
@[email protected]

This profile is from a federated server and may be incomplete. Browse more on the original instance.


Arch isn’t a building, it’s just a pile of the construction materials.


it’s counterintuitive to the whole point of Lemmy lol

Actually no, it is not. Having multiple smaller communities works to the benefit of users in the Fediverse. One server might be down, and people in those communities can find another community on a different instance to continue discussion until the community of their instance choice comes back up.


Plants are also living creatures, but don’t tell the Vegans.


I don’t really care about minimizing plant death. I’m not Vegan or Vegetarian, nor will I be in the future. I just made a joke.


I remember reading that some species of plants release a specific chemical or audio frequency (I can’t remember which) in response to being cut down, and this chemical is detected by other nearby plants that cause them to become stiffer or something along those lines. Whether that meana the plants feel pain or not, there isn’t anything conclusive. I think it would be pretty hard to feel pain without a nervous system, but its possible that what constitutes pain doesn’t need a nervous system or pain receptors at all. Im not a scientific expert, I just tried to be funny.


Seriously, lady pockets are useless.


I mean, he’s kinda right though. If someone is set on committing a crime, they’re going to do it. Whether they get the weapon legally or not, they’re still going to commit that crime. The only way to truly stop crime is to stop people from having free will, which is impossible.

That’s not to say there should be zero protections. But take gun control in the US for example, there already are gun control laws, California being the strictest. And there are still crimes committed with firearms every single day. Even if you somehow (by actual magic because it would be actually impossible) banned sales of guns and confiscated every firearm the ATF knew existed, there are still so many firearms already in the black market, or smuggled across borders, or even 3D printed, that the criminal will still have access to firearms, conceivably forever.

I mean, look at fireworks. Most cities in California have banned fireworks, but every 4th of July the night sky lights up like a rave party. Or hacking groups that constantly cyberattack literally anything they can, just because they can. If people want to do something, it doesn’t really matter how much red tape you throw at them, theyre still going to do that thing.


Plugging into any outlet that you do not own or have explicit permission to use is stealing electricity. People with Nissan Leafs used to do this to charge their cars.

Now, a phone charger takes so little electricity you could probably pay them a penny and you’d be overpaying, but stealing is stealing.

Just ask permission first.


While I agree with the sentiment that it is technically stealing. No one should worry about charging their phone in public

It is stealing. It doesnt matter if they’re stealing $0.00001 from someone, they’re still stealing from them. If they ask permission, or if the location has an outlet marked for public use, then its no longer stealing. I have seen charge stations in public, and while I personally would never use those due to my question of their security, people can use those too without stealing.

If a person’s phone battery often runs low when they are away from home, that’s what portable battery banks and car chargers are for. If their phone battery dies in the middle of the day, they can simply stop running a million apps in the background and maybe lower the brightness down from “puts the sun to shame” to something more reasonable. My phone battery lasts all day long, and usually I end the day with 30% battery remaining, and its an LG Wing. Not even a brand new phone and it has two screens.


Who cares about Reddit anymore? They burned down everything all on their own, and I’m just here to dance in the ashes.


Possible? Yeah, of course.

Probability that they’re going tonlisten? Pretty low, I’d guess probably below 10%.

Why is refusal to pay bills or rent considered a civil matter, while refusal to pay a restautant bill considered criminal? What's the difference?

Both utility bills and restaurant bills are demands to satisfy a debt after the service have been rendered. And in cases of rental properties, it’s refusal to pay even before the service (the legal right to reside in the property) is rendered, since most leases require paying on the first of the month. Why shouldn’t they all...


Because the law is there to protect big business. There are not big business utilities, but there are big business restaurants.


Utilities are regulated and provided by the local government. They’re not a business like McDonalds is.


Always have been.

Push your local legislation to change the law in favor of consumer data protection and not infinite growing company profits.


A small price to pay for salvation from Meta.


This would be a pretty bad idea. Not only are companies going to steal all the data from that site, but its going to lead to people going through every user’s history to block people who don’t have the same “color politics” as them. Its going to lead to hyper echo chambers, even worse than other social platforms.

I think it would be better if this data is obfusicated even from instance admins. Does this present a bigger challenge in identifying malicious users? Probably, yes. However, it protects the Fediverse first and foremost from the vampire companies stealing consumer data, and protects the Fediverse from becoming the loudest echo chamber on the planet.

