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Knowledge Fight! Pretty much the only I regularly listen to. It’s two friends listening to Alex Jones. The premise is that one of them knows nothing about the insane stuff Alex Jones spouts and the other one has researched it and kinda shows it to Jordan (the one who knows nothing about Alex). They are hundreds of episodes and the show is still as funny and informative as day one.


Just as a heads up: No Man’s Sky has the creative mode where the whole survival stuff and the mindless basic material collecting is pretty much turned off. My daughter and I went on relaxing treasure hunts just the other day, jumping between solar systems and walking around on dangerous surfaces without grinding stuff first. It is a do-what-you-want game at this point.


Ich verteidige hier keinesfalls Aliexpress aber die usability der App ist zumindest weitestgehend in Ordnung. Ich bestelle dort eigentlich nur Sachen, die ich auch bei Amazon finden würde aber dort ein Drittel mehr zahlen müsste. Zb so ein USB Leselicht für meine Tochter. Sollte bei Amazon 15€ kosten, bei Aliexpress warens es knapp zehn. Beide genau der gleiche Billigramsch, komplett mit autogenerierten Beschreibungen auf den Fotos. Da spar ich dann einfach den Fünfer. Und der Bestellvorgang ist genauso einfach wie bei Amazon. Nur dass ich bei Aliexpress mit Paypal bezahle ist der einzige Unterschied. Wo wollte ich jetzt mit meinem Kommentar hin? Ach ja: im Prinzip ist alles der gleiche Kram und Elektrozeugs kommt fast immer aus China und die einzige Möglichkeit einzugreifen die ich habe ist, dass ich mehr oder weniger Geld dafür ausgeben kann. Und dass ich natürlich versuchen sollte nicht auf Scams rein zu fallen!


Jein! Ja, weil auf Reddit selbst Nischencommunities oft lebendig waren. Nein, weil abgesehen von Old Reddit es keine Möglichkeit mehr gibt Reddit so zu nutzen, wie ich es möchte. Die offizielle App ist schlicht furchtbar!


Aber die Fahrt zum “neuen” Flughafen per Zug geht doch recht schnell aus der Stadt kommend? Wahrscheinlich waren es keine zehn Minuten (ist zwei Jahre her das ich das letzte mal von da geflogen bin) aber es war definitiv keine lange Fahrt bei der ich mir dachte, dass man die unbedingt neu organisieren muss, um sie zu verkürzen.


No Mans Sky still to this day sells pretty good. Sure, they don’t sell a million copies every week but Hello Games is pretty small and they can comfortably keep pumping out content even if they only sell, say, 15k per month. And given how NMS is still talked about so frequently, how they launched for the Switch recently (my second copy btw) and how well received the VR was, I think that number is pretty reasonable.


“Hey Google, wipe my ass!”


Jfc guys, could it be more obvious of an ai written “article”?

Here's what a random person on the internet thought of The Outer Worlds (

I played the Steam version of the base game, with no DLC. I did not play the Spacer’s Choice “remaster” as it has a reputation for being broken and poorly put together. I played the game to completion on normal difficulty, completing most of the side quests, spending time with all my companions, and trying to get the most...


I think they underdeveloped the science weapons! I started using some too late in the game but some encounters definitley felt “different” to the normal gunplay.


Kingdoms of Amalur is pretty decent! Not very complex in the RPG department but a big high fantasy world to explore. The combat is very action oriented and you can play a lot of different builds. Pretty satisfying, too! The game is a bit older (ten years or so) but got a re-release two years ago. So, the graphics are a bit dated but not ugly. The art style saves it imo. I enjoyed it a lot when I played it last year!

Links to YouTube videos don't open in the YouTube app but as the web version

I checked what kind of links are tied to the YouTube app and it’s alle the usual links for YouTube (, Youtube. com, etc;). Yet, I click on a Yt video link and it opens up a browser window. I didn’t change anything, whether in the options of Voyager nor which links should open with which app. Any idea what is going...


Just tried this also on and it works! Not IOS but my Pixel and yet same thing: It was set to in app browser. No idea why. Changed it and it works like before! Thank you!


While you certainly list a handful of stuff that would make Voyager an even better app, I think the way you wrote that makes you sound like you are entitled to all that functions. This is a small app for Lemmy done by a couple of people in their free time, afaik.


Yeah, I saw Kindergarten Cop too!


Skimmed through this and in the span of probably two minutes read some of the most terminally online stuff ever. I’m gonna go kiss my kid on the forehead now and then rake some leafs in the yard.

Schaedelbach, (edited )

EasyJet is the only cheap airline I’ve traveled with and honestly, the crew was great! Friendly but quick, you always felt seen and cared for. This has nothing to do with the article but I just wanted to put this on here, anyway. Lufthansa is great also but at least double the price.


