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Tools to archive GameFAQs HTML guides?

So with the ever increasing news that GameFAQs is getting full fandom’d, I figured I would grab some of the more useful guides for when I want to play a “retro” game or just 100% a LAD. From quick research, it looks like the txt guides are more than covered but the HTML ones are still kind of in a void....

Puzzle_Sluts_4Ever, (edited )

A few years back, CBS sold CNET (CNET, Gamespot, GameFAQs, Giant Bomb, and probably one or two others) to Red Ventures who then sold basically everything but CNET proper to Fandom. If people aren’t aware of what Fandom is, just go to basically any video game wiki and see how many pop ups you need to close just to see some misinformation.

Anywho, Fandom have a decent record of killing every property they buy in the interest of monetization. And they can do that because they buy EVERYTHING. And as of a few days ago, one of the long standing admins at GameFAQs announced they were stepping down. Which… suggests Fandom realized they own GameFAQs and are likely about to start gutting it to add as many ads and autoplay twitch pages as possible.


Looked at that. Seems like it would have worked back back when ?single=1 didn’t break all images. But since the guides are broken up into multiple pages, the automated scraping tends to lose its mind because it will try to get the entire site. Rather than a subset of pages.

Thanks though


Honestly? Yeah.

I love The Internet Archive and throw a few bucks at them every couple months. So much lost media and software is ACTUALLY preserved by them* and this is increasingly important as more and more chuds attack libraries.

But… it is pretty fucked that I can grab every 3ds and ps2 game in existence without seeing a single shitty pop-up and even a decent number of newer games.

Out of print and “disney vaulted” content is a mess. And I understand why, legally, IA might not want to make the distinction. But we already have the solution for in print media that better maps to the actual library model. Buy copies/licenses and use DRM to control the number in circulation. Might have some massive wait queues but that can be solved by “outreach”.

*: As an aside, fuck abandonware sites with a rusty metal pole. Loved how the vast majority went from “It is important to preserve these games you can’t otherwise buy” to “fuck it, upload ALL the gog installers” overnight

More Americans support striking auto workers than car companies, an AP-NORC poll shows (apnews.com)

A majority of Americans support higher pay for auto workers who are on strike against Detroit’s Big Three carmakers, although approval of the workers’ other demands is more mixed, according to a poll from The Associated Press-NORC Center for Public Affairs Research....


I want to believe but…

The reason why SAG and the WGA got such strong support is that they largely used social media to build up support. Folk like Adam Conniver were actively doing the rounds on a LOT of media (and gaming) podcasts to explain what was going on and why the gang were going to play KOTOR instead of continuing to watch Star Wars and so forth. And I am sure stuff like the Always Sunny podcast and Scrubs re-watch had similar messages from the actors who hosted it. Which is in stark contrast to the last round where it was “Well, Lost and Breaking Bad are never coming back”

For the auto workers? I wonder how much of that is support versus apathy and general disdain for c-suites. Like, I support the auto workers. I also am under no illusions that their strike has any meaningful impact on me since I am not buying a new car until at least next year (when the EVs I want are native NACS and have rear window wipers).

Puzzle_Sluts_4Ever, (edited )

No, you very much do need public support.

Because studios and automakers have deep pockets and can weather a storm. Whereas workers and the actors not getting paid tom cruise money more or less can’t. Which is where donations to fund, helping out with food at the picket line, etc help. It stretches the union’s coffers a lot.

But also? Public backlash was a big factor for the last rounds of hollywood strikes. Some of it was people getting pissed off their shows weren’t on. But it was also acceptance of an environment where the scabs (sanctioned and unsanctioned) made off like gangsters.

As much as I love Conan’s work, a lot of his massive popularity boost was how he handled being contractually obligated to put on a show. I think he and Letterman handled it well (Leno was a disphit as always), but they definitely benefited.

But also? joss whedon and other creators who found “loopholes” similarly benefited. For crying out loud, a shitty, rather creepy, musical about fridging a girl on youtube was the most popular thing on the planet for a month or so.

