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Saved you a click:

Primarily, texture size has increased, texture count has increased, audio quality has increased, and the amount of audio files in a game has also typically increased.

Its not really a deadlines or optimization problem. Compression always decreases fidelity, and many developers choose to compress as little as possible in order to achieve the highest fidelity. Since RAM and storage capacities have increased, the compromise of compressing everything at a great sacrifice to fidelity is not as obvious of a tradeoff anymore. Developers don’t have to choose between voicing an entire game with nearly unintelligible voice compression or only voicing important cutscenes. They can voice the entire game with minimal compression at the cost of a bigger install size, which is free for developers.


I agree with the audio files for languages the player never plays, but 4k textures at a 1080p rendering resolution is not a problem.

Texture map size depends priparily on how the UV maps of models make use of the texture, and how close the camera is to the objects using that texture on average. A large wall texture will have more noticeable detail with a 4k texture than a distant tree in the skybox. The details will be visible on the wall whether the player plays in 720p or 8k, depending on how close the camera gets to it. You may be fine with environments looking like they were made for the Nintendo64’s 4kb of texture RAM, but 1080p players still gain massive benefits in graphics quality with 4k textures.


This doesn’t look like a pre-rendered game, this looks like a VHS game.


Konami really on their way to actively ruin more Silent Hill projects? Konami’s meddling in the development of the SH games after 2 is what turned Team Silent away from Konami, why do they think making another in-house studio that they control is going to be any different?


Don’t know about Jerboa, but Connect for Lemmy has a feature that you can type in keywords you want to use as filters, and posts with those words in the title are automatically hidden.

I use it to filter out political posts, and after using it in this way my Lemmy experience has drastically improved. You may be able to use it in a similar way for spider related stuff, maybe Jerboa can add a similar feature.

As far as images without anything to note its a spider in the title, you’d need to add image recognition, which is something more likely to be added to Lemmys backend than as a clientside thing.


Is anyone surprised? I mean, aside from recency bias, BG3 really overdelivered.


Kinda sucks for everyone that already has a Deck to be seeing an update come out this soon.


I do as well, but seeing a model with improved battery come out so quickly is a bit disappointing.


This is a great feature I wish we had earlier.


If you know a friend would be offended/make fun/whatever because they see a game in your library.

Yes, its that persons problem, but sometimes putting up with them is a worse alternative than just being able to hide a game from them.


When someone wants to be more accurate, they add another digit.

(Spoilers) Recommendations for near future "All Powerful AI" Stories?

So finally got around to watching a recent movie that I won’t name since I am not sure if it was part of the marketing, but the premise was that there was an all powerful AI that was going to take over the world and it used a mixture of predictive reasoning, control of technology, and limited human agents who were given a...

RightHandOfIkaros, (edited )

This type of story was pretty common to sci-fi in the 1970s and 1980s (and it lingered into some 1990s stuff as well), so you’ll have the best bet with stuff from that time period. Generally they featured dystopian societies, and typically had one big evil company that made every product and owns the world pretty much.

For movies and tv: Terminator, Robocop, Bubblegum Crisis 2033 and Bubblegum Crash!, Aliens, Star Trek (some episodes), The Matrix, etc. all have themes that either feature an evil all powerful AI, or a society that resulted from AI being given more authority than humans, or a society that features androids or other highly advanced AI that are shown in a negative light.

Some video games also feature this type of story, such as System Shock or Metal Gear Solid 2: Sons of Liberty.

Is there any way to reverse degrowth of the niche communities on Lemmy?

Like others, I came over when Reddit was banning 3rd party apps. Many communities were being started and I wanted to help. So I chose one community to form here and try and grow. And we did! There was a time a short while in the little KC Chiefs community was in the top 100 communities on Lemmy world. I knew that wouldn’t last...


In case anyone objects to the title, the name of the account is literally “Leftist Gamer Memes.”

RightHandOfIkaros, (edited )

So it’s the company’s fault that the parents were not properly monitoring their children? How is this not going to be immediately thrown out?

