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Publix Monterey Jack cheese is, oddly, better than the other brands. Like it’s the first one I ever tasted that wasn’t just rubbery nonsense. Their milk and butter we like, and their coffee is good.

Whole Foods store brands are all pretty good stuff.

I buy any brand of canned beans (I don’t buy refried beans, I refry them) or dry beans, unbleached white flour, egg noodles, fizzy water (though I do prefer Topo Chico, it’s a weak preference), sugar, and a lot of what we buy is fresh fruit & vegetables, they mostly aren’t branded.


I’m reasonably thick skinned, and often if I feel insulted I think about it awhile and decide I am wrongly interpreting whatever pissed me off. Only a couple of times I have kept getting madder and madder instead, so then I address the person who made the remark, and it’s gone pretty well each time.

Once when a boss congratulated a new president of the “activities committee” by saying now we had a real president (after I had done it the year before, and gotten a lot done). This was years ago. Couple days later I confronted him and he said he’d been thinking about how rude that was, and was going to apologize.

I guess my point is - if you are easily insulted maybe it’s you. If you are not easily insulted and get insulted you may have to communicate with the insulting party to be able to let it go.


The PS4 I got half of for my youngest (we split the cost because otherwise their gift would have been too expensive compared to the rest of the kids) has gotten so much use, so much love. Sure your kids will love the Switch.


I am a filthy casual player, so I suppose I’d be a clueless tourist collecting endangered Pokemon who should be left alone, and stumbling into dangerous situations.

Still mad that they made the 3 team leaders so dorky looking in the last update of their clothing but Team Rocket so suave and cool in their outfits.


They seem to flip between hard liners and reformers. Francis is from South America where the church is more Christian, for lack of a better word, more concerned with lifting up the poor and nonviolence. They are just an awfully big ship to turn and never going to align with a truly progressive movement. But yes I think both John Paul II and Francis could be considered forces for good working within the system.


If there is leftover rice in the rice cooker, a fried egg, chili paste and pork fu on that rice is great. Avocado on there is good too. Chili paste on rice if you don’t want to make an egg.

A piece of cheese and an apple is good. Apple and peanut butter good. Cheese and crackers good.

I think your best bet, though, is to cook and save a portion you can pop in the microwave when you don’t want to cook. And keep something like hummus on hand, healthy and easy. Seasoned canned beans.


I cover it with a damp paper towel and yes it lasts a couple of days like that.


I was just basing it on “too lazy to cook”. I will note egg fried IN chili paste & oil is ridiculously good too. But haven’t really worried about rice kept out, it has a keep warm button on the rice cooker? It’s only for a day usually, have a family so it gets eaten.


The lightest member of our household is the stompiest walker here too. I don’t understand how she can generate that much force.


This has been true around here since I was in high school (or that’s when I noticed) but once you get as old as I am now it’s different, only the people who took care of themselves look good and the distribution is more equal. So I don’t think guys are putting zero effort in, maybe as regards style but they must be maintaining their bodies at about the same rate, exercise and diet wise.


I have kids in both these age groups and they are more alike than different. I think the younger set is slightly better with technology and much more diverse in their musical taste than the older ones were at the same age. I guess they don’t have a generational difference if they are all siblings though.


I’m oldish GenX and maybe atypical but was a very early adopter of tech, on Usenet as soon as I could connect to anything, and was tech support for the older kids (but both got very tech savvy boyfriends) and of the younger set only the 19 year old has outpaced me. But I do think, if generalizing:

I can work computers because I had to fix them and like to mess with them. So everything now seems so easy in a way - I set up a network in my old house, wires everywhere, testing testing fixing, blah. Was dreading doing it when we moved - nope, mesh system, scan a code, boom done! Amazing!

Millennial kids don’t expect everything to work but seem stumped when it doesn’t. This may just be my kids because I fixed stuff for them.

The younger ones are used to everything working seamlessly and it does for them. That mesh network setup did not awe them, they expected it to be that easy!


I hate Life of Pi. The book. My kid had to read it for school and warned me not to, I thought, well I read fast, no big deal if it’s not great.

I want that two hours of my life back and can’t watch the movie because I hated the book so much. So much.


That one, yes. Not all books, no.


The whole part when he’s on the boat with the tiger. Awful. The end. Awful. Please don’t make me remember it, I tried to forget.


I can actually be happy without being satisfied. Lots of things make me feel happy, it’s higher pitched feeling, involves some excitement I’d say. I’m generally pretty happy.

Satisfied is when I feel good about something being finished (unusual state for me) or like everything is plenty good enough. It’s calmer and doesn’t happen as often. I don’t think I have the sort of trust needed to feel like things aren’t on the verge of collapse, maybe.


This one. 2014 Honda Accord with manual transmission. I love this car, and want it to last forever.

Second favorite was a Chevy Geo Prism, also manual (I kinda hate automatic transmission) that got the best gas mileage of any car I have owned before or since. Overhead cam, perfect engine design. Body fell apart, but that engine would not stop and was so efficient.


Mandate funding of public transportation at a level that makes it easier to use than a car.

Make roads (all roads that are already built) available for that transit, any existing road can become a trolley line or train.

