@Riker_Maneuver@startrek.website avatar


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@Riker_Maneuver@startrek.website avatar

Yeah, I was about to say, 99% of people are either unaware or do not care. Don’t mistake Lemmy’s privacy opinions as representative of the general population.

@Riker_Maneuver@startrek.website avatar

Completely agree. Remember when people lost their shit over horse armor in Oblivion? That would be seen as reasonable now. They just kept forcing these things until it was normalized, and now we’ve had an entire generation grow up with MTX as the norm.

@Riker_Maneuver@startrek.website avatar

I keep seeing the posts about OW2 where everyone is acting like blizzard is getting destroyed by the poor reviews, but, like you said, they still already made bank on these games in spite of all the complaints that have existed since launch. Blizzard just out here like:


@Riker_Maneuver@startrek.website avatar

Awesome, the episode they added to the original Quake was fantastic so this should deliver as well. Also, I never played the N64 game either. Nightdive is too good for this world.

@Riker_Maneuver@startrek.website avatar

For real. I imagine they’ll be finding someone new, but no one will ever truly be able replace him.

YouTube will now show a blank homepage if you don’t have watch history on (www.theverge.com)

YouTube is changing the homepage experience for users who have their watch history turned off. They will now see an almost blank homepage with just a search bar and buttons for Shorts, Subscriptions and Library. This is intended to make it clear that personalized recommendations rely on watch history data. The new design aims to...

@Riker_Maneuver@startrek.website avatar

I love the content/creators, but hate the company that runs it. Sadly, unless you are willing to give up the channels you love there isn’t much in the way of alternatives.

@Riker_Maneuver@startrek.website avatar

Cool, now make the search useful again by letting me do -thingIdon’twant or “thing I do want” in quotes. Why did that functionality even go away? Search is such garbage now that tries to get you to click on shit you didn’t search for.

@Riker_Maneuver@startrek.website avatar

Too many current-thing jokes has been an issue in 2/3 of the episodes. Forget aging well; the jokes didn’t even land now. For me, it’s 0-3, and I think I’m going to be dipping out unless I later hear it has a consistent return to form.

@Riker_Maneuver@startrek.website avatar

Let’s not think about the Reddit of today, let’s think about Reddit of old. Rome wasn’t built in a day.

I can agree with this to a degree, but can’t we just not think of reddit? I mean, back then, I don’t recall redditors obsessing over other sites as much as I have seen on lemmy. Digg was the top dog, and I don’t recall daily threads about reddit’s numbers or how it wasn’t matching up.

It was just it’s own thing and not constantly comparing itself to it’s alleged competition. I feel like that helped it grow into it’s own thing, and we should give lemmy a chance to do the same instead of trying to turn it into reddit 2.0. That said, I might just be forgetting—there could’ve been constant ‘sky-is-falling-because-we-aren’t-Digg’ posts—but I just don’t recall them.

Your thoughts on The Orville? (lemmy.world)

When I first started this show I found it to be a really awkward mix of comedy and seriousness. It had some jokes thrown it at the most inopportune times as some kind of comic relief from a really serious situation. Perhaps the first half of the first season was actually a bit rough or maybe the show just grew on me, but by...

@Riker_Maneuver@startrek.website avatar

While I don’t regret watching it—and I’d probably even throw on a new season if it gets one—I felt like it was missing any true classic episodes. I also kept having this strange sense of familiarity with episodes, as if it was just repurposing or rehashing older Star Trek plots.

I kept thinking, “Wasn’t there a TNG/DS9/Whatever episode that explored this same general concept/idea, but better?”. It felt like it was maybe borrowing just a bit too much from it’s inspiration.

@Riker_Maneuver@startrek.website avatar

I was on reddit before the digg exodus, and the current state of lemmy feels somewhat reminiscent of those times. When communities are smaller there is just a completely different feel than the 1 million+ subscriber goliaths some subreddits became.

@Riker_Maneuver@startrek.website avatar

What is the reason for removing search functionality? Is it really just to make it harder to find what people want and potentially be served more ads? Hopefully site:whateverbutprobablyreddit.com never goes on the chopping block.