And both of those eroded support within the union. Because, is it REALLY worth fighting a bit longer when someone else is getting set up for life by getting their scab on? And there were no negative repercussions.

Which is why SAG/WGA, through social media, went scorched earth on people like Stephen Amell and Drew Barrymore.

And this is true for all strikes. If your local starbucks is striking and everyone is getting pissed off they can’t get their coffee or angry that the sidewalk is blocked? That makes it clear to management that they can wait it out and will likely see a burst in customer traffic when it is over.


Short version: This is the same bullshit that is spewed every time something new comes out. If you ever heard that your calculator will prevent you from being able to do math or your IDE will prevent you from knowing how to write a function signature and so forth, it is that all over again.

And the reality is? Maybe it will. But that is progress. I doubt most people know how to make butter or can preserves. And they don’t need to be cause technology has reached the point that that is an unnecessary skill.


Degrees versus radians. Not checking imperial versus metric units when you enter stuff. Button gets stuck. And so forth

Like with anything, you need to be able to glance at the output and say “that looks right”

Puzzle_Sluts_4Ever, (edited )

It really isn’t. Well, okay, it actually is, but that more speaks to how pointless this issue was.

Much like with “We can’t have online activation DRM, that isn’t steam, because people are active duty military who are overseas!”: Yes, there are people who are going to be negatively impacted by this. But they are very over emphasized and mostly used as a tool for those with other grievances.

Because if you have an emergency hidden phone? You turn that shit off when you aren’t using it. You want to make sure the battery is still charged when you need it and you can’t really leave it plugged in and go to sleep. Same with worries about low battery alerts, amber alerts, etc. Or even just it vibrating and making noise if a telemarketer calls.


Your goal should not be to buy a hybrid or to “upgrade” to a hybrid. At this point, anyone buying a new vehicle should either be sticking to ICE or going full BEV. Anything else is. generally, a waste of money and tradeoffs.

But the point of this is more to extend the life of existing vehicles. That beater Camry that you have been driving for ten years? For a couple grand you can help the environment and probably make that back in gas over a few years if you mostly drive city.

You definitely lose out. Your trunk space is likely to shrink considerably (since even a 100 km battery is going to have some heft) and your overall gas mileage likely will go down when in ICE mode because of the weight of everything. But, again, if you are mostly commuting to work with a lot of stop and go traffic, it is a good upgrade to consider.

Puzzle_Sluts_4Ever, (edited )

That’s for you to decide. But the environmental impact of batteries is drastically reduced if you actually recycle them and so forth.

As for cost effectiveness?

Quick google of a poorly documented site that looks “about right” says the average price of a gallon of gasoline was 7.079 Australian dollars and 4.459 USD, respectively. Normalizing, that is 4.54 and 4.459 USD. And it gets a lot higher in other countries, but those seem the two pertinent to this discussion. www.globalpetrolprices.com/…/gasoline_prices/

So doing a bit of math:

X city miles / N city Miles Per Gallon * 4.5 USD per gallon = M dollars per retrofit

So get the price of the retrofit, your average city (stop and go) miles per gallon, and figure out if you are likely to travel that distance. Because the effectiveness of a hybrid drops drastically for extended highway (although 100 kilometers is a decent charge size), whereas they use trace amounts of gas during stop and go city driving.

But also, like with anything, it is a bit of a gamble. Do you think gas prices will go up or down? Do you expect to continue driving your current route? And so forth.

Also, that rough equation assumes inflation will increase (because it always will) and attributes cost of charging at night as well as lack of perfect efficiency in regenerative braking to that.


Sounds about right.

Got my shots last weekend. While I was queued (until an hour and a half after my scheduled appointment), the one pharmacist on staff was constantly having to bounce between administering vaccinations, helping people find out their medical histories, fixing the screw ups of the people “helping”, filling prescriptions of people who were getting increasingly angry, and even having to repeatedly explain to someone why “I am a and changed my sex three times in the past year and that is why I need the oxy prescriptions for these three people and have no ID cards” is not a valid excuse and that said customer needed to work with their doctor to get all those opiates under one name.

