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Nobody mentioned the finals. Free to play fps competitive shooter with teams of 3. It’s been crazy addictive for my friends and I. If you like fast paced hectic fps games it’s loads of fun.

Marketing Company Claims That It Actually Is Listening to Your Phone and Smart Speakers to Target Ads (www.404media.co)

A marketing team within media giant Cox Media Group (CMG) claims it has the capability to listen to ambient conversations of consumers through embedded microphones in smartphones, smart TVs, and other devices to gather data and use it to target ads, according to a review of CMG marketing materials by 404 Media and details from a...


Ive absolutely bought shit that ended up as an embedded ad after I visited the page previously. Youre just more likely to follow through if you see it over and over again.

Its not really a complex concept.


Who knows how they will approach this. It’s clear they’re going to an even higher level of detail and a more living world. It appears to be a move to up things to the next level which is exactly what we have gotten with basically every gta game.

All I know for sure is my graphics card just committed suicide after watching this trailer


Rockstar has delivered consistently and set new standards far more than Bethesda. I love Bethesda but I’ve learned over the years that you can’t trust Todd. I held off on starfield and was right. I got bamboozled by fallout 76.

You can disagree with certain decisions by Rockstar but you can’t deny the track record. They get it done.

You’re right we don’t have the full picture but after 30 years of gaming hype I can tell you theyre shooting for the moon here. And if any developer will successfully stick the landing it’s Rockstar.


Rdr2 was insane. Red dead online was a massive dud. The single player game was amazing, the scope was massive and they delivered in a great way. But yes it failed big time for them. But I still love it. And gta has delivered consistently. As soon as I see a major dud I’ll call them on it, but they just haven’t missed.


The bigger criticism against Rockstar is as they swing for the fences they’re building the framework to effectively heard western children in like cattle so they can milk them for a generation using their online service.

I can’t wait for the collaboration with Fannie Mae where your 26 percent interest rate comes with 50000 shark card points.


What isn’t happening? Them making fake csam? I haven’t seen it because I don’t want to see it but I am connnnfident it’s occurring. Some kid already got busted feeding images of girls in his class into an image generator and making nudes out of them.

So while it might not be wide spread it’s 100 percent happening and will increase.

Honestly releasing these generators to the general public was a mistake. They thought they could put up safety measures but they’re easily bypassed. I think they should have kept them locked up and only give access to people who are registered and trackable with people reviewing what they’re generating.

All of these ai generators are getting abused left and right and anyone who didn’t think that would happen is an idiot.


This is what blows my mind. Everyone keeps complaining about how terrible he is and how terrible twitter has become, but they keep fucking using it. I think if you were just using twitter to reach your audience you wouldn’t care too much what you used. I think these people know they stand to lose money and so they won’t jump ship.

Pussies. This website has effectively drawn a line in the sand and said we are where fascist voices can unite and coordinate. If you remain on twitter even if that’s not your belief you are providing them with legitimacy and enough of a smokescreen to do what they intend to do.

I listened to Rogan and Musk talk briefly because my curiosity got the best of me and you can tell musk has lost it. He’s full Kanye right now. You can kind of tell when someone’s fucked in the head. Their mannerisms and pacing tell the story. He’s totally off it and is going to continue to funnel millions of dollars into the hands of fascist dickheads in one way or other. Today it’s providing them with a platform. Tomorrow it’s funding politicians. He’s just up his own ass enough to do all kinds of fucked up shit because HE thinks it’s ‘what’s best for everyone’.

The world can decide to just dump this shitdick. The sooner the better. Unfortunately a number of people are very keen on keeping things how they are and super pleased to have his stupid ass spewing their talking points.


Trust me when I say police should have absolutely nothing to do with anything healthcare related. They shouldn’t be making decisions about bodily autonomy. They shouldn’t be ordering blood work. None of it. Stay in your Fucking lane.

If you want to be a doctor go to medical school.


Lol. This guy has the audacity to try and claim he’s stepping down because that was his plan all along. Has nothing to do with his cartoonish level of greed and the billion dollar crime he helped commit.

I’ve been thinking about how it’s a good thing we don’t follow ancient systems of justice anymore, you know the whole drawn and quartered, iron bull type justice. Totally barbaric and inhumane, glad it doesn’t exist anymore (well, in this country anyway). But you know what? Those systems of justice were especially designed for shitdicks like this. We used to get real creative with how we handled people that just abused the shit out of large groups of people. And when your co conspirator ends up with half of his torso on a stake in the public square, you think fucking twice about committing a billion dollars worth of fraud.

