@ProfessorOwl_PhD@hexbear.net avatar


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@ProfessorOwl_PhD@hexbear.net avatar

NGL if you take out what’s left of the resources in 5e you’ll reduce the game to exclusively standing in front of the enemy taking turns hitting each other, instead of just mostly.

The truth is if you want a resourceless game you’re gonna have to play a different system, and if you’re gonna play a different system you’re gonna have to run it. Luckily, it’s very easy to get groups for new systems, because you just tell the 5e players it’s D&D and they probably won’t even notice the rules changed.

@ProfessorOwl_PhD@hexbear.net avatar

I’m slightly joking, but it’s a lot less than half. My respect for 5e players took a massive nosedive after I actually played it, so I have run a few oneshots that have started with “oh by the way we’re using Pathfinder 2e tonight” because I just told the 5e players we were playing “D&D”.

Landlords for Israel’s Arms Trade Shut Down, LondonMetric’s Mayfair Offices Re-decorated (www.palestineaction.org)

The offices of property firm ‘LondonMetric’ have been shut down by Palestine Action, with activists targeting the firm for their complicity in Israel’s arms manufacturing in Britain. The company owns the land and building of Elbit Systems’ UAV Tactical Systems drone factory in Leicester, from which military technologies...

@ProfessorOwl_PhD@hexbear.net avatar

Did anyone else parse the headline as an organisation called “Landlords for Israel’s Arms Trade” being shut down, or just me?

@ProfessorOwl_PhD@hexbear.net avatar

If you’re gonna do RP shopping, you gotta establish before the session that’s gonna be what’s happening so everyone can come up with ways to interact with the scenario.

You also absolutely have to (looking at you in particular, 5e) establish availabilities and exact prices beforehand. The back and forth of “how much does X cost -> I can’t afford that” is the biggest waste of time when shopping.

@ProfessorOwl_PhD@hexbear.net avatar

When I switched from Roll20 to Foundry I discovered my players hadn’t been recording half the loot I gave them and barely had level 5 equipment at level 10. I had to replace the next pile of loot with 120,000gp worth of character specific magic items to get them appropriately equipped.

@ProfessorOwl_PhD@hexbear.net avatar

That was back when I was on Pathfinder, I’m on PF2e now so merchants and chests are included in the system by default.

@ProfessorOwl_PhD@hexbear.net avatar

Does BG3 not do random encounters when resting in dangerous areas? The Pathfinder CRPGs really make it worth stretching your resources to the next safe area.

@ProfessorOwl_PhD@hexbear.net avatar

I’d probably encourage earworms I get rather than try to ignore them, so anyone trying to read my mind gets something like this or this or this

@ProfessorOwl_PhD@hexbear.net avatar

Every mimic encounter I’ve ever been involved in went something like this:

Party: That’s a mimic, let’s surround it and beat it to death.

Also, this is a good way to either run out of arrows or get your DM to insist you start counting them.

This may seem kind of stupid but I am kind of stupid, is there a list somewhere of phrases that are stupid or insensitive racially or gender biased?

I just got up from conversation with a couple of older black men, that I said “well I got to go back to work and start cracking the whip.” And it occurred to me then that it was probably a really insensitive stupid thing to say....

@ProfessorOwl_PhD@hexbear.net avatar

It originally referred to a specific meteorological phenomenom that occurs in North America consisting of late warm weather that native tribes would take advantage of to hunt. It’s definition has become more general, and it’s taken the place of similar phenomena around the world, but it’s not related to the concept of taking gifts back.

@ProfessorOwl_PhD@hexbear.net avatar

I’m currently playing DiA and we have 2 idiot bloodknights in the party who regularly have to be held back from attacking the various non-enemy devils and demons we encounter. One of them is Lulu, whose backstory seemed suitable for me to build as a wild magic barbarian, but I think is meant to be much more helpful in the knowledge department than I’ve built her…

@ProfessorOwl_PhD@hexbear.net avatar

I recently played Battle Chasers: Nightwar and was reminded how much I enjoy turn based combat where you can see and manipulate the turn order, like in FFX and an Atelier game I played on PS2. Any modern games, preferably available on Switch, like that?

On a similar subject I’m currently playing Tactics Ogre: Reborn, and there aren’t any Final Fantasy Tactics, FFT:A, or FFT:A2 remakes currently out, so I’m looking for anything that uses the same combat system as them, again on Switch.

@ProfessorOwl_PhD@hexbear.net avatar

I’ve heard good things about Palm Springs from 2020.

@ProfessorOwl_PhD@hexbear.net avatar

My dog. Nobody’s gonna miss his awful farts or massive shits.