@Riker_Maneuver@startrek.website avatar

It felt very much in the vein and quality of the previous Guardians films to me, so I figured, if people loved those, they would also love this. Personally, I thought it was probably one of the better non-Spider-Man marvel offerings we have gotten in a while. The last phase had a lot of underwhelming releases.

@Riker_Maneuver@startrek.website avatar

Now that you mention it, it does give off those 5th Element vibes. Though, The Endless Nation is actually comprised of Native Americans, so it’s the complete opposite of aliens in both the extraterrestrial sense and the immigrant sense.

No one really knows what went down, but at some point they went into isolation for a considerable time, then emerged as a technological superpower. As the comic puts it:

There is no record of the internal revolution which resulted in the Machine State, only the oral history of cast-out believers who now reside in the dead country. One day there was no Machine State, and then the next there was.

@Riker_Maneuver@startrek.website avatar

Yeah, luckily, around the time I started to burn out on the endless events and reboots in Marvel and DC was when I feel like Image Comics really hit its stride. I wanna say early to mid 2010s(?) they really started branching out/expanding in what they published, and finding recognition and success—well, as much as comics can expect—for it.

Riker_Maneuver, (edited )
@Riker_Maneuver@startrek.website avatar

To name a few other sci-fi ones: https://imagecomics.com/comics/series/saga, https://imagecomics.com/comics/series/low, https://imagecomics.com/comics/series/black-science, and if you love pulpy sci-fi there is also https://imagecomics.com/comics/series/fear-agent. They have some really cool art too.

From Black Science #1:

Edit: Oh, also want to shill James Stokoe’s https://www.darkhorse.com/Comics/30-286/Aliens-Dead-Orbit-1 just because I’m in love with the art in everything he does.

@Riker_Maneuver@startrek.website avatar

Atomic Robo! Not enough people talk about Atomic Robo.


@Riker_Maneuver@startrek.website avatar

I’ve been watching the X-Files. Back in the day I’d only ever sometimes catch episodes here and there on TV, so this is actually the first time I’ve sat down to watch the whole thing. Only partway through season one at the moment, but really digging it.

@Riker_Maneuver@startrek.website avatar

I think I’ve watched it completely at least four separate times; I love it so much. It’s just such good fun.

Harvey was the best.https://files.catbox.moe/wby9tj.jpg

NASA is launching a new 'Plus' streaming service (www.theverge.com)

You’ll be able to watch live coverage of future launches, documentaries, and brand-new original series the agency is producing exclusively for NASA Plus. The agency is looking to “better tell the stories of how NASA explores the unknown” and connect with more people by transforming its digital presence...

What movies, books or tv shows are meant to spoof/parody a particular genre while actually being a great example of the genre?

The 3 that come to mind for me are Shaun of the Dead, Hot Fuzz and The Princess Bride. All three are poking fun at their respective genres but also are great examples of the genre. I’m curious if Lemmy has other such examples.

@Riker_Maneuver@startrek.website avatar

It’s legitimately one of the best Star Trek movies.

What are you Reading? (August 2023) (lemmy.world)

I’ve put together a collage of some books from last months What are you Reading? post. It’s mostly random, but the more discussion something gets the more it stands out to me. Going forward I’m going to make a new post every month to talk about what people are reading....

@Riker_Maneuver@startrek.website avatar

I’m actually going through this myself as well! Currently, I’m just starting book 2. Seeing the “before”, noticing how mindsets were often the complete opposites, then watching the very beginnings of the shift towards the 40K universe everyone is familiar with—it’s all fascinating.

I was planning to do the first 3 before taking a break to give some other things a shot. It’s fantastic, but I don’t think I’m ready to wholly dedicate myself to the 50+ books in the series just yet.

@Riker_Maneuver@startrek.website avatar

I like how this mentality is still a thing years later. I read the first three as they came out, thought “what a great trilogy!”, and then “Oh no…” when I saw it was going to continue. Even if it’s great, I’m of your opinion, I just want the main characters to be happy already! I still haven’t read the sequel trilogy to this day, lol.