I’m joking of course, but these over the top crimes simply go unanswered and these ghouls more often than not just walk free and get to pretend like nothing happened. It’s why we have the entire trump crime family walking around like they did nothing wrong. Yeah, when it’s that level of greed and arrogance, forgive me for wanting to see the people step in and handle it old world style.


And that’s the thing. Yeah on paper this guy only committed you know, a few hundred million dollars worth of crime. No biggie. But what’s the downstream effect of that? A single mother couldn’t afford a house that should have been affordable so had to move to a poverty stricken area. She no longer had access to a safe and reliable grocery store so her kids get sick more often. Her son missed a lot of school from illness so he fell behind. With poor grades he lost his chance of higher education and eventually due to proximity got in with a gang. He dies at 17 in gang violence. Can you directly tie the two together? Not in a court of law, but that’s the reality with shit like this.


Well pick your time in history. The muslim nations had their version, Christian nations had theirs. And so on. Again it’s good we don’t adhere to the old ways anymore (which if we are being honest we just rebranded all of that and made it more palatable). But at least back then if you were just a massively unpopular dickbag who fucked over lots of people you got a little street justice. Hell the Romans would erase you from history. We don’t even know all of the people that got this treatment since again, they were erased from history.

I’d love nothing more than to scrub the trump name from history and we all pretend they never existed.


Munchausen Syndrome is very rare. You might see one case in a decade if not your entire career. If this doctor is reporting multiple cases the problem likely isn’t the parents, it’s the doctor.


You’re not wrong. And you’re probably correct there’s going to potentially be more cases reported with this woman. However, she already had an open investigation into claims of over diagnosis of this disorder and then had this happen.

You’re right we need more info but just seems sus .


It’s been the best handheld I’ve ever had hands down. The sheer volume of verified games and the versatility of the device are unrivaled. I’ve been able to put it in so many configurations and customize its use to what I need. I bought a wireless kb and mouse and a usb dongle to run everything into it and I’ve even gotten some xreal airs and can play with the projected screen and it works great. The best part? If I put them on and get in bed it allows you to play games while lying completely flat . That might not sound like it matters. But you cannot do that with any other device. You gotta turn your head or prop yourself up to play. It is peak laziness. And I live for it.


I don’t know why this small detail was my favorite but it is. Theoretically you can use the xreals and do that with most devices but only the steam deck can do it without any added steps.

The thing about the steam deck is it opens up pc gaming to places other than in front of your pc. And there’s been next to no opportunity to do that unless you consider cooking your genitals with a gaming laptop to be an enjoyable experience.

I’ve got a nice tv room that was getting wasted because if I wanted to game I had to sit in my office. I’ve been able to be way more mobile within my house. I can stop a game on the pc and pretty easily restart it on the deck. While that’s not a new thing I do think steam cloud saves are unrivaled in functionality and ease of use.

If you’re on the fence about the steam deck. Get it. I’d be the first to say it’s not worth it and trust me im a guy that knows how to waste money on stupid shit (case and point I bought xreal airs). But I’ve never regretted the steam deck.


I’ve really enjoyed it while traveling. It real nice being able to throw some PlayStation controllers in my bag and having an instant console wherever I go. Every hotel ever will have some kind of hdmi cord running into a tv that you can hijack and plug it in. Don’t have to Fuck around with the switch dock system.

Hell you can cast from the steam deck straight to a tv if you want. I won’t lie, it didn’t run that great, but I bet I could tweak it and get it to work better.


Violent crime is a fraction of what it was in the 70s and 80s. But that’s not really the issue here. Yes the media is using violence and fear to push page views, but the argument that’s being made is that solely because of this somehow it justifies firearm ownership and the cult of firearms that exists in this country. Every mass shooting someone somewhere will mention the historically low violent crime rates as if that wipes away the over 500 mass shootings so far this year and the 8 percent increase in mass shootings since 2020.

Sorry but no. Not the duck that people think it is. Not a good enough excuse. We still have a very real problem and if certain individuals can’t pull their head out of their ass and start working to find real solutions then those people are going to get voted the fuck out and adults will be put in their place who will get the job done. It’s that simple.


For sure. People are going to speculate but literally any number of things could do it.

I’d put suicide or overdose low on my list but again we just don’t know.


Yeah basically around 50 you’re just at the mercy of sudden death as a possible outcome. It can happen before of course but I’d say 50 onward it’s just on the table as possibly the way you go.

