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SLaSZT, avatar

As a poly and bisexual trans person, I really don't believe that poly people are or should be part of the LGBT community. The vast majority of poly people are straight and cisgender and are either unaffected by or apathetic towards the attacks on the rights of LGBT people.

I think that including other groups like poly people and furries (which you didn't mention, but I have seen others advocate for) into the larger community "umbrella" isn't appropriate and, in my opinion, distracts from the real violence and oppression that many of us still face. People who are in sexual minority groups absolutely deserve support and respect but I don't think that the best way to do that is to call them LGBT.

SLaSZT, avatar

In newspapers, whenever someone is described as "controversial and outspoken," what is generally meant is "delusional and loudly ignorant."

Hospitals have special protection under the rules of war. Why are they in the crosshairs in Gaza? (

JERUSALEM (AP) — The head of surgery at Gaza’s largest and most advanced hospital held up his phone Saturday to the hammering of gunfire and artillery shelling. “Listen,” said Dr. Marwan Abu Sada as fighting raged around Shifa Hospital.

SLaSZT, avatar

Sorry, what? Newborn babies can't shoot a gun and can't take care of themselves if their homes are bombed and their parents die. Not to mention that half of Gaza is already under 18 and probably won't be having babies any time soon, given that hospitals are being targeted. What the fuck is wrong with you?

SLaSZT, avatar

Any premature prohibition on the use of 6PPD in tires would be detrimental to public safety and the national economy.

...What about the safety of my body? Or the health of children and animals? It's not as if tire waste dumped into the ocean just stays in the US, this could be affecting Canada and Central America too, as well as other places.

I don't understand how a manufacturer's consortium can basically be like, "we don't want to spend the money to find a new chemical that works similarly on short notice, so we're just going to lobby to poison you indefinitely."

SLaSZT, avatar

It would be nice to have F-Droid and other app repos available on the Play Store. Or some other solution that puts alternative app sources on a more level playing field.

SLaSZT, avatar

I'm sort of sick of seeing it when it's not necessary. For example, the sex scenes in Mad Men add to the narrative whereas the sex scenes in Grey's Anatomy don't.

I get why they do it, but it gives me the same feeling of ambivalence as an ad I've seen 100 times. I'm not the type of person to watch a show hoping to see some side boob or a naked hip bone.

SLaSZT, avatar

As someone who experiences pain while walking essentially any distance over 100m, I don't want to walk for my groceries. But it's nice to have a store nearby. I really want an e-bike, but since I need a car and am already forced to pay for one, I can't really afford to have both.

SLaSZT, avatar

It also hurts, and since I'm not very active I don't have the physical stamina to bike distances much longer than a couple of km. I biked to work for a short while when I lived closer to my job but now I can't.

SLaSZT, avatar

Or maybe I'm disabled, lol. Who knows? It's not like it's my life or anything. ¯_(ツ)_/¯

SLaSZT, avatar

Why was Hitler's birthplace considered a fun trivia question suitable for a large event? That's the real question I have here.

SLaSZT, avatar

Never underestimate the desire of imperial powers to exercise reproductive control over marginalized groups, I guess.

SLaSZT, avatar

I agree with your interpretation, but I really wish publishers would go back to calling additional levels or story content an "expansion" instead of DLC. It's a lot more clear and differentiates from other types of content like a character costume or a soundtrack.

SLaSZT, avatar

So a TARDIS/scrap metal emporium for anyone with a pickup truck. Wonder how much theft goes on there.

SLaSZT, avatar

Yeah, their ads are a lot more aggressive than they used to be. I recently started watching SkyMed with my wife and it's nearly unbearable - and they want $5/month to get rid of them. At least cable didn't just play the same 6 ads over and over. :/

SLaSZT, (edited ) avatar

Disney owns Marvel and has since 2009 so I don't think they particularly care as they likely made the decision themselves.

Disney also owns a lot of things that have nothing to do with media or entertainment, so they can fail for several years straight without needing to change course. Money can buy success in many, many cases.

