@Pyroglyph@lemmy.world avatar


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@Pyroglyph@lemmy.world avatar

I’m going to go with a slightly unorthodox answer. Phones.

You don’t need a new phone every year. You don’t need a new phone every two years. You don’t even need a phone every three years. Your old Galaxy S7 or iPhone 6 still works. Don’t waste your money keeping up with the latest phone. So what if it has a slightly better camera? What are you taking pictures of? What does it really do that your old phone doesn’t?
Once you properly consider everything you realise that you only really need to upgrade your phone every 4-5 years minimum. Many will last much longer.

@Pyroglyph@lemmy.world avatar

I feel a similar way. My original comment was about people who get a new phone every year because they want the latest thing just because it’s fancy and new, and how it’s entirely possible (and much more financially logical) to use your current device until it no longer serves your needs. I however neglected to mention the people in the middle, which is where you, I, and many others currently sit. We are in the fortunate position to be able to buy a new phone every few years because we want to, not because we’re under the impression that we need to.

This is arguably the best position to be in, but I may be biased :)

@Pyroglyph@lemmy.world avatar

I was more referring to people who buy a new iPhone every year. If your phone does what you need it to do and you replace it when it no longer does that, I think that’s the perfect way :)

@Pyroglyph@lemmy.world avatar

Depending on the popularity of the model, you may continue to get updates through third party efforts such as LineageOS or PostmarketOS.

@Pyroglyph@lemmy.world avatar

Just like a business that’s finally “upgrading” to Windows 7 after being on XP for 10+ years!

@Pyroglyph@lemmy.world avatar

Out of curiosity, what makes you buy another phone instead of buying some entry level photography gear which will undoubtedly give better than a tiny phone sensor?

Is it just the whole “point-and-shoot” thing? Or is it something deeper than that?

@Pyroglyph@lemmy.world avatar

I’ll try and clarify what I originally meant: I think buying a new phone every few years only for the sake of having a new phone is silly. In my eyes, if your current phone serves your needs then you probably should not buy a new one until that phone no longer does what you need it to do.

However, if you want to buy a new phone but do not need to, that’s fine as long as you are aware of that. The difference lies in the knowledge of necessity.

If, for whatever reason, you need your phone to be up-to-date (e.g. you are a phone reviewer) then that’s understandable. Otherwise, buying a new one is a bit silly.

I hope that helps?

@Pyroglyph@lemmy.world avatar

It’s some people’s jobs to create/recreate and record those sounds for TV, games, and other media. I believe they’re called foley artists.

@Pyroglyph@lemmy.world avatar

Interstellar is one of my favourite movies, yet I can definitely say it’s not perfect. Hell, it’s got a few massive plot holes and the ending leaves a lot to be desired. Saying that, I still enjoyed it. I love the visuals, the BTS stuff is interesting, but most of all it made me feel. That’s what I value in media. Other people may value a coherent plot, historical accuracy, or a myriad of other things. We all like/dislike things for different reasons, and that’s okay.

I also agree that TARS was very cool.

@Pyroglyph@lemmy.world avatar

Last I checked, almost none. They provide a JS API for common functions, so as long as you’re keeping things relatively simple you might not have to touch much Rust at all.

@Pyroglyph@lemmy.world avatar

I’ve never seen a microwave with levels before, is it a fancy one or are they just not popular in the UK?

@Pyroglyph@lemmy.world avatar

The problem is that it’s completely nonstandardized

We have a similar problem in that I’ve seen microwaves that run anywhere between 800-1000W so microwave instructions on certain food items will often be useless. Though I have seen a few that specify the microwave wattage as well as the length, so you can just adjust the time in your head if you need to.

@Pyroglyph@lemmy.world avatar

I always thought the socks at Christmas thing was a meme, but here we both are in need of nicer socks.

@Pyroglyph@lemmy.world avatar

I’m lucky enough to earn a comfortable wage so I tend to buy things that I want throughout the year.

Many people in my position seem to only want things that unfortunately cannot be gifted. More hours in the day. Less suffering in the world. More time with loved ones. Less global disarray.


@Pyroglyph@lemmy.world avatar

The implication was that it was to spend more time with loved ones after it’s already too late.

@Pyroglyph@lemmy.world avatar

If you want a comfortable experience moving away from Windows, I recommend Zorin. It feels somewhat similar so you should feel at home.

@Pyroglyph@lemmy.world avatar

I’m not wearing anything, so I assume the universe throws a NullPointerException and everything blinks out of existence?

@Pyroglyph@lemmy.world avatar

Most of these make sense but the Applebee’s one isn’t really on your shitlist. From what you’ve said you just seem indifferent to it, much like you’d be indifferent to any other store you have no interest in.

