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And Lisa Simpson didn’t even run last time!


A lot is about the temporality of the word. I would like to add the psychology as well. It is to lessen the blow when confronted with the news your account got banned. Using the words ‘suspended indefinitely’ for it has a different impact:

Your account got banned.

Your account has been suspended indefinitely until further notice.

It is the same reason why we like to say someone has passed away, instead of died. Or we like to use lobbying for bribery.


I am no expert. But I think there is an ‘easier’ way too manage this with an overlay filesystem.

Have an immutable base with all permissions set. When a session is started have it be done in an in-memory overlay. On logout drop the overlay.

This might be easier if you don’t want to rely on cronjobs. But as I have no experience myself setting this up… ‘easier’ should be taken with a grain of salt. I just took inspiration from docker.




According to the WHO, 50% of all statistics are made up. Unsourced statistics have an even higher diagnosis rate: 70%!

But who would lie on the internet?


Against Chinese imperialism and their absurd historical claims to steal land?.


Netherland got them now on:

  • Beer (crates)
  • Big plastic bottles (±1,5L)
  • Small plastic bottles
  • Aluminium Soda Cans (Newest one)

It’s called ‘statiegeld’ here and we got them as long as I can remember. It’s is just recently it also covers the small plastic bottles and soda cans.


I hate you. I despise you so deeply that I will use all my capital to move the democratic process. I am going to use the freedom you have given me to manipulate everyone into thinking you are the scum of the earth, unworthy of existence. I will demonize your actions on every turn. I will destroy you, your culture, and your very existentce. I just have to yell it long and hard enough and people will flock to my voice that I have been given on your platforms. And you will do nothing about it, even when you manage to expose my lies. It is you that is the cause of all our problems we face. Soon enough people just repeat what I say and believe me over anything you might utter. I have just convinced people of what you truly are. And their vote will sign your death warrant.

Scribbd, (edited )

Because those people who gave up their robes saw that they were misguided and were open to new ideas. But some still have kept their hearts closed because some are just unwilling to have their convictions changed. KKK is still a thing, after all that talking. Raceism is still an issue, even when we tried giving them space.

Sometimes it is more than misguidence. Sometimes people just hate, and grudge. And when these people are given power they are able to spread their hate and misguide once more. And then we might have another Nazi Germany, where it will take a war to have it corrected. We didn’t get the Nazi’s to stop with just words. Are we able to have China stop doing it now, with just words? Are words helping in Palestina?

And in this day and age of the internet, even when we show those people the world that they can access. Show them how misguided their hatred is. They still choose to hate.

These words I wrote are in their hearts. Outside they tell sweet veiled words like ‘we must protect our children’ and ‘they are taking your jobs’. They will convince people against all facts, that the others chose this. That something genetic, is chosen. Never will they tell in those clear words what they truly want, because any sane moral person would see it for what it is.

At some point they manage to convince their followers that they are the truth, that anyone trying to guide them away to sanity is lying to them. And then the cycle completes and new unchangable hate-ist is born to spread the infection. See anti-vaxxers, see Q, see any conspiracy group that convinces their members everyone else is lying.

So, would you rather have a tyranny where people are allowed to just be. But where ideas of raceism and exclusion is censored.

Or a tyranny of the hateful that will one day knock on your door for telling the lies of inclusion?

‘Ranting, rambling, and paranoid’: Federal appeals court suspends 96-year-old judge until she passes mental exam (

Judge Newman has threatened to have staff arrested, forcibly removed from the building, and fired. She accused staff of trickery, deceit, acting as her adversary, stealing her computer, stealing her files, and depriving her of secretarial support. Staff have described Judge Newman in their interactions with her as “aggressive,...


Hooman, I guarded you during your great sleep. I only ask pets for such brave service.


Is Dutch name. Source: am Dutch.


Unlike close people. Those are always bastards invading personal spaces.

Why is everyone so giddy about the flooding thay happened at burning man?

Social media seems to be laughing its ass off about this tragedy, is it because the folks at burning man are perceived as frivolous hippies or something? Everyone I’ve ever met who was a regular burning man attendee has been a solid human being with strong morals, personally and financially responsible, a career. Upstanding...


What are fossil fuels other than captured carbon from plants and animals from long ago?