@ProfessorOwl_PhD@hexbear.net avatar

Oh, and you are? You’re in here pulling a “not all men” about criticism of Israel.

@ProfessorOwl_PhD@hexbear.net avatar

I… no, honey, I wasn’t actually talking about men there, I was talking about how you’re deflecting criticism of Israel by equating it to criticism of individual israeli’s, by connecting your comment to the MRA movement’s constant cries of “not all men” when feminists say things like “1 in 4 women have been sexually assualted”. It’s not an incorrect statement in itself, but it isn’t any more relevent or helpful than me saying I wasn’t involved in the 1943 Bengal Famine, so it’s not fair to say Britain killed millions of Indians.

@ProfessorOwl_PhD@hexbear.net avatar

the right-extremist government, the child murdering military and the illegal settlers of Israel,

…who the fuck else do you think there is in Israel? Government, military, civilians, what?

Secondly, criticising Hamas is pretty problematic: they have lived their entire lives as second class citizens under a white European occupation, often literally under siege from an unprofessional military, losing their parents, siblings, and children to random attacks by settlers, snipers, bulldozers etc and being forced out of their homes into more and more crowded refugee camps. If you’d condemn people for fighting back under those circumstances, what would you say about resistance forces in WWII, Irish forces fighting the British, or Haitians throwing off the chains of their enslavers? Israel has not given them a choice about harming civilians - civilians are literally its first line of defence, spread out across Palestinian land to maintain their hold, moved into houses as soon as they are taken so any attempt to regain land necessarily involves them. You can be critical in your support, but it is a moral prerogative to condone and support Hamas in their fight against European colonialism and white supremacism.

@ProfessorOwl_PhD@hexbear.net avatar

Gonna give you the benefit of the doubt and assume that you honestly do believe they’re downplaying the Holocaust - look into the Warsaw Uprising. From the small militia that initiated the attacks to the mass killing of civilians in response, it’s exactly analogous to the current situation in Israel.

We are absolutely aware of the severity of the holocaust and do not compare contemporary events to it lightly.

@ProfessorOwl_PhD@hexbear.net avatar

Ad hominem arguments are ones that dismiss your arguments based on insults or attacks on you personally, not just being insulting while making an argument against you.

The fact that you don’t know that (or can’t tell the difference between them) just demonstrates your ignorance, so in this particular instance they weren’t even being insulting, they were simply stating a fact.

@ProfessorOwl_PhD@hexbear.net avatar

No, you dumbfuck, there is no argument attached to those insults. There is nothing in their comment saying that you are wrong because of your ignorance, which is what an ad hominem argument is - we are pointing out why you are wrong, and then calling you a lentil brained moron.
This is stuff they made me learn at school over 20 years ago as a 13 year old. You should be embarrased that you can’t even get the most basic fallacy right.

@ProfessorOwl_PhD@hexbear.net avatar

I know you feel smart for taking a holier than thou attitude, but you’re just revealing you’re too dumb to come up with an actual response.

@ProfessorOwl_PhD@hexbear.net avatar

Why not?

@ProfessorOwl_PhD@hexbear.net avatar

OP said it was invincible, not that it didn’t have a special weakness - you’re assuming extra context that wasn’t mentioned, when, as you say, the type of game, in game context, and additional conditions like a special weakness can make it entirely appropriate to have an invincible NPC.

@ProfessorOwl_PhD@hexbear.net avatar

Proper shit assumptions here, the writer is doing the exact opposite of the D&D nerds who pick up pbta and say “well how am I supposed to do anything?”

Probably most egregious though is how they’re arguing against them self: they claim that the mechanic driven exchange isn’t influenced by the roleplay, but had the DM give an explicit bonus for their roleplay. Likewise, they think the means to roll mean you have to roll, and presumably hasn’t understood commoner’s get Use Rope as a class skill, which is what the “who should be able to complete a task” is based on.

@ProfessorOwl_PhD@hexbear.net avatar

PbtA is artschool D&D. Its a very different approach to the same concept that brings different aspects of the idea to the forefront. Its really good for groups that are good at acting and improvisation, but want a random element to help drive the more personal and less combat oriented stories they’re telling.

Personally it’s not my cup of tea, as I am absolutely into the fantasy and tactical combat side of D&D (well, Pathfinder), but it definitely has its place for groups that are just an excuse to hang out.

@ProfessorOwl_PhD@hexbear.net avatar

I mean… That’s it. You might be overthinking things, because the mechanics are just roll 2d6, these dice go backwards - apart from rolling under the target it’s otherwise your standard roll dice, add mods.

