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Bach, and Arvo Part.

The baroque music, it is just so melodic and pleasant. That I guess is not strictly classical, nor is Part but I’m interpreting your question as Orchestral music from any time period.


No, I do understand what you mean and it’s the same thing I like about the baroque music. It’s almost like modern house music, the kind where they take one riff and play it out fifty different ways, it is sort of trancey and doesn’t yell at you for attention, it pulls instead of pushing.

People of Lemmy! How to get fit?

Hi guys! For the past… ever, I’ve been putting my health and fitness aside. I tried a few times to get into the habit of exercising to no avail. I’m not overweight or anything but neither am I strong or flexible as I want to be. Mainly because I don’t want to have health troubles later in life. HOWEVER, to get started I...


I think it’s kind of hard to exercise just for health. Athletic goals work better. Try a couch to 5k program, see how many pushups you can do & train to do more, learn to stand on your hands or try to jump higher than you can now.

If you are asking what will help maintain your body for the long run, yoga is so good. In yoga classes I see people older than me in great shape still and able to move in every direction, flexible and strong.

If you want to look better, lifting cannot be beat. Add just a little lean mass and shape, small change but big improvement in looks.

But the most important advice is to do something you actually enjoy and will keep doing. Any sort of activity is much, much better than some ambitious plan you don’t actually do. Try a lot of things, and after 6 weeks of consistent exercise of any sort, you will feel enough better that it will stick. You will sleep better too.

How many can you make without recipe? (

I counted 10 I can make on the fly, so 14 I couldn’t. But in my private life, the drinks that have been specifically requested of me when I ask “would you like a drink?” and got an answer other than yes have almost all been Margarita. Paper Plane second place, not even on their list, but it’s a distant second....


Probably at least once a day? Not usually at men (so sorry, I know this is a problem for guys) unless I am confident they are not going to read more into it. I do feel old enough to be able to sometimes compliment younger guys, and have it received as just friendly not flirting.

As someone else said - compliments on choices or achievements not personal attributes. Though usually it is on looks stuff “What a good hair day you are having”, or “that is a really good color for you” or “great shoes!” not “what a nice figure you have.”

Work compliments I hand out freely, if someone does a good job that makes my job easier I try to always mention it, compliment the work and thank them.


My mom says babies are cute because otherwise more would end up in dumpsters.

She also told me she didn’t like kids. I asked her why she had so many, then? “Well, I like you all NOW, I knew you would grow up.”

Which, while sort of a mean thing for her to say, I think does make sense - people always say they don’t want kids, understandable, but kids are just young humans, you were a kid too. You aren’t having kids, you are growing people. Adults.

RBWells, (edited )

I haven’t read this, mostly because when I saw the trailer for the movie I started screaming with joy in the theater because I thought Chaga (Evolution’s Shore - oddly enough, by the author of the other November selection, Ian McDonald) had gotten a movie adaptation.

I did see and like the Annihilation movie OK.

So even if the book is not like the movie, I can’t go in without prejudice. I was just so disappointed.


Well, I don’t Facebook, Instagram or anything like that and people just know that is not a way to reach me. Facebook is a cesspool.

We do share photos through Google and I do feel censored by that, won’t even take a picture I’d not share with the world.


Tall asshole. But what I want to know (as a taller woman) is why do tall guys go for tiny ladies? I am NOT judging, I like guys around my height and they like me, and I’m tallish because of my mom and dad’s height difference. You like what you like. Is it nature trying to breed us back to average height or something?


I don’t mean shorter, I mean short. I’m shorter than any tall guy, but usually see guys I’d consider quite tall (6’4" and up) with women under 5’4" and it always struck me as odd. I do understand it would be too hard to find a woman over 6’ in the US, there aren’t enough. I mean I don’t see the six and a half foot guys with the 5’9"- 5’10" ladies. So I figured it was a preference.


I don’t know, maybe like someone farther down commented, they want tall kids? So I don’t care because I am taller so my kids were all reasonably tall though my ex wasn’t? But if I was short I’d be pulled toward wanting tall guys to make taller kids?

I’m about 5’9" and honestly the only guys who have been into me (and I’m older now so this is a reasonable sample, lol) are guys 5’8" to 5’11", and what is funny is most didn’t like me to wear heels because that made me taller than them when standing. Tall good, taller bad.

So I was seeing this as a man-driven phenomenon/choice, my universe of potential partners hasn’t ever seemed to include the really tall guys but it’s possible I have been screening them out - I don’t think so, though.


Most short women? I see most women of my height with average height guys. Which makes some sense, there are more guys between 5’8" and 5’11" than any other height here. Went to a concert just last night and noticed it again. Yes almost all women were with guys as tall or taller than themselves, but most often as the men got taller the women they were with got shorter.

I wholeheartedly agree that most women of any height look for guys at least the same height not shorter than they are.

And this whole conversation has made me think about my own preference. Maybe since I am used to looking men in the eye, I was subconsciously uneasy feeling short? That is not something I’d considered before. Only had thought I didn’t care as long as not perceptibly shorter than me.