SLaSZT, avatar

I'm struggling to think of a use case for this. Why not just reply and put an emoji in there?

SLaSZT, avatar

I thought it would be obvious because of the article headline, but email reactions. It's undeniable that emoji are useful for communication, I'm just not convinced that this particular interaction with an email is anything that anyone asked for or needs.

The only use case I can imagine would be for school/work accounts, but this feature isn't supported for those types of accounts yet. I'd assume that's because it's not yet integrated into the Office 365 platform.

The question remains: who outside of a corporate environment needs this? Maybe large families who communicate through chain emails? I honestly don't know anyone who uses email to have group chats anymore, but I suppose those people must exist. Just seems like it would be a small number.

SLaSZT, avatar

Her first album didn't come out until 2006, in 2001 she would have been 12 or 13. Maybe you're thinking of Christina Aguilera or something.


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  • SLaSZT, avatar

    I'm pretty surprised by this. Israel has a lot of wealthy allies and an already robust military propped up by defense manufacturing and compulsory military service. This is going to lead to even more Palestinian casualties than were already happening... every Arab in or near the West Bank is at risk of being executed right now. I'm really curious why Hamas decided to do this given how the global north has been giving Palestine the cold shoulder and actively arming Israel for decades.

    I live in Canada and I know that we are already giving military aid to Israel - we are probably going to increase that after this, and I'm sure that the USA and UK will do the same. There are already mainstream organizations that refuse to acknowledge Palestine whatsoever, so I'm really concerned about the possibility of the apartheid turning into a genocide and no one really caring because "they deserved it," especially given the aggressive anti-Palestinian propaganda in right-wing Israeli institutions and social circles.

    SLaSZT, avatar

    What? That's not at all what I'm saying, I'm an anti-Zionist - I literally called the situation apartheid.

    I just don't think it's likely that Palestine will end up benefitting from this this given how large the Israeli lobby is. Your quip seems inappropriate.

    SLaSZT, avatar

    Hopefully this means that they have enough evidence to convict them. Quantic Dream also has this issue and they are based in France too, so it would be great if French authorities pursued them after this lol. This investigation may also send a message to other executives in the industry outside of France; a video game development studio is still a workplace and harassing your colleagues is generally illegal regardless of how laidback the environment is.

    SLaSZT, avatar

    The family’s home was being monitored by state police, but the officers had been sent to another call in the area when the suspect dropped off the note.

    Why even bother if you're just going to send them to a random call after stationing them there? This girl easily could've been killed due to this decision - there are a lot of offenders that don't have fingerprints on file.

    SLaSZT, avatar

    Masks only protect other people from your own germs, not really vice versa. If I'm not sick, there's no reason for me to be wearing the mask.

    It'd be nice if people showed consideration for public health but it seems like the average person doesn't give a shit and mask-wearing is now (unfortunately) a political statement, which I think disincentivizes wearing one even further for those that don't care.

    SLaSZT, avatar

    You could say the same about hair colours. Who even cares? I'm so tired of seeing this exact same talking point from increasingly brain-dead people.

    Sorry that a group of people exist and you feel icky about it, that must be so hard for you. Time to grow up now.

    Medical ethics organization lodges complaint over monkey deaths in Elon Musk’s Neuralink brain chip trials as company is looking for human volunteers to test its implants (

    Neuralink was founded in 2017 and began animal experiments 12 months later. Last year, a Reuters investigation indicated that the company had slaughtered around 1,500 animals, including more than 280 sheep, pigs, and monkeys, which suffered from serious disorders before dying. But it wasn’t until September 10 that Musk...

    SLaSZT, avatar

    Regardless of any wrongdoing that occurred during the animal trials, the way that Musk is marketing this and talking about it on X concerns me deeply.

    It seems genuinely irresponsible to hype up a medical technology like this when it appears that the animal trials (and the implanted device itself) were not safe and effective.

    I really hope the FDA did their due diligence when they cleared the device for human trials. The consequences of not doing so would be devastating for those affected by quadriplegia and ALS and who start experiencing unwanted side effects of implantation or device malfunctions.

