@RealFknNito@lemmy.world avatar


@[email protected]

“Waste no more time arguing about what a good man should be. Be one.” ― Marcus Aurelius, Meditations

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@RealFknNito@lemmy.world avatar

I get the people who buy Nvidia because of the niche use case of AI or they have to use specific software for their work. I also get the people who are unable or unwilling to learn enough about computers to give a shit who makes their GPU. Those people get a pass. For now.

However anyone who willingly chooses to support the PhysX Gsync Hairworks Teraflop proprietary cluster fuck palooza do not. It makes me physically ill any time I see them flop their limp dick on the table and exclaim they paid for their dogshit tools to be in yet another game so they can make the claim their overpriced bullshit is worth it because it technically works 6% better on that game you want. You don’t give a shit why it does but it does. The walled garden quickly becomes a prison.

So yeah I buy AMD, viva la revolution, fuck anticonsumer bullshit.

@RealFknNito@lemmy.world avatar

Don’t put it in quotes. You know what you did.

8GB of VRAM is fine for right now. Obviously nobody is complaining at 1080p but not a lot of people buying top of the line GPUs for a standard 1080p. I run 1440p and I know a good chunk of people who are hitting FPS limits of 240 that are now upgrading resolutions. 8GB of VRAM is like 16GB of RAM. Yes, most modern titles will work flawlessly but that isn’t going to be the case in the very near future especially if you plan of upgrading resolution.

DLSS isn’t something to scoff at, I’ll give green credit there, but relying on it to make up for the shortcomings seems like cope. They made a stupid call in order to slash prices and you’re going to feel it later even with DLSS.

If you need Nvidia for niche applications to do work and make money, get that bread king, but if you’re just a gaming enthusiast there’s no reason to subject yourself to a company that fucking hates you.

@RealFknNito@lemmy.world avatar

There’s no way they’re losing money with Fortnite and Unreal 5 in their hands. Literal money printing machines. They’re bullshitting hard.

@RealFknNito@lemmy.world avatar

Not including 76, starfield unfortunately feels the most shallow. Yes the gunplay is fun like 4 but looting isn’t as fun without the junk dismantling. The dialog and roleplay is decent but the perks are the worst I think I’ve seen. They’re all “increase x by 10% but also do this challenge before you can use a skill point”

I won’t ramble but they made a lot of very very strange choices as if they didn’t learn from the criticisms of past titles.

@RealFknNito@lemmy.world avatar

I think it’d be even lower if it wasn’t a binary choice. You’d have to feel more than 50% negatively to rate it badly but without that, people who like it only say… 60% positively would drop the score lower than it is.

Starfield, unfortunately, has turned out to be the most bland game they’ve released. It feels like they tried to do Obsidian’s Outer Worlds without campy symbolism Fallout is known for. The systems are there but nothing feels fleshed out. They have perks but they’re static number increases locked behind a level up and a challenge. They have piracy but it’s a percentage chance and a roll of the dice.

Everything exists for the sole purpose to be overhauled by modders and while that’s what they do best, it’s kind of sickening to see them embrace it. They used to at least put paint on the canvas but now we’re getting rough sketches and are being told to wait for better artists to color it in.

An admin deleted all my uploads and I have no clue why (lemmy.world)

I have been uploading comic art images by Moebius for several weeks almost daily to the !eurographicnovels community, where I´m a moderator myself. All those images have disappeared. Modlog says the images have been deleted by “admin”. Modlog gives no reason for this but says the images were later restored by “admin”...

@RealFknNito@lemmy.world avatar

That’s always the dilemma. The higher the ratio of banning bots, the higher rate of false positives. Do you want more bots with virtually no users being banned or do you want virtually no bots with a lot of legitiment users being unfairly banned?

The answer most sane people take is the former but not everyone shares that opinion.

@RealFknNito@lemmy.world avatar

What do you mean sand and sugar is not a suitable replacement for gas?

@RealFknNito@lemmy.world avatar

Ah yes, the backup ussy spreader. Every car has one under the passenger seat by federal law.

@RealFknNito@lemmy.world avatar

Let me dream. As someone who gets physically sick at the proprietary bullshit they shove down everyone’s throat, customer or not, I would love to see them get any level of reprocussion however unlikely.

@RealFknNito@lemmy.world avatar

These bugs keep getting more wild.

@RealFknNito@lemmy.world avatar

I still don’t get the meme but I’m glad you got some good dinner.

@RealFknNito@lemmy.world avatar

My favorite part was when the Reddit Admin said the post was deleted like it was made of paper and put down a garbage disposal. Like it’s beyond recovery. If true, that’s extremely worrying.

@RealFknNito@lemmy.world avatar

I thought this was a cyberpunk 2077 screenshot for a second. Also, if you can, buy from Etsy. That’s how I support small businesses without fully sacrificing convience.

@RealFknNito@lemmy.world avatar

Really? I haven’t noticed that with the stuff I’ve been buying. Any recommendations then?

