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Looks like a Silent Hill monster design by anyone other than Masahiro Ito.


Survive might have been an interesting game if it wasnt a Metal Gear title. I would have liked it more, actually.

Could we use AI to update 4:3 media to 16:9?

I’ve been re-watching star trek voyager recently, and I’ve heard when filming, they didn’t clear the wide angle of filming equipment, so it’s not as simple as just going back to the original film. With the advancement of AI, is it only a matter of time until older programs like this are released with more updated...


Sometimes thats true, but not all things in a shot are very important. There may be buildings or plants or people whose placement in the shot is not important. They only exist in the shot to communicate that the film is happening in a real living world. 99% of directors don’t care about where a tree in the background is, unless the tree is the subject of the shot.

Ai improving a shot would be debatable, but it is definitely possible. 4:3 media on a 16:9 display is pretty annoying to most people seeing the black bars on the sides. Even if the AI only adds backgrounds or landscapes, simply removing the black bars would be an improvement enough for most viewers.


Dino Crisis? Megaman Legends 3 (again)? Onimusha? Sengoku Basara?


I like this. Reminds me of Escher.


You were commiting fraud. He did nothing wrong by reporting you. Don’t want to get reported? Don’t commit fraud.

He shouldn’t be saying what you wrote. Nobody should be saying something with the intention of being hurtful.

Both of you are wrong. The only thing anyone here deserves is for both of you to stop and move on. Ignore the other person, eventually they’ll get the idea.


Well we are only getting your side of the story, and it is not uncommon for people to omit facts about a situation that makes themselves look bad.

It would have been nice for him to talk to you about it first, but thats only a courtesy and not a requirement. Its possible that law or school regulations require reporting and do not allow for him to talk to you about it, as it may include him in the action. Its also possible that he felt slighted by something you did, even if you aren’t aware of it.

Either way, what you were doing was wrong and his reporting you was not a wrong action. His way of treating you is a wrong action.

Both wrong, both should ignore each other and move on.


They? Are you not a human living on the Earth?


The only way to solve climate change is to make it more profitable for businesses than pollution. That’s it. That’s the only way that humans can solve the problem.

As with 95% of human problems, it comes down to eradicating greed. Which is a problem humanity can never solve. As long as humans exist, greed will cause them to mistreat other humans and anything else that stands between them and whatever they are greedy for. Power, money, posessions, whatever.


I am not so sure about which is most popular, but I use ChrisTitusTech’s tool on new Windows 10 installs and it works phenomenally, in my opinion. Easy to understand and use. If you are looking for which should be used, I would start with that one.


And Konami with FOX Engine. Seeing them dump it for Unreal on MGS3 remake is so disappointing. Theyre just straight up giving up on a game engine they spent millions on.


That would never happen. Those events are too profitable.


Who cares? They’re people just like anyone else.

RightHandOfIkaros, (edited )

Only prolonging the inevitable with this. Kinda like DRM in video games, this is going to do literally nothing to the people that want the data except maybe be a minor inconvenience for a month or two.

Wasn’t the last attempt at this defeated by only 16 lines of Python code?

RightHandOfIkaros, (edited )

Why? Planned obsolescence, I imagine?

EDIT: Title was changed, used to say something about ARM chips taking over.


If by ARM you mean “phasing out all x86 chips and forcing everyone to buy ARM chips because they’re cheaper to produce than x86 chips,” then I guess.


Its 100% because they’re cheaper and the company can make more profit by forcing everyone to switch. Any perceived benefit is only a consequence. Nobody can convince me otherwise.

Does the advancement of AI make people apathetic about starting new projects?

I was thinking about starting a new creative project recently. But then I thought - with how quickly AI is advancing, in just a few years an AI will probably be able to do this in just minutes. So it made me feel kind of apathetic and think, “Why should I bother starting this big project now if an AI could do it for me in a...


A creative person does creative things because they want to create. If you feel like there is no point to being creative just because someone else could “do it better/cheaper/faster,” then I would recommend looking at the reason you want to create. AI “competition” is a non-factor for a person whose reason for being creative is “because I want/like to.”


There will always be a market for human-made creative products. AI will never take it away. Just like there will always be a market for manual transmission cars/regular bicycles (non-electric), or cellphones that aren’t smartphones, or physical video games.