@ProfessorOwl_PhD@hexbear.net avatar

Good range of spices - preferably slightly more than they have enough room for.

@ProfessorOwl_PhD@hexbear.net avatar

Highly unlikely for an individual isn’t the same as highly unlikely across a population. 0.1% is only one chance in 1000 - rolling the same number 3 times in a row on a 20 sided die has a probability of 1 in 8000, but you’ll find loads of stories of it happening because there’s a lot more than 8 thousand people who play D&D.

Your chooks are rolling along the edge of probability, but there’s more than 1000 chickens in the world so the probability someone will hit that jackpot is close to 100%.

@ProfessorOwl_PhD@hexbear.net avatar

One of the dice packs on foundry is a “DM dice” that displays multiple 20’s, “TPK”, “DIE”, that kinda stuff, but outputs as normal to the chat. I like using it for bosses to scare the players.

@ProfessorOwl_PhD@hexbear.net avatar

Rick Riordan’s various series might catch your fancy - they’re really young adult fiction, but they’re still a good read. They cover Greek, Roman, Norse, and Egyptian mythology from the perspectives of the god’s half human offspring, bringing the mythology into a modern context while retreading the old myths.

@ProfessorOwl_PhD@hexbear.net avatar

My Eladrin Paladin would definitely get interpreted as a himbo, when he’s actually quite intelligent, just a very impulsive thrillseeker. He knows full well every most of the time he walks into a trap, and he delights in it.

@ProfessorOwl_PhD@hexbear.net avatar

Sorcerer’s can manifest from the smallest element of ancestral magic, they don’t need to inbreed.

@ProfessorOwl_PhD@hexbear.net avatar

If we say Israel and you hear Jews, it’s not us that are antisemitic.

@ProfessorOwl_PhD@hexbear.net avatar

Jesus Christ just play 3.5 if you’re going to make it that complex.

@ProfessorOwl_PhD@hexbear.net avatar

That’s literally what I’m saying - when you’re adding this much complexity to dying alone (because nobody runs 5e with just the one piece of homebrew rules), it would actually be easier to just play a system with more crunch by default and a complete rules set. It is more work for players to have to ask you/for you to tell players about each of your homebrews than to just use a system that already has the rules you’re looking for.

It’s a lot harder to get your head around the first TTRPG you play than any after, so changing system really isn’t a big deal.

@ProfessorOwl_PhD@hexbear.net avatar

Lets go through the actual steps:

  • Roll a death save
  • choose an action
  • calculate new exhaustion level (which is completely different to the exhaustion mechanic that’s already in the system)
  • roll relevent attacks etc at new penalty

So not super complicated, but definitely much more complex that… basically any other way of dying. When added to all your other homebrew rules it doesn’t matter if nobody cares until they reach 0hp, because the flip side is that they have to learn another new rule once they reach 0hp.

Meanwhile though, dying has moved from a serious problem to a non-condition: there are some mild penalties for acting, but overall? You still have all your actions, just at a slightly slower, still costless, move speed. Players lose little for entering it, so are going to be much less inclined to avoid it, while monsters are now encouraged to double tap - it would be very stupid to walk away from a PC just because they’ve been knocked prone, even if their actions has an additional cost now.

You’re adding elaborate “adaptations” to your reliant robin to stop it tipping over instead of just cutting your losses and buying a car with 4 wheels. Spending lots of your time on something doesn’t make it better than what’s already out there.

@ProfessorOwl_PhD@hexbear.net avatar

Go and reread your comments. Look at what you’ve actually been saying. Here you’re reminding me it’s actually more complex than I described, after claiming it’s incredibly simple. In your past comments you flipped from “it’s easier to modify a game than learn a new one” to “actually I like putting more work in than if I just got a game that works”.

You’re not actually arguing that there are any benefits to the rule, you’re just flipping through positions trying to justify using it. Its perfectly fine to say that a system doesn’t actually do what you want and to find a system that does - there are plenty of OSR games that are very similar to 5e while adding those extra edges you’re looking for - but right now you’re adding a bunch of extra complexity that is suitable for high crunch systems, not simple ones like 5e.

@ProfessorOwl_PhD@hexbear.net avatar

Here’s a BBC article from 2014 about how Russia is completely overstating the nazi presence in the country, they just give neonazis citizenship and Azov have 3 Nazi symbols in their logo.

Here’s another one about Right Sector, an ultranationalist alliance and one of the players in the 2013 Maiden coup.

How about this incident where thousands of Nazis demanded recognition for the Nazi aligned UPA?

Funny how all the Nazis immediately disappeared when Russia invaded though. Almost like one of those whitewashing things.

