier than C or C++ at the cost of slightly odder syntax than higher level languages.

Microsoft has done great things with C# and open source and multi-platforming. It’s the easiest, quickest, safest way to develop business applications. The performance is really pretty good until you compare it to Rust.

Go is between the two, but probably a little closer to Rust.

Other languages will stick around the same way Fortran has still been in use despite being deprecated for 30 years. But really nobody should be developing anything new in PHP.


Well, if you survive the first year that’s not totally unreasonable. You can get pretty fit in a year.


I still worry that leaving Reddit is going to make it tilt to the right. I spent a decade posting there in the hopes that it would nudge people towards sanity.


Sure, but there are a lot more of us, and we make more sense.

It’s important to present people with the contrasting view when they’re presented with disinformation. It’s natural to believe the first thing you read if it’s just a narrative with no dissent.


Not believing anything is just as damaging as believing everything.


Okay? Weird tangent to randomly throw in.


Asimov’s Foundation series. It hasn’t been done yet. By anyone.


The only thing it takes from Asimov is jargon. The books are about society and civilization. The show is about the emperor, Hari Seldon, and his magic. They’re hardly related.

Be careful, your understanding of incognito mode in Firefox may be wrong and that could be costing you

All the incognito browser windows share the same “session” in Firefox. So say you open an Incognito window to browse Facebook or something, then you open another Incognito window, this new incognito window is linked to the previous incognito window, meaning you are logged into Facebook at that new Incognito window as well....


In fact, that’s a good way to understand the behavior. Log into a site. Visit the site in your other window. If they share a session, you’ll be logged in. If they don’t, you’ll be logged out.

Serinus, (edited )

What’s the most money ever spent on a presidential campaign?

(About 14 billion total for 2020. So roughly 7b per side.)


The reasons he bought Twitter are many, but absolutely include political influence. Twitter and Reddit’s hard right shift are going to affect elections around the world. Hopefully not enough.


So stay off that instance. I don’t care too much what their personal beliefs are until they try to impose them on others


It’s always been a kickback towards the consumer so the CC companies can screw businesses.

Credit card companies are a huge leech on our economy.


All Cops Are Bad because good cops don’t last long. You’re either doing bad shit, standing behind the thin blue line while you watch other cops do bad shit, or you’re getting harassed and bounced out soon.


Every J&J CEO between 1976 and when they stopped selling talc should be in prison.


The company knew their baby powder was dangerous and didn’t pull the product. In fact, they took active measures to hide and lobby against the issue.

That’s malice.

This procedure is banned in the US. Why is it a hot topic in fight over Ohio's abortion amendment? (

In ads, debates and public statements, the opposition campaign and top Republicans have increasingly been referencing “partial-birth abortions” as an imminent threat if voters approve the constitutional amendment on Nov. 7. “Partial-birth abortion” is a non-medical term for a procedure known as dilation and extraction,...


This isn’t the first or only completely made up line of attack.

They’ll also go on about gender surgeries and “protect the children” as though any of that is related.


I think the idea behind Matter is the major players (Apple, Google, Samsung) want access to all the devices (and information) through their own hubs, while the smaller players (Belkin, Phillips, etc.) don’t want to be excluded by not working with the hubs people expect. (I’m using “hub” loosely here to fit several things.) And consumers don’t want to install 12 different apps that don’t interact to control their home.

Home Assistant is probably an unintended consequence of this, and may be one of the reasons why they’re dragging their feet. It’s not that Matter is secure or private, but it’s created the opportunity for security and privacy through local control.

I don’t expect the Home Assistant segment of the market should be big enough to concern them, especially with what it provides back. Home Assistant can’t disappear in ten years the way so many existing apps and critical appliance software have over the years.

You had further questions about Matter that I’m also interested in. Your Matter devices are getting an IPv6 address. Are they potentially capable of independent communication over the internet? Seems this would be impossible to hide though.


You’re taking this too personally. Setting norms isn’t something done by a manager and is absolutely just public perception. Happens in middle school constantly. Kids come in with a new, unusual haircut. First kid in earshot brands it as cool or lame. The norm is set.

This isn’t much more than saying American PTO policies are shit. That’s not an attack on you. It’s an attack on people who are okay with the status quo.

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