@RiikkaTheIcePrincess@kbin.social avatar


@[email protected]


... Looking for a Lemmy instance to run to. The wrong-image thing is funny but I'm feeling pretty done with "Error" and never getting access to some commagazines even when they should be federated.
Edit: Moving out! Pawb(.social) has let me in so off I gooooo :3

Meep :3
She/They, also transer than a box of transistors! wiggles transly
Very cute, but also weird and sometimes kinda sharp

This profile is from a federated server and may be incomplete. Browse more on the original instance.

short question by an aspiring user

Hello, apparently hanging out in Lemmy inadvertently makes you thinking about using Linux. I am planning to install Linux Mint cinnamon on an older laptop, which I want to bring to LAN Parties. From what I read I can just format my C:\ windows disk, install Linux via bootable drive and from what I understand, proton is basically...

@RiikkaTheIcePrincess@kbin.social avatar

Assuming I'm understanding you correctly (I think I am: "ghost files" would be files of the old filesystem read and kept by the new one?) No, that's unnecessary unless you have data you specifically want unrecoverable, in which case you'll want a 'file shredder' or srm type tool to handle that. Other than that you'll probably not be using any filesystem format Windows offers, so it also won't be recognizing any Windows files even if such a thing would otherwise be possible.

As for your main post, you seem to have the right idea. Steam recognizes that Windows games won't run natively on a Linux system and will either "automatically run with a compatibility tool (Steam Play)" (or something like that) or refuse to launch/install the thing until you configure it to run everything non-native with Proton by default (which is a checkbox in the normal settings menu, not anything weird or buried).

...Also sometimes it just launches Wine? At least for me? That's kinda weird, honestly, but I set up my systems in weird ways so that may just be a me problem 😅

Simply put: I think you'll be fine just not worrying about anything and going directly to your "boot from install/live media" step and not worrying about anything else unless there's a problem... at which point you come yell at us and we help you fix it ;P

@RiikkaTheIcePrincess@kbin.social avatar

Breaking things is arguably the best way to learn

Hee hee, some may agree with you. jumped into Gentoo very early and hasn't stopped breaking things yet. Sometimes for fun, sometimes 'cause some distro maintainer type did something horrible ^.^

I definitely support "Just try things, see what breaks, then learn to fix it" as a learning method. Not necessarily for everycritter and not necessarily as a sole learning method but certainly it can be many fun and very productive, sometimes in ways that other methods would not be.

@RiikkaTheIcePrincess@kbin.social avatar

She goes by "Debra" now ;P (Do we really both have an Aunt Debbie/Debra?)

Also, for sure I don't mean to pressure anyone nor suggest that you do. I also tried other distros first, even fearing a little that I'd break something. Dual booting (I knew Windows better back then... dunno if I'd know what to do with 11 😅) was a help, but also I started with easier distros (Ubuntu, Debian, Fedora, Mint... definitely Mint gets my recommendation as an easy/comfy/friendly distro even though I haven't touched it in over a decade) and found that I wanted them out of my way so I could set up my computer how I wanted it to be. All' the stuff happening "for me" kept doing things I didn't like and changing things I did, so I moved toward the "harder" or "harder-core" distros less because I wanted Linuxy cool-cred (though I did a little bit ;P ) and more because I just wanted to get my OS out of sight and out of mind rather than having to fight the thing over control. Arch mostly does that, Gentoo does it a bit more. These days I don't have the latest high-powered gaming hardware and I myself am starting to feel a little old (2⁵+1 years! Augh!) so the compile waits don't feel so great... but I'll be back 😅I've been oscillating between Arch and Gentoo (may try Funtoo next time! Could be a fun... or two 😹) for ages so unless something else fits I don't see a reason to quit.

Wait, what was I talking about? Oh yeah, no need to jump right into Gentoo or LFS or something... but also no need to worry if one does! I really want to make one point in particular: everything can be fixed. Everything. Broke the kernel? Fixable. Broke networking? Fixable. Package manager set off a bomb in its own backend? Fixable. There's always a fix, whether it's rolling back a package to an old version, booting another OS or computer, GRUB's recovery console, a fallback kernel, rolling forward a package to a new version, using a newer/patched/forked kernel that doesn't crash your graphics driver on a new laptop. No matter how deep into "I'll just go until I trip on something," you can get back up and you can learn something from it... or you can just reinstall or hop to the next distro.

And maybe the thing you tripped on was a cute kittycat who you can appease them despite their annoyance at you for tripping on them :3

Also no, I don't know why I felt like yapping for ages <.< Sorry about that? 😅

@RiikkaTheIcePrincess@kbin.social avatar

[Very joke] Wait... if I buy the latest fishgame I can get double XP at Little Caesars?! If only I even knew where to buy those things!

