@Scary_le_Poo@beehaw.org avatar


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@Scary_le_Poo@beehaw.org avatar

Maybe introduce him to Beyond All Reason? It’s an RTS in the vein of Total Annihilation. Free and open source and very good looking.

YouTube screwing itself with adblockers again

I use Firefox and uBlock Origin. Not sure what kind of experience anyone else is having with YouTube, but recently my home page has been empty because I “don’t have watch history turned on”. Okay, fine. I won’t be able to browse suggested videos, and I’ll spend less time on their platform....

@Scary_le_Poo@beehaw.org avatar

Allow me to help. Get the libredirect pluggin for Firefox. Go download and install freetube. Set libredirect to direct all YouTube links to freetube. Enjoy!

@Scary_le_Poo@beehaw.org avatar

Fuck Russia but goddamn that poor bastard.

@Scary_le_Poo@beehaw.org avatar

“very close to actually winning”

“8% of the popular vote”

“Very close”

@Scary_le_Poo@beehaw.org avatar

What the actual hell is this?

Misleading and full of bunk. The two parties are very far from one another, regardless of what this guy’s cute little graphic says.

@Scary_le_Poo@beehaw.org avatar

Yeah if only 4x more than what they actually got, they totally could have won. You do understand that 25% is nowhere near “very close”

@Scary_le_Poo@beehaw.org avatar

Clearly the Democrats (specifically progressives) align most closely with what you want.

@Scary_le_Poo@beehaw.org avatar

Ok genius, first sentence. Who was on board from the getgo to stop the rollback?

Republicans. SOME Democrats join them, unlike ALL Republicans who are against nuclear rollback altogether.

Ergo, the Democrats most closely align with your goals.

@Scary_le_Poo@beehaw.org avatar

He would need at MINIMUM 3x+ votes more than he got in order to win. That isn’t close.

@Scary_le_Poo@beehaw.org avatar

You act like you have an alternative. Republicans are directly opposed to your pov, and Dems aren’t perfect. Those are your choices.

@Scary_le_Poo@beehaw.org avatar

And by doing so you implicitly vote for the side that represents you the least.

Perhaps you should look up how first past the post works. Not voting IS voting, but not in a favorable way for yourself.

@Scary_le_Poo@beehaw.org avatar

And there it is. The dumbest thing I’ll read all day.

Let me know when the 2 party stranglehold allows you to vote it out. Until then you’ll sit high atop your bullshit mountain preaching on the internet, whining on and on about how things should be.

Meanwhile, completely oblivious that you and people like you are exactly the reason why we don’t have enough voting power to enact real change.

You don’t even irritate me. I pity you.

@Scary_le_Poo@beehaw.org avatar

Well unlike you suggest, I don’t vote blue no matter who, I vote blue because the other choice is demonstrably worse.

You wax eloquent about how things need to change and so you choose to do nothing, but what happens when you recruit enough lefties to your side that the right is able to establish the equivalent of a dictatorship via voter suppression, coups, etc? What then? At that point you are 100% fucked.

Are you one of these idiots who actively want a civil war? Because if so you can give that idea up, it isn’t going to happen.

You are the equivalent of an old man yelling at clouds to change their shape.

You say nothing ever changes, but it already has! Biden, while being not nearly the lefty I would like him to be, has done a fantastic job compared to what I expected. It may or may not occur to you that Biden so far has governed much more left that Obama did.

Things do change, they just take time.

@Scary_le_Poo@beehaw.org avatar

Please quit with this fucking bullshit.

Discord is not publicly traded yet, so you can’t buy Discord stock on the stock market. A publicly traded company has registered its shares for trading on a public stock exchange such as the Nasdaq or the New York Stock Exchange, and that hasn’t happened yet for Discord.Nov 17, 2023

While the exact percentage of Tencent’s ownership in Discord is not publicly disclosed, reports indicate that Tencent acquired a minority stake in the company through a funding round in 2018. This investment allowed Discord to secure substantial funding and further develop its platform and services. Despite Tencent’s involvement, Discord maintains its operational independence and continues to be managed by its own team.

Scary_le_Poo, (edited )
@Scary_le_Poo@beehaw.org avatar

No, you are saying that you are entitled to an developers code if they leave a project just because they let you test it. You are acting/being entitled as fuck.

Engywuck ( @Engywuck ) True… It amazes me when people become so entitled online, especially in the FOSS community. It looks like they think devs owe them something.

jarfil ( @jarfil ) They got free testing for the promise of releasing the source, then failed to fulfill that promise, so… yeah, they do owe those people something.

Yeah, that’s not how any of this works.

@Scary_le_Poo@beehaw.org avatar

No, I’m a foss dev, and I speak for all of us when I ask you to please not join any of our communities.

Also I’m calling you out. You need to put up or shut up evidence of where that developer said that he would release his code as open source. And that he would do it in return for you testing it.