@Pyroglyph@lemmy.world avatar


Years ago they ran a competition along with their “GoodWeird” campaign. I got high enough on the leaderboard of their little web game to win a (substantial) prize yet they refused to ever respond to me.

I don’t care if ThinkPads are good, fuck them. Especially fuck their marketing team.

What inconsequential or surprisingly good thing can I get from Aliexpress?

Im curious as I usually use the site very occasionally to get certain electronic parts or order from PCBway like I just picked up some cheap but infinitely better than stock gps antennas for my LoRa T beams and im about to get a set of also still cheap but much better than stock 915mhz antennas but i kinda wanna throw some other...

@Pyroglyph@lemmy.world avatar

I’ve heard many people rave about the Moondrop Chu’s. Even Crinacle likes them! Also I’ve ordered myself a pair for ~£15 as an early Christmas present :)

@Pyroglyph@lemmy.world avatar

Saying a cool line while defending from a home invader.

I live in the UK so having a gun is out of the question. The closest thing I could get to a defense weapon is either a kitchen knife or a golf club so I’d really like to make a pun involving whatever I’m using while defending my home.

It may sound kinda dumb, but I think it would make for a funny story!

@Pyroglyph@lemmy.world avatar

You’ve said the word “lottery”. I am now obligated to mention that one thread where someone details exactly why you shouldn’t win the lottery, and what to do in the unfortunate event that you do.

Sorry for linking to the hard-r.

@Pyroglyph@lemmy.world avatar

I heard about a guy who got a custom license plate of “NULL” and he ended up getting assigned a ton of parking/speeding tickets for every case where the ANPR system failed to read the plates.

@Pyroglyph@lemmy.world avatar

Thai yellow curry. It BANGS. I’ll always forget when our family next orders Thai, and one particular person will always get yellow curry, and I always think “I remember thinking that was okay” and so I try a bit of theirs and it always tastes 10x better than I remembered it. Amazing every time.

@Pyroglyph@lemmy.world avatar

Supporting your position through things created in your brain is called “explaining yourself”, or more specifically “explaining the rationale behind your position”.

Did you think you were being clever?

@Pyroglyph@lemmy.world avatar

I literally has this exact conversation back when I saw this on Reddit.

“History always repeats itself” or something.

@Pyroglyph@lemmy.world avatar

Exactly the same way. Sauce and source are the same for us in England.

So to us, it’s like OP is saying “criss cross apple source”, which just sounds silly.

@Pyroglyph@lemmy.world avatar

I thought about this a little and I agree that I don’t think there’s any English words other than “because” that have the ɒ sound for “au”. They’re basically all ɔː.

You can look up the pronunciations for those symbols by searching for “IPA English”. It helps for describing vocal sounds.

@Pyroglyph@lemmy.world avatar

I can’t believe nobody’s said this yet:

Intelligence is knowing that tomato is a fruit.
Wisdom is knowing not to put it in a fruit salad.

@Pyroglyph@lemmy.world avatar

It’s likely hosted in China, so I’m not surprised.

projectmoon, to microblogmemes
@projectmoon@fosstodon.org avatar

"What if everything was X?" but with computers


@Pyroglyph@lemmy.world avatar

It’s true!

Node: What if everything was JavaScript?
Rust: What if everything was safe?
Lisp: What if everything was parenthesised?
React: What if everything was hell?
Malbolge: What if everything was unreadable?
VB6: What if everything was shit?

Actually, I think that last one applies to more than just VB6…

@Pyroglyph@lemmy.world avatar

I really want to like Podman Compose but since the very beginning it’s been noticeably tougher to work with than Docker Compose. I get that it’s because it’s just an extra script rather than a first party tool, but still.

@Pyroglyph@lemmy.world avatar

It’s entirely possible they used Stable Diffusion locally, which means anything goes as long as it’s legal and is not harmful to any individuals.

Are phone notification LEDs still a thing?

Looking at all the features that older phones uses to have compared to newer ones, I never hear anyone talk about the removal of the notification LED. I personally really liked that feature, being able to see if I got an email, a text or missed a call without turning on my phone was awesome. My Samsung note 8 had this feature,...

@Pyroglyph@lemmy.world avatar

The Sony Xperia IV series came out late 2022 and that still has a notification LED and a 3.5mm jack. The newer Xperia V series removed the LED but still has the jack.

@Pyroglyph@lemmy.world avatar

There’s an argument to be made here that you shouldn’t be using vulgar language when you know it’ll be flagged. Just rephrase what you were saying. And if you feel you need to be vulgar in a place where it’s not welcomed, it’s probably not worth saying anyway.