@RiikkaTheIcePrincess@kbin.social avatar

The swimming pool on the roof sometimes springs a leak. ;3 HTP

@RiikkaTheIcePrincess@kbin.social avatar

Grinning at critters remembering Tribes and Global Agenda ^.^ Also hoping this one is many funs, though I kinda just wanna play Tribes 2 again and doubt this'll be much like that.

@RiikkaTheIcePrincess@kbin.social avatar

Okay, that's fucked going after the researchers. On the other paw, if we get catpeople out of this I may still forgive them :3

(Of course that demand is BS, though. Bleh!)

@RiikkaTheIcePrincess@kbin.social avatar

I so want to join that one :D Brilliant name.

... Then go back to Gentoo and stay anyway >:P

@RiikkaTheIcePrincess@kbin.social avatar

As a Gentoo user currently vacationing in Arch-land I'm not sure whether to feel insulted or affirmed. Imean, it is but some might say that to disparage it or its users 😅

@RiikkaTheIcePrincess@kbin.social avatar

I feel like this place has gotten super mean-spirited lately. Maybe I'm just dropping in at the wrong times but I feel like 80% of the posts and comments I see are backhanded references or jabs at some part of the community and most of the rest is TOS stuff I don't understand that for all I know is also being nasty to somebody.

Does it really have to be like this? I'll leave that to you lot to figure out. Maybe a split is in order, or part of the commagazine will just vanish and never make another Trek joke again.

Also somecritter lemme know if the Disco-Risa/NonDisco-Risa split happens 'cause I kinda still wanna be in one of them. Or maybe both, as long as the fighting quits.

@RiikkaTheIcePrincess@kbin.social avatar

Their entire species is disconcerting and I wish I could get away from it.

@RiikkaTheIcePrincess@kbin.social avatar

Well, I have this:

Then there are some bits like bemoji (emoji selecty thingy) and getting getting grim (and now swappy!) set up to handle screenshottage, aaand getting Sway to behave (mostly?) like herbstluftwm through tricks like
bindsym $mod+1 [workspace="1"] move workspace to output current; workspace number 1 (which seems kinda odd but whatever; I don't care that much at the moment and it works fine 😅🤷‍♀️)
Aand there's this lil pile of stuff to get some things to use their Wayland modes (and some other fiddly bits that may not be Wayland-related): MOZ_ENABLE_WAYLAND=1 QT_QPA_PLATFORM=wayland-egl QT_WAYLAND_FORCE_DPY=physical ECORE_EVAS_ENGINE=wayland_egl ELM_ENGINE=wayland_egl SDL_VIDEODRIVER=wayland _JAVA_AWT_WM_NONREPARENTING=1 GDK_BACKEND=wayland which probably isn't all necessary but whatever, somecritter will probably say something if it isn't 😅

Never gonna take Terminology with the Nyan Cat cursor away from me, though 😝Not unless there's something better that also has cats and/or rainbows, anyway.

@RiikkaTheIcePrincess@kbin.social avatar

I feel like it's not nearly as hard as people make it out to be, very conveniently excusing their carelessness by insisting that nobody else is paying attention either and sometimes even lashing out at anyone who points out (let alone calls out) a problem, or simply something that could be stated better. Can we stop throwing around "crazy" and "insane" whist people are still being called those terms as an attack based on mental illness? You know, that thing that seemingly everyone has because mental health isn't taken seriously enough? Nah, "words change." How about "savage?" That one "changed" too. Some still think "gay" is a term for anything they dislike. I remember people insisting that word had changed, too. It hadn't, of course. Seems like many (most?) just want to act however pops into their heads without ever thinking about it :-\ Few want to hear they've done anything wrong, even when they clearly very much have; fewer still will bother to self-examine.

I suppose my point is, I think that taking some actual care in how we act and especially _inter_act can reveal these issues before they become "oh wow, tee hee we were so silly back before someone told us that women were people!"

@RiikkaTheIcePrincess@kbin.social avatar

Finally the "3000" isn't just a marketing number but actually referring to the 3000th clone DLC/MTX platform in a row. Truth in naming!

@RiikkaTheIcePrincess@kbin.social avatar

There's a difference between using ChatGPT to help you write a paper and having ChatGPT write the paper for you.

Yeah, one is what many "AI" fans insist is what's happening, and the other is what people actually do because humans are lazy, intellectually dishonest piles of crap. "Just a little GPT," they say. "I don't see a problem, we'll all just use it in moderation," they say. Then somehow we only see more garbage full of errors; we get BS numbers, references to studies or legal cases or anything else that simply don't exist, images of people with extra rows of teeth and hands where feet should be, gibberish non-text where text could obviously be... maybe we'll even get ads injected into everything because why not screw up our already shitty world even more?

