@ProfessorProteus@lemmy.world avatar


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@ProfessorProteus@lemmy.world avatar

Great catch. I thought maybe he could have been reloading, but he wasn’t visibly shooting before dropping the mag (and it feels like a dumb move to not save empty mags) so I bet you’re right.

@ProfessorProteus@lemmy.world avatar

SNES. Chrono Trigger. If you’ve played it you know just how impactful it is. Music, story, graphics. It is a perfect game. I bought a physical cartridge a few years ago—even after having beaten it dozens of times—because the game means so much to me.

@ProfessorProteus@lemmy.world avatar

What a terrifying thought! I imagine there’s some other sapient race out there that has experienced that.

Now think about the kinds of predators that evolved in constant night, which those people found while exploring the darkness. Then they develop telescopes and discover other worlds on which the night moves

@ProfessorProteus@lemmy.world avatar

Probably, yeah. Definitely can’t be good for them. I’m not a biologist, but I encourage anyone reading this to chime in! What happens to cave-dwelling creatures when brought out into the sun for an extended period?

I didn’t make it clear in my original comment, but in my head I imagined a race whose explorers swore off venturing into the darkness after the first few disappearances. Maybe some folklore emerged, and they assumed that “that place” and death are intrinsically related. Then, as their tech became more advanced, they gained the ability to scrutinize the other planets in their star system. Imagine the horror when they see “death” wandering along the surface (rather, the surface moving through it) and they have no clue why theirs isn’t moving.

Is it merely asleep?

This was a fun thought experiment. Thanks for getting my brain churning! I’d love to read someone’s expansion on this idea, if anyone else finds it fascinating. At this point in the lore, I can see religions being born to try and appease Death, or at least prolong its slumber in the frozen hemisphere while they search for answers. Wars are fought, nations fall, yada yada… Maybe it’s best not to draw too many parallels with our own world 😁

@ProfessorProteus@lemmy.world avatar

Is GP me? Haven’t heard of that but I assume it’s similar to OP. In case it is, I elaborated a bit in another reply!

@ProfessorProteus@lemmy.world avatar

I’d hate to be the next composer. People will be shitting on their work immediately, or at best, comparing it unfavorably to the works of Michael and Marty.

Well, good luck to them either way. They have some massive shoes to fill

@ProfessorProteus@lemmy.world avatar

This, and when I pee in the morning, are the two times of confused panic when I genuinely try to become a water bender

@ProfessorProteus@lemmy.world avatar

Man, if you wanted me to cry you could have told me my childhood dog died a second time.

@ProfessorProteus@lemmy.world avatar

Whichever one has the drugs in it.

On a serious note, I’ll have any candy corn if you’re looking to get rid of it

@ProfessorProteus@lemmy.world avatar

I’m gonna put up decorations tonight and try to come up with a snow dance

@ProfessorProteus@lemmy.world avatar

I also hope he ties himself to the rest of his fellow lunatics, but they’ll simply say he’s a Democrat plant or some shit. “Lone wolf” at the very least. It’s all so tiresome

@ProfessorProteus@lemmy.world avatar

I thought it was at first too. In the U.S. (at least, here in Texas) I feel like the bigger offender is all the lifted trucks, coal-rollers, etc. Not sure how bad muscle cars are but they’re also very prevalent. Seems like every 5th person in my city has a Mustang or Charger with a muffler delete.

@ProfessorProteus@lemmy.world avatar

I love how they depicted Fry this way. I would usually expect him to be bored or indifferent about something that’s typically seen as boring, like history.

But he would otherwise have been around during this time if “I.C. Weiner” had never ordered that pizza, so he’s excited to hear about the things he would have seen firsthand.

This show is one of the reasons that time travel is my absolute favorite fictional concept.

@ProfessorProteus@lemmy.world avatar

I’m all for this pickleposting movement! Gonna buy a jar of em when I get off work.

Or is that just what Big Pickle wants?