Set the footprint of the county where it is, already there is too much sprawl so no more expansion allowed, build where there are buildings only, all green space preserved, fund to buy back land for parks when density increases, and once “greened”, no longer available to build on.


Where I am we need density to increase in the populated areas, not to pave out the rest of the county, The plants and animals need space too.


Kind of. The squatters with no activity in the communities are annoying. The small niche ones that are just slow seem normal, not everything needs to be popular and busy.

what is a skill you wish you had, and why?

Ok, I might as well go first: I wish I could draw. Not at the level where I could make photorealistic portraits, but I’ve always been envious of those who are able to scetch something together in a few minutes that perfectly captures what they want to convey. Sometimes words aren’t enough to express what I want to say, and...


Juggling. I want to be able to juggle. Have tried so many times and failed so many times. No good reason, I just really want to be able to do it.

I’m quite willing to draw badly and sing badly, find those enjoyable even without talent. They seem like human things everyone does, and if I practice they get better. But for whatever reason, I am so jealous of those with reflexes that let them snatch balls out of the air, and haven’t been able to learn this. When I practice I don’t get better and it’s frustrating.

How will we ever get away from plastics when they are ubiquitous for safety

Plastic seals food, sterile medical implements, medicine, beverages, etc… it’s seems like plastic is used as a way to seal things safely. Post pandemic rising, I see even more. My work used to be have plastic utensils in the cafeteria, for example, an already wasteful thing. Now, post-2020, every fork, knife, and spoon is...


I don’t think individual shrink wrapping of utensils is a necessary use, every time I pull that thin plastic off something I think we are all going to hell.

But as others have noted, we don’t need to eliminate all use, we need to radically reduce use and find a technology to deal with the remaining amount.


All the cats we’ve had love nori.

Max, may he rest in peace, loved to share anything. He loved cooked collard greens, beans (especially garbanzo beans), potatoes, but would try anything and also always wanted us to try whatever he caught. (Yuck)

Forest, he loves all the usual cat stuff, fish and chicken and butter and cheese, nori, and also loves cooked greens.

The girl cats are/were less adventurous eaters, though good hunters and more playful. Both have only eaten cat food, tuna, nori. Disdain for anything unusual.

How do I cope with my father hating me?

My father, who convinced me (16 m) at the time to move in with him instead of my mother when they moved. All 3 of the other siblings stayed with my mother. He then kicked me out the week I turned 18, a week into my senior year. Since then he stays in touch only to speak with his grandchildren (now going on 4 kids). I have never...


Probably TMI but I wasn’t close with my mom, like the poster above she kicked me out when I finished high school at 17, I do understand, my dad had died and she had a lot to deal with, more younger kids at home.

I did not feel regret for not being closer when she died. It’s fine, we had what we could and she was close to my youngest sister, and I’ve been quite lucky in Mother-in-laws, mom of my ex and mom of my husband I am closer with. My mom I just would text on her birthday and mother’s day.

Don’t give what you can’t. Focus on your life and stay polite with her, and distant is fine. It’s not wrong to take care of your own life and it won’t keep you from being close with other people.


A house, because we were paying rent anyway. My car, it’s paid off now and I couldn’t have made as much $ without it.

But we are up to our eyeballs so it would have to be something incredible. A business with no possibility of failing, maybe.


When my dad made a book for me, he had me illustrate it. When I want cards for people I get the kids to illustrate it.

I think getting them together, telling the story, letting them draw them getting THAT bound and sending it to them would be better than ripping off an artist, the kids won’t mind artless illustration if they created it and the story will have somewhere to land since they will have heard it.


I’m older but no, no, no. Enjoying sex is important to me, and I think most people who enjoy sex got there with recreational sex. Both me & the husband had plenty of fun between relationships and both of us had had a 20 year monogamous run. Having sex with just one person is easier when you have the experience to know how good it is.


I wanna know who took the picture, though. Someone is on that same vertical wall wielding a camera?


Yes that sounds like a you problem, not a roommate problem. Like the above poster, I had roommates until I had a family, that’s pretty standard in all places/times, living alone is an unusual situation. Glad you are able to accommodate your needed living situation though, for sure.


The main problem we have here is the difference between mean and median income. The average (mean) is fine but not many actually make that. There’s a majority who are sort of poor or very poor, a smaller slice who are average and that’s reasonably well off (not in immediate danger of something dire happening) and a minority who are so fucking rich it skews the average.

All of this is exacerbated by the lack of social safety net here, we simply don’t do as much redistribution in the correct direction as most rich countries. So it’s harder to be poor here because they are preyed on rather than supported. In those shows you watched, you are correct, the stickiness of capital in the upper classes is the problem, not an overall lack of money.

It’s just not spread out right. Yes more should unionize and also we need more small to medium size businesses, more growth at the bottom to pull that money back and spread it out better.


My job suddenly got techier, which I enjoy more.

An owl moved into our block!


When the dish soap makes bubbles.



Bees, I love seeing bees.

I’m with you on bridges, will go at least slightly out of my way to drive over the Skyway just because it’s so gorgeous.