So now people have this "tool" they think is simultaneously smarter and more creative than humans at all of the things humans have historically claimed makes them better than not only machines but other animals, but is also "just a tool" that they're only going to use a little bit, to help out but not replace. They'll trust this tool to be smarter than they are, which it will arguably impressively turn out to not be. They'll expect everyone else to accept the costs this incurs, from environmental damage due to running the damn things to social, scientific, economic, and other harms caused by everything being generated by "hallucinating" "AI" that's incapable of thinking.

It's all very tiring.

(And now I'm probably going to get more crap for both things I've said and things I haven't, because people are intellectually lazy/dishonest and can't take criticism. Even more tiring! Bleh.)

@RiikkaTheIcePrincess@kbin.social avatar

Thanks for the link. Seems like the place could be easier to find :-\

@RiikkaTheIcePrincess@kbin.social avatar

25th Anniversary, Judgment Rites, A Final Unity... Ooh, Bridge Commander too! :3 ^.^ Also some of the others, including Harbinger and the Elite Force games and a few I forget the names of 😅There are many Trekky funs to be had :3 Hell, I'd even consider doing another run through some STO.

Also, is it just me or is the OP image removed <.<

@RiikkaTheIcePrincess@kbin.social avatar

COOL?!?!? Of course there should be no need to go find financial aid just to get health care or other basic stuff but since there is, I'm glad things like this exist :3 It's nice to keep bumping into more of them.

@RiikkaTheIcePrincess@kbin.social avatar

I think I disliked your ideas less before I read any of it and just assumed you thought the thing that generates innumerable images of east asian women with huge tits and extra rows of teeth was gonna fly to Luna and harvest huge crops of taquitos for us to eat.

@RiikkaTheIcePrincess@kbin.social avatar

Do we get freedom with it or do we have to double eternal vigilance to get both? 🤔

@RiikkaTheIcePrincess@kbin.social avatar

Some fun stack-based concatenative language (like Forth or Min) :3 I like playing with odd/new-to-me things that change how I have to approach things in some way. ... Also I wanna find a Forth community I can stand 😅 That or maybe a similar low-level language, I suppose. I was thinking of using it for a project but... eegh. Bleh. Et cetera. Still might, but purely on my own terms I guess.

Also, more Haskell please >:3 Or something else like it. We must spread the glory of FP nerdery @.@ ...And maybe get some more useful (and maintained) packages to work with instead of just kinda having to wonder what even builds any more v.v

@RiikkaTheIcePrincess@kbin.social avatar

Interesting commagazine! ... I don't seem to be able to get to it through kbin :( Am already digging around in there, though, so thanks for the tip :3

@RiikkaTheIcePrincess@kbin.social avatar

I don't even see the bot from here. Bleeeeeh maybe I just need to give up and jump ship to a Lemmy instance 😅 Is not your fault, of course.

I don't think I'd encountered any such commagazines (why'd they have to be named both?!) and that's why I was excited to learn about the one you mentioned. I've already started peeking around in there and finding some interesting tidbits :3

@RiikkaTheIcePrincess@kbin.social avatar

It's insidious! ... Just like the root beer 🤣

I want to say I never quite learned to like it, but... I have once or twice maybe hummed along a little. Honestly not much, and the completely unenunciated "isbinna laaooww waaaww" (maybe slightly exaggerating there) bit still irks me but... yeah okay some of it is a lil catchy >.<;

@RiikkaTheIcePrincess@kbin.social avatar

Also southish US; I think your take on how it sounds is why I always hated it so much. That and the unintelligible bit at the beginning. never going to forgive it and its obnoxious mind-sticking law waw

@RiikkaTheIcePrincess@kbin.social avatar

Such an urge to downvote all of you... 😜

@RiikkaTheIcePrincess@kbin.social avatar

Soylent or Joylent or whatever is around now isn't good enough for you? ;P

@RiikkaTheIcePrincess@kbin.social avatar

Idunno what's going on here but I've got a burning curiosity as to whether this grape store has any lemonade.

@RiikkaTheIcePrincess@kbin.social avatar

Joke's on them, I don't even see it :D Here, have an upvote!

Unless you brought glue, in which case I'd best waddle away...


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    @RiikkaTheIcePrincess@kbin.social avatar

    Hrrrgghhh routers! The last two I've dealt with were a Netgear and an ASUS and... well, at least the ASUS got out of my way relatively quickly? SSH'd in and crammed it full of OpenWRT 😅Did the same to the Netgear but that one fought so hard to force me into using some admin-through-their-website kind of horsecrap that I hate. All' the docs I wanted/needed were lies, BS, broken links, contradictory... it was a proper mess. I don't want a singing, dancing bird-robot tweeting all night (to some corp's servers), just gimme a damn router that's mine!