Pharmacist was completely ragged by the time it was my turn. Slipped him the cash I had in my wallet as a “Hey, thanks for putting up with this shit” but he was making it very clear he was just about done with all this. And even pointed out how most people he knows going to school actively refuse to work for a retail pharmacy at this point.

Puzzle_Sluts_4Ever, (edited )

The contrast is largely meaningless?

Let’s say every pharmacist got 100k a year. That is 15 pharmacists. For 9000 stores.

I get that everyone likes to point out how insane CEO salaries are. But… that is a pretty low CEO salary and it would not solve this problem even if they took nothing.

So… congratulations. You somehow argued that the walgreen’s CEO is underpaid?


And I don’t disagree with that.

But 20 million / 100 k/year is 200. That is 200 more pharmacists to cover 9000 stores.

It is a completely irrelevant discussion to the topic at hand.

Puzzle_Sluts_4Ever, (edited )

Yeah. I will always hate USB A and went a bit overboard on switching as much as possible to USB C the moment it was even kind of viable.

But… if USB A is the “This marvel movie is the worst movie ever made” of complaining, people would lose their god damned minds if they ever had to deal with ps/2 (a direct to dvd movie starring mel gibson) or some of the serial style plugs that were rectangular instead of trapezoidal and had asymmetrical pins (a recording of an improv group)


Asymmetry for ergonomics in these cases is very overrated.

Try to unplug and replug monitor or tv cables while reaching around behind. Even the big chonky power cable starts gettng usb a properties as it takes two rotations to get it to fit.

Puzzle_Sluts_4Ever, (edited )

More “retro hardware” enthusiasts.

From a keyboard perspective? Cherry Blues are too mainstream. Everyone now needs one of those god awful ibm keyboards from the 70s (?). Because how can you type a screenplay if people in the Starbucks three towns over can’t hear you?

But that has mostly manifested as switch modding and new designs. Because ergonomics and layout matter a lot too. I mean. how can you get anything done if you aren’t rocking at least TKL?

But there are people who have access to older hardware. Either because they had it in the basement for 30 years or because they got gouged on ebay. But the USB->PS/2 adapters have been on the market basically forever. Not in huge quantities but they are also dirt cheap to make so more or less any store that sells “electronics” has a few collecting dust.

But it also more or less has the same problem facing “retro” consoles. Old “indestructible” NESes are… mostly dead. It is increasingly hard to find working models and a lot of those end up getting torn apart for parts. It is why we are seeing a growing acceptance of emulator runs in the speedrun community and a push to “vet” the FPGA solutions.

And same with the classic typewriter style keyboards. A lot of them just have broken switches or damaged electronics from decades of cigarette smoke and so forth and are parted out or completely unsalvageable.


No. It is horseshoe theory.

Left or right, the extremists are generally extremely prone to manipulation


In terms of the written definition (and I am not even sure where that would come from considering it is a spectrum affected by a shifting overton window…), sure. But considering how much of online discourse is impacted by tankie influencers… meh

Its similar to (US) republicans where they have more or less become synonymous with the qanon crowd. That is not to say that they are all part of the qop, but they sure let them do the speaking for them.

Personally? I try to make it a point to use pejoratives like “tankies”. In part because I know people are stupid and will view even that as me saying “all leftists” (which is funny since, while I tend to identify more as a “liberal”, I am very much on that spectrum). But language evolves and a lot of the figureheads for (at least American, although I have seen some dumbfuck Europeans) Leftist movements tend to be blatant tankies and they don’t get the pushback because “they are increasing awareness”


It is worth understanding that, at least historically, CDP is a lot closer to “Polish Electronic Arts” than a dev studio. Not sure how that has shifted over the past decade or so and the new approach to localization and distribution.