Here it is. Not black like the picture, followed the directions but it came out a lovely pink. Smokey tart raspberry, pretty good but not amazing. I like tart drinks and hardly ever say this but this I think could be sweeter. I used good mezcal (Del Maguey) and think a rougher one might be better in here too, and a reposada tequila not claro.


A light Sunday drink. 1.5oz Deep Eddy Grapefruit, .5oz mezcal, .5oz lime leaf syrup, 1oz lime juice. Shake, stir in Topo Chico, strain over fresh ice. Very refreshing. Husband is having the Jai Alai.


I double the bourbon (or half everything else, depends on the day) and that makes it absolutely perfect IMO. As equal parts it’s a little sweet for me but with 2x bourbon I think it is my favorite drink, and the favorite of several people I’ve served it to.

What is something worth buying as a teen? please explain.

sense most online business are having black friday is it worth buying something or should i pass and try to save my money. im a teen i have around 200$ but i would like to limit myself to 100$ or less. im probably posting this in the wrong place but im not sure, i just want to make a smart choice when it comes to money....


My kids say a gaming system or games, computer hardware.

But only ever makes sense to buy something you already want. Price out the things you want today, at today’s prices, so you can tell if there even IS a discount on black Friday. Spending on something just because it’s cheap makes no sense.


Normalnudes. AccidentalRenaissance.

The city subreddits were a really good resource. And sometimes source of drama, but overall so helpful. That takes a critical mass of people from one place we don’t have yet.

The vibrant and friendly cooking subs, Fermentation and Sourdough.

Cocktails, but I’m working on that!


True, but driving home from work in the dark is much more dispiriting than going to work in the dark. So if your work doesn’t let you come in earlier and leave earlier in the winter (clock-wise) the change to standard time makes things worse.


And what time is your sunset in first weeks of January on standard time?




No. My eyes, or mind, doesn’t quite accept it and yes, the filming for 3d sort of fucks up the 2d experience. I don’t think film is the right medium for 3d. Our 3d experience of the world is a smaller view but movies show a wider perspective (visually). It’s just annoying.


I think I’d have to give that title to Eragon. Based on the scene where they break the one character out of an allegedly impenetrable fortress by opening a door and walking in, then walking out with her.

Shape of Water I liked a lot. It’s a fairy tale, fantasy, and was creepy and beautiful at the same time.


I don’t stop thinking about home, work is not paying me for complete attention and I don’t have a job that requires it (nobody is going to die if I stop and take a break or lose focus.) You only have to do enough.

My home life is demanding enough that I don’t think about work much, and when I do it’s often helpful insights so I don’t mind. But I do not look at work emails or other messages in my home time.


My first stop would be the one where the world came together to tackle greenhouse gases with the same urgency we handled CFCs and the hole in the ozone layer. Not a huge difference but hopefully a big improvement.

I would also like to see what happened in the one we did not handle the CFCs and the ozone layer disappeared, just so I could feel like we aren’t complete fuckups in our reality.


Sure. Hostile alien invasion.

What sci-fi stories bring out a strong emphasis on family (self made or born into) to you? (

For me I would say “The Expanse” is a huge one. If there was ever a self made family, the crew of the Rocinante is one of the best. The amount of time they spend together and how they congeal into life long partners and friends in the face of some truly awful events is really inspiring to me.


All of Octavia Butler’s books. Not that all the stories are uplifting tales, not by a long shot. But the perspectives of the characters are rooted in family, she explores the ideas of family a lot.


I have the coarse wavy hair too. It is one typical European hair type, not uncommon but when I went to barber school we only learned to handle straight hair and what I think of as Black hair, afros, relaxers, fades. Nothing in between, we were just taught to straighten and then heat curl wavy hair, what the fuck?

Anyway - I haven’t cut hair professionally in decades but go to a Cuban hair salon now and she cuts and leaves it wet, the ‘curly hair special’, lol. I go home, style it and send her a picture.

Just wanted to point out that no, most white women don’t have naturally pin straight hair, they straighten it. And yes, it is an education failure in hair school.


If you know someone with good hair, ask where they get theirs done. And try not to worry.


Short hair has high maintenance because you have to cut it so often to keep it short. Long hair has styling maintenance but that can just be pulling it into a ponytail. I get my hair cut 2x a year, it’s medium length. Husband gets his cut every two weeks to keep it short.


Depends on the hair. I’ve not owned a brush in years (curly hair) and since not brushing it stopped tangling, counterintuitive but it works. I detangle it in the shower with a wide tooth comb or fingers while shampooing (if shampooing) or conditioning, and at this length (shoulder length) it’s very quick. Twice a week or so. When super long, yes. Lots of work once a week and two days to get dry. But there is also the chance of being able to just wake up and shake my head, hair falls into place. Probably 3x a week at this length, but never ever when shorter than this.

If OP has the typical middle eastern hair, it’s thick individual hairs like mine and short may just look bulky & awkward unless it’s really really short, or long enough for gravity to work & curls to appear.

But I do agree that short hair, in a tight fade, is a classy look that suits many face types so a good bet if unsure what would look good.