EDIT: Holy crap, the woman who filed this suit is psycho

“These video game companies have targeted and taken advantage of kids, prioritizing their profit over all else. As a mom, I knew I had to do something to ensure they don’t get away with destroying the wellbeing and futures of our children.”

So are we going to sue every soft drink company next because they put sugar and caffeine in their drinks and it makes us addicted/fat when we don’t exercise self control?


Yes, but it’s 100% the duty of a parent to keep track of their kid. Its not the company’s fault that she isn’t a good parent. Just like it isn’t McDonald’s fault if a person chooses to eat there every day for a year and dies of diabetes.

Theyre throwing everything with the kitchen sink into the lawsuit hoping something will stick. This sounds like a case from a person that attempts a lot of frivilous lawsuits like this all the time hoping for a big payout, and not a person actually concerned with bad business practice. Strange how Sony and Nintendo are not mentioned here when they also market their products to children. A Nintendo or PlayStation game is equally as addictive as an Xbox game, so why aren’t they included? Probably because their cash reserves are much lower than Microsoft.


I mean, I do, but whether or not I have kids is not really important to this subject. Even a person without children can make the same comment.

If a child develops an addiction to video games (which I’m not sure exactly how that is classified, does the child suffer physical withdrawals from not playing video games? Might they die from it like people addicted to hard drugs?) that is the fault of either the parent neglecting to keep track of how much time their kid spends playing video games, or the fault of the parent allowing their kid to spend too much time playing video games. Its not the fault of the kid, its not the fault of the game development studio or publisher, its not the fault of the ESRB or anyone else, its not anyone’s fault but the parent’s.

While I agree that gaming companies regularly engage in shady business practices, it is the responsibility of the parent and not a company to teach their kid that not every hour of every day is for playing video games. The world is not a circus, and as difficult as it may be, sometimes you have to say no to your kid. I never want to say no, because I often wish I could be a kid again and not have to worry about real life responsibilities. But not saying no to your kid (when appropriate) is telling them that you do not love them, because you are setting them up to fail later in life.

TLDR: The point is, the woman filing this lawsuit is trying to dodge parenting responsibilities by passing it off as “not her fault,” but “the company’s fault.” That’s mental.


People, children or adults, have the ability to become addicted to anything.

Correct. But that’s not the fault of the company. Its the person not exercising self-control. Saying “no” to smoking a cigarette is much easier than trying to quit smoking, but that addiction is the fault of the person who says “yes.”

What the REAL, ACTUAL PROBLEM IS, is the gambling and microtransactions that are injected into every game.

Yes, but that’s not what the lawsuit is primarily about. It’s a small part tacked on at the very end. The primary issue is that the plaintiff argues that Epic and Microsoft intentionally make children addicted to their products. That’s mental.

You cannot claim that McDonald’s is responsible for diabetes because they make products high in sugar and other unhealthy ingredients. Video games are a luxury product and not a requirement for life, a person doesn’t have to use them to live. I can’t win a lawsuit against Konami if I get addicted to gambling because I played one of their pachislot machines and didn’t control my spending.

Not every game company practices this to such an evil degree, especially not Nintendo, no where near as bad as Epic.

Sony? Paradox? Creative Assembly? Konami? SEGA? Konami and SEGA Sammy literally make pachislot gambling machines.

Nintendo is just as guilty, like the time when they only sold Mario All Stars for a limited time. Nintendo sure loves their FOMO oriented time limited products. NES mini and SNES mini are other recent ones, continual low stock problems for time limited products. Sounds predatory to me.

Regardless, the answer to all that is the adult just saying no. It’s literally that easy. That’s not to say your kid can never play video games, but the parent neglecting to monitor their kid’s screen time is not the game company’s fault. I hate to defend a game company, but this woman is mental.


So when they’re kid spends 3000 dollars on vbucks, my first thought is “how the FUCK is that even allowed to happen in the first place???”