@ProfessorProteus@lemmy.world avatar

I was just wondering about whether it would be obnoxious to use the occasional reaction image in Lemmy comments. I remember seeing a lot of images during the great exodus, but rarely since.

It feels ridiculous to ask, but is there a generally agreed-upon etiquette for this stuff? I feel like I missed a memo or something 😂

@ProfessorProteus@lemmy.world avatar

I thought she was wearing a basketball with a wig on top. Which person is the NSFW tag for really? It’s ironic of her to criticize the appearance of another person when she chose to apply makeup to that extent.

She wishes she could enjoy life as much as he is. Hell, I wish I could be that happy.

@ProfessorProteus@lemmy.world avatar

I figured it was Bryan Cranston. If we join the revolution can he cook for us? Burgers and stuff, I mean 😉

@ProfessorProteus@lemmy.world avatar

He clearly has the level of self-respect required for such a dignified name. And I doubt he’s ever passed up an opportunity to make a quick buck.

@ProfessorProteus@lemmy.world avatar

Yeah it does look a little low-effort. My first thought was about the GTA trilogy debacle. But it can’t be that bad right?

Konami doesn’t deserve the money, but it’s hard to argue against accessibility, so I won’t. If someone wants to enjoy these iconic games I wouldn’t try to stop them.

@ProfessorProteus@lemmy.world avatar

You mean there’s more of me out there?!

✅ No buffering, music starts instantly

✅ No connection issues

✅ No monthly money drain

✅ No arbitrary access or availability revocation

❌ No immediate access to any song I want to hear, but

✅ I’m patient

@ProfessorProteus@lemmy.world avatar

I love buying vinyl too! I have a small collection spanning a few genres, but it’s mostly videogame soundtracks, hah. I currently have a crappy Sony turntable that’s apparently infamous for scratching records, so I’m holding out on spinning til I get a good one. I’m thinking one of the Audio Technical models that people recommend often.

@ProfessorProteus@lemmy.world avatar

You know, I considered “fixing” that before hitting reply, but I figured the overall sentiment of my comment would make its way through.

I used a check and an x, to represent positive and negative. I could have gone with ➕ / ➖, so that’s on me.

It’s only a friendly comment, why you have to be mad?

@ProfessorProteus@lemmy.world avatar

I salute your commitment to the audio jack. I no longer have that luxury, but it is what it is, and I love my phone despite that glaring flaw. Wish it had an FM receiver too, but oh well.

If nothing else it’s an entirely private and secure way to consume music.

Amen to that. I’ve got my weird guilty pleasures that I go to occasionally and there’s no reason anyone else needs to know why I listen to a couple of specific dubstep songs as often as I do. If that theoretical information ever got leaked, would it even matter? Probably not, but I’m able to enjoy the music more if I can listen in my own world with no strings attached.

@ProfessorProteus@lemmy.world avatar

All valid points, and I’m glad Spotify works for you. For me though, the tedium isn’t nearly as bad as it seems to be for you. I’m fine with my methods since they’ve never truly failed me Even with my relatively disorganized collection, I can find what I’m looking for pretty quickly even without metadata (Lots of my oldest stuff is also from Limewire, and even Kazaa. Let’s just not mention the bitrate of some of it lol).

I’m fine with gradually expanding my tastes too, so I don’t need Spotify for finding new things. To be fair though, I have found some truly great stuff through the site that I feel I would have never heard, so it’s not without its merits. Though if you’re ever bored and you want to do some manual discovery, Every Noise at Once is a bizarrely cool place and might lead to some interesting finds. But YMMV. And if I don’t feel like picking anything I’ll just throw on whatever internet radio station suits my fancy.

I get you on the storage space as well. Luckily for me, a lot of what I listen to (don’t make fun please) is chiptunes, and I found a kickass app for my phone that reads the same files that the real consoles read so I can enjoy them in truly perfect quality, plus I have actual weeks of music in this format for less than 300 megs.

I admit my tastes are highly eclectic - to say the least - but I’m perfectly content with that. It’s great that you, along with the majority of other people, have an option that best suits your needs. May we both be able to access our music solutions as long as possible.

