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Tangential, I find the push to arm teachers so weird. I can only imagine the job offers. “Your job will require you to teach children, raise them and show kindness and compassion. Also you need to kill them if they start shooting.”


Soll mir recht sein. Mit Wagenknecht kann man reden. Mit Höcke nicht.


Klar ist ihr Standpunkt zu Putin scheiße. Aber sie wird ja eh nicht mit ihrer Partei stärkste Kraft, und bevor die Leute AfD wählen, die genauso welche Arschkriecher sind und dazu noch den ganzen anderen Müll, den die verzapfen wollen, hab ich Wagenknecht zehn mal lieber.

Die kann sich ja gerne so viel um eine diplomatische Lösung bemühen wie sie will, solange die Waffen weiter geliefert werden solange noch nichts unterschrieben ist, solls mir recht sein.


Wie lange hats bei der AfD gebraucht, bis die mal die aktuelle Stärke erreicht hat? Ich hoffe doch mal, dass in einem ähnlichen Zeitraum der Krieg dann schon gewonnen ist. Bzw. Bis dahin ist die Ukraine hoffentlich selbst in der Lage sich mit Waffen zu versorgen. Das klappt ja jetzt schon nicht richtig.


Ich würde Wagenknecht erst mal nicht als “anti-Ausländer” betiteln, eher als neutral. Sie ist sowohl für eine härtere Gangart gegenüber Asylbewerbern, aber auch gegen Obergrenzen und für eine Bekämpfung von Fluchtursachen. Und im Gegensatz zur AfD ist sie gegen Faschismus, gegen zu viel Reichtum und für eine Vermögensumverteilung. Außerdem ist sie zwar gegen mehr Kompetenzbündelung in der EU, aber nicht gegen die EU an sich.

kleinptr, to firefox
@kleinptr@mastodon.social avatar

Hi Firefox Team, what you would say to make an UI adjustments regarding the https://arc.net/ which becomes very popular :) it could be a great opportunity to get some Windows and Linux users back, since they released Mac only so far. Also it's based on Chromium and it seems it is not an open-source yet. cc @mozilla @firefox @FirefoxNightly


Interesting how Lemmy interprets mentions. I guess it wasn’t planned to have this show up in the Firefox Lemmy community, but the software decided differently.


Just goes to show that you can never trust anything to continue on on its own. If you don’t check for nefarious dealings, you can be sure that nefarious dealings are going on.


Noooooooo… The decision to get out of nuclear was made over ten years ago. It is done. The last three nuclear plants that shut down this and last year were not serviced, not licensed, had no fuel and no newly trained operators. Stop reviving this debate. What is the real crime here is that the conservative government did next to nothing to push renewables as an alternative. They were bought/lulled by cheap russian gas. Even now, conservative governments in the south and the east of the country refuse to build up renewable energy production for purely ideological reasons. Even if those decisions hurt their own economy.

The shapeshifting crypto wars: child sexual abuse and exploitation online is a serious issue, targeting end-to-end encryption is not the solution, scientist says (web.archive.org)

In an essay on the current justification for authorities in the EU and around the globe seeking to break end-to-end-encryption to fight child sexual abuse and exploitation, researcher Susan Landau discusses the issue in historical context, and explains why breaking encryption leads us in the wrong direction....


Now with the Gaza conflict, you can bet that ‘terrorists’ will become a prime scapegoat for those kinds of laws again.


Same thing for me. Fallout 4 must be the Bethesda game I spent the most time with.


Wer hätte bloß damit rechnen können? Ach ja, Jeder, der Ahnung von Cybersicherheit hat.


It’s so funny, every political commentator I listen to keeps repeating that pandering to AfD demands will only help the AfD and not the other parties, yet they all keep doing it.


In theory at least, online services would be more safe than a locally decrypted vault. If your computer is compromised, the bad actors can pull your encrypted vault for an unlimited brute force attack. Of course, this can be mitigated by increasing the decryption time. However, if your vault is already decrypted, then bad actors can just pull all your password from your memory.