Differing opinions, viewpoints, and politics are important to genuine discussion. These “color politics” don’t have to even be part of the discussion to influence what people say. I don’t know about you, but being in a thread where people only ever agree with me and offer no alternative ideas is not a place I want to spend a lot of time in. Because who knows, maybe my ideas are wrong, and I might (shudder), change my mind.


You can see the posts, but any interactions are like you talking into the void.


One of the highest honors of all.

Can we prevent Lemmy from being so political?

Just as the title suggest. Is there anyway we can prevent Lemmy from being such a giant sphere of political annoyance just like Reddit? No matter where you go on reddit before the API changes and even now, someone has to bring politics into it. Even in post or subreddits where it’s not needed....


Realistically, I think no.

While it would be nice, all it takes is one person making a comment that someone else declares is “political” to devolve a place into tit-for-tat political vitriol. And this extends into social politics as well. Unfortunately, so many people now have made their personal politics their identity, and look for opportunities to fight, argue, and moral grandstand. Pick literally any conversation about anything, and there are people that will determine the “red choice” or the “blue choice,” and will scream and yell the choice they think identifies with their color politics without forming an actual opinion themselves.

Maybe 20 years ago this would have been possible. But its not possible anymore.


People can certainly ask about reasons for voting, but that doesn’t mean anyone has to provide the answer. Nobody is entitled to know a person’s reason for voting on posts except for that person themselves.


I wouldn’t say Lemmy doesn’t care about your privacy, but probably they didn’t have enough traffic before the death of Reddit to really prioritize it. I myself have security concerns, particularly with the storage of account data on servers that who knows where they are hosted or what the security is. But I would say Lemmy instances are much more likely to be targetted for attacks by malicious hackers than Reddit, because most instances are likely hosted on far less secure machines than Reddit servers.


I mostly mean username and password credentials, primarily the storage and handling of passwords. Most people don’t take cybersecurity seriously and use the same username and passwords for every site they log into. Someone steals your Lemmy data, and they can try it on every social media and gain access to everything. Now, I am not one of those people, and my Lemmy account credentials are unique to Lemmy only, but imagine if someone joined and used the same credentials they always do, including for their bank login. There is where the concern is.

RightHandOfIkaros, (edited )

The responsibility would fall on the instance admin(s). Moderators could also share the responsibility, as well as any users involved in the illegal activity.

Car Headlights - Why not red? (kbin.social)

So, just finished reading an article on WaPo about fireflies/lightening bugs and got me thinking further... Car headlights suck. They mess up our night vision when we pass another dickhead running white/blue lights. We mess up the habit(at) of many animals/bugs. So why not red lights? My hiking/camping headlamp has a red light...


I am assuming you mean the cool white xenon lights, not blue like police lights. Xenon lights are totally legal. Some places may have laws on the maximum candela of a headlight.

Two points to mention:

  1. Some people are installing Xenon light bulbs into Reflector type headlamp assemblies. This is highly dangerous, and should be considered illegal if it isnt already. Xenon, HID, and LED lights should never be installed into reflector type headlamp assemblies, only projector type.
  2. Light adjustment. Most people dont know this is a thing, and its why you get these ding dongs blinding everyone on the road. Headlamps need to be adjusted so they point towards the road, not at incoming drivers eyes.

This is how it is supposed to work, yes. However. i will say one suggestion going forward might be some sort of voluntary community sub-federating. The idea is that communities from different instances that are considered similar in topic enough to be under the same umbrella would federate or group with each other. A person who subscribes to one might see content from other communities that have voluntarily opted into this feature. It would connect the scattered communities of topics while also allowing these communities to “defederate” on their own from other communities of the same topic, in the event that malicious communities attempt to joing where they do not belong.

This could also be given to the user, the ability for users to group their own subscriptions together, but this would put way more work on the end user and may not be as intuitive.

For example, I am subscribed to one Silent Hill community, and I think I am the only member beside the mod, with no posts. It would be nice if I could see content from other Silent Hill communities in that feed.

reddit immigrant question

Hello there, happy to be here and leaving reddit. Trying to figure out lemmy.world and fediverse through jerboa and I have a question. In the comments I see some comments with a red, green or light blue line on the left side. I haven’t figured out its meaning from any pattern yet, and google didn’t help. Can someone explain...


I don’t know for certain, but my two biggest guesses would be cost or weight. Convertibles typically cost more than hardtops, and not because theyre sportier. The mechanism and parts for the convertible top cost much more than not having them. Theyre also much heavier than a hardtop.