@RealFknNito@lemmy.world avatar

Thank you for letting us know.

The Man Amazon Erased (www.tabletmag.com)

Jackson soon discovered that Amazon suspended his account because a Black delivery driver who’d come to his house the previous day had reported hearing racist remarks from his video doorbell. In a brief email sent to Jackson at 3 a.m., the company explained how it unilaterally placed all of his linked devices and services on...

@RealFknNito@lemmy.world avatar

Reasons I try my hardest to use FOSS. This kind of shit is the stuff of nightmares.

@RealFknNito@lemmy.world avatar

There’s a timeline where Elon did this instead and went all in on the flamethrower thing rather than all the retarded Twitter stuff.

EVE Vanguard Aims to Be the EVE FPS That Dust 514 Wasn’t - IGN (www.ign.com)

EVE Online's starry realm of New Eden is a vast expanse of more than 7000 star systems, which we have so far experienced almost exclusively from a distance aboard swooping starships or in the colossal interiors of mega-scale space stations. But all the while, I've imagined what might be going on down on these lonely planets I'm...

@RealFknNito@lemmy.world avatar

Never could break into EVE but I guess it’s never too late.

@RealFknNito@lemmy.world avatar

As someone wise and balding said “The trust is gone and there’s no getting that back. Even if they retract everything and apologize it’s gone.”

@RealFknNito@lemmy.world avatar

Sometimes the bad guys have skulls on their caps and it’s really just that black and white simple.

@RealFknNito@lemmy.world avatar

So many windows to shoot to test if they break apart or just put a bullet hole png.

… So little time.

@RealFknNito@lemmy.world avatar

I didn’t mind the sponges as much. It let me wake up from my grind comatose occasionally to use cover.

@RealFknNito@lemmy.world avatar

The money machine hungers for more. Never satisfied for more than a moment.

@RealFknNito@lemmy.world avatar

After my trials in Oblivion I realized that cheating almost always sucks the fun out of the game - unless through mods that enhance gameplay. As much as I hate to say it, most of the fun in Bethesda games is the… G… Grind. Almost every second I’m not shooting or looting I want to be and I hate that’s all it takes for my dopamine to go off.

Hoping the next game has better perks than “10% more damage with x” but I digress. Hope you have fun in your sandbox but be careful not to overdo it.

(Partial rant) Why are gaming communities for multiplayer games so often filled with toxicity? Why aren't game developers doing more to stop this?

There are plenty of multiplayer games I adore. However, it seems like every community has these “brain dead”, patronizing, or out right toxic elements that are just nasty. I’d rather debate politics than make suggestions in some gaming communities because the responses are just so … annoying....

@RealFknNito@lemmy.world avatar

Please… Please just let it be toxic. I get that it can get pretty bad but I’m exhausted of having to police my language to the utmost degree because a dev thinks “night” is a racial slur because of the first three letters. The systems suck, it makes normal communication a chore, and the few wholesome moments often get ruined by it. Censorship in games and online to avoid toxicity is becoming a stranglehold and I can’t take it.

@RealFknNito@lemmy.world avatar

It doesn’t need to be all or nothing. We can do it in moderation. Remove slurs, don’t over reach by going after every curse word, every bad phrase, every impolite slight. We don’t need an internet with training wheels or water wings. Most of us are adults and I’d like to feel like one when I log on.

@RealFknNito@lemmy.world avatar

We agree there then, protected groups is where it should start and stop. Slurs I think would cover the majority of that kind of behavior but the problem is the more you try to crack down on bad actors the more false positives you get. There’s a term for it but it’s escaping me.

@RealFknNito@lemmy.world avatar

Sure but the only way games can actually solve it isn’t by policing chat but by giving you control over what chat you see. Mute options and features like in League of Legends, a full chat ‘off’ button. Additionally Incentives for sportsmanlike behavior which grant relevant rewards seem to serve as good positive reinforcement.

A lot of people just get emotionally invested in games. It’s not always a mind game or strategy, it’s often times just someone who is more invested in the outcome than maybe you are. Hell, sometimes it feels good to make your opponent rage.

I just don’t want to leave it up to game deva because they almost always over correct:

@RealFknNito@lemmy.world avatar

Yeah if it were that simple, world wide hunger would have been solved.

@RealFknNito@lemmy.world avatar

I tried chicken and rice for a few weeks as a diet and it was beyond miserable. Only thing that kept me on it was using sauces I shouldn’t have. Yes, cookies and sweets are a little more money than rice and beans but anyone who has been subjected to the latter can testify it’s akin to eating condensed sadness. High fructose corn syrup makes this garbage dirt cheap but that’s a whole other issue.

@RealFknNito@lemmy.world avatar

Okay but if this manages to be safe it’d be such a cool detail for some tattoos

@RealFknNito@lemmy.world avatar

It seemed fairly visible on the brain they tested it on

@RealFknNito@lemmy.world avatar

Might be Buddhist or even Pagan honestly.