@ProfessorProteus@lemmy.world avatar

I’m very new to Linux so I’ll have to look up what that’s all about. Got Mint on dual-boot, but I keep slipping back into Win10 because it’s easier sticking with what you know, you know?

@ProfessorProteus@lemmy.world avatar

Seconding this. I used a tool called GBxCart RW and it worked a treat. I’d link to it, but I don’t want to appear as if I’m advertising it. There are a couple other tools I think; this is simply the one I used.

I also used it to backup some ancient photos on my Gameboy Camera!

@ProfessorProteus@lemmy.world avatar

Man I’m sorry that that’s how you experience it. When I’m high I listen to my favorite music and zone the fuck out. The real world rarely enters my thoughts.

Often I’ll think about projects I want to work on and get mega inspired from random stuff I find on the internet. Of course, the motivation evaporates when I’m sober, but at least I took notes while I was blasted 😂

@ProfessorProteus@lemmy.world avatar

Don’t worry, that definitely wasn’t my impression. I’m glad you’re in such a position that you don’t feel the need to get high all the time. And besides, if the thing that stresses you the most is a misspoken word, it sounds like you’re doing just fine!

@ProfessorProteus@lemmy.world avatar

Oh you know there’s some anime out there where they depict tanks as girls. They’ve already done it with warships, right?

@ProfessorProteus@lemmy.world avatar

PSO is such a gem from the Dreamcast / Gamecube days… There’s something about the whole experience that I can’t really explain or recommend to someone who didn’t grow up with it. For instance, tying your attacks to a certain rhythm would be a game design sin nowadays, unless it’s core to the entire concept (shout out to Chroma, what a fun alpha that was!). But it oozes early-00’s charm in every aspect. And that OST!

I still hop on to Ephinea at least once a month because there’s still a lot of stuff I’ve yet to achieve. I’ll find my Heaven Punisher yet 😤

I played some of the English fan patch of PSO2 back when all the US players were on the SEA server. I thought it was pretty good, but obviously vastly different from the original. Then a few months ago I got curious and looked up recent gameplay. There’s basically nothing that can tie it to the first one, and even on its own, it’s utterly hollow and soulless. Watched someone just float in the air for several minutes killing hundreds of weird enemies wave after wave. Where’s the fun in that? At least back in 2012-ish, PSE bursts brought some exciting moments. This video was just constant “action” with no ramp-up. Pure mobile gaming type garbage.

I’m sure nobody is down here after my ranting, but if you are, and you like games with a charming aesthetic and a slow-burn progression, definitely give PSO Blue Burst a try. It’s 100% free with 0 microtransactions, and it’s wholly run by fans. I don’t really interact with the rest of the community, but from the POV of a forum lurker, they’re all good people.

I don’t often get to gush (pun not intended) about one of my favorite games ever. Can you tell? 😁

@ProfessorProteus@lemmy.world avatar

Milhouse is not a meme, but “Milhouse is not a meme” is a meme

@ProfessorProteus@lemmy.world avatar

Sad to see Gaijin 4koma missing, but maybe it was underappreciated even in its time.

Or maybe I’m just that old…

@ProfessorProteus@lemmy.world avatar

I agree that it’s probably mostly children / teens that play those games, but I’m sure a non-insignificant portion of their player base is the type of person who is A-OK with listening to nothing but pop music.

Nothing inherently wrong with that, but they are either afraid of trying something new or they aren’t interested in discovering what they may end up enjoying more than the same derivative time-wasters.

@ProfessorProteus@lemmy.world avatar

Not to detract from your argument (I agree completely), but indie game devs not only make actual games, but they tend to pour passion into them rather than a formula.

@ProfessorProteus@lemmy.world avatar

I want to go back and start DBZ from the beginning, but my anime backlog is almost as bad as my video game backlog 😢. I’m currently trying to work through One Piece but I refuse to watch the dub, which means I need to give undivided attention 100% of the time, which is nigh impossible.