I doubt they are going to shut the doors and move. But it is a possibility. Just cite that the CP expansion hasn’t sold well enough and they were still recovering from the initial bomb of CP and that they were counting on that Witcher 1 remake and it is a hard time financially and they would be operating at a much smaller capacity while they reorg. Do layoffs that are legally legit, and then reopen elsewhere citing concerns over geopolitics.

But yeah. My money is more on satellite studios that eventually become the primary. Takes a few years longer but drastically reduces union power and gives a warning to the industry as a whole. And is generally the solution in these situations.


Haven’t been following LOTF2 so massive grain of salt but:

In LOTF1, your class actually had a very strong impact on gameplay. It defined your magic which boiled down to buff, direct damage, and an ult. I THINK you could change that on an NG+ cycle but it has been a minute.

Since it is a different dev team and a more modern game, I assume it is closer to Remnant or Code Vein (aka “Sexy goth anime vampires”) where it is an equip slot that impacts stats and spells but you can more easily swap it out.

Puzzle_Sluts_4Ever, (edited )

Historically, probably

But with the rise of crowdfunding and “direct to consumer” sales models like this, it has increasingly been used to refer to hardware.

And, for what it is worth, I remember similar discussions in probably the early/mid 00s (maybe even late 90s?) with regard to the kind of stuff you would see in magazines. Which we now understand to mostly be proof of concept PR stunts by tech companies. Use them to “plant a flag in the ground” so that you can search for investors and accuse the competition of copying you.


For short term non critical use, sure. But understand that the touch screen login is massively insecure even relative to PASSWORD123.

you can probably disable that but then you will have a much worse time with actual gaming use


Incredibly unlikely to happen to home versions. MAYBE “pro” could be subscription, but I assume this will be a paid support model instead.

Because Microsoft’s market share comes from everyone pirating copies and getting free copies from university. It is the same reason Apple has so many discounts for students and position themselves as “required for art”

Because when those people enter the corporate world? It is easier to support the OS that people sort of know how to use and like.

So yeah, there is almost zero chance of consumer grade windows requiring a subscription. And any outlet that would even entertain the thought mostly shows itself to not understand the market.


And Microsoft doesn’t care. Because the profit made off a single person’s license is nothing. That is why they have never cared how many people called to unlocked FEED-BEEF-1234-5678. They know we all got that off dc++ and they don’t care because, again, the goal is to get corporate sales and to more or less make it a requirement for all OEMs and prebuilts to include a key in the sticker price.


MS Office has long been replaced with Google Docs. To the point that students pretty much use it from kindergarten until they graduate high school. At this point, the only people really buying MS Office have no choice or are old idiots.

So… it is a lot closer to the Adobe model of “What else are you going to do?”


So what you are saying is that MS is still incentivizing universities with cheap copies and licenses so that companies will use MS Office?

That doesn’t mean that you, as a consumer, at all need MS Office just like you, as a consumer, do not need Adobe Acrobat in any form.

But, if you have an effectively free license, you might well use it.


Ah. Well, just so long as you are in your thirties then I am sure you require ms office for personal use and totally aren’t wasting money.


Also: His flamethrower is an actual flamethrower

musk’s “flamethrower” is a glorified tiki torch used to cure roofing materials.


The East and (to a lesser extent) West Coast already do have quite solid coverage by train. High speed would be nice but the population density is also such that it probably isn’t worth it because of the frequent stops.

But yeah. People really forget the scale of the US. Our one country is roughly twice the size of the EU. And while we have the densely populated areas that are comparable to “France to Belgium”, we have a LOT of empty flyover states that are comparable to the ass end of Norway and so forth.

And in actual civilized countries? It is REALLY easy to take a train to a population center. Small town? You are probably catching a bus or renting a car.

Don’t get me wrong. The US needs a LOT of work and, from looking at the amtrak route, there are a few extra lines that would actually connect the midwest/southwest pretty well. You still wouldn’t take a train from NYC to California but you might from Kansas to Chicago or whatever.