Rereleasing carbon is the problem now. Wood being sustainable needs a non-surplus in carbon emissions to begin with.


Burning man should become Burried man. Everybody should dig a hole and burry the wood. That is carbon capture.

I am not an expert. So this could just be a naive take. I wouldn’t be surprised burying wood actually amplifies the carbon emissions due to some reactions with soil, or something.


There is a stage in the transition to communism called ‘the oppression of the proletariat’ aka ‘dictatorship’. Supposedly it should be a temporary stage before transitioning into a more decentralized type of government. As far as I am aware, not any communist revolution got beyond the dictatorship stage as absolute power corrupts.


Very informative. I read the summarised work here that someone send me. And I have missed that nuance.


So you just invalidate their whole effort to make a phone in 2023 that actually held together by screws, and not glue because it lacks one audio-port?


Companies are driven by humans. And humans do greed very well. And our system is excellent at lifting up the greediest ones to the positions of power that could maybe not form the cabal. But do the ‘human see other earn more, human do’ thing.

Scribbd, (edited )

How is it telling, and of what? I think I got a good grasp of the socioeconomics of capitalism, and how it is moving our society in a (for me unwanted) direction.

And I agree, we humans are naturally wired to cooperate. However, unfortunately also by nature’s design, we humans are all on a bell curve. The x-axis in this case is empathy/greed. And since we are with 8 billion, we got a lot of people that can land on either end tails of this curve.

I am just claiming that our current economic system encourages greed and lack of empathy. And has the tendency to get these greedy people on the tail end in positions of money. And unfortunately, in capitalism money=(political) power.

And please, don’t deny the existence of people that have sociopathic or psychopathic tendencies. Those that do not feel social obligations beyond what they self require. That do not have the sympathetic wiring we all have on top of the bell curve.

And don’t deny that corporations in capitalism aren’t led by HUMANS. It is always a bunch of humans making calls about their policies and practices. They could decide any time to do better, but just don’t.

Some are either born with a lack of empathy in their genes, or are raised to have all empathy be purged out of them. Or simply be given the idea that others below them don’t deserve their empathy.

We would have a much more empathetic and social world if we were not susceptible to either not having or losing our empathy. And let greed fester.

My last sentence was about this uplifting mechanism. I was trying to neither confirm nor deny the existence of a cabal. I totally see that a cabal existing is most likely. But I also have fallen for the pit called ‘attributing malice to incompetence and stupidity’ many times which has left me in miserable states of mind that are not healthy or productive for change. To not just assume total organized malice: I just assume jealousy and greed of those who can actually make decisions on pricing.

That the greedy nature that some of us have, and many more have the higher you go in a corporate ladder. Those some that also have a tendency to rise up in our capitalistic society, are sometimes selfish self centered humans. That do get jealous that other peers are earning more than they are. That their company is not part of FANG. That they think they deserve the same, or even more, as they work ‘so hard, harder than anyone else’. While just blatantly being out of touch with what actual hard work is.

That is my stance. Maybe a little too condensed to just ‘monkey see, monkey do’.

BTW, I do believe this is also a problem with communism. That it has never been able to progress beyond the ‘oppression of the proletariat’-aka dictatorship-stage. Because there are always some people who see themselves as more important, or more equal, than others and deserving of more power or rewards than others. They also have a hard time letting go of that power. It takes just a few in positions of power, and the dictatorship is set to last and never transition to the stage beyond dictatorial-communism.


That we humans have made up money, and the market. That the notion of the ‘invisible hand of the market’ being an unbiased force, is actually a bunch of humans who have their vices and virtues move that hand. We have a system that tends to raise people up that are more greedy. Those that justify the existence of ‘catch-up profits’ to correct lost margins.


I thought it was meant to be a pocket watch pocket?

Now I store my plastic cards in there.


I am really icky about plugins that need full system access. I do understand this plugin needing it.


As instructed: ‘insert thumb’.

I don’t think I am the only one thinking inserting on a flat fragile surface means: “punch hole”.

If it had some cavity for your thumb to be inserted in it would make more sense.

“Grip corner and lift”?

'Leave our country': Indian students living in constant fear in Ukraine amid hostility (

The challenges for Indian students pursuing medical degrees in war-torn Ukraine show no signs of abating, as they grapple with increasing hostility from sections of the local population, who perceive India as supporting Russia in the ongoing conflict. The situation has escalated since Ukraine initiated its recent offensive...