We can reduce certain risks, but you can never remove it completely. Even if you take care of yourself it’s always possible just some random shit happens. Sucks, definitely anyone dying before age 65 is a tragedy.


For sure. Hard drugs will Fuck you up big time.


Also for hospital systems it’s wildly unprofitable. You make your money in two places in medicine, elective surgeries and in the emergency department. Mental healthcare is slow, in the extreme cases you’re dealing with unpleasant patients that are hostile to the care you’re trying to provide, and you often have to house them and feed them for extended periods of time knowing they don’t have any money to reimburse you.

That’s why the hospital I’m working at has built a multimillion dollar cardiac surgery tower (not a unit, not a few floors, an entire tower), but scrapped the plans to rebuild the aging and woefully inadequate inpatient psych facility.

If we can’t squeeze every cent from you we will only do the bare minimum that the CMC requires from us.


I agree with you. There’s lots of keyboard warriors with big opinions that have yet to put those opinions to the test in the real world. No, not the suburban tgi Friday’s sedan driving real world, but the gritty disgusting world of poverty and inequality. Most of us have zero concept of what that is even when we think that we do.

We can sit around jerking each other off with wonderful ideas like total government oversight to prevent corporate overreach in all industries but that ignores the fundamental reality of the world we live in. We have to work with what we’ve got to make it work for us the best that it can. It won’t be perfect, people will always be taken advantage of and others will stop at nothing to hoard wealth and retain power, but we can usually move the needle slightly in our lifetime and raise our kids to work hard to move it a little bit more.

We won’t see a world with some communist utopia anytime soon, capitalism isn’t going anywhere. But we can achieve victories with things like universal healthcare, universal basic income, improved access to mental health care and healthcare as a whole, and see the gun lobby reigned in so that we can finally pass common sense gun laws that will start to slowly address this madness.

Goals need to be reasonable and attainable. Otherwise you’re likely to never get off the ground.


Thankfully we can ignore your stupid take. She’s a traitorous cunt. She can also eat my entire ass.

I can go on. If you’re looking for some sanitized safe space the internet probably wasn’t the best place to go.

Mike Johnson picked as new GOP speaker nominee just hours after Tom Emmer drops bid (www.cnn.com)

The House GOP picked Rep. Mike Johnson as their latest speaker nominee Tuesday evening, though the Louisiana Republican so far lacks the 217 votes needed to win the gavel – the latest sign that Republicans are still no closer to electing a new speaker three weeks after Kevin McCarthy’s historic ouster....


That might be valid if we were still dealing with the politics of yesteryear where the assumption was that politicians would compromise and vote for their constituents best interests and not simply their political party no matter what.

The fatal flaw of the founding fathers was that they assumed men would continue to have a conscience and morality. They felt that perhaps one or two bad apples might find their way into political positions, but couldn’t fathom an entire party of them.

When you have a party of traitors working to undermine democracy, you no longer are able to function as intended.

Apple Cancelled Jon Stewart Because Feckless Tech Executives Were Afraid Of The Pesky Truth (www.techdirt.com)

Last week, the New York Times reported that Apple had cancelled “The Problem With Jon Stewart.” More importantly, the Times noted that Apple executives, clearly not at all worried about the need for a healthy editorial firewall, had grown uncomfortable with the way that the program was planning to cover issues such as China...


There’s no reason. That person is wrong. You can hate celebrities just because they’re celebrities but Jon has moved mountains for 9/11 first responders and literally got legislation unstuck that would have never passed without him putting pressure on feckless politicians that prefer the smell of their own shit than getting work done.

I don’t believe in celebrity worship but I also don’t believe in unnecessary celebrity hate. And I definitely value celebrities that use their status for good, and definitely celebrities that will go to bat for people who deserve to have someone in their corner.

There's growing opposition to making family doctor training longer (www.cbc.ca)

The College of Family Physicians of Canada is being asked to “pause, hold and maybe stop” its plans to increase the time it takes to train a family doctor from two years to three — as some medical students, family doctors and provincial health ministers express their opposition....


It’s probably not the best approach. We are struggggggling to get primary care providers, at least in the US, and I suspect in Canada as well.

Family medicine is not the same as say a neurosurgery residency. It’s a lot of understanding vaccination schedules and identifying and treating things like high blood pressure or high blood sugar before they become chronic issues.