At night before bed, 4 minutes. After flossing them.

I just drink water in the morning, coffee later, and you aren’t supposed to brush right after eating or drinking so I’ve not found another convenient time.

If I could remember to do it, I’m sure after lunch would be ideal, I just can’t reliably remember to.


No age limit but costume required. At least put on your sister’s makeup or brothers overalls or saggy jeans, something. I have turned away kids without costumes but will candy anyone of any age who makes even the weakest attempt at a costume.

RBWells, (edited )

I love Halloween. Every other holiday I have to cook, clean, plan. So much work. Halloween? Creativity and candy and kids. Fun, without all the baggage. American Halloween I honestly love.

ETA: we get trick or treaters here, from little kids to teens. Not a suburb or a rich neighborhood. First one today pulled up in a truck and I was about to be judgy, hate the car house to house thing, dad got out, opened the door for his blind daughter who was in a wonder woman costume, helped her up our front steps so she could trick or treat. I love Halloween.

RBWells, (edited )

I started by putting egg and olives on mine. Seemed breakfast-ish. Chili paste and egg and pork fu is great on oats too.

RBWells, (edited )

Yes, but BMI misses in the other direction much more often. If you are overweight by BMI you are probably overfat.

Waist to height is the easiest and most accurate measure, actually.

I don’t think suggesting trying just skipping breakfast if you don’t want to eat in the morning is silly. Waiting till lunch is one way to handle not having time to prepare breakfast. Not what OP asked for but not off topic either.


Hear ye, hear ye! We do still use this sometimes.


Mine were born at home with a midwife who did sliding scale pricing (charged based on your income). Only available to low risk women who lived close to the hospital though.

If you are quite poor, Medicaid will cover pregnancy and hospital birth expenses, even if you don’t otherwise qualify. I know someone who did that and said the nurse yelled at her because she wasn’t married.


Tonight we did have the Cima Summer cocktail, I had made fresh pineapple juice, and my friend was visiting so I batched two rounds just before the visit and shook them with ice to drink.

It’s too fussy to be in the regular rotation but so delicious.


Well, in terms of weight control I gamed the system by staying underweight when young (often very unhealthily and anxiously so) so that middle age weight gain got me to a healthy weight.

I can’t diet because of the early eating disorder, and can’t quite get to intuitive eating either. So as someone else mentioned, I do limit the hours I eat not what or how much.

Lots of beans and rice. Love cheese too. Meat & fruit every week but not every day. Grow some vegetables every season but not enough to rely on; but in fall & spring have fresh greens from the yard, and whatever else I can manage. Make sourdough bread each week. Junk food of choice is chips (both crisps and fries).

Would say a typical day is coffee around 10, a lunch of sandwich or leftovers around noon, a coffee at 1600, a supper around 20:00 because I cook after work and it’s hard to have it earlier. Supper of beans and rice and greens, or meat and rice and greens, or pasta or stir fry, but something creative at least a couple times a week (tonight was poblanos stuffed with black beans, greens, and cheese on a tomato/chipotle sauce). Supper the main meal, not my ideal but most important meal with family. On weekends a late brunch or lunch and meal at teatime only.

If I could have only one sort of meal forever? Beans, rice, and greens.


I recently upgraded from a Pixel (the first generation) to a 5, so the first one lasted a long time. I do miss the headphone jack. But in general these phones do everything I need without fuss.


Where I do think you have a point is that I find any conservative hypocritical because they think one rule for them & different rules for others. He knows this. But am I perfect? No way. And on voting, when I vote I also have to make compromises because no party here is willing to protect the environment or give us healthcare or push back against our oligopoly. I think yeah he convinces himself on the social stuff because he believes the R will bring a better economy by some magic, and that’s about it. I cancel him out and 11 votes back me up, all our kids who are old enough to vote, all their companions.

But no, I’d not give up a loving and mostly compatible relationship because of politics, and apparently he wouldn’t either. I think without these connections, we’d be so much worse off. He would be worse in an echo chamber, and isn’t an idiot in other ways at all.

Obviously your calculation will be different. But I can love someone who is not me.


I don’t hate them but I viscerally hate that song. I like Desperado though.


Having taken some time to consider this, I do think it’s both unpopular and wrong.

Yes, some women have ridiculous standards that make no sense, as do some men. I do agree women may be more likely to have hypocritical standards, because (at least for casual relationships) men do seem to have fewer standards.

But that doesn’t mean they are involuntarily celibate. It means they are voluntarily celibate. They aren’t saying that guys/women they want are rejecting them, they are saying they have standards that can’t be met.


I like drinks much more than I want to drink alcohol, so generally have on hand home fermented ginger beer and/or tepache or kvass. These are technically not completely non alcoholic but are non intoxicating, like kombucha, and can be mixed for really gorgeous complex adult tasting drinks that leave you clear headed.

I make ginger beer using a ginger bug, this recipe is close to mine.

This is a traditional tepache- I make mine with a very sweet weak fresh lemonade not plain sugar water

Tepache is basically a fruit kvass; you can use the same process with other fruit but pineapple is very robust, tepache is less fussy than most of them.

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