Ich kann mir das schon gut vorstellen! Seit Jahren mal wieder war ich vor der letzten Landtagswahl bei einer Wahlkampfveranstaltung der Linken mit, neben Gysi, lokalen Linken Vertretern und welchen auf Landesebne (Hessen). Und mir hat das tatsächlich wieder ein ganz gutes Gefühl gegeben, dass die Linke nicht nur aus Wagenknecht’s TV Auftritten und Grabenkämpfen besteht, sondern dass da ganz klare politische Ideen dahinter stecken, die linke Politiker, die nicht so eine große Plattform haben, auch vertreten: Mietpreise, Öffis für alle, Reichensteuer, mehr Solidarität und weniger vererbte Macht und Reichtum; Sachen, die einfach Sinn machen, wenn man ein bisschen über sich selbst hinaus blicken kann. Auf alle Fälle hat mir das ein wenig das Gefühl gegeben, dass da noch was ist in dieser Partei. Etwas das mit Themen zu tun hat und nicht nur mit Personenkult. Ich hoffe also auf die nächste Wahl und darauf dass es dann wieder eine inhaltliche Opposition gibt!


I always wondered on what engine the first Xenoblade Chronicles is running. Absolutely massive beautiful landscapes and it runs absolutely smooth even on the 3Ds! No pop ins either!


After the WiiU? Nah man, the Wii was already way behind the rest and from then on out they stayed a generation worth of graphical development behind.

I honestly don’t mind that at all but I am also not the target audience for the latest and greatest in graphics. I love a great indie roguelike just as much as “complete editions” of triple A games from a couple of years ago.


Naja, das mit der Begrenzung der Clubs auf 500 umschifft, zumindest ein in meiner Stadt tätiger Hanf Händler/Aktivist, indem er einfach so viele Clubs gründet, dass er alle Interessenten unterbringen wird. Und er sagte mir auch, dass dann so Clubs für Gelegenheitskonsumenten wie mich zb. nur minimale Vereinsgebühren erheben werden. Keine Ahnung, wie das dann genau alles gemacht wird, das wusste er auch noch nicht aber er meinte dass er schon versuchen wird “alle zu bedienen”.


The rating is 77. 77 is the lowest rating a game in the main series of Assassins Creed has received. This means the other games have 78 or up. How in the world is this considered bad? For an entire fucking franchise? Not a fan of the series or anything but I just think it’s ridiculous how this is an actual headline! Don’t the journalists have nothing else to report on regarding video games and the industry? Layoffs? Toxic people and business practices? Microtransactions?

Nah, instead they go: “pretty good (but not great) game is slightly less good than other pretty good (but not great) games in an overall pretty good (but not great) franchise.” Ugh!


The two (also slightly different names) I see on my Spotify have a “Viral songs on tiktok” playlist in their profile. So it’s probably a way to spread/spam songs around?


Eh, there are quite a lot of additional services and products Google is selling. I’d argue they want both: my money and my data. And then they turn my data into more money.


Well, welcome to the club, I guess? Hard to understand how a corporation as big as Google (or Alphabet) has such a hard time catching up to other music/podcast services. I am subscribed to Youtube premium, so I try Youtube music every once in a while and it’s just not as good as Spotify! The playlists Spotify generates are lightyears ahead of anything Yt music has. And the main page of YouTube music is just random stuff that has nothing to do with anything even remotely similar to stuff I listened to. Also, so many artist pages still have no additional information about the artist/band.

Anyway, for podcasts I prefer Pocketcasts. The free version is more than enough for the amount of podcasts I actively listen to.


Ethnische Minderheiten und kriminelle an die Front für Russland, Ukrainer an die Front für die Ukraine. Drei Fliegen mit einer Klappe hat sich der Putin wohl gedacht. Ich hoffe ja immer noch, dass ihn was ähnliches wie Gaddafi ereilt und ihn sein eigenes Volk lyncht!


It’s all just buzzwordsalad at this point.

Who the fuck genuinely cares about a digital plot of land? The only reason stuff like this attracts people is the hope to make money, and therefore only people who only care about the monetary aspect play games like Legacy.

I highly suggest the YouTube channel “Jauwn”! The dude plays nft games “frome the perspective of a gamer”, so he tries to give those games a fair shot (although he is clearly biased against nfts in general). To no one’s surprise each and every nft game is just a grift to mine money in the pockets of idiots who think they are smarter than the rest.


Haha, Mortal Kombat 1 called, they want their money back!


I am totally fine with them only marginally improving combat. Fighting monsters in the first Dragons Dogma is still to this day the best feeling combat in any rpg! What I hope they improve on is the story, the way the story is presented and the way the player can impact the world. The only character from I can remember by name is Mercedes and only because I accidentally let her die in her escort mission and then for her to appear later as if nothing happened.


