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Oh girl please. You managed to travel around the world for 4 years as a “White House advisor” without any problems. You’ll deal with it.

Man trapped in jewelry vault overnight is freed when timer opens the chamber as scheduled (

NEW YORK (AP) — A man was trapped inside a steel-reinforced concrete jewelry vault in New York City overnight after firefighters had to abandon an attempt to rescue him for safety reasons. Fortunately, the vault was on a timer and opened on its own Wednesday morning, officials said.


I don’t see it in the article, but is that the only way for the door to open? You can’t do it via remote or a code or whatever?


No, that’s “photon”. You’re thinking of the study of the nature, causes, or principles of reality, knowledge, or values, based on logical reasoning.

Kim Kardashian’s next trick? A bra to make you look turned on by absolutely everything (

Highlights: The new bra in Kim Kardashian’s lingerie range, with its “daring” raised nipple detail, goes on sale on Halloween, but not, I think, because the effect she’s going for is “scary”. The sales pitch is “No matter how hot it is, you will always look cold”, but I’m not sure “cold” is the look she’s...


omg no. I specifically buy bras that do NOT show this. To each their own, but personally it makes me feel so uncomfortable if I notice that’s going on.


Well apparently this one wants it to appear as if they are not.


My best friend of many years. We had even lived together in college as roommates for 3 years. Never fought, not even once. We did everything together. When I moved away for a summer internship, we wrote emails but also physical letters (this was before email was what it is now, it wasn’t “everywhere” and it wasn’t weird if you didn’t have one).

The 2nd semester of our senior year, I began dating someone and she……didn’t like that I guess. We never really talked about it or fought, she just became very distant.

A few months later I had to transfer schools to better specialize in my degree field, and she still had 1 more year left before she graduated. She stayed at that school and I never expected the friendship to just “end”, but that’s what happened. The time it took for her to reply to my emails became longer and longer and eventually they just stopped. So we never got to really talk about it. Never saw each other again.

To this day I have no idea what was at the root of her problem. She didn’t even come to the funeral home when my Dad died 9 years after all this transpired, and they knew each other very well. She didn’t send flowers or a card. Or a fucking email. Nothing. That’s what finally did it for me. That hurt. That really hurt. It was one of the lowest points of my life and she just didn’t care. She knew - her parents stopped by. She just didn’t care. She couldn’t put some stupid thing like that behind her for 10 minutes and send an email that said “I’m sorry.” That’s it. That’s all she had to do.

I came to terms with everything for good after that; if there was any hope before that we would ever be on speaking terms again, it died along with my Dad.


Thank you.

As for your situation, everyone is different. She was one of those people who hated confrontation and stuck her head in the sand at the first sign of it. I suspect that played a big role.

I don’t know your situation or what the people involved are like, so I can’t answer that for you. But please don’t base your decision on the actions of the person I described. Do what you feel is right for your case. If you want to give it one more try, do that. If you come to realize that their friendship isn’t really all that worth it, that’s ok too. And if they did something so terrible that you feel like you don’t want someone like that in your life, so be it.

But if you wanna give it another shot, then do that. It’s up to you :)


You’re not overstepping at all, I appreciate the insight. This has also been suggested by mutual friends who we went to school with. I’m not saying she wasn’t, but I’m attracted to men and we would talk a lot about different guys we found attractive. Of course, she could have been bi or into just women and never revealed that to me. As far as I know she was heterosexual, but again - no guarantee she wasn’t telling me the truth about her sexuality (if that was indeed the truth). But also, neither one of us dated very much so maybe that was a sign, too. She never came onto me though.

Others have said that maybe she had a crush on the guy I started dating…he was a mutual friend of ours for years. But again, if she was attracted to him, she never said anything to me.


Thanks! I’m glad you maybe got something out of it.


No, this was a very long time ago at this point. I did send one more email updating her on my life about 5 years after “the incident” because I had moved to a different state and had a new job and was like here’s my work email if you would want that for some reason. I also included another childhood friend of ours on that email so it wouldn’t be too weird.

Nothing. No response.