@Riker_Maneuver@startrek.website avatar

It was incredibly refreshing in that it was almost just slice-of-life at times; so much time was dedicated to just getting to know the characters in not necessarily extreme scenarios.

@Riker_Maneuver@startrek.website avatar

Something to put a spotlight on books would be cool. Back on reddit, printSF existed solely for that because the main science fiction hub was dominated by television and film. It would be nice if there was a place for both in one community here rather than splitting them. In the vein of pinned discussions maybe a “What are you reading? What are you looking for? What do you recommend?” type thread could get some book discussions going.

@Riker_Maneuver@startrek.website avatar

Agreed on all points. The last 3 episodes in particular were just visual stunners on top of awesome and challenging level design culminating in an immensely satisfying final battle against the titular ‘Evil’.

spoiler“No, You shall not fall today!”—I pretty much shared Civvie’s reaction: “You’re goddamn right.”

@Riker_Maneuver@startrek.website avatar

I can understand this take; I realize it probably boils down to personal preference, but seeing the mod bot with 2 of the top posts of the last 6 hours just feels like a bad look for a community to me. It’s stated purpose:

I’m a bot designed to increase content created on Lemmy, to try and jump-start communities, and make Lemmy overall a more enjoyable place

This is a relatively active community, and I don’t think it really needs to be “jump started” anymore. Let humans post the content. That’s what I want to see and engage with. I still think there is a place for bot posts, but with a much more limited scope (episode discussion threads, sports scores as was mentioned elsewhere, etc.). Nothing turns me off a community faster than seeing half the top post from a bot.

@Riker_Maneuver@startrek.website avatar

That’s a good point. If I didn’t see that they were bot accounts it would probably be an ignorance-is-bliss situation. I just wouldn’t notice. Though, using desktop, it’s fairly obvious since most have the “b” next to their names that also include “bot”.

A lot of the time, you’ll see OP engage in the comments of what they post because they themselves have a personal interest in it. You don’t get that with bots. I have to wonder if bots are denying humans that chance. Someone goes to post something they found, but the reddit repost bot already pulled it from some subreddit’s new feed.

@Riker_Maneuver@startrek.website avatar

Danny McBride sure likes to put dicks in his show—both figurative and literal.

@Riker_Maneuver@startrek.website avatar

I understand why Warren Ellis was ousted, but—having read plenty of his comics back in the past—so much of what made Castlevania great was clearly his own style he brought to it. The personalities that he infused the characters with was a huge part of my personal enjoyment. I wish people would stop ruining things just because they were horny, and can’t behave appropriately.

The new writer/showrunner doesn’t have much to his name for something like this, but i’m totally willing to give it a shot.

@Riker_Maneuver@startrek.website avatar

Warhammer 40,000: Boltgun.

I was on E2M6 before work got extremely hectic and I put it on pause for a while. Now that I’m finally getting back to it, I love it so much. It combines two things I love: boomer shooters and Warhammer. To extend my playthrough, I’m playing it how I play classic Doom: Boltgun start only, no saves (death means I start the whole level over), and Exterminatus difficulty. It’s gotten challenging but I love the mastery that comes from playing a map from the beginning again.

Any boomer shooter fan is doing themselves a disservice if they don’t check it out.

@Riker_Maneuver@startrek.website avatar

Have you tried any of the other Pokémon clones? I’d be interested to hear how you think it stacks up to some of the others. I tried a few, and none really captured what I wanted. I thought Cassette Beasts looked pretty cool style-wise so it was somewhat on my radar.

@Riker_Maneuver@startrek.website avatar

I have just been using this script. Simple and works great. Also, it let’s you setup multiple home instances so if you have a back up account elsewhere to deal with downtime or an account for other things 👀 it’s fantastic.

@Riker_Maneuver@startrek.website avatar

This was pretty much my take too. I went in wanting to love it, but it ultimately fell flat for me—even if I didn’t exactly hate it. I re-watched the first four seasons back when it was announced this was coming. So, maybe I did this to myself by setting the bar way too high. I’m still going to give it a chance, hoping the overreliance on meta humor was a one-off, but I’ll be tempering my expectations going forward.