    ... I may be a little bit old-headed about some tech things <.< I guess things are moving on to "your own hardware as a service" now :-\

    @RiikkaTheIcePrincess@kbin.social avatar

    Whew, here I was thinking it might be cool to try to contribute to some project, maybe even Linux! This thread shall serve as my reminder to never do that because that's for god-tier emotionless techbros only.

    [Sarcasm] Remember, being a dick to people is the only way to ensure that you're caring about the code enough!

    @RiikkaTheIcePrincess@kbin.social avatar

    Don’t forget to light up your feed with our new vibrant social media section!

    I'm gonna vom :P

    @RiikkaTheIcePrincess@kbin.social avatar

    Obeying can be fun but also rebellion >:3 ö/ 🔥

    [Joke] I never post, so I'm probably an infamous outlaw around here >:D

    Hyprland is a toxic community (drewdevault.com)

    Hyprland is an open source Wayland compositor based on wlroots, a project I started back in 2017 to make it easier to build good Wayland compositors. It’s a project which is loved by its users for its emphasis on customization and “eye candy” – beautiful graphics and animations, each configuration tailored to the unique...

    @RiikkaTheIcePrincess@kbin.social avatar

    They like to make a show like everyone on Earth is just like they are so how dare we exist differently but it's clearly just them being hateful. Idunno how bigots manage to still think they're clever and totally not insecure whilst making self-contradictory statements and raging over nonsense and trivia for hours at a time, often in spaces where they're not even welcome.

    @RiikkaTheIcePrincess@kbin.social avatar

    After more than thirty hours and hours of discussions with a friend who knows Pathfinder and stuff, I've finally beaten the first boss of Pathfinder: Wrath of the Righteous!

    My character finally created, I got through the intro cutscene thingle, threw a dart, saved, and am in bed waiting to become asleep 🤣

    (The joke is that the character creation is so interesting, involved, and/or difficult that it counts as a boss fight just choosing a character class to start with 😅 Also yes it did actually according to Steam take me nearly forty hours to defeat said boss 😅)

    @RiikkaTheIcePrincess@kbin.social avatar

    Glory! Glory! Glory to the eggroll!! \ö/


    @RiikkaTheIcePrincess@kbin.social avatar

    being a man, woman, or black person isn't political

    Being a woman isn't political... until I do it? Kinda seems like there's no actually valid (sound? I forget the terminology) argument for how our existence is a problem, nor for how supporting or acknowledging our existence is a problem.

    I don't actually quite understand what you're on about but it kinda seems like you're arguing that allowing people to play characters that don't match your preferences exactly is some kind of forced political thing and that's kinda horsecrap, y'know?

    Anyway I'm gonna go exist at that bigot up there now. Byeee ö/

    @RiikkaTheIcePrincess@kbin.social avatar

    Hi, woke garbage here. Very trans. Enby too. Just sitting here existing at you. Existing so hard, it probably hurts you just knowing about it. I hope it does, 'cause you're a prick and you deserve it ^.^

    @RiikkaTheIcePrincess@kbin.social avatar

    Wow, I'm the only person that bellend didn't reply to. I feel special 🤣 Everycritter else gets a fresh pile of horsecrap, I don't even get a downvote. Works fine for me, I guess.

    @RiikkaTheIcePrincess@kbin.social avatar

    Well, it's... pronounceable? Technically?

    Okay I don't actually like it and don't know anycritter who does but it's there soooo putting it there seemed like a good idea at the time? 🤷

    @RiikkaTheIcePrincess@kbin.social avatar

    Hah! Good luck with that :3

    (Same but mine doesn't have the mohawk and doesn't specifically hunt KGCs :P ^.^ )

    @RiikkaTheIcePrincess@kbin.social avatar

    Yeah, that's the one. There was so much outrage because it had the word "pronoun" in it at all 🤣It's just a little thing on the side during character creation and its effect is absolutely trivial. Actually I think the other MechWarriors 'have pronouns' too if you deliberately open the character editor for them. It's really the bare minimum, like I'm trying to come up with something sarcastic but those people were freaking out over nnnnooothing like the one word in one game is gonna ruin videogames for them forever, or some crap.

    Which, like... if we could somehow trans so hard they'd go away don't they think we'd do it instead of just getting yelled at?

    New Vaccine Can Completely Reverse Autoimmune Diseases Like Multiple Sclerosis, Type 1 Diabetes, and Crohn’s Disease (scitechdaily.com)

    Researchers from Pritzker Molecular Engineering, under the guidance of Prof. Jeffrey Hubbell, demonstrated that their compound can eliminate the autoimmune response linked to multiple sclerosis. Researchers at the University of Chicago's Pritzker School of Molecular Engineering (PME) have developed

    @RiikkaTheIcePrincess@kbin.social avatar

    [Punny jokeness] Now that I think about it, isn't there a limit to how many g's a human body can handle? We're all gonna have to train like fighter pilots or switch our cell network naming scheme 🤔

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