So if one is not very experienced in game engines but likes to tinker and try out a game engine, is Godot something I could check out? I mean, without knowledge of coding.


I am just one people, so I only speak for me. What kept me engaged in Witcher 3 was the dark and interesting world and the stories the game tells. I really love that about the game! I recommend playing Witcher 3 and Dragons Dogma back to back: one has this rich and interesting world with so many interesting stories and people in it and the other has this great combat system I’d love if those games had a baby!


Recycling my comment from the other day. I am close to finishing The Outer Worlds. The game has a somewhat mixed reception when it comes up in discussions online and I think it’s mostly because the developer Obsidian made New Vegas and Outer Worlds apparently is the worse game. So, I never played New Vegas and therefore can’t compare the two. I do enjoy my time with Outer Worlds very much!

  • it’s basically the same formula as Fallout 4 but in a humorous space setting with better gunplay. Or, alternatively Borderlands with a ton more talking and decisions and worse gunplay. In any case a lot of shooting and looting.
  • different builds are possible but not as significant different as in Borderlands. But since it’s not a massively big game it didn’t matter that much to me. After a couple of changes I kinda kept investing mostly in my handgun, my companions and personality skills to pass more skillchecks.
  • what I like: the stories the game tells! Be it the main quest line or quests for factions or your companions. All have a nice sense of humor to them without getting too silly. For example there is a dude in a wurst factory and you get sent there to end whatever he is doing there (hint: it’s more than producing wurst from spacepigs). And there are a number of ways you can approach this: guns blazing, trying to sabotage the factory or sneak in and just kill the guy.
  • also: great soundtrack and overall sound design! The jingle that plays when you level up is just great!
  • also: while not a massive big game there are a lot of different places to go and explore. From abandoned settlements in some sort of desert to a big city where only rich people live and everything in between.
  • meh: so many drinks, lotions and food items that give you different boosts. Problem is that there are so many different items it’s hard to keep track which one does what. I abandoned pretty much all of them and only kept Adreno (restores energy).
  • meh: fast travel can be annoying because most of the time you have to fast travel back to your ship and then from there select another planet/spacestation and then land your ship and then again fast travel to wherever you need to go to. So it’s potentially three (not very long, though) loading screens if you need to go someplace different.
  • decisions do matter in quests but the general direction of the story is set.

Oof, just imagen this kind of absolute nightmare happens daily in Ukraine! One both sides! All the fucking time! Relentless horror to hundreds of thousands of people! Non stop. Fuck Putin!

Schaedelbach, (edited )

I am close to finishing The Outer Worlds. The game has a somewhat mixed reception when it comes up in discussions online and I think it’s mostly because the developer Obsidian made New Vegas and Outer Worlds apparently is the worse game. So, I never played New Vegas and therefore can’t compare the two. I do enjoy my time with Outer Worlds very much!

  • it’s basically the same formula as Fallout 4 but in a humorous space setting with better gunplay. Or, alternatively Borderlands with a ton more talking and decisions and worse gunplay. In any case a lot of shooting and looting.
  • different builds are possible but not as significant different as in Borderlands. But since it’s not a massively big game it didn’t matter that much to me. After a couple of changes I kinda kept investing mostly in my handgun, my companions and personality skills to pass more skillchecks.
  • what I like: the stories the game tells! Be it the main quest line or quests for factions or your companions. All have a nice sense of humor to them without getting too silly. For example there is a dude in a wurst factory and you get sent there to end whatever he is doing there (hint: it’s more than producing wurst from spacepigs). And there are a number of ways you can approach this: guns blazing, trying to sabotage the factory or sneak in and just kill the guy.
  • also: great soundtrack and overall sound design! The jingle that plays when you level up is just great!
  • also: while not a massive big game there are a lot of different places to go and explore. From abandoned settlements in some sort of desert to a big city where only rich people live and everything in between.
  • meh: so many drinks, lotions and food items that give you different boosts. Problem is that there are so many different items it’s hard to keep track which one does what. I abandoned pretty much all of them and only kept Adreno (restores energy).
  • meh: fast travel can be annoying because most of the time you have to fast travel back to your ship and then from there select another planet/spacestation and then land your ship and then again fast travel to wherever you need to go to. So it’s potentially three (not very long, though) loading screens if you need to go someplace different.
  • decisions do matter in quests but the general direction of the story is set.

I say: if you like stuff like Fallout, Borderlands and generally combat heavy action rpgs, this game may be right up your alley. And since it’s kinda old at this point it’s also pretty cheap most of the time.


It’s not like Borderlands, where there is a infinite amount of new but also more ore less the same weapons with differing numbers! You can upgrade (called tinkering) any weapon with money. It costs more with each upgrade and only upgrade it five levels above your own, so you can’t just grind money and get overpowered. But yeah, you can finish this game with one gun you like!