@Riker_Maneuver@startrek.website avatar
@Riker_Maneuver@startrek.website avatar

The Endless Nation was so cool. I love me some East of West. Someone give me that animated adaption, please.

Riker_Maneuver, (edited )
@Riker_Maneuver@startrek.website avatar

I mostly just used Twitter to keep updated on various indie games/artists/authors/content creators. I’d imagine they would go to Threads or Tiktok’s new thing before giving Mastadon a shot, and some of them have.

I don’t want to be a downer; Mastadon would be my favorite Twitter alternative with how it functions, but in its present state Mastadon just doesn’t work for my use case. I think for now I just have to phase Twitter-likes out of my life unless I’m willing to bite the bullet on putting up with meta or 𝕏.

James Gunn Denies Packing ‘Superman: Legacy’ With DC Characters To Attract Buyers; Shoots Down Rumors Of New Justice League Live-Action Film (deadline.com)

James Gunn is clarifying some rumors about the DC development slate starting with Superman: Legacy and a potential Justice League live-action film under his direction. Gunn’s first film since…

@Riker_Maneuver@startrek.website avatar

I read this and it does not say he shot down rumors of a justice league live action film despite that being stated in the title. This is all it has to say regarding Justice League:

DC announced over the weekend a Justice League animated film that would be released in 2024 and it’s based on Crisis on Infinite Earths. Many deduced that this could be the basis of a possible live-action film by Gunn. However, Gunn shot down the rumor by replying to a fan with a simple “No,” on Threads.

It simply states there is no Justice League film based on Crisis on Infinite Earths coming. This article mentions 3 heroes—Guy Gardner, Hawkgirl and Mister Terrific—but fails to mention they also added Anthony Carrigan as Metamorpho to the cast as well. Feels like the author kind of half-assed this. Honestly though, whether the movie is labeled as such or not, once you reach a certain number of DC heroes teaming up it becomes a Justice League film by default.

@Riker_Maneuver@startrek.website avatar

Hook with it’s 29% tomatometer rating. Dustin Hoffman—sexual misconduct allegations aside—fucking nailed it as Hook, and I think the general concept of an adult Peter Pan returning was pretty cool. Also, who doesn’t love Robin Williams? It was a movie I loved in my childhood so I am absolutely biased, but 29% seems absurd. I still find the “Don’t try to stop me, Smee” scene hilarious to this day.

Riker_Maneuver, (edited )
@Riker_Maneuver@startrek.website avatar

Wow, 50% for Fear and Loathing is absolutely criminal. It’s what made me aware of Hunter S. Thompson in the first place—and it prompted me to delve into his other works. It also deepened my appreciation for Transmetropolitan’s Spider Jerusalem, who was blatantly inspired by him.

Riker_Maneuver, (edited )
@Riker_Maneuver@startrek.website avatar

Whenever I think of my favorite episodes, I think of what are probably the cliché and blatantly obvious ones: In The Pale Moonlight (DS9 S06E19), Measure of a Man (TNG S02E09), and The Inner Light (TNG S05E25). TNG and DS9 are my most rewatched Treks, so they are always freshest in my mind.

You bringing up Living Witness (Voyager S04E23), though, has reminded me of how phenomenal an episode it was—and I completely agree with it being a top five. I have my problems with Voyager, but, from time to time, it could crank out some truly classic Trek.

@Riker_Maneuver@startrek.website avatar

I actually just recently re-watched SG1 for the first time in probably a decade or more now. I was half expecting to have my fond memories ruined, but that wasn’t even remotely the case. I still love it, and probably always will.

@Riker_Maneuver@startrek.website avatar

I feel like campiness has become a lost art form. Stuff these days generally tends to take itself very seriously while Stargate was self aware and knew how to lean into it. At the same time—as you mentioned—it wasn’t afraid to do more tonally serious episodes from time to time. I think that mix is what allowed it to have such a long run.

@Riker_Maneuver@startrek.website avatar

I never saw this when it was new. I don’t know if it was ever pinned, but, if not, maybe that would have given this more traction due to visibility? I think post like this from just yesterday show it’s still divisive.

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