I agree but from the perspective of “why is the parent allowing this to happen or not knowing this is happening?” A business exists to make money, the business will never turn you away if you’re trying to pay them. Race, age, gender is not important as long as you have money. It’s not their responsibility to know that the person logged into an account is actually a child and to limit that account’s ability to spend money. That’s up to the parent to not allow the child to buy anything without their permission.

Obviously, sometimes a kid will steal money or your credit card, I mean, they’re kids they usually don’t know better. But that’s a time to sit down with your kid and teach them that stealing is wrong, especially from family, and to put in place discipline that will help the kid to make better choices, etc. But if the kid is routinely stealing from a parent, there are much more significant problems going on there and the most likely cause is parental neglect, or possibly worse.

To me, it just keeps on cycling back to being the parent’s responsibility. Sure, without gambling it would be easier for parents, but gambling is literally never going away, sadly.

Game companies have greasily been pushing the limits of what they can get away with, and it NEEDS to stop.

Yes I agree. Though I worry that this particular lawsuit could cause a problem with legal precedent since the primary issue is so legally unsound. It may bolster the company’s ability to defend against a real lawsuit over predatory business practices. And that is not a future I want to see.


Do you have the same thoughts on tobacco and alcohol as you do gambling in games?

Yes. Until the kid is old enough to make their own choices, it is the duty if the parent to make those choices for them, and teach them why they should make the same choices. Obviously once your kid is old enough to make their own decisions, its up to them what they’re going to do.

If the parent is doing their job, theoretically government regulations wouldn’t need to exist. I would argue that governmental regulations for children are primarily the result of parents continuing to fail at their job and blaming everyone else but themselves.


99% of the time, hard levels were to prevent people from beating the game when they rented it from a video rental store. The publisher wanted to basically “force” people to buy the game.


Is that a Tresspasser feature on the left?


These kinds of things are typically just a money sink. When was the last time you played an Atari game? How often do you find yourself wanting to play them?

I bought an Atari Flashbacks for my mother, and she played it one time. The ColecoVision I got her, she played one time, and that was a console she grew up with. Nostalgia alone isn’t enough to really justify buying it, especially if you only use it once and then it collects dust.


Those things have so many preservatives in them that they will probably be discolored, have a bad texture / taste, or be rock hard long before eating them makes you physically sick.

What can i do with 3d models as an everyday joe?

i recently found an ai that makes 3d models from text. ive been messing around with it a tiny bit but now i have a handful of 3d models that im not sure what to do with. the bad thing is i have like no skills and they are not the best looking either. i would 3d print them but i dont own a 3d printer because they are pricey....


I hate the recent trend of funneling people into a Discord server to access software. This trend needs to stop.


This is cool, but charging money for mods? Didn’t he learn with Daikatana?


I saw the same stream, it was rather uneventful and its strange how he didn’t seem to notice anything that “wasn’t supposed to work.”

At the same time, the guy is old. He probably doesn’t really care all that much.


A working Daikatana is likely never to happen, to be honest. The game was overly ambitious for the time, and would not sell enough in the current market to warrant another attempt. It was an interesting experiment, and I thank John Romero for his contribution to the scientific community, but I don’t see another Daikatana ever being released.

Half Life 3 and Portal 3 would probably release first.

RightHandOfIkaros, (edited )

I too immediately thought to check the LaunchBox Database lol


Nintendo is perhaps the most anti-consumer major gaming company, followed by Sony and then Microsoft. All things considered, Microsoft ownership is the better of the three for consumers, but that doesn’t mean every decision Microsoft makes is good for consumers.


Nintendo would never sell to them anyways. Nintendo executives are so stubborn they’d dissolve the whole company before selling out to Microsoft or Sony, though if they ever were to sell they’d be far more likely to sell to Microsoft than Sony.


Any company would say that. Literally any company would acquire one of their major competitors if the opportunity arose. The same thing can be said that Sony would also purchase Nintendo if they could afford to do so. This doesn’t mean Microsoft is actively trying to buy them.