The eye drops may contain bacteria that could cause eye infections, potentially blinding them, the agency said.

Yeah that would definitely make me stop putting those things in my eyes.

The eye drops seem to be store brand drops from CVS, Rite Aid, and Target.


Yeah, I did a TLDR version hoping it would be helpful for folks who didn’t read the article.


Go ahead, if you’re on PC or something where formatting isn’t a nightmare. Not really the case on mobile.


Does this make Jean-Luc Luke’s father?

PrincessLeiasCat, (edited )

I never really tried the AI art thing but these are making me want to. Is there an easy entry web based program that you can try for free? I honestly have no idea where to begin.

If something must be downloaded, is there a good iOS/ipadOS/Mac OS worth getting? I see the link at the bottom right of the pic - Stable Diffusion - but is this a good one for beginners?

Is there any christian religions that don't believe in space?

So I have a born again christian family member in their mid twenties who stated with complete confidence that there is a dome in the sky called the firmament and beyond it is where heaven is. She believes space doesn’t exist and rockets just blow up because the bible said so. She is not the brightest and normally I would let...


Like others have said, this is flat earther stuff. A lot of Christian evangelical types question things like the Big Bang and how old the universe/Earth really are, but afaik there isn’t an entire religion with this as a belief.

I used to work at a space museum and we would get Christian folks who would sometimes argue with us over the number that was on the sign telling them the age of our Moon rock, but never that the earth was flat. If that is a thing, it must be new.


That’s why I specifically said Evangelicals.

Here is just one example:

Deutsch gained notoriety in late 2005 and early 2006, when it was reported that he had instructed a NASA website designer to add the word “theory” after every occurrence of the phrase Big Bang.[1] In his memo to the website designer, Deutsch wrote that the Big Bang is “not proven fact; it is opinion… It is not NASA’s place, nor should it be to make a declaration such as this about the existence of the universe that discounts intelligent design by a creator… This is more than a science issue, it is a religious issue.” The memo also noted that the AP Stylebook calls for the usage of the phrase “Big Bang theory”.[1]

Prior to the 2004 Bush/Cheney presidential campaign, Deutsch had been a student at Texas A&M University. His NASA résumé falsely asserted that he had a B.A. degree in journalism, but in February 2006 a blogger at The Scientific Activist discovered that he had never graduated.[2] This was subsequently confirmed by Texas A&M, and Deutsch resigned from NASA.[3] Deutsch later returned to Texas A&M and completed his degree that year.[4]

James E. Hansen, the director of NASA’s Goddard Institute for Space Studies, and several other career NASA scientists and public affairs officials had been interviewed by The New York Times in January 2006. In these interviews, they complained about “intensifying efforts by political appointees in NASA, including Deutsch, to control more closely” the content of their public statements.[5] Deutsch, speaking to the New York Times, gave his opinion that Hansen had exaggerated the threat of global warming. He denied lying to NASA about his college degree.[5]


Wouldn’t have mattered.


This is a very honest and cool answer, thanks. I feel much the same way.


Depends on what I’m drinking.

Champagne? I’m an obnoxious asshole but but god do I love mimosas. They just taste so fucking good that I don’t even notice how many I’ve had. They’re like fucking candy or chips that I can’t stop shoving into my mouth.

Wine? Sad and start crying…the irritating sob story kind.

Rum/Vodka? Loud, happy, chatty, everyone’s BFF.

Tequila? Can go a few different ways.

I don’t drink beer or do shots though, so idk about those.


It’s probably more to do with how strong each one is - wine vs liquor, for example, and if you drink them faster or slower and if there’s a mixer with one type vs wine, that’s drunk by itself.

So not so much the what, but the how.

PrincessLeiasCat, (edited )

I think the point you seemed to have missed is that building a fertilizer bomb is not as simple as obtaining a gun in many places in the US. There are no specific fertilizer bomb stores. There are no fertilizer bomb “shows”. They cannot be reused, you would have to build a new one every time…unlike a gun. They are illegal everywhere because they are bombs, and and every time you make a