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Redditiscancer789, (edited )


Or are you referencing aldnoah zero and heavens fall?


I don’t think it’s a year to setup the software. Rather a year to load it lol. I’ve spent probably close to 4 years loading content into my Plex server and I don’t see any end in sight.


It still takes time to download things, data only moves so fast and not everyones internet is the same.


And that doesn’t change my point because even automated it takes time.


If you’ve never heard a foreign language spoken in your life does that mean it also originated on reddit?


Lol Zach from scrubs almost beat up some kid who was a punkd crew member before they did the reveal.

“Asker: When you got punk’d, did you punch that kid for painting on your car? Because I’m pretty good friends with him and when he tells the story he said you were (very reasonably) pissed.

Zach Braff: I punched him in the stomach (as I recall). Who amongst you wouldn’t have? They edited it out though. You’re not allowed to punch little kids on MTV. Lame.”


Yeah I heard he’s a bit of a prick anyways but I was torn when I first heard that cause I’m like justified anger but at the same time if my kid was one the punched id have beat the shit out of Zach. Detain them, fine, call the police to report it, okay. Arbitrarily lash out at a kid with physical violence over a non life threatening event? Ehhhhhh…



Or maybe just maybe they know they’ve already filed for new charges by the DA and didn’t just take 1 article at face value you ignorant fucking twat.…/philadelphia-cop-mark-dial-cle…

Court date is for oct 25th.

HMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM seems he’s not as clearly innocent as you want us to believe.


Propaganda can be a hell of a drug. Just look at the Russians and kyiv during the literal opening shots of the war. They were told and hyped up that the Ukrainians would be welcoming them with open arms and they even brought along their parade uniforms expecting a quick victory…well reality sunk in when in a way Ukraine did welcome them with arms, just not the kind Russia expected.

Redditiscancer789, (edited )

If you look at the food selections in starfield it follows what astronauts currently eat//projected to eat in theory for deep space travel. The reason chunks is so popular is not just because it’s everywhere but you can take it on your ship as rations. Food in 0g environments must be very compact and produce as little crumb like issues as possible to keep the food from getting into your space craft machinery. Be a real shame if your life support system shorted out because a drop of liquid got in it or your engines shorted out cause a chunk of apple got in it. Same with the bugs, I read a report that they could use certain bugs like worms as a protein replacement due to the science required to break the atmosphere. Because every single unit of weight must be calculated for fuel consumption entering and exiting atmospheres(a problem we don’t really have on our player ships due to instant refilling he-3 gas tanks. ….…/what-really-astronaut-food

Now for why it’s still popular after grav drives produce artificial gravity, I have to say it’s probably because people got so use to eating it on ships in the 300 years since Earths Demise and everyone bailing. Plus for in the rare instances your ship malfunctions from getting shot.


ive heard this for years and i always laugh, “there is nothing windows does that linux doesn’t!” yeah, totally man.


He was a robot in the Jedi temple. Dudes been around 1000s of years according to some throw away dialogue about him training younglings. It’s also crazy to think the movies really only take place over the span of like 80-100 years based on Anakin’s age at the beginning of phantom menace +lukes age in the Disney trilogy. The imperial empire was around for like only 40 years.

Redditiscancer789, (edited )

As much fun as I’m having with starfield(150 hours since September 1st, because yes I pre-ordered but it was also the first time I’d pre ordered a game in a very very long time ) that was my take on a lot of its issues. I won’t say they did no QA playthrough but it certainly feels like they didn’t do enough and that was after delaying the game even for like an additional 2 years. Supposedly they were all set to launch the game in late 2021 but Phil Spencer paid them to work on bug fixes for longer. Then nonsensical design choices like not having med pack counters where your grenade counter is or a “current equiped power” info area above your current equiped weapon info area on the HUD in 2021 or 2023 is laughably unthinkable. But the meat of the game has been worth the questionable sourced veggie “bugs” on the burger as a whole imo.


When some stupid high percentage of animal test subjects die from the test, you would think they’d work on the product more before moving forward. Instead they’re like “welp caused paralysis and death in the majority of our animal test patients, this is totally ready for human tests!”


Technically star wars rebels introduced them.


Hold space and press the movement key in the direction you wanna go. When space is held down(and you’re using default controls) your wasd controls the booster movement not your ships yaw/thrust. Another tip is you can combine it with your mouse turning to get insanely tight turns on other ships. Also if you boost slightly then thruster boosters you’ll temporarily carry that momentum too.