@Scary_le_Poo@beehaw.org avatar

As far as I know the developer never actually said he would release the source. That is purely hearsay from @jarfil. He seems to think that if an app or program is free then it also must follow that it’s open source.

@Scary_le_Poo@beehaw.org avatar

No, I am not. He previously stated exactly what I said. I did not straw man him.

@Scary_le_Poo@beehaw.org avatar

How is me calling him entitled as fuck a personal attack? Would you rather I said “you are being/acting entitled as fuck”? I can do that…

Who's winning the war in Ukraine?

The media won’t give me great answers to this question and I think this I trust this community more, thus I want to know from you. Also, I have heard reports that Russia was winning the war, if that’s true, did the west miscalculate the situation by allowing diplomacy to take a backseat and allowing Ukraine to a large...

@Scary_le_Poo@beehaw.org avatar

It’s not a stalemate, but it’s close. Ukraine keeps gaining ground, but it’s essentially ww1 style trench warfare.

Russia has reportedly been losing as much as 900 soldiers per day which is staggering.

The Russians mined everything like crazy when retreating so and forward progress is going to be quite measured.

@Scary_le_Poo@beehaw.org avatar

Wacky wheels is the best kart racer ever. Fite me.

@Scary_le_Poo@beehaw.org avatar

In this case I think they’re not wrong. Israel does fucked up things wrt arrests and Palestinians.

Exhibit A: independent.co.uk/…/ahed-tamimi-latest-palestinia…

@Scary_le_Poo@beehaw.org avatar

The calm with which he pulled out the pieces of broken glass was truly unnerving.

@Scary_le_Poo@beehaw.org avatar

Furries will never get respect from me. Being a furry is a choice. Lugbitiqua is not.

That furries are generally part of the LGBT community is interesting, but that doesn’t somehow make being a furry a protected group. If you choose to stick your goody bits in a fursuit more power to you, but if people make fun of you for being a grown (and seemingly predominantly functional) adult in a fursuit, that’s just the price of being a furry.

@Scary_le_Poo@beehaw.org avatar

Reread what I wrote, but a bit more closely.

@Scary_le_Poo@beehaw.org avatar

Fuck me you are thick.


That word is the key part of the sentence, but you keep making statements and inferences which amount to putting words in my mouth.

That said,

I don’t go out of my way to make fun of furries, but a lot of people do. Why? Probably because it’s ridiculous, cringy, and weird. But you do you. Also, on a practical note… The logistics of fursuits (as in humping in them, getting them all sweaty, cum all over the inside, soaking them in a bathtub, and scrubbing them out) is just fucking nasty.

But it’s your hobby, go wild. But don’t bother getting buttmad when people make fun of you for it.

@Scary_le_Poo@beehaw.org avatar

I don’t have any revulsion to furries. I simply don’t care. They don’t effect me in any real way.

What I do have a very big problem with is furries trying to somehow make themselves a part of the LGBTQ community. Imagine for a second that it actually happened. The LGBTQ community welcomes furries with open arms. At that point you have undermined the entire movement! Sure, me and other lefties like me are always going to support LGBTQ. But what about the ton of people that sit in the middle of the road that have no dog in the fight one way or the other? Instinctively they know that supporting LGBTQ is correct, and the right thing to do.

But then all of the sudden furries become part of that group. At that point you’ve probably lost most of those middle of the road type of people.

People love to think of this as right-wing versus left wing, and yes that is a big part of it, but the thing is that the vast majority of people are actually more in the middle. They generally lean right or left of the middle but those people in particular will go right sometimes or sometimes they’ll go left depending on what it is. We need those people. Those people help Lefties get elected and indirectly help affect change.

Imagine what kind of a field day right-wingers would have with that. The attack ads write themselves. It would be an absolute shit show and the LGBTQ movement would be essentially dead in the water. Don’t forget that literally half of the fucking idiots “very good people” on the right believe that teachers were putting kitty litter in classrooms.

@Scary_le_Poo@beehaw.org avatar

In general I don’t care about furries one way or another. As I stated, what I do care about is furries trying to position themselves under the LGBTQ umbrella. I care a lot about that, and you should as well.

@Scary_le_Poo@beehaw.org avatar

I can have windows up in 15 minutes

@Scary_le_Poo@beehaw.org avatar

I bought this cast iron set and I haven’t used a regular pot in the years since I’ve bought this

Cast Iron Cookware 17-Piece Set - Pre-Seasoned 6" + 8" + 10" + 12" Skillet + Grill Pan+Lid + Griddle + Pizza Pan + Dutch Oven+Cover/Pan + Panrack + Silicone Handle Cover + Pan Scraper/Cleaner + Guide


@Scary_le_Poo@beehaw.org avatar

You may not realize it, but this is why Hamas was telling people to stay in their houses and not leave. Because this has happened before, this is not a new thing.