@ProfessorOwl_PhD@hexbear.net avatar

Actual, literal, Hitler-loving Nazis are included at the table. I’m sure you’re familiar with the expression about 10 people at a table with a nazi.

@ProfessorOwl_PhD@hexbear.net avatar

Stop exaggerating. I live in the UK and avoid all these brands with minimal impact - drinking fresh coffee ends up being cheaper than instant, there are plenty of supermarket and non-nestle brands of sweets, dog foods, water, soap etc.

You can’t avoid capitalism, but a single company, even as big as Nestlé, is very doable. It just requires a bit of mindfulness when shopping

@ProfessorOwl_PhD@hexbear.net avatar

Yeah, I did look, most of them I’ve never seen before. Its a big list, but it covers a worldwide range of companies - most of them are specific to only a handful of countries. For dog food I can choose Harrington’s, Pedigree, Butcher’s etc, for sweets there’s Mars, Haribo, Barratt etc - I really get the impression that you’re thinking of the Big 11 companies, which are almost impossible to wholly boycott.

White brands are a different case, but I don’t even bother with off-brands of stuff Nestle makes, so I’m pretty sure I’m safe.

@ProfessorOwl_PhD@hexbear.net avatar

20mph zones are generally around schools or heavily pedestrianised areas. Children are going to die as a result of blanket removal of 20mph zones.

@ProfessorOwl_PhD@hexbear.net avatar

This comment really highlights the lack of materialism in liberal ideology.

Queer people getting rights in the past required people to change their behaviour and modes of thought, and the modern queer movement still just want to be treated like everyone else - like not having to constantly correct people about their gender.

Nothing has changed. They’re the exact same movement, still trying to claw its way to equality.

@ProfessorOwl_PhD@hexbear.net avatar

If you have to ask if they’re sure you’ve either not described a situation clearly enough, or you’re giving them meta knowledge of an upcoming complication - and if you need to stop them from triggering a complication you shouldn’t have put that complication there in the first place.

It’s a popular and well known phrase, but it needs to be acknowledged that it’s a crutch to make up for DMing mistakes that are in danger of killing a PC, not a way of protecting them. You shouldn’t get to the point where you need to warn a player they’re about to get their PC killed - if they are taking a potentially suicidal action they should already be aware and have made their decision based on it.

@ProfessorOwl_PhD@hexbear.net avatar

Oh, I’m not pretending that even the best players aren’t a bunch of free range maniacs heart, it’s just that it’s rare that a player will actively choose to do something that is likely to kill them - They might set off a chain of events that digs them into a hole and leads to their death over a series of decisions, but if they’re aware of what’s going on they generally shy away from single “are you sure you want to do this” moments with a real risk of causing immediate death.

@ProfessorOwl_PhD@hexbear.net avatar

I’m not sure where you got the idea I think that every death is the DM’s fault? I said this is a crutch for the specific situations when it is the DM’s fault a PC will be killed. If a PC stays in the front line on low HP, it’s absolutely not the DMs fault if they die, that was a decision the player made. If someone just has a really unlucky turn and gets critted into oblivion it might not be anybody’s fault, just the luck (or lack thereof) of the dice. It’s the DMs fault when the players are missing information that would let them make informed choices.

As for your second question, you could have it said by a character in game, but coming from a DM to a player it’s a loaded question designed to stop them from taking actions. There are only 3 scenarios where it’s appropriate to say seriously: firstly, when the player has too little information and is going to take an action without properly understanding the context. In this scenario it’s more appropriate to ask what they think is going to happen or what they’re trying to achieve to iron out the misunderstanding, rather than let them bumble about trying to work out what their mistake is.
Secondly, when a player is about to walk into some kind of hazard they had no way to know about or reason to think about - this is at worst gloating that they couldn’t read your mind, and at best a sign you shouldn’t have put the hazard there.
Thirdly, there are times when a player is fully aware of the situation and is taking a suicidal action - you don’t need to ask if they’re sure, they already decided. They might be intentionally trying to get the character killed, trying to have an epic character moment, or trying to set off a trap because the last 30 minutes have been pretty boring and they feel like throwing some excitement into the mix, but your warning won’t change their decision, because it was made with that danger already in mind. There might be an underlying problem to deal with, but you’re telling them something they already know.

Ultimately if you feel a need to say it you’re better off thinking about or asking them about why they’re doing it, and if it’s not character shit solving the issue that caused it.

@ProfessorOwl_PhD@hexbear.net avatar

This is why PF2e made weapon and armour runes transferrable. It also mitigates the problem of getting a powerful magic weapon that nobody can use - just move the runes onto a weapon you’re already using.

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