@RealFknNito@lemmy.world avatar

It will be a cold day in hell when I give Adobe $400 for a single version of photoshop and it still not work properly.

@RealFknNito@lemmy.world avatar

All the more reason to have a list of safe(est) sites. I can’t always afford games and when I do I prioritize multiplayer ones so I can play with friends. If I really enjoy a single player game I’ll go back and dish out for it of course but there are way too many bad, halfbaked, cashgrab landmines that will outright rob me and others if we’re not careful. Games are the biggest industry right now which means it’s ripe for bad actors.

@RealFknNito@lemmy.world avatar

“Denies claims” Who tf made such a loud enough claim the government felt it necessary to respond?

Switch 2 would arrive in the second half of 2024 and development kits are already out (gamerkick.com)

The successor to Nintendo Switch named Switch 2 will continue to be a hybrid console that can be played on TV and in portable mode, it will be launched without an OLED screen (it will have an LCD) and it will have cartridges/cards for physical games , according to various sources. Anonymous to VGC, where they say that the device...

@RealFknNito@lemmy.world avatar

Nuclear is like watering a garden with a hose as opposed to renewables that has a squirt gun. The hose can shoot a lot more, a lot harder, for a lot longer. The squirt gun can do a good bit during the day but has to go be filled up at night from the nearby lake. It also doesn’t give nearly as much water nor does it do it as hard. The only benefit to renewables is the ‘bottomless’ aspect where no matter how much of it we use, there’s always more.

And not to go fully into this, renewables like solar panels require rare earth materials that we can run out of so hedging our bets on that is dubious at best. Fission, while fear mongered by media into the ground is amazing in modern times and Fusion is on the horizon to try and win the hearts of those still, somehow, unconvinced.

@RealFknNito@lemmy.world avatar

3rd wave kinda… did that on their own. Barely a few years ago there were ‘feminists’ shutting down MRA sessions by pulling fire alarms where it was literally a bunch of dudes talking about their problems. It’s still relatively recent memory that people who called themselves feminists were some of the most unhinged human beings we had to deal with.

Yes, you can argue “those weren’t actually feminists” or “they were extreme and don’t represent everyone” but a lot of people still have those feminists in mind when the term comes up. It’s not “men who hate women” who created this perception, it is the women who hate men.

@RealFknNito@lemmy.world avatar

Every group has their extremists but fail to realize that’s how the opposition will always perceive them. With the left, Antifa is how the right views them. With the right, The Proud Boys are how the left views them. It’s the same with feminism. The insane women calling themselves feminists and screaming at the tops of their lungs that all men should be killed are how a lot of people view feminism as a whole. I don’t know what the solution to that is, but it’s why I personally don’t vibe with ‘feminists’

@RealFknNito@lemmy.world avatar

Ah yeah the group of people that have the highest suicide rates don’t have any problems to talk out. You’re right, we should tell them to suck it up and be a man.

You’re the reason I hate feminism. Please fuck off.

@RealFknNito@lemmy.world avatar

MRAs existed before third wave feminism and only became widely known after being attacked by said wave of feminism. It absolutely did push to the top a bunch of edgy and shitty people that somehow became popular because people found comfort in someone trash talking horrible people calling themselves feminist. Said people have fallen off dramatically and are now seen as more vile than they once were because the worst of the feminist movement has essentially moved on to actually defending women against the modern day ‘manosphere’ which is overwhelmingly misogynistic and uses men’s issues as a shield from critique rather than treating it as an important issue.

Third wave feminism was the embodiment of ‘Women have very pressing and real struggles, however you can’t solve those problems by hating men’ and I’d wager the feelings you have towards the misogynistic manosphere are the same many of us had towards third wave feminism.

@RealFknNito@lemmy.world avatar

“But bro the new season just started and I got to make a brand new character and experience these 6 dungeons again it’s awesome”

Someone should let them know Path of Exile is free

@RealFknNito@lemmy.world avatar

Good. I’m glad the GOP are unravelling as the young demographic vote in a way that effectively tells them to take their intolerant bullshit and shove it right back up their asses. A shame these kids minding their own damn business caught the flak for it though.

@RealFknNito@lemmy.world avatar

Even if it was a crime, people like them have already showed their playbook. They’ll deny it, call the charges fake, then create some deep state conspiracy as to why the opposing side would do such a thing. The right and their apologists are the definition of ‘no accountability’.

@RealFknNito@lemmy.world avatar

To be fair, that design is a pretty basic one. Like extremely basic. Sure it’s cleaned up and modernized but trying to say it was stolen is a reach. Elon does still have the Midas Touch where everything turns to gold, in which he subsequently murders everything he touches and makes even gold worthless.

@RealFknNito@lemmy.world avatar

Fuck it, take Russia and give it to the Ukrainians.

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