@Pyroglyph@lemmy.world avatar

If you wish to speak freely then do so. Don’t censor yourself. Say what you want to say either with vulgarity or without. Don’t pussyfoot around it by removing letters. Have some self-respect and either commit to saying it or rephrase.

Could we use AI to update 4:3 media to 16:9?

I’ve been re-watching star trek voyager recently, and I’ve heard when filming, they didn’t clear the wide angle of filming equipment, so it’s not as simple as just going back to the original film. With the advancement of AI, is it only a matter of time until older programs like this are released with more updated...

@Pyroglyph@lemmy.world avatar

I remember watching a great video about why this isn’t a good idea.

Here it is.

@Pyroglyph@lemmy.world avatar

I was more referring to how changing aspect ratios is a bad idea, not that using AI to do it would be a bad idea.

Google app being flagged as a virus by Huawei phones (stackdiary.com)

I’m seeing a lot of reports from users of Huawei and Honor devices have reported that their phones are incorrectly identifying Google apps as Trojan malware, specifically labeled as TrojanSMS-PA. According to the alert, this “malicious software” has the ability to send SMS messages without user consent.

@Pyroglyph@lemmy.world avatar

Sundar wants them feet pics

@Pyroglyph@lemmy.world avatar

It might feel that way, but people switch from one platform the other all the time.

It’s not impossible, just inconvenient. People nowadays often seem to conflate the two.

@Pyroglyph@lemmy.world avatar

Governments like the UK that insist prohition is a better alternative to harm reduction but continue to profit from poisons like alcohol.

How does one boycott the government? Would I cut up my ID and declare myself a sovereign citizen? As much as I agree with the sentiment, I don’t think it’s as easy as that haha

@Pyroglyph@lemmy.world avatar

Perhaps a paper hilt. It’ll trick some people into thinking it’s safer but as soon as you begin using it you realise it still has all the same problems as before.

@Pyroglyph@lemmy.world avatar

Statopter doesn’t sound too bad either. It also implies more heavily that static has something to do with the lift, rather than electricity alone.

Edit: Wait, no, it’d be Statipter. I hate that. Yours was better.

@Pyroglyph@lemmy.world avatar

As far as I’m aware, an actual disagreement can only really occur in one place - opinions. I’ll explain what I mean, and I’m happy to be corrected on this if you disagree :)

A: “I think Pizza is the best Italian food, hands down. It tastes so good!”
B: “No way, I think pasta is better because it has way more variety.” This

Here, A and B disagree because they value different things about the food, and both arguments are valid. I assume this is what the comic is referring to.

Now consider this other example:

X: “The Earth is flat because I can’t see any curvature and this ball doesn’t roll away when I put it on the floor.”
Y: “The Earth is round because we’ve been up high on mountains and in planes and seen the curvature. Plus, many aspects of physics simply wouldn’t work if that were true, like the day/night cycle.”

Here, X has come to the wrong conclusion either by misinformation or just on their own, and while they believe themselves to be correct, they are not. On the surface it may seem like a disagreement, but the two sides are not equal, as only one side actually is actually correct. As long as X keeps an open mind and is willing to correct their view, there should be no problem, and they will have learned something new.

The problem arises when people refuse to argue their point in good faith and resort to other tricks/fallacies to appear right, even when they’re not. Using the example I gave, X could purposefully conflate fact and opinion by saying “let’s agree to disagree”, downplaying the correct argument as a mere opinion despite it being provably true.

Some might think I’m arguing semantics here, and that both situations could be classed as disagreements. Let me explain. The dictionary definition of “agree” is to have a positive opinion of something/someone. Opinions are therefore an integral part of agreement (and conversely, disagreement). knowing that, and knowing that facts are objective, the logical conclusion is that disagreement and facts are fundamentally incompatible. Following this logic, you cannot disagree with something that is objectively true.

I’ll leave you with this:

X: “The sky is green.”
Y: “No it’s not. Look up, it’s blue.”
X: “Well that’s just your opinion. Let’s agree to disagree.”

@Pyroglyph@lemmy.world avatar

Some software unfortunately requires it. Yes, Wine/Proton exists, but it doesn’t fix everything.

Pyroglyph, (edited )
@Pyroglyph@lemmy.world avatar

Yes, not everything needs to work. But everyone needs the things they want to work, if that makes sense. In other words: everyone has different requirements.

I require SteamVR to run acceptably in order to play VR games on my main computer. I have yet to find a distro that satisfies this requirement, so I must use Windows since it is the only thing that works for that use case.
Conversely, I do not require VR support on my laptop. Everything I want to do with my laptop can be done to an acceptable level with Linux, so I run Linux on my laptop. Simple.

@Pyroglyph@lemmy.world avatar

I was only referring to the “film horizontally” part, which is what the original comment (that I thought was a joke) was referring to.

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