For DBZ however I think I’d be fine with the dub, since that’s what I grew up with on Toonami!

@ProfessorProteus@lemmy.world avatar

I’m currently trying to learn music theory. Finding it hard to concentrate at work because the pieces have finally just started falling into place in my monke brain and I’m sucking up as much content as I can find.

I’d like to compose stuff at some point for video games that I will eventually develop, but if nothing else I’m dying to be able to know why I like my favorite music other than “that part sounds good.” There are too many “composer reacts” channels on YT and not enough people who truly break down the concepts. My favorites that I have found are 8-bit Music Theory and David Bennett.

@ProfessorProteus@lemmy.world avatar

Thank you for the encouragement! I had attempted this years ago and bounced off, but at this point I have a muse that gives me a huge surge of momentum (plus I’ve grown into a much more patient person when it comes to my own artistic expression). It’s such an incredible feeling

@ProfessorProteus@lemmy.world avatar

Thanks for the rec! Not sure why someone downvoted you, but I was able to find his playlist with music theory concepts after some digging. I’ll use this to supplement the rest of the material I’ve found.

@ProfessorProteus@lemmy.world avatar

Why does it make you feel that way?

This is the one thing for which I want a concrete answer, and I feel like without the tools I’m currently gaining from these videos I can’t really come to a satisfactory conclusion. Sometimes I’m able to find similarities between songs, like the same chord progression, or key signature, etc. but never the complete answer. I’ve come to the conclusion that I’ll have to transcribe my favorite things and grind out the answers myself (I can also just search for the sheet music for some things, but I think I’d be doing my future self a disservice).

I agree though that it’s one of the most fulfilling things to come to the conclusion on my own. I just need the right tools first! I’m no Beethoven after all 😁

Thanks for the recommendation, I’ll definitely check it out!

@ProfessorProteus@lemmy.world avatar

Hey fellow trumpet player! I played it for 7 years through middle and high school, and I even did jazz band in HS. I was third- then first chair in our top band, yet I still didn’t learn anything deeper than musical notation and major scales… Things like the circle of fifths, modes, even chord progressions? I now know they’re all pretty basic concepts, but back then they were a form of mysticism reserved for the gods of music. Thankfully all the basic stuff has stuck with me as if I never stopped playing, which has provided a priceless foundation. Oh, and very strong relative pitch!

I definitely plan to take ideas from here and there and evolve them, if only as homage to my composer heroes. Just as in game design, nothing is completely original anymore, and everyone “borrows” ideas all the time. Regarding drum patterns, definitely gonna tap into the works of Peart and Portnoy!

Thanks for the inspiration, by the way. It really helps keep the fire going!

@ProfessorProteus@lemmy.world avatar

I’m gonna play this game soon, but I wouldn’t have even considered it - let alone buy it - before watching the first part of this video by tomatoanus, explaining the any% speedrun. I stopped watching before one mission that he claims is one of the best chapters of a video game he’s ever played (and the chapter itself apparently has a Wikipedia page??). I’m pretty excited to play it based on that preamble 😁

ETA: It was on sale for $3 so that definitely helped

@ProfessorProteus@lemmy.world avatar

The first game is multiplayer-only. I had also assumed this one was too, but it has a single player story.

@ProfessorProteus@lemmy.world avatar

As the great Jerma985 once said, “Fuck Capcom!”

@ProfessorProteus@lemmy.world avatar

I would love to see Putin try to lift a sword against Zelensky

@ProfessorProteus@lemmy.world avatar

What a fun coincidence; I just watched RedLetterMedia’s review of Event Horizon the other day. Spoiler: Jay kind of enjoyed it. Mike decidedly did not.

I’m generally not crazy about horror/thriller movies, but I did read The Andromeda Strain by Michael Crichton recently. It’s a great book!

@ProfessorProteus@lemmy.world avatar

I feel like such a boomer for doing this as well, but I’ve had precisely 0 issues when my internet goes down or signal gets weak. No buffering, no problem.

Been doing it since high school when I had the first-gen iPod Shuffle. Good times

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