But most people come at this from “a really rich and privileged white guy told me that Amsterdam is heaven” and don’t seem to realize that our actual cities aren’t THAT much worse (unless you are a cyclist. cycling is suicide in a city) and that Amsterdam doesn’t have to deal with a North Dakota sized dead zone of all civilization and infrastructure.


I wouldn’t be so sure Rossman would change his mind.

He tends to very publicly say all the “free speech absolutionist” talking points and came pretty close to outright saying it during stuff like the guy who said something that sounded like a slur into his doorbell.


I err on the side of “this is bullshit” but… have you met cats?

My cute little booger has gotten it down to a science that she can even get into my keyboard tray when I have my desk in standing mode. Leap up, grab on my belt, and leap into the tray so fast that I don’t even realize why my hands feel fuzzy. And if I am sitting? That is easy mode.

Which leaves a little ball of fur with four paws, a nose, and a tail, finding ways to get the best possible shortcuts. And mashing even more as you gently try to pull her out and she has decided your enter key is the best thing to hold on to and rip off.

And if you work from home… or just around cats in general? You are either locking them out every time you do any work or you are just rolling with it.

Similarly, if they are using a fancy management interface (or are just sickos who are obsessed with emacs shortcuts): I have genuinely been shocked by how easy it was to update a config and reboot a server.

Like I said, I think this is a bullshit excuse. But, depending on setup, it is very possible. And is mostly solvable the same way you prevent your own fuck ups.


That SHOULD be a shocking headline but… have any awareness of the various hacker orgs out there and this doesn’t even move the needle.

That said: I always have mixed thoughts when it comes to hacks like this. Because governments and the like do a lot of REALLY heinous shit and getting awareness of the particularly fucked up stuff is important.

But hacker orgs tend to not work with journalists who understand how to vet and redact things. So you might get something “juicy” and then a LOT of information that the general public will never read but OTHER organizations will and will use to endanger people who actually aren’t being monsters (or are possibly being coerced into supporting occupation forces).


I personally blame that more on wikileaks and “The Media”

Wikileaks was very much put forward as paragons of journalism and so forth. And ignoring the editorialized headlines for a lot of their “leaks” (and I think a few were determined to be outright intentionally mislabeling footage?), they very much were not “journalists”, They basically just put anything and everything they were given online. Whether it is footage of US soldiers committing war crimes or the secret handshake of a sorority (seriously…). They did a lot of good and a LOT of bad.

She… probably should have done a better job of pre-filtering what she provided. But she also, likely, thought she was giving a CNN journalist the information rather than the equivalent of a kid on reddit.


And this is why I am not playing any ubi game until Yves et al are gone (so probably when they get bought out)

It was incredibly obvious that senior management were protecting the abusers when this all kicked off. And more and more just keeps coming out.


If you click the article you’ll see this is tied to the 2020 allegations. Which were mostly following on previous issues but nobody cared about abuse back then.


I REALLY hate the ongoing narrative that Titanfall 2 was sent to die or whatever.

Titanfall 2 was made by Respawn. Respawn/Infinity Ward/Whatever They Were When They Did Medal Of Honor have been more or less defining mainstream first person shooters for decades at that point.

And there is this idea that Battlefield 1 (and this was well after we had all decided we hated Battlefield) and CoD Infinite Warfare killed it.

The reality is that it always had an uphill battle because Titanfall 1 was MP only and turned a lot of people off. And FPSes had largely become a “multiplayer genre” with the big surprise of 2016 being DOOM which… still mostly needed people to realize it was good after the “weird” trailers.

The funny thing is that if Titanfall 2 had been Titanfall 1… either as pure MP or with TF1 having one of the all time great SP campaigns, it probably would have become the new Call of Duty in the same way that CoD became the new Medal of Honor. But instead it was a poisoned well released at a time when Gamers just weren’t interested in SP shooters.