Microsoft previously tried to purchase Nintendo already, or they offered some kind of collaboration deal in the early 2000s, and Nintendo declined. Nintendo will always decline sale.


I would imagine this will be their replacement for World of Warcraft, after Blizzard screwed NetEase over so badly. I like their mecha battle royale game Super Mecha Champions, so I am interested to see where this goes.


I don’t know about a Lemmy server with zero censorship, as I believe it is important to follow local law wherever the server is hosted. I certainly wouldn’t want to find any illegal content on a server I was a part of. But there are some servers that are perhaps more loose with what they consider to be content you cannot post on their server. I do not know any by name, but I know they exist.

Lemmy is a typically very politically left leaning platform, so I would imagine language that does not align with that would be causing you problems. You might try to look for an instance that is less left leaning, which may be easy to find as instances with opposing political views often defederate from each other very quickly. Which is honestly kinda like when some subreddits would auto-ban you because you participated in a different subreddit the mods didn’t like.


Why would you have to write that out? Just say “they said the N word with a hard R referring to me.”

I don’t like when people ban words either, but I didn’t program Lemmy nor host a server, and neither did you. So you either follow the rules of Lemmy or leave, thats how it is. No different with private property or businesses, really. If the rules say you gotta wear periwinkle crocs and click your heels three times before posting, then thats what you gotta do or you leave. There is no requirement to stay, afterall. Who knows, maybe there is a platform that is better than Lemmy? You can start your search any time.


Atari? You mean Infogrames?


Modern Atari is not Atari. Its Infogrames with stolen valor.


They cancelled so many other games but they keep this one alive? Any bets that they’re going to try to make it a PvPvE extraction shooter game that will be DOA?


Well it wasnt originally going to be DOA, but then they showed gameplay.


Right, but they should have just released it knowing it was going to die, unless they continue to receieve funding if they keep delaying it? Its just a money pit by this point and the faster they dump it the faster they can stop sinking money into it.


This will not be a hit. This game has been delayed how many times already and its still in a worse state than Star Citizen. This game had a chance to be mediocre like 5 years ago, but by now its got zero chances.


Literally who cares, it’s not released and that’s the point.

You care apparently since you’re defending it so hard.

This game has set itself up to fail in a similar way that Metal Gear Survive set itself up to fail. Viewer reactions have been across the board pretty negative to footage released. Most people have said they do not plan to play the game. When a development studio sees a lot of negative feedback for early content, they make a choice of delaying and reworking what they have to hopefully get more positive reception, or releasing anyways to largely expected negative reception. The problem is Skull and Bones has been delayed multiple times, and every time it has had content shown the reception has been mostly negative. That’s generally a sign to a studio to drop development completely, because releasing will cost the company more money than dropping the game. This game has a legal requirement to release. So they either release and damage their reputation again, or they delay and rework. But they can only delay and rework so many times, their funding is not infinite.

This is like saying the lightbulb is doomed to fail because they didn’t get it working as soon as they’d hoped.

If the company making the lightbulb was going bankrupt, had numerous reports of unethical and illegal activity, had made only mid-at-best lightbulbs before, was cancelling other more promising lightbulb designs, and looked like a bootleg of another company’s lightbulb, maybe.

RightHandOfIkaros, (edited )

Regarding Ubisoft’s unethical/illegal activity:

Executives arrested for questioning in sexual misconduct probe: www.bbc.com/news/technology-53391689

Ubisoft is a Toxic Workplace: ign.com/…/almost-a-year-after-toxic-workplace-all…

Ubisoft using generative AI for promotional artwork for Assassin’s Creed: pcgamer.com/ubisofts-using-hideous-ai-generated-a…

(While I think generative AI is an amazing and useful tool, I dont think it should be used in this way by a company that should be able to afford paying an artist. Therefore I along with many consider this unethical, but it is debatable).


I think it controlled fine and the gameplay was okay. A bit unrefined, but it wasn’t terrible.

IMO, the terrible part was the atrocious story and lazy over reuse of assets made for MGSV.

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