If they knew how to get things done why did they get their shit kicked in? So much for General Lee’s military genius and “know how to get things done.” SHERMAN AND DRUNK ASS GRANT DONE FUCKED YOU ALL UP.


I mean it doesn’t have a disc drive and the base OS is Linux, so if the game you want to play doesn’t work on Linux it won’t work on the Linux version of Steam Deck, if that is what you’re asking. If you know how to make isos and move them over if the game requires, you can install windows on the steam deck and basically run anything that the steam deck can handle hardware wise whether its on steam or not. Ive seen people who installed windows on it or also kept the original Linux Steam OS play many non-steam games. Some of these other devices were built with Windows though from the ground up though if you don’t want to reinstall anything or deal with drivers, I personally plan on getting a Steam Deck here in a few months next Christmas then replacing Linux with Windows so i know for sure my software will work as sacrilegious as it is.


Lol, wooosh. A disc drive is an optical drive like a Blu-ray, DVD, or cd drive. Go ahead,show me the built in disc drive on a steam deck and not a USB connected one.


100%, my personal PC has one, and my HTPC does too.


Yes HDD are disc based tech, yet I’ve never heard them refered to as just a disc drive without the hard despite having a platter disc in them. While not being the end all be all, wikipedia has disk or disc drives listed as referring to purely optical media.

And I use them to access a plethora of media from old back ups/family pictures, DVDs/Blu-ray, backing up said DVD/Blu-ray to Plex if I like them that much I want them digitally, old games(my oldest still useable disc is my 1998 minted “GOTY” Diablo 1.) Also just never hurts to have the ability to burn a CD or DVD either, though mainly still get the use out of CD burning for cars without an aux.


And here I am where I built my capital ship before restarting that had 4 ladders stacked on 1 area…=_=


I wish you could turn it off but isn’t the lore explanation the grav drive giving artificial gravity? Or did I Mendela effect something.


Nice to see a fellow cities enthusiast out there. The true spiritual successor to SimCity imo. Excited also for Cities II.


It’s only eye revealing if you literally aren’t paying attention. Vader straight up chokes and breaks the neck of an officer, killing him, that he’s interrogating on the rebel blockade runner in the first 10 minutes. Stormtroopers destroy and burn uncle owens farm and leaves his and his wife’s corpses out in the open after burning them down to the skeletons. Han shooting first, Alderran is genocided by the death star, princess Leia is tortured, albeit it off screen, we get the scene of the interrogation droid with all his “toys” floating towards her before the door closes. All the pilots die including lukes best friend biggs fighting the death star except wedge luke and a few y wings, It’s never been a “kids” story till arguably the prequels when Lucas secured rights to toys and went on to push story elements that could be made into toys to sell.


The thing they’re refusing to do by forcing everyone to snitch on themselves? Yeah I’ve heard of it and when you investigate shit you don’t gotta rely on people arbitrarily snitching with 0 evidence just to avoid the bull shit. What’s next? Someone gets a DUI on campus and they bill everyone for the damage and take away everyone’s licenses?


A few days late and not OP but they aren’t referring to that, but the scene further along where Luke cuts Vader’s hand off as he is down on the ground beaten and the emperor to push him fully to the dark side says something like “finish him” in his sinister tone. And then luke has a revelation where he was about to kill his father and the roles were reversed from bespin. Luke then chooses to not kill his father and threw his lightsaber down. Then gets electrocuted by force lightning and causes anakin to redeem himself saving luke and “killing” the emperor.

I believe that’s what they were referring too.


For my first playthrough I made a chunk of change making/selling adaptive frames. They’re made from iron and aluminum which are very abundant. Outside resource gathering via herbing or mining, the only point of them is as a home for you to decorate and store excess crew/loot. You can setup crafting stations but every station minus a herb farm you can setup for an outpost, you can buy to put in your ship. For me that makes them less useful as I just use my ship as my home and only visit outposts to gather up mined resources to craft into goods to sell or upgrades. In my initial 70 hour playthrough I even setup defenses and made sure the crew stationed there had bitching weapons but was never attacked to my knowledge.


For now. It’s possible it can go multiplayer though like Skyrim and Morrowind through 3rd party apps/mods. I currently host a for fun pop up multiplayer Morrowind server using tes3mp. Skyrim has a similar 4 person co-op mod.


Yeah maybe my mind is getting muddled with age but I vaguely remember several sci Fi settings with that kind of “from a certain perspective” moments in the 80s/90s. The matrix backstory is another just replace aliens with robots. Hell mars attacks though the late 90s early 2000s kinda flips that on its head by having several scenes where humans think they’re just misunderstanding the martians diplomacy and the martians having 0 interest in diplomacy.