Production of creative products is in the hands of every human alive, so the only time it will stop being produced is if every human decides to stop being creative. Which will never happen.


Physical game copies are only wanted by collectors

I buy physical and I am not a game collector. I like to be able to lend my games to friends. Also, used game sales are impossible with digital. Publishers will never allow used digital sales because it eats away their precious profits.

Bikes? Less and less.

Not sure where you live, but where I live it seems the people and government want to outlaw all cars pretty soon and force everyone onto bikes or trains. Spend any amount of time on Reddit or even here on Lemmy and the users will not shut up about how cars are evil and bikes fix every problem of society.

Manual transmissions?

I’ve been a mechanic for more than 10 years at Hyundai, Kia, and Jaguar Land Rover dealerships. Manual transmission vehicles wwre pretty common, I would say it was about 45% manual transmissions and 55% automatic across the three. I also worked next to a Jeep dealer and they had manuals all the time.

AI will take over. It will not be a bad thing. Human creativity will still exist and will always exist. People will always desire creativity from humans, even with the existence of AI tools.


Dead on arrival.

Aside from being an Ubisoft game, Extraction shooters are literally one of the worst genre trends in gaming lately. I suppose they wouldn’t be so bad if they all weren’t PvPvE “full loot” extraction shooters. But since they are, they attract the worst kind of scum players that bully new people and then complain when nobody is playing.

When will executives learn?


What is wrong with people here?

I would venture to say most Lemmy users were formerly Redditors. That would likely explain the behaviour you and I see.


We already got SpiderMan 3 though


So somebody discovered tesselation?


This happens to me with votes as well. I just assumed this was something to do with my host instance buffering API calls and Connect not syncing correctly.


How much smaller were the sweeter pancakes than the other ones?

RightHandOfIkaros, (edited )

Interesting, but that name is pretty easy to conufse with Danganronpa, especially with the styling of the logo.


As if all the people on mobile games complaining about emulator users wasn’t enough, now they’ll complain about m&kb users too. It’d be a lot easier for them if they’d just admit there was a skill gap.

This is just going to make things worse for the five seconds that it exists.


I think AI voicing could really be useful in dubbing the same character voice in other languages. So the character “sounds the same” no matter what language you view the anime in. This is good for creators that are particular about picking the cast of voices in their works.

Something else I think would be smart is for voice actors to pivot to selling “AI Voice Packs” that are tied directly to a character. Basically, the company can use the AI voice for a specific character, forever. And the actor receives a payment and potentially royalties or something. Each actor can train new data for a new “voice model” which they can market to anime studios. This can be useful for many scenarios, including but not limited to:

  1. The VA cannot make it to recording sessions. If for some reason the VA cannot be in the recording studio, an AI voice model would be helpful.
  2. The VA dies. This is especially a problem if it happens in the middle of production. An AI voice model never gets sick and never dies. Characters would not need to be retired or recast in the case of tragedy, and the VAs legacy would continue to live on.
  3. The VA gets old or their voice changes. Similar to point 2, as people age, their voice changes. Some older actors cannot portray characters as they used to, so even VAs reprising roles can end up sounding different. An AI voice model would not have this problem.

Perhaps the biggest problem with AI voice models currently is the inability to properly tune exactly how it sounds. You can’t really specify the exact enunciation and emotion you want in a sentence, you can’t really give the AI the timing it needs to say certain phrases while keeping a natural sound. So maybe once these issues are ironed out completely, and artifacting is reduced to an indiscernible level, then using AI voices in place of live actors may become viable.

The biggest issue is getting past all the politicians that will try to shut it down. They don’t care about anyone’s job, they only care about their own political career. And an AI voice clip of them saying something nefarious that is indiscernible from an actual recording is going to get the technology banned forever, not because 50k people lost their jobs.


i think that at the current rate of development, we will probably begin to see tools where a voice recording input is given, and the voice model is used as a sort of overlay to generate a new clip where the voice model follows the same delivery as the input recording. This means that a lead sound designer will be able to say the voice lines exactly like they hear in their own head, and the voice model will sound the same. This doesn’t sound like something that is too far away, and there can be textual based tools that follow this kind of development to mimic that. xVAsynth has a lot of parameters that cna be tweaked to tune these types of things already, but it is a free tool developed by I think one person. Its not a commercial tool developed by a company out to make money, so I would imagine the quality of commercial voice tools would be much higher.