Similarly, if it had come out a few years later (after people remembered you could tell a story in a shooter), it probalby would have done gangbusters.

But, like with most things, we instead blame EA. Because clearly EA were willing to piss away however much money Titanfall 2 cost to… get a really shitty VR game and make Vince Zampella work on Battlefield?

Puzzle_Sluts_4Ever, (edited )

BF1 followed Hardline which was almost universally mocked, 4 which is largely considered to be where things started going downhill, and 3 which was shit on for not being Bad Company 3 (… I can’t entirely disagree with that). It could just as easily have been a massive flop as a success (also, I personally never noticed the universal acclaim, but I do know it was generally tolerated).

Also, I can’t be arsed to check, but wasn’t the god awful free to play game out around that time as well? like the cartoony ww2 themed one?

If a game is not allowed to even be released in the same quarter as a CoD then… yeah.


Wait wait wait wait wait.

Are you telling me that a game like BF4 can launch poorly but end up solid and successful?

Here I was thinking if a game wasn’t the top seller on release day it was forever doomed and would kill a studio.


The discussion is about the ongoing narrative that EA intentionally killed TF2 by releasing it too close to BF1 and CODIW. I pointed out that BF1 was not the juggernaut people think it is. You talked about how BF4 was a success even though it had a rough start… which is exactly what TF2 had.


I was going to make a comment about how just because GabeN likes something doesn’t mean Valve is gonna do it but…

Mother fucker is a knife nut. And CSGO pretty much made all live FPS game economies built around knife skins.

So… yeah. Valve gonna be doing a racing sim. And that is probably WHY they are doing Deckard. GabeN needs his cockpit VR aid ain’t dealing with that Windows Mixed Reality shit.


Is this the latest “sneaky” way to insist all phones need headphone jacks?

Because from an emergency standpoint: Most (all?) cars still have analog radios and it is generally encouraged to have a “weather radio” in any emergency kit. Hell, many building emergency kits will have one (even if it is just the shitty radio the rent a cop uses to listen to The Game in the booth). And in the event of a disaster, you really do want to group up. If only because it makes you an easier target for satellites and rescue flights.

So, from an emergency preparedness perspective, this seems like an incredibly niche situation where people are completely isolated, don’t have a car, but still need to tune in to an emergency radio broadcast to figure out where to go and it is not “go to the nearest population center that is not a smoldering wreck”.

Puzzle_Sluts_4Ever, (edited )

The vast majority of vehicles on the road still have them so, again, unless you are truly in the middle of nowhere you can generally flag someone down while you watch Clover be a metaphor for 9-11 and remember “oh yeah, Lizzy Caplan was in this”

And as cars move away from AM/FM: Then we have alternate emergency solutions. Which, again, weather radio in the emergency bag that you just leave in your trunk until you sell the car. And we work to improve the coverage and resilience of emergency broadcasts that phones pick up (speaking of…).

Which gets back to all of this being a “sneaky” way to insist phones need headphone jacks. Since you need an antenna for FM and that is usually a speaker wire. Which… is extra useless and increasingly dangerous if you are trying to hold up your earbuds (because we all still have wired earbuds…) while driving through The Mist.

… which also highlights why a phone is a bad emergency radio. Since plugging in earbuds will generally cut off the phone speakers. But you also need to hold up the earbuds to get enough reception to get a signal. Or you are driving with earbuds in which lowers your awareness during an emergency.

Again, emergency/weather radios. They are cheap, a lot of them have backup hand cranks, and you can just put it in the roadside emergency bag right next to the electric flares/beacons that are basically one time use because, if you pull that tab, the batteries WILL have corroded ten years later when you need them again.


Not sure what the current best guidance is but: Please do not use “real” flares unless you have no other choice.

First and foremost: They are horrible for night vision of you and everyone around you. It is basically like you are blasting your headlights into the eyes of EVERYONE who goes near that stretch of road.