But there’s limits to what a pcp is going to manage and the complex issues are going to get punted to specialists. The problem is we don’t have enough pcps to go around and so you have this huge barrier to care because people don’t have doctors they can go see to then get referred to specialists with 3 4 and 5 year residencies that allow them to handle the complex stuff.

Honestly for the doctor that’s gone through 4 years of medical school, while it would be great if we extended their training and made them even better educated, we also need to balance that with removing barriers that might prevent docs from choosing family medicine as their speciality.

I’d rather someone have access to a doctor with 2 years of training than having access to no doctor because they can’t convince the new grad MDs to take an extended family medicine residency because it pays a fraction of what an orthopedic surgery specialty will pay.


It does make a difference. But I’m sure it’s not easy to access those residencies.

Health providers say AI chatbots could improve care. But research says some are perpetuating racism (apnews.com)

Powered by AI models trained on troves of text pulled from the internet, chatbots such as ChatGPT and Google’s Bard responded to the researchers’ questions with a range of misconceptions and falsehoods about Black patients, sometimes including fabricated, race-based equations, according to the study published Friday in the...


While I think you can get ChatGPT to be racist if you work at it, I’ve been toying with it in terms of the validity of its medical information and it’s pretty damn good.

I can ask extremely complex questions and then follow those up with clarifying questions and it’s consistently been accurate. I’m by no means using it to practice medicine and for the love of god nobody should be going to it for medical advice.

But it’s obvious this is going to be used in hospitals within the next 5 years. They just have to sanitize the information being put out and ensure it can only pull from reliable sources.

It’s really crazy how good it is at explaining complex topics. It’s helped me understand medical concepts that were confusing to me (I’d ask it to explain something better so I can understand it and then I’d verify what it was saying with UpToDate, a database of accurate medical information). Even just having it reword something or having it spit out ways to remember a concept worked really well.

Again, it’s not there yet and cannot be trusted, but it will be able to be trusted soon enough and it’s going to change medicine.

AI medical chatbots will soon be bundled in EMRs and doctors are going to be able to punch in questions on the fly to get accurate and specific answers to the issues that arise.


I’ve said that it can’t be trusted but I’ve sat with a textbook in my lap and asked it questions where I’ve had the information right there to verify it and it’s been correct.

It can be right. But that’s not to say that it’s always right. And I think that if you strictly sanitized where an ai pulled it’s info you could get to a point where it would be a reliable quick way to check something. There’s already one company marketing ai for healthcare workers for this reason. It’s not if it’s coming it’s when.

I’d encourage any other educated healthcare professional to run their own tests and I’d love to hear their results. I specifically want someone to get it to spit out inaccurate information.


You can tell when someone’s not even reading what you’re writing they’re just sort of using parts of what you say as a launchpad to hear themselves speak.

As I’ve said. Regardless of whatever your point is here, it isn’t whether or not this is coming, it’s how we are going to deal with it when it arrives.

It’s going to certainly present some interesting new challenges but may also prove beneficial. I won’t be surprised when I hear about students using this as an approach to study regardless of how many people tell them they shouldn’t do that for the reasons I’ve already pointed out and didn’t necessarily need to be repeated as if it wasn’t already stated.

I won’t be surprised when I read about the first malpractice case tied to ai use. I also suspect that even if it functions as designed there may still be legal cases in play simply because it was used at all. I suspect it will be banned in use at other places for the very reasons I’ve emphasized.

Whatever one’s opinions are about ai and all of its uses. None of that changes the fact that it’s here and we now must deal with it.

I personally believe we can use this effectively if we are smart about its implementation.


I didn’t have to read any of it. Thinking this can’t be used effectively in a proper way is silliness. I guess you’re just a big anti AI person and that’s fine. I understand the limitations of the tech, especially in its earliest stages when it’s the most unreliable. But this tech is here and it’s not going anywhere. It’s going to continue to be refined and evolve and find new ways to be implemented.

Just casting all of these unavoidable truths aside and simply saying it’s no good and can’t be used in x or y way is just a form of denial. you’re free to do that if it suits you but it just doesn’t change the facts.


Your argument is that ai from the 50s was bad so this is also bad and it will soon be replaced by like… actual ai so this doesn’t matter at all.

Okie dokie. This has been fun.


Starfield is just a mess. I think Todd assumed he could ride the Skyrim goodwill into the sunset with his subsequent games because he’s consistently failed to deliver since then. I love the jank of a good Bethesda game because at its heart you have a true rpg that lets you roam and complete quests how you see fit. Starfield removed the roaming and the exploration and left some very mediocre storytelling and quests in its wake. Without that magic you’re just left with increasingly awful jank that can’t be ignored.