I think within perhaps the next 10 or 20 years the technology will either far surpass what I expect, or will be shut down by politicians.

What is some very predatory, sneaky and popular among children game?

I’ll be doing a workshop in a few weeks, and I wanna raise awareness about predatory lootbox paytowin games. I wanna play live, an easy to start playing and understand game, that is so sneaky and predatory that some kid would very easily buy some microtransaction or lootbox without even realizing what they just did....


I mean, that quote just described game design for fun games though. A game that is fun will be addictive, but not in the same way gambling is. To most people, gambling isn’t fun. The act of sitting at a machine and repeatedly pressing the same button or pulling the same lever is not fun. The same repeated graphics are not fun. Repeatedly losing money? Also not fun. But, the prospect of winning big is exciting. This feeling, the desire to feel like you traded a small value for a large value and won big, greed, is exploited in many modern games.

A fun game presents a challenge, something just difficult enough for you to not steamroll it, but not so difficult that you want to quit the game. A fun game gives players rewards to incentivize them to keep playing, and generally, the best games reward players with better items or further level progress or additional story content. The reward never comes from the player spending real world money, but rather the time the player has spent in the game, or achieving some task, or being highly skilled. This is fun game design, and fun is addictive by design.

A game that exploits greed typically does so in ways that are hidden at a surface level. Generally, mechanics that are obfusicated from the player which involve rewards such as loot boxes that are purchased with a premium currency, this is the most obvious. Nobody blinks an eye if a blue uniform for your army guy is 400 crystals, because you can buy a pack of 200 crystals that gives you an extra 250 for free for $5 on your first purchase. But show that the blue uniform is $11, and people will complain. And I mean, yeah. Its the color blue. But now there is a problem. You have 50 crystals left. But nothing in the store is 50 crystals. Not to worry, you can buy another pack that gives you 550 more for only $10. So you buy it and get that cool golden scope that cost 350 crystals. But now you have a problem. You have 150 crystals left, and nothing in the store is… Wait, what is this? Lucky Chance? I can spend 10 crystals for the chance to get a legendary golden uniform? 0.01% drop rate? Yeah, I will just try 15 times. I didnt get it, but now the second pull costs me 15? No, Im good. But now what do I do with 140 crystals? You can see where this goes.

Also, the developers add a notification icon to the store page that doesn’t go away unless you click on something in the store. This is one of the big differences between a game that is fun and a game that exploits greed to make it feel like fun.

RightHandOfIkaros, (edited )

Yes, they rolled back much of the changes. The new numbers are dialed back.


The most effective Reddit profile pictures belong to accounts that no longer exist.


I wish I had enough free time and cheaper electricity bills for that.


No. People are always going to pay for your data even if you make it incorrect.


Please do not recommend the John Carter movie, Disney butchered that so badly the ERB estate took the film rights back.

RightHandOfIkaros, (edited )

How scifi? What time period? How mature is too mature? Without that, here is what I can recommend as good scifi, but you may need to sift through the content of each to determine if your daughter is mature enough for some. I have marked ones I think may need special attention by you with a ¤ icon. This is because it may be too scary, violent, or have nudity. Ones particularly egregious I marked with §.

A recommendation with ¤ beside it may contain brief scenes of nudity or some violence, or may make sexual references/jokes/innuendo, while a recommendation with § may contain scenes that are disturbingly violent or with scenes depicting graphic nudity.


  • Forbidden Planet (the original black and white is best but the color version is okay too)
  • Star Wars (Episodes 1-6, in release order of 4,5,6,1,2,3)
  • Alien and Aliens §
  • Predator (the first one) §
  • 2001 Space Odyssey
  • Star Trek The Next Generation (original series and Deep Space 9 were also pretty good)
  • Doctor Who (take your pick of any season except the most recent one was not very good)
  • The Last Starfighter
  • Robocop 1 and 2 (the original ones not the remake) §
  • Galaxy Quest ¤
  • Abyss ¤
  • Space Battleship Yamato (2010 release, its english dub is okay, I dont know how accurate it is to the anime but I thought it was entertaining)
  • Bionicle 1-3
  • Stargate ¤


  • Neon Genesis Evangelion and the End of Evangelion movie (the 4 Rebuild movies are good as well!) §
  • Super Dimension Fortress Macross (Robotech is okay as well, the first part is effectivly unchanged from the original)
  • Titan A.E.
  • Treasure Planet
  • AKIRA §
  • Bubblegum Crisis ¤
  • Bubblegum Crash!
  • Full Metal Panic! (all seasons)
  • Space Dandy ¤
  • Saber Rider and the Star Sheriffs
  • Cowboy Bebop ¤
  • Dirty Pair ¤
  • Trigun (the original release, not the recent reboot) ¤

I just remember the first time I saw it, it was black and white. Perhaps our TV was on its last leg, who knows.