The other consideration is space. Hybrids usually hide the battery behind the rear seat in the trunk. This is exactly the same place convertibles collapse the top into. If you have a battery there, you basically lose the entire trunk if you make it convertible.


Its not as simple as moving the battery to the floor. Hybrids use the same chassis as regular ICE cars, which are not designed like EV chassis. Designing it like this would defeat the whole purpose of making a hybrid. At that point you should just make a full electric.

lemmy.world doesn't seem to have many established NSFW communities; they appear to be in separate instances. Is there any benefit to this or anything stopping lemmy.world from having NSFW communities?

This may be more of an “out of the loop” thing, but I’m new to this site and I’m noticing that lemmy.world seems surprisingly bereft of any substantial NSFW content. I’m surprised! Isn’t the adage that porn motivates technological progress?...


I think this is beneficial because it lowers the traffic of the instance. Especially with how many users World has, adding all the traffic generated from NSFW communities would only compound any problem in the instance processing requests slowly.


Your success will be highly dependant on how out of focus the images are. Slightly out of focus? You’ll probably be able to get it looking mostly right minus some small details. But very out of focus? The computer will never know what was there, because the camera never actually captured what it was.

Can Lemmy posts be indexed by Google or other search engines?

One of the best things about reddit was looking for answers or other users with the same problem as you, and since Google didn’t really help with that anymore and instead insisted on giving you business results, the best practice was to put your search terms in followed by ‘reddit’ and you’d find your answer.


We could just pay Google. How else do you think scam sites keep appearing at the top of Google searches


Reddit explicitly stated that they are not allowing this use of API keys. They will not be likely to give out API keys to anyone other than large companies at this point, or will ban accounts they catch doing this.

Just stop using Reddit. It is easy.


Okay, ignoring everything else that is terrible about this for a second, who would accept $20,000 to kill a child? And why?

Like, I get hired killers probably have questionable morals to begin with, but even the worst of criminals in prison agree that doing bad things to children is too far. Criminals that commit criminal acts against children tend to not live very long in prison.


If they attempted this Reddit admins would 100% revert it and ban whoever agreed to do it.


Life isn't exactly an "accident." Your parents had to make a deliberate choice to have sex. Now, there is some sort of probability involved in the chances of pregnancy, which sperm cell creates a new person, and that new person actually surviving all the way to birth and beyond. But ultimately I wouldn't call life an "accident" outside of some very specific scenarios involving the parents. Your parents chose to create a new person, and that new person was you.

The purpose of life? Who's to say? Ask ten people and you'll get ten different answers. Some people spend their entire lives trying to answer that for themselves, others ignore it entirely. It's a question only you can determine the answer for yourself. But my answer to the question will likely be entirely different from your answer.


“Oops, it accidentally slipped in.”


I would almost say a better system would obscure usernames completely. Only show the comment text, and allow voting accordingly.



An actual bad person when given mod status in too many subs: “This site is great”

Site admins ban him and deny appeals

The bad person: “This site is exploitative!!”

Reddit sucks, but this is probably the one good thing to come from Reddits recent actions.


This is where tax payer dollars are going? Seriously?


If you have to ask if something bad concerning Reddit is caused by Reddit admins, at this point the answer will always be "yes."


The grass is always greener where one side has grass and the other side is a desolate nuclear wasteland created by the incompetence of the land owner.


It probably would have been beehaw if they didnt defederate so early. Given the viewpoints of the people in charge there expressed in their comments on defederating and refederating, I suspect that Beehaw is going to have a consistent problem with constantly defederating and refederating.

Lemmy.world is most likely to grow the largest now because the barrier to entry is low compared to the other two. Additionally, the instance name gives the impression of a general or catchall instance moreso than lemmy.ml or beehaw.


Of course, every instance has the right to preserve their own echo chamber. That is not a problem, but it could be later when users keep seeing communities from one instance go away and come back, or users get effectively “banned” from interacting with those communities because they signed up on the wrong instance. Even if they refederate, they’ll be seen as unreliable by everyone else.

Its like banning all people who drive a Toyota from parking in your parking lot because some people you don’t like drive a Toyota. Sure, you have the right to do that, but you will be losing out on the parking fare of those big communities of Toyota drivers, and even people who dont drive Toyotas but see you banning them. Then you get less traffic, less users, people leave, and it becomes a parking lot that is 98% empty.

This leads to hyper segmented communities, which have benefits, but normies don’t really like when a place only has 3 active users.


Dice as in the physical game piece or as in the Electronic Arts subsidiary video game studio?

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