Posts article on website designed for discussion, hates people posting opinions

Wisest Upgrade from Raspberry Pi (

I am several months into the self-hosting journey and I feel I have outgrown my Pi 4 B 8GB. I'm only running around 3 dozen containerized services and it seems to struggle to keep up. But I'm not sure of the best bang for my buck. I'd like good, long-term performance, but I don't really have a grand lying around for a Lenovo...


As the computer nerd in my friends/family circle, Im constantly being gifted old PCs from people. Some I keep and repurpose into servers/other things and others I just recycle for them. I also am an avid PC gamer so when my rig gets retired I usually upgrade the other servers internals from parts I had left over. Don’t know if something else is viable for you to keep costs down, even if you can get the PC without a HDD but everything else.


That movie and get him to the Greek are basically the only high profile things I’ve seen him in.


The issue is he never wrote a single letter like that for all the people “his” charity put away. Infact he went so far as to say they deserve no leniency. I’m sure some of them had kids who will now also go without a parent.

Funny how he sung a different tune when he found out one of his best friends has been CONVICTED of raping two people.


I think it’s quite clear if this passes the BS test or not by simply asking what do you think his organization that he’s the front man in the eye had been approached by the 2 women(possibly more) Masterson raped to help them? Do you think he would of helped them prosecute Masterson based on his letter?


Go to your cockpit. There should be a cargo hold panel there. Buy the ship parts from vendors and put them into your cargo hold via the panel in your cockpit. Then once you’ve lost hull press O on your keyboard(iunno controller equivalent).


Hadrian Sanon. I told her before we went to the final mission iirc when she asked where I got all her colleagues info from. Then I told the council about his involvement and they sounded like they were gonna execute him.

Justin Roiland used his ‘Rick and Morty’ fame to pursue young fans, text messages show (

In the years following the 2013 debut of Adult Swim’s cartoon phenomenon “Rick and Morty,” its star and co-creator Justin Roiland became a titan of the animation and video game industry and a rock star of youth counterculture. His artistic style and caricatures became ubiquitous in cannabis culture, and his career expanded...


Why suspect anything when you could just iunno LOOK IT UP?!

“As noted, sexting with a minor is illegal even between two minors, regardless of whether they gave consent. Under Penal Code 288.2 PC, it’s a crime to send, distribute, or offer, using electronic communication, harmful matter to a minor with the intent to sexually gratify, seduce, or arouse.”

You know IANAL but that sure as fuck sounds like it’s illegal to me


I wish they’d add a medpac item count to my hud like the grenades. Get tired of having to constantly go through 4 menu screens to get that info.


I do but I never bring it up to switch I just use my 1-0,[ ] keys.


Sure we do, “who’s your co conspirators?”


Mother fucker up there acting like he ain’t ever heard of the crusades, Spanish inquisition, Salem witch trials, or the genocide of the Buddhist population in tiabet to name a few, though the Buddhist population genocide could be argued as atheist since it was perpetrated by CCP who don’t believe in most religions.


Oh no I quite have, no where did I say people wont find ways to kill each other. But religion isn’t the bloodless doctrine it portrays itself to be. But since you mentioned the Holocaust it is arguable that was a religious motivated event as people saw Hitler as a infallible god. Nazi ism was their religion and nazis even messed with the occult.


Maybe so but Virginia has a revenge porn law and under that this is technically a crime, as it is intended to intimidate her. No one cared about the videos till she was running for office.


Iunno I could see them adding some sort of tiny 4x4 or even a motorcycle. Could even make it so you have to keep it in a hab on your ship so it makes sense it spawns when you land.




I’ve had 0 hard crashes but a few soft crashes since entering the final stretch of the MSQ. Sarah and Walter are stuck “talking” to each other permanently despite Sarah being in my ship and Walter the lodge. And if I try to talk to either of them the game locks up whenever it’s time for the other npc to chime in and I have to reload. I also had a random soft crash where I couldn’t enter the lodge from new Atlantis no matter what I did until I restarted the .exe(I’m thinking it’s related to the convos bug I’m experiencing). Also the weird movement bugs like someone walking away from you during a convo or crew members floating in or through random places in my ship. Also have a flashing texture issue for a few seconds after accessing the inventories in the armory ship habs.

Outside that I’m getting 50-70 fps with mostly high settings at 1080p.


I mean people are trying to say it’s another FO76. It’s not even remotely close to another FO76.

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