In short - about 4-5 hours over those two days, and none the rest of the week.

In long - It depends, daytime we just listen to music but Saturday and Sunday are the days I watch TV. If I have “a show” (like we recently finished Scavengers Reign) we watch a couple of those each night; otherwise maybe a movie or couple episodes of Clone Wars as we are watching those too.

I’m probably the least TV watching of the household, though.

ETA: I’m interpreting this question as ‘big screen’ time, not literal broadcast TV. I see someone else said none because they only do streaming? Yes we only do streaming, that is what I mean by TV watching.


I’m not hyper social - like at work there are people who only like to go get coffee WITH someone, I don’t even think about that, just go get coffee if I want it.

But I am comfortable with people and do like them & care about them, not a misanthrope. I think just because I am not usually alone, I like being alone. If I was usually alone, I’d want to hang out with people more.

Do I think we are a force for good in the world? No, I think collectively we are a big ol fuckup. But people can be so funny, so insightful, loving, helpful too. And I do think that over time we are improving, like two steps forward and one step backwards - the past was so violent, even in my lifetime my city has gotten much less violent. And we keep learning more about the world and universe.


“M’lady, may I gently suggest you trim the hedges of your nethers?”

Serious answer:

I was the lady in this situation.

Just say you’d love it if she trimmed tight or shaved. She can always say no, you aren’t attacking her, just expressing a preference. Same as if she said she’d love you to shave, right?


I was in that exact situation and got this one.

Tablet 10.1 inch Android 12 Tablet 2023 Latest Update Octa-Core Processor with 64GB Storage, Dual 13MP+5MP Camera, WiFi, Bluetooth, GPS, 512GB Expand Support, IPS Full HD Display (Black)

Battery life not great but it works for what I wanted it for.

how similar are other North American countries to USA??

I mean the other 2 countries, Canada and Mexico, how similar are both of them to United States?? Both countries have a similar economy and democracy etc, and I think those two countries share things like supermarkets, stores, etc. I suppose the cultural differences are not a lot, that is very nice.


I think yes we are all more similar than different but as you move north, there is less income inequality and better social services, less graft and corruption.

Supermarkets in the US are like nowhere else, they are incredible.


I don’t order restaurant food or fresh/frozen grocery for delivery, that’s about it really.

I do try to order from manufacturer websites when possible but on the occasions I have asked them, they say they make the same $ with Amazon fulfillment.

Lots of stuff I order online but pick up at store too. Meals, coffee, prescription drugs, wine & liquor.


Thank you for this insight. (Not being sarcastic, really thank you!)


Not all that every shower though. Ponytail or shower cap. I shower as you describe twice a week, yes, but also each evening just jump in and wash underarms, crotch, hands, feet, face. Yes lotion, night cream for face (Retin-A) deodorant and sleep. It’s relaxing and sheets stay nice, I wake up clean enough to just dress & go.

You don’t have to do your hair or shave every time you shower.


I think that a communal dish is the way to go. Those mussels in broth that you eat and dip bread in the liquid are great- something to do with your hands, one big bowl, and small bites so no cutting and long chewing.

Are you making the soup or eating out? If you are making it - sopa de tomate y frijoles is so much better than it should be, you just take an onion, few dried peppers (Ancho are good) can of pinto beans, can of tomatoes, broth of whatever variety. Soak peppers, blend everything including the raw onion, season, cook by simmering on the stove. Tastes even better if you then refrigerate and reheat it the next day. Toppings - crumbly cheese, tortilla chips, pumpkin seeds, sliced scallion greens, pickled jalapenos.


I love them!

Salad is the worst date food. I love salad but it’s awkward to eat.


I’m pretty sure for me it’s just that generational age differences squick me out, so when I was young, guys old enough to be my dad? EEW! But now it’s also guys young enough to be my kids, EEW!

I do also agree about the maturity level, but that’s not enough different between adults, a 35 year old can be about the same mental maturity as a 60 year old, I can talk so easily to my grown kids and their boyfriend/girlfriends/spouses, they are adults. But I literally don’t see people that age as sexy.


Lucid dreams? Generally I explore and try to stay lucid without waking up. It’s impossible to read in a dream, more than a sentence or so, and numbers don’t work either - that is actually one of the ways you can realize it’s a dream.

Floating is nice, but usually I try not to control much just explore. It’s really nice to just be somewhere other than real life.

One time I did try to meditate while lucid dreaming and it scared the living hell out of me, felt like if I let go of “self” while in the dream I’d lose everything that is me, or just die.

Absolute dream slut too, cannot believe so few here say (admit?) they are doing that.


Nightmares for me have absolutely nothing to do with the content of the dream. Like, I could be in am absolutely normal scene, say a park or shop or hotel but it’s ominous as fuck and I am utterly terrified. Sometimes my mind will then throw scary content at me, but not always. Other times there is objectively terrifying stuff going on but I am calm and serene and just face it, no feeling of fear at all.


If Khrungabin aren’t well known there is no justice in the universe. They are so good. They headlined a big festival here (one so expensive I didn’t go) and did those awesome collaborations with Leon Bridges so I thought they were famous?

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