Also, a lot of people don’t know how to properly extinguish them. Which results in random ass flares left burning or a hesitance to use them at all.

And cost/space wise? They are horrible. Quick check of amazon says three flares are about 30 bucks. 3 LED flares are about 20. And the road flares are meant to last 15-30 minutes (your mileage may vary). The LEDs last until you turn them off because they are LEDs.

Cops love them because cops are raging assholes who want to make everyone else understand they are doing cop things in the vicinity.

But as a driver? You are better off with the LED flares in basically every single situation.

And, as an aside: Driving back from the airport usually involves going past a stretch of interstate where it seems people can’t NOT explode tires on a daily basis. And it is not an exaggeration to say that random ass flares burning in the middle of the road or in the ditch between directions is a nightly occurrence.


No. It was more a statement that the LED flares are basically one use only… unless you are spending every night on the side of the road. Their shelf life is more or less the same as a chemical flare in that case.

As for “improved visibility”: The goal of a flare is not to make everyone see you and to let you see what you are doing. The goal is to say “Hey, something is over here. Be careful”.

But also: You do realize that your tail lights/brake lights are more or less the exact same LEDs, right? So unless you duct tape flares to your car and roll around Fury Road style, I think you are fine there. Even on a foggy day.

Which gets to the other aspect: “Visibility” is bad when it is extremely bright lights at night. There is a reason that headlights (you know, those things people ignore in favor of the high beams) aren’t actually insanely bright. They are bright enough and angled enough that you can see where you are going. You pulse your high beams if the way is clear to see farther. If the way is not clear? Then the other headlights on the road provide extended visibility.

And… I am not sure if you have ever had to drive on a country/mountain road with asshole trucks with the high beams on. But it more or less renders you blind for a few seconds until they pass and you just have to rely on maintaining your lane. And if there is a curve? You either risk a header or you slow down and let them by first.

Which is why, as nice as it sounds to have a daylight flare right next to your car on the side of the road, it actually greatly increases the danger to you. Same reason you never use high beams in the fog (even though people do…) and actual fog lights are angled very differently.

Last Of Us Studio Naughty Dog Is Cutting Developers (kotaku.com)

The video game industry is currently facing a big wave of layoffs, and even contract developers at PlayStation first-party studio Naughty Dog aren’t immune. Kotaku has learned that the maker of hits like Uncharted 4: A Thief’s End and The Last of Us Part II has begun cutting contracts short for dozens of workers....


… what? Does lemmy have karma bots that just fire off pre-written feel good comments? … Does lemmy have karma?

What does that have to do with any of this. Where is the “long held product”? Hell, the sister article is even “Yeah… that MP mode is never coming out”


Because game dev, at the best of times, is a giant multi-year gamble. You have to hope that people like the game you are in year 3 on because you don’t have money to go much past 4. And you also have to hope that another more popular studio doesn’t release something similar that cannibalizes your sales.

One way to make that safer? Get a publisher with deep pockets. Someone who can say “Hey, Elden Ring just came out and even has the same ‘there is a whole other world underground’ gimmick that you do. Can we delay your game for another six months but keep paying you the entire time?”

And those kinds of publishers tend to prefer the big studios where pivoting to a new engine or making a prototype for a radical genre shift is viable.

And this also applies to the insanely successful small studios. Dead Cells is a great example. Motion Twin is mostly a worker cooperative. This greatly limited its scalability (profit sharing for indie games doesn’t scale all that well) and resulted in a spin off of Evil Empire to manage Dead Cells.

Unionization will go a long way toward avoiding the worker abuse inherent in game dev. But startups are dangerous no matter what industry you are in.


Again, what does that have to do with anything here?

Naughty Dog have not launched anything since the TLOU remake a year or two back. And WFH is not mentioned at all. So I have no idea where you are pulling your random ass talking points out of.

Because this is a pretty bog standard “We have had a troubled development cycle and our publisher/parent company is cutting their losses”

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