Sci-fi books are rare in school even though they help kids better understand science (theconversation.com)

I got interested in SF because the librarian in my elementary was a SF lover. There were racks of paperbacks that I gobbled up and it’s stuck with me for decades since. It makes me sad to think that kids don’t have the same chance I did to get interested at an early age in the most imaginative genre of fiction. We all need...


I would not say scifi books help people better understand science. Rather, it cultivates an interest in science.

RightHandOfIkaros, (edited )

I started Xenosaga Episode 1 about a week ago, so I guess Ill count that as October. Never played it before, but so far its a very rough experience. The story is interesting, but I’ve had to resort to save states due to how often long cutscenes occur and how often game-overs will force you to rewatch all those cutscenes.

Regarding games I have finished, none of them were JRPGs.


I dont like Sony and its still good that he’s going.

Shifting Sony to GaaS, way overpaying to acquire Bungie, and his comments on classic games are exactly the people that need to not be in leading positions at companies.


The solution is not one many people want to hear: reduce production costs.

Content is expensive to make mostly because the people making it keep demanding more pay for less work. While it is understandable that people want this, this is not sustainable for an economy. When the economy fails, prices go up. Demanding employers pay more will immediately raise prices the same amount the wages increase, effectively leaving employees who got a raise in the same place they were before but eith bigger numbers, and severely damaging the economy at the same time.

A show can be produced on a shoestring budget. Yes, the quality is lower than a million dollar movie. However, that doesn’t make the show bad. The X-Files was a great show produced on a tiny budget in its first season with phenomenal writing. Yet in the final season, it had a bigger budget but the writing was awful. In fact, most shows these days have awful writing. And the writers of these shows with bad writing are demanding more pay, yet their writing quality does not indicate they deserve increased pay. Certainly if a writer is outputting great work that should be rewarded, but increasing the pay of writers outputting garbage writing can only lead to more expensive garbage.

Then you get to costume, props, and visual effects. First, the damaged economy from before appears in costumes and props material cost. This is unavoidable. In many cases, I would say that good practical effects are cheaper and more convincing than cheap CG. My solution is simply go back to the way films were made in the 70s and 80s. Ditch the bad CG and go for more practical effects.

Last we have actors. Actors do not need more than 100k per film, and thats for the huge actors. Simple to understand, really. So many actors live opulent, overpaid lives, when they could live more simply, more normally, off of much less.

The above aalso applies to directors, producers, streaming company executives and CEOs.

Fix all these and your show production costs plummet. Now you can offer your streaming service at the same cost or cheaper than before while having a larger profit margin.


I am getting downvoted because people cant bother to read beyond one sentence.

Also, I dont care about imaginary internet points.

RoboCop: Rogue City gameplay trailer (www.trueachievements.com)

Nacon Connect has given us our first proper look at the upcoming RoboCop: Rogue City, Teyon’s sci-fi FPS that is set to arrive on Xbox Series X|S in June 2023. Feast your eyes on some suitably shiny gameplay here. Terminator Resistance developer Teyon is turning its attention towards another popular property from the Eighties,...


This is old news, the article here was written July 2022.


Lemmy users are typically very anti-anything other than Linux/Firefox, so this probably won’t be well received here.

thatdamnelf, to warhammer40k
@thatdamnelf@cavalina.net avatar

Some more War Dogs join the hunting pack.

This time a pair of War Dog Executioners. The Chaos Rhino kit is a treasure trove of little conversion bits to make an Imperial kit suitably spiky.

#hobby #HobbyStreak #40k #Warhammer40k #WarHamFam #WarhammerCommunity #warmongers #miniatures #ChaosKnights #Chaos


These look like “BattleTech At Home” mechs lol

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