    SLaSZT, avatar

    The original is basically the same as this meme but more condensed.

    The woman is able to flag down several vehicles not because the distress of a fellow human being roused the (presumably) men piloting the vehicles to help her, but because they are enticed by the implicit suggestion that her mere presence (or rather, the mere presence of a prototypical "slut," i.e., a promiscuous/sexually indiscriminate woman) may mean that they get to have sex with her.

    It's demonstrating sexual objectification of women in a humourous way.

    SLaSZT, avatar

    I love Bagheera. She reminds me of my boy Yeshua (they look nearly identical) and her tongue is perfect.

    SLaSZT, avatar

    "Bullets are too precious to use on his own people," so he... constructs metal boxes that can fit people inside and uses vast amounts of energy to heat them instead.

    How can anyone listen to her and take the conversation seriously?

    SLaSZT, avatar

    It means bisexual, as in being attracted to your own gender and other genders. Here's a link for you to learn that bisexuality is more than just a gotcha you can use against trans people:

    SLaSZT, avatar

    To me, when it uses the exact same rhetoric as the people who take it seriously, it's not really a joke. Or at least it's not a funny joke.

    "Haha, bisexuality contradicts non-binary identity," isn't really funny to me because a) it's not true, and b) I've seen cisgender bisexual people seriously put forth this notion in an effort to reduce support for transgender people. The "drop the T" movement has used almost your exact same language to try to illustrate through humour that trans people don't belong.

    I'll admit I'm sensitive, but these phrases aren't really jokes. It's basic (and lame) wordplay at best. It's inherently stale, like the "I identify as an attack helicopter" and "don't assume my gender" crap.

    The next Sims game will be free-to-play with paid DLC (

    The next Sims game currently goes under the name Project Rene rather than The Sims 5, but that aside, we know a growing amount about EA Maxis' next social simulation. During today's latest Behind The Sims community update, they shared more, including the news that the next entry in the series would be free-to-play and without...

    SLaSZT, avatar

    I think this could be a good thing, like Crusader Kings 2 going free to play.

    Also... there are certain tools out there that download the DLC and keep it updated for you... those probably aren't going away. My wife hasn't paid for Sims 4 DLC in a very long time.

    Why is my cat so anxious? (

    This is Cleo. She is 2.5 years of age. I have posted about her before actually. I worry about her because she gets so anxious that it harms her. She has had an outbreak of hives on her skin, especially her ears, for the last week or so, and she has been picky about when and what she wants to eat, if at all. We got a kitten in...

    SLaSZT, avatar

    I have a cat who constantly licks the fur off his body. He would give himself little rashes on his skin.

    We tried for years to figure it out, even vets weren't sure. They gave us Feliway, told us to reduce any stress, get more toys, etc. Didn't work.

    When we moved, our new vet said to try bathing him because it could be allergies. This was the problem and bathing him has fixed it.

    I'm not a vet at all, but if the vet says it's anxiety (and not a physical ailment) you may want to try bathing your cat. I bathe mine twice a week using baby shampoo per the vet's recommendation.

    SLaSZT, avatar

    As long as she's a legal adult within 15 or so years of you, she can't be too young IMO. If she likes you, that's her choice. Unless the workplace aspect bothers you, what's the harm?

    I dunno, I'm 28. I'd date someone who's 43. Just tossing in my 2 cents.

    SLaSZT, avatar

    Yeah, I completely agree that someone who is 18-20 just doesn't have the life experience to know a lot about relationships in general.

    My wife dated a guy who was in his mid-40s when she was 18 and, with hindsight, it seems like her inexperience with life, intimacy, and relationships was actually something he was looking for (gross).

    I guess I assumed that the person OP likes is at least in their mid-20s. I mostly added the legal adult part to cover my ass in case a snarky commenter was like, "oh what if she's 16?" trying to be smart.

    SLaSZT, avatar

    Reminds me of the video game Control, but like, pastel on one side. Hah. Great technique and understanding of colour, value, and perspective.