You are in a sad state when you think whatever Russia is doing deserves neutral partnerships.


Your mom is in a sad state if she allowed you to think true neutrality can exist through actions, like trading with Russia. Only inaction is allowed to deserve a monicker like neutrality, but that doesn’t make one free of judgement from those who have suffered under the apathy of neutrality.


I see we got a lizard person here


Purely chosen for the nostalgia of my first Gameboy. Guess what my original shell is plastered with…


I read somewhere the shock was more due to the bomb being way more powerful than anticipated… I am not certain though.

The stupidity of YT ads these days (

I was watching a video on landscape mode on my phone on YouTube. And then when a wild midroll ad appears, the ad thinks it’s a good idea to play a ultrawide-screen video inside a TikTok style vertical phone window, and then puts that in a widescreen video. The whole thing also got smaller to display the CTA at the right....


I didn’t dive into all the repositories, but none of them contain the application. It is all supporting repo’s with documentation and managers.

Scribbd, (edited )

Ow damn. Weird seeing my city and a car that I know. The owner lives in my apartment complex. There are some ‘main character’-parking-toddlers living at my place that get my blood boiling every time they try to redefine the lines on the parking lot.


Yes, now for some geoguesser genius to also state the city.




That is the most “You said WHAT?!”-face I have ever seen.


Wasn’t folding@home not responsible for finding how the spike protein of Covid-19 folds?


“That will be $17, please.”

What are up votes (uplemmies?) actually for?

Obviously, most social networks have some sort of engagement button for liking/up voting/promoting a piece of content. As well as helping users feel like they’re participating, rather than just passively consuming, most networks also use the likes/ups to filter or promote content to other users....


I wish it is only used for post sorting. This whole Reddit karma being used as a trophy made it a reposting mess to begin with.

So it call it larma. It is karma but less important.


What language would you suggest for scripting like this?


I worked for a domain registrar and hosting company. The margins on their products are massive!

We would charge €75 for a domain recovery, while it would just cost €2 something to actually do. And the process was fully automated.

The Guardian view on danger at sea: The contrast between the frantic hunt for a missing submersible and the failure to save migrants drowning in the Mediterranean is illuminating (

A massive operation is under way to find and save a stricken vessel and its passengers. As time passes, anxious families and friends wait with growing fear. The US coastguard, Canadian armed forces and commercial vessels are all hunting for the Titan submersible, which has gone missing with five aboard on a dive to the wreck of...


I agree with you. And I do understand why, and I don't like it:

I think it is more about the profile of the people in need.

Wasn't there a billionaire on board of that vessel? Their family probably got some influence to force this massive operation. And we idolize these big money havers.

And what money do the immigrants have? It is an ongoing issue for the EU (as an example). It looks like the EU doesn't even want these people. Sure, they begrudgingly accept people, when they arrive. Sure there is an effort to safe them... But if some are lost on the way. Less mouth to feed.

Once again: my pessimistic observations. Personally, I feel ashamed of this whole thing.


I work somewhere that doesn’t have licensing with Docker Inc. And I work on a Mac. With Docker desktop out of the picture, I got some experience with the alternatives. I know this post is about the native implementation and not the VM one, but I just wanted to add my 2 cents:

Alternatives run by me: Podman, Rancher Desktop, Finch


  • Podman uses a lot more energy on idle than Finch and Rancher. On AVG 4 more Wats on an M1. (Normal idle is about 5W, so 9 almost doubles it cutting greatly in my battery life)
  • Podman and Finch are not compatible with some tools that expect a full docker sock. In my case the AWS CDK and SAM CLI have issues. (Which is fun as Finch is also made by AWS)
  • Finch does not offer a sock at all
  • Finch requires you to recreate the full VM when updated.
  • If you really want to have a drop-in replacement for Docker Desktop, use Rancher Desktop. Rancher lacks in UI and the extension feature. But I never had issues with the sock, as I can run it with containerd.
  • Finch has no UI
  • Podman’s VM has clock drift if you put your machine in sleep. Only solution I found is to reboot the podman VM.
  • Podman allows you to log in the VM with a command. I haven’t found a way on the others.

That is awesome. I prefer podman, despite what my list might suggest.

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