Ugh, I played a lot of video games in my life but this clip right here is the first time I actually felt motion sickness. Like, from the moment the helmet cam starts I started feeling nauseous. No idea what they did with the overly zoomed in perspective but it’s apparently the sweet spot for my brain to immediately go “imma barf now” mode. Anyway, I hope the Ukrainians met their objectives and made it out alive!


That’s just me armchairing from afar, but I can imagen that life in the occupied parts of Ukraine is one with a lot of fear of the military and also fear by the military. There has to be constant fear in every layer of the military of getting targeted by partisans. Also I can only imagine the occupants viewing the people there as being “only” Ukrainians, despite the Kremlin claiming they are Russians. The see them not as equals. So driving carefully through this city with potentially hostile people you view as beneath you my be, in the mind of a russian footsoldier, dangerous. And it wouldn’t matter anyway because those people aren’t real Russians anyway.

And all the people acting like nothing happened probably have fear to get involved in anything to do with the military. They know where you live and they can pay you a visit at any moment if they think you called the police on them.

As I said, that’s just my opinion I formed watching this insane war playing out in various forms of media.


Yes! Truly a unique movie. The paparazzo fly eating literal shit will stick with me for the rest of my life!


Well yeah, obviously! Ukraine was (and is) one of the poorest countries in Europe. But if you look at Russia having a huge military and billions and billions more in military spending didn’t help them. In the first months of the war Ukraine had not a lot of foreign equipment and they still held their own.

What I try to say: Ukraine is fighting for it’s very existence and I think that alone is the main factor why they are so good on the battlefield compared to Russia!


Hades! Whenever you die, you get reborn in the “house” of your father Hades. Dying and being reborn is an integral part of this game and is what keeps the story going. You also get to upgrade and unlock weapons that way. Highly recommend this game if you like fastpaced and smartly designed action games!


I played Rogue Legacy and Dead Cells combined at least 150h and only a bit of BOI. I know that in RL the shtick is that with every new run another one of your family is the character. And in Dead Cells you just use a new body every run. The stories in those games aren’t very elaborate and the games would just be as good as they are without story.

Hades is different in that the story parts of the game are an important part of the experience (you go around and get to know a lot of different characters and find different ways to upgrade stuff) and that the main character Zagreus doesn’t really die - he is also a god. When you lose all hp you just get transported back to Hades and almost everyone there has new tings to say and the relationships develop over time.

I don’t know how to explain it better but the main idea of a roguelite is clearly there the execution is way more elaborate and story heavy than RL, DC or BOI. Slay the Spire is on my imaginary backlog of games in need to play before I die.


To me personally: Google and their Pixel phones! I am now on my 3rd Pixel phone (3a, 4, 7) and each and every one of those phones where just really good phones! Great build quality, features that worked and great cameras; I had other phones that I liked a lot (most notably the Oneplus 3 and to a certain degree the Oneplus 1) but none of them felt so well rounded as my current Pixel 7. I have to use a midrange Samsung for work and it is just awful compared to the also midrange Pixel 3a I had! One lags constantly, installs the same bloat everytime I update it, takes average to bad photos and is missing stuff I have come to appreciate on my phone. My old 3a was working until just recently and until the end it just felt smooth to use it.

I guess Apple should be mentioned too. Not a fan personally but their hardware is really well made and a lot of people love ios.


Different people, different tastes I guess but in what sense is Outer Worlds a mess?


Man, they really have to scrape the bottom of the barrel. Quest for Camelot is really bad. Like bad bad and not in a fun and campy way bad.

[DE] Landrat will Kinder abschieben: Aus der Pflegefamilie nach Vietnam ( German

HAMBURG taz | Nicht eine, sondern gleich zwei Familien drohen die vier Kinder im Kreis Ostholstein zu verlieren: Im Oktober letzten Jahres mussten sie mit ansehen, wie ihr Vater Van N. die Mutter in dem gemeinsamen Asia-Imbiss in Bad Schwartau totschlug. Kurz darauf wurden sie in unmittelbarer Nachbarschaft auf drei...


Ist doch bekloppt die Kinder in ein Land und zu Leuten abzuschieben die sie nicht kennen.

Und dann auch noch zu der Familie des Vaters, der die Mutter der Kinder getötet hat. Wtf!? So ein Soziopath kann der Landrat doch auch wieder nicht sein, um zu merken dass das absolut krank ist.


In Afghanistan werden bestimmt immer mal wieder neue Politiker gesucht.


I checked Hexbear a couple of times in the last weeks and although they brand themselfs as some lefty/communist/socialist community, I always thought it felt more like some edgelords being against for the sake of being against. Also the tone is pretty rude and made me think of certain Subreddits I usually avoided back when I was on Reddit.

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