    SLaSZT, avatar

    The 106 women were from a single province of Afghanistan and not the entire country, just so you know. There are 34 provinces. The numbers are likely even higher than reported due to data suppression.

    SLaSZT, avatar

    Believe me, I wish I didn't need a car, but I'm a field service tech and my job requires a work vehicle since I'm travelling with a ton of tools. I'd also love to get rid of my personal car, but my wife needs it for a 30-minute commute; the bus ride is close to 2 hours and there aren't really any other practicable transportation methods.

    Don't even get me started on the lack of infrastructure outside of downtown, there are a ton of places around town where they don't even have sidewalks, let alone bike or bus lanes.

    I don't know what the solution is when so many cities and municipalities either don't want to invest in mass public transportation or (in the case of my city) cheaped out and ended up with a light rail transit system that barely functions. It just reinforces car ownership out of necessity.

    Anonfiles is shutting down (

    After trying endlessly for two years to run a file sharing site with user anonymity we have been tired of handling the extreme volumes of people abusing it and the headaches it has created for us. Maybe it is hard to understand but after tens of million uploads and many petabytes later all work of handling abuse was automated...

    SLaSZT, avatar

    Yeah, it seems obvious that it would become a haven for CP. Not sure how that was unexpected for OP, but I guess it is sort of sad that there's no actual way to prevent it without aggressive (and probably human) moderation. Very expensive and time-consuming.

    SLaSZT, avatar

    Haha, where I am $75/hour is cheap. I'm paying double that right now.

    SLaSZT, avatar

    sad /kbin noises

    SLaSZT, (edited ) avatar

    Yep, I'm just waiting for @ArtemisApp to go into public beta; the dev has said that things will go a lot quicker once the API is out soon.

    SLaSZT, avatar

    Yes, that's why the laptops that are available are more expensive than usual. Because the supply cannot meet the demand, the demand has been artificially reduced using inflated prices.

    You realize that there is an ongoing global situation regarding semiconductor material and microprocessors, right? Even though the shortage from earlier is "over," there've been periods of oversupply.

    Some chip manufacturers (like Samsung) are actually slowing down production due to decreased profits after their customers stopped ordering them to clear out existing inventory since supply of microprocessors is not as much of a concern anymore.

    SLaSZT, avatar

    My cat goes crazy for stickers/labels that I've folded over. I flick them across the room and he goes nuts chasing after them. Can't think of anything they would hunt in the wild that looks similar.

    I think it's less about prey and more about play, so to speak. Keeping in mind that my cat is a total dumbass orange cat with naught a single brain cell, once he loses track of it, he loses interest.

    SLaSZT, avatar

    I don't use it myself, but there's a federated blogging service called WriteFreely that markets itself as being very minimalist and simple.

    You can self-host an instance of it, just like you can with /kbin, or you can use an instance that already exists (I think it's a few bucks a month if you don't want to post anonymously).

    Not sure if federation is something that's important to you but I thought I'd throw it out there.

    SLaSZT, avatar

    My fave is Kalashnikova (White Widow + AK-47 hybrid) because it tastes like lime Lifesaver candies.

    SLaSZT, avatar

    You can follow @FMHY here on kbin for updates, that's currently the FMHY Mastodon account.

    where are people getting fans-style content

    With the collapse of hqcollect I’m not really sure where to get the kind of content one would find on manyvids, patreon, or onlyfans. This stuff seems to not really show up in indexers on Usenet (dog, geek, etc) or my preferred private tracker (ipt). I’ve even gone as far as digging into spotweb for this stuff. Am I just in...

    SLaSZT, avatar

    No, it's just self-produced porn. Usually done for cam sites or OnlyFans. I didn't think people still used the word "chomo," but I guess they do.

    SLaSZT, avatar

    Is it better to accept "who you are?" Generally speaking, that leads to suicide. So does non-acceptance.

    Read things, like books and trans perspectives and scientific studies, instead of shitting all over the comment section with hateful rhetoric you made up.

    You might find that knowledge and compassion turn you into a better person with real hobbies and beliefs and who is actually worth something.

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