Thank god for Xbox game pass, I was only out about 15 dollars and was able to try the game without committing 70 dollars.


Absolutely true. The discussion was more about which resources and financial benefit would be best for the people in the room.

Maybe not in every one of the rooms. But the one that mattered, you better Fucking believe.


Again, you’re trying to shadow box with a boogey man that doesn’t exist. I’m just sitting here watching you write about how you’re a dumbass.

Cool I guess.

You know I spent ten years wasting my time clowning on trolls on Reddit. You get good at it, as sad as that is to write. There have only been a handful of people on lemmy that have even tried to do all of that here with me.

Do you think that we got addicted to it? I’m honestly just assuming you’re also from Reddit. Who knows maybe you communicate primarily by typewriter…


Did uh, you not live through the same timeline I did? I was 14. I had the mental faculties one would expect from a 14 year old. I probably could have been calmed down and shown the right way of things. But I wasn’t. Because Americans weren’t. The initial response to the attack was shock sorrow and fury. And revenge was a common theme that was happily pushed by literally everyone. That’s why we don’t remember the people who pushed for war. We remember the few people who spoke out against it, even though it cost them their careers in many cases.

Americans can handle the shock and sorrow part of the equation. Americans have always struggled with the last one. We don’t forgive a lot of things. And the fury we can exact on our enemies is unrivaled. We conquered the world, in so many words, when they blew up our boats in the 40s. Go back and we exacted bitter revenge on indigenous people whenever they ambushed our settlers.

What about what I said is unamerican? Honestly the question is what liberal vault did you emerge from that separated you from our timeline?

Don’t confuse me speaking about reality as justifying it. I don’t justify my actions or those who influenced me. It was wrong. And I had to learn that the hard way growing up. But i am speaking about it as it was. You don’t get to change the past, you can only be honest about it and work to correct it when it comes around again.

The Israelis will commit the war crimes we only wish we could have this early after the attack. They will invade and end up fucked in a long term occupation with no real goal but a lot of house to house fighting and innocent civilians dead. Shit who does that sound like.

They’ll only succeed in giving birth to the next generation of even more extreme terrorists. The Middle East is just that much more unstable. We drone on towards unending chaos.

It’s turning out that the golden years of the 50s through tbe 2010s were the high water mark of human civilization. And we spent it bickering and smoking cigarettes.



Really? That was what I learned from Fox News. Since my parents turned it on and never turned it off.

Wait. Did… did you just tell on yourself by accident? That is hilarious.


That is hilarious.


I was waiting for you to post what I said broken into parts where you respond to everything separately.

First off you outed yourself. Hilarious. Second of all. Oh nevermind there isn’t a second part.



Oh don’t worry that’s already happened.

It’s precisely because I can be honest with myself and you can’t that they handed me the keys but couldn’t trust you.

Society is full of people who talk, few who can act. You learn quickly who falls where.


You are my favorite of all.


Ooof a swing and a miss.


I think my favorite is the guy who has responded to everything I’ve said like 8 times. You guys are great.

Why do you want to know? So you can try and cancel me? Call my boss, or at least what you think is my boss and tell them about me? I mean go nuts. Show them what I’ve said. The thing that makes this all so unbearable for people like you is that I’m the same here as I am in person.

Do you think I am like you? Pretending to be this or that and then sneaking home to don some persona on the internet? It’s embarrassing. I don’t say one fucking word if I don’t mean it. That’s in person, that’s online. It means I don’t have to keep track of all the little half truths you tell, the silly little story you have invented.

I’m an asshole. You’re right about that. But there isn’t anything you can do about that. You know why? Because I made sure I was really Fucking good at something that people like you couldn’t stomach. So there will always be another job for me.

It affords me the liberty to tell the truth. To piss off little shit dicks such as yourself. If you do not like that, too Fucking bad.


Yeah no I mean it’s cool you and another guy have replied to me like 5 times each. That was certainly a choice you made.


Did you really reply again. And break it all down… Again…

You know what’s funny is memmy shits the bed with imbedded pictures so all your little memes are just url strings with a thumbnail. I guess hopefully other people are enjoying them??

I’ll be around tomorrow and you can keep trying. One time I went back and forth with a guy for 8 hours straight. The only thing I can guarantee out of all of this is that we will both lose no matter what you do. And that is by design.


I couldn’t even finish clowning on you before you responded again. Yikes my guy.

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