@Scary_le_Poo@beehaw.org avatar

Bro, who hurt you?

@Scary_le_Poo@beehaw.org avatar

Because you’re out here losing your shit over a silly out of context meme.

@Scary_le_Poo@beehaw.org avatar

AirDroid. It’s not free, but it’s pretty good(or at least it was, years ago)

Apple announces that RCS support is coming to iPhone next year (9to5mac.com)

In a surprising move, Apple has announced today that it will adopt the RCS (Rich Communication Services) messaging standard. The feature will launch via a software update “later next year” and bring a wide range of iMessage-style features to messaging between iPhone and Android users....

@Scary_le_Poo@beehaw.org avatar

RCS is an open standard. Many mobile providers dragged their feet for so long that Google finally just started making it so that Google messages would relay RCS through their servers. The whole point is for the carriers to have RCS servers. Blame the carriers not Google for this. For once, Google isn’t the one that did something shitty.

Israeli army executes an elderly Palestinian after using him in propaganda campaign about its ‘safe corridor’ in Gaza (euromedmonitor.org)

Geneva – The Israeli army’s execution of an elderly Palestinian after using him in a propaganda campaign promoting its “safe corridor” in Gaza was strongly condemned in a statement released by Euro-Med Human Rights Monitor today....

@Scary_le_Poo@beehaw.org avatar

It’s not just that. By leaving they lose everything to the settlers. There are very good reasons for not leaving.

@Scary_le_Poo@beehaw.org avatar

It’s fun until you run into issues. Be careful of updates. Randomly it will fuck itself for no reason at all and require a from scratch reinstall.

It’s good that you’re having fun. Learn all you can. It’s good knowledge to have.

@Scary_le_Poo@beehaw.org avatar

This should really be a top level comment. This actually solves a lot of my issues with Linux.

I remember complaining that Linux apps were not self-contained like Windows apps are. And I got the standard speech about losing space with libraries blah blah blah and my reaction is I don’t fucking care.

In my opinion, Linux dependency setup is hilariously broken. I understand that for the most part it works, but when it doesn’t the results are disastrous generally.

Also I agree. Nautilus is hot fucking garbage.

@Scary_le_Poo@beehaw.org avatar


@Scary_le_Poo@beehaw.org avatar

I am decidedly not a Trekkie.

I love every single one of the movies since 2009 (there is one I take issue with, bit it’s relatively minor) and every single one of the new shows. I’ve never seen any of the old shows and they hold absolutely no interest for me.

Having said that, I love Discovery. It is an absolutely fantastic show.

Strange New worlds is among one of the best sci-fi shows I’ve ever watched. It is absolutely fantastic and Anson Mount is utterly fantastic.

For me, the Orville is a window into old Star Trek. I absolutely love The Orville. The way that it touches on difficult subjects is done so beautifully that I can’t even begin to gush about how perfect it is. The moclan arc with topa and the follow-ups were so wonderfully done. As a cis white guy, I can’t think of a better way to handle and portray these situations and how important they are than the way the Orville did.

It is my personal opinion that the biggest enemies of Star Trek are it’s hardcore fans. You guys shit on everything that isn’t old Star Trek and you make it so that new viewers are less likely to check out the shows. You like to crap all over Discovery without understanding that is actually a really good show. It’s also a really good way to bring people like myself that could give a shit less about Star Trek into the universe so that I’m more likely to check out other shows like strange New worlds for example which is about the best representation of what Star Trek is that we’re ever going to get.

That said I do have one major gripe. Beasty boys? JJ Lim, are you fucking stupid? The movie was great up until that point, and then you chose the dumbest way to close it out. How the fuck did this get out of table reading? What the actual absolute fuck?

@Scary_le_Poo@beehaw.org avatar

"I don’t want to pay the government $20 a month for universal healthcare. I want to pay a private company $200 a month for healthcare that is only covered at select locations by select facilities by select doctors and can be denied at any time by the insurance company. Freedom!“

How did Americans become so stupid?

@Scary_le_Poo@beehaw.org avatar

No they can’t. Single payer means that all the control is in the governments hands, because there are plenty of providers and only one payer for the entire 300+ million Americans. This is how single payer works. Medicare does this, for example.

In the current system there is 0 incentive to lower prices. The incentive becomes to charge as much as will be maximally paid.

Before you try to argue, the nhs, Canadian healthcare system, and pretty much every developed country that isn’t the US, would like to have a word.

@Scary_le_Poo@beehaw.org avatar

Defending bombing a hospital and waxing eloquent about self reflection. That’s rich.

@Scary_le_Poo@beehaw.org avatar

Hermit app make PWAs a realistic alternative

@Scary_le_Poo@beehaw.org avatar

No idea, didn’t really care.


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