I, for one, am decrypting my vault once when I start my PC. In theory, if I were to use an online solution, bad actors wouldn’t be able to pull my vault from memory.


Da hätte ich dann gerne die Statistik weiter aufgebrochen. Ausbildungsgrad, Ehtnische Zugehörigkeit, Wohnumfeld, Religiösitat, Einkommen, usw. Wenn man wissen will, was falsch läuft, dann muss man erst Zusammenhänge erkennen können.


Aber das doch gerade das Problem. Wenn jeder wissen würde, dass die Vermögensungleichheit der größte Blocker ist, dann würden alle die Linke wählen. Aber zumindest die verlinkte Studie zeigt ja, dass die Leute sich eher wieder “gesellschaftlichen Zusammenhalt” unter einem Diktator wünschen.


Das versteh ich an den Linken und Co nicht. Warum sich die Mitte und die Rechten Mitte über so unwichtige Themen, wie Namen für Produkte vergraulen, wenn andere Probleme, für die man diese Leute noch gewinnen könnte, so viel wichtiger sind. Lass die Leute halt weiter “Negerküsse” sagen, wenn sie dann zumindest nicht als “Schreckreaktion” auf Grüne oder linkere Parteien, erstmal CxU oder weiter rechts wählen.

Quacksalber, (edited )

Aber trotzdem ist es ja einer der bekanntesten Sprüche gegen Links. Man verbrät sich die Tolleranz der Leute, die solche Sprüche raushauen, an solchen Themen, bevor man überhaupt die Worte “Energiewende”, “öffentliche Verkehrsmittel” oder “Reichensteuer” in den Mund genommen hat.

Und es geht ja dabei weniger um wirkliche Verbote, als das Gefühl der Gemeinsamkeit. Für diese Leute war “Negerkuss” ein normales Wort, dann wurde der Name geändert, weil er ja rassistisch sei. Diese Leute interpretieren diese Änderung dann so, dass wenn sie vorher nie etwas falsch mit dem Begriff “Negerkuss” gesehen haben, dass sie dann Teil des Problems sind und abgestraft gehören. Das Gefühl der Gemeinsamkeit zerbricht damm für diese Leute und sie sehnen sich zusehnst nach einem starken Mann, der “den Linken die Flausen aus dem Kopf prügelt” und das Gemeinschaftsgefühl wieder herstellt.


Heute scheint es leider mal wieder so.


Gut so. Es wurde Raub am Staat begangen und ganz offensichtlich hatten die Räuber Hilfe von innen.


Wir bauen einfach eine Pipeline, vom Meer bis in die Alpen. Das kann doch nicht so kompliziert sein!


Kein Wunder, wenn der rechte Rand es schafft, alles was falsch läuft auf die Grünen abzuwälzen.


Wenn man Halbwahrheiten und Falschmeldungen verbreitet, um die Grünen schlecht da stehen zu lassen, dann gehört man zum rechten Rand für mich.


Awww, is locking up people holding up blank pieces of paper getting to them?


Ich frage mich, was sich die Bewohner Korsika genau erhoffen durch mehr Autonomie. Im Artikel selber wurden nur hohe Immobilienpreise und schlechte Abdeckung durch Kliniken erwähnt. Die Gründe sind ja allein jetzt wenig Grund sich deswegen von Frankreich loszusagen.


Für mich macht es halt evolutionär gesehen Sinn, dass man gerade bei der Treue so hinterher ist. Wenn die Ehefrau fremd geht, dann zieht man als Mann am Ende das Kind eines Anderen groß. Wenn der Ehemann fremd geht, dann verliert man als Frau potentiell die Unterstützung bei der Erziehung der Kinder. Beides kann sehr schnell dazu führen, dass man seinem evolutionären Imperativ, sich fortzupflanzen, nicht nachkommen kann.

All die Anderen von dir genannten Beispiele sind viel diffuser in ihrer Auswirkung auf das eigene evolutionäre Imperativ.


My dude, they were “CEO” of a startup. The company is so small, they don’t even have a wikipedia page.

(Partial rant) Why are gaming communities for multiplayer games so often filled with toxicity? Why aren't game developers doing more to stop this?

There are plenty of multiplayer games I adore. However, it seems like every community has these “brain dead”, patronizing, or out right toxic elements that are just nasty. I’d rather debate politics than make suggestions in some gaming communities because the responses are just so … annoying....

Quacksalber, (edited )

Competitive games never foster a friendly community, as players, by design, compete against one another, rather than working together. Trying to force a spirit of sportsmanship onto those communities is bound to fail.


I don’t understand why the EU is not renewing the grain deal. While the right-wing PiS(s) party is completely overreacting, they do have a point. Cheap Ukrainian grain would flood the EU and destroy grain prices the already heavily subsidised farmers in the EU rely on. Not to mention that this cheap grain wouldn’t reach 3rd world countries then. I haven’t heard any argument at all why the EU grain deal couldn’t or shouldn’t be continued.


Ich bin da pragmatischer. Die Flüchtlingspolitik ist ein EU Thema und so ziemlich jedes andere Land in der EU sieht Flüchtlinge noch kritischer als Deutschland und selbst hier ist das Thema extrem unbeliebt. Wenn die Grünen beim Thema Flüchtlinge einknicken, dann sind die in anderen Bereichen immer noch besser als andere mögliche Regierungsparteien.

Das ist das, was ich an den Linken immer kritisiere. Die setzen sich immer fantastische Ziele, die aber für zu viele Menschen unwählbar sind. Damit verbauen sich die Linken dann jede Hoffnung auf Regierungsbeteiligung und können am Ende keine ihrer Ziele in die Tat umsetzen.

TIL In the Hot Coffee lawsuit against McDonalds,punitive damages were given due to McDonalds intentionally overheating coffee to save money on refills (www.poolelg.com)

During the trial it was revealed that McDonald’s knew that heating their coffee to this temperature would be dangerous, but they did it anyways because it would save them money. When you serve coffee that is too hot to drink, it will take much longer for a person to drink their coffee, which means that McDonald’s will not...


This has little to do with capitalism, capitalism doesn’t dictate that the more powerful smear the weaker into submission and autocracies around the world show that it doesn’t need capitalism for the powerful to suppress the weak. This was a failure of the justice system. They could’ve ordered McDonalds to spend as much money as they spent on smearing the lady to fully admit guilt and apologize. It is the justice system that failed.


Capitalism opens an avenue for greed to be used for the benefit of the many, whereas any other form of resource distribution has no place for greed and as such no place for the greedy. At that point it becomes the same kind of discussion as the prohibition discussion. Do you ban it or do you allow and regulate it. Banning greed won’t make it go away, it will only force it into hiding and to undermine the current system. Capitalism forces greed to the surface, at which point people can have a discussion about how much greed should be permitted.


And what makes capitalism superior to any other form of resource distribution that humanity has tried so far is not that it does or doesn’t allow greed, but it lets the greedy use their greed in a way that has at least the potential to benefit the many. And by having a legal avenue for greed to be used, capitalism forces greed to the surface and makes it legal for everyone to discuss.


Capitalism didn’t screw up the justice system, the justice system failed to be impartial. It failed just as much in the USSR. Western european nations also have capitalism and they are far better off than the US is. It is not capitalism that is to blame that bribery is all but legal in the US.


And that still has nothing to do with capitalism. Unjustly exerting power happens under any system. It’s the justice system that allowed for this exertion of power to occur, if you want to blame anything, blame the weak laws protecting individuals against smear campaigns.


You are missing the point. EU countries also have capitalism and they are far better off. It’s not capitalism that sets taxation laws or anti-trust laws, those are what has failed in the US. In the EU, while not perfect, those types of laws are more rigorous and in turn those countries suffer less from corruption and injustice.


Wow, that’s some impressive horse shit! The very nature of greed means that it will always benefit the few over the many and the nature of capitalism is that greed is elevated to a virtue, inevitably hurting the many to serve the few rich and powerful.

Under capitalism, a greedy person can sate their greed by offering up something many people are willing to pay for. Elon Musk is a shit human being, but his companies revolutionized the EV market, the commercial rocket launch provider market and Star Link now allows for internet access anywhere. Capitalism has turned his greed, at least in part, into a benefit many can profit from. Similarly, with Elon now tanking Twitter, BluSky, Threads and Mastodon can compete for users that have stopped using Twitter.

First of all, that’s false. Pretty much every centrist and right wing structure of government centers the individual and thus caters to the greed of the individual over the needs of the many.

I was talking about systems of resource distribution, the government concerns itself with the judicial system.

Sure, but just like the other vices I just mentioned, discouraging it and making it disadvantageous to act in a greedy manner will suppress and lessen its impact on society.

Just like the prohibition lessened the impact of alcohol on society? Just like the war against drugs lessened the impact of drugs on society? Just like, as evangelicals would claim it, banning contraception and abortions lessens, in their eyes, the negative impact on society. Historically, the greedy have been, through corruption and the like, just as damaging to society as they have been now.

Yeah, that’s the same thing people said about right wing extremists when Trump emboldened them and look how that turned out…

With a bunch of them in jail and with Trump weakening the republican party for years?

Bottom line is that capitalism directly encourages greed and in doing so indirectly encourages cruel indifference towards the lives, health and happiness of anyone who stand in the way of greedy people and corporations. This lawsuit is 100% a symptom of how capitalism hurts people.

Capitalism isn’t to blame for the suffering of the ones standing in the way of the big players, western european nations show that quite clearly. While not perfect, they have much stronger protections for the powerless against the powerful, yet they also employ capitalism. This lawsuit is a failure of the judicial system, it wouldn’t have happened in a country with stronger laws against abuse.


Of course it needs laws to curtail the worst of the impacts capitalism has. Capitalism is a system that distributes a finite amount of resources between demand that outstrips supply. It doesn’t concern itself dishonest actors, that is what the judicial system is for. McDonalds was such a dishonest actor and that they got away with it is a failure of the judicial system.


I just love the irony.

We are anti-imperialists!

China is the bestest country on earth! Allowing Winnie the Xi to install himself as a life-long leader is democratic, because clearly everyone likes him so much that it would be unfair to deprive them of his leadership!


Also, release the physical copy assholes… You did it in Japan, why is US consumer getting treated like second class gamer?

Japanese people by and large demand physical media. In the US, developers have figured that they don’t lose a meaningful amount of money by only providing digital downloads. The typical US customer doesn’t care enough.


The (apptly named) PiS party is in power. They are conservative, isolationists, hyper-religious wanna-be dictators. They neither understand, nor care about how unrealistic their goals are.


What am I seeing here? Two Ukrainians with blue helmet markings handling surrendering Russian soldiers, when a russian artillery shell hits?


It certainly made it more deadly. I wouldn’t try to run away if this ran towards me.


Say NO to centralized source management platforms

True, maybe, but in this case entirely pointless. If Unity didn’t host their repo on git, they would’ve hosted it on their own solution. They would’ve been able to delete the repo just the same. Furthermore, if they hosted the solution on their own, it would’ve made it harder for others to mirror the repo. At least harder as git makes it.


Tinfoil is absolutely enough protection against radiation, now go out there and stabilize the reactor!


Nope, in order to not overload lemmy servers, the lemmy software does not federate pre-(re)federation content. That is one reason why I find it a bit ridiculous to wield the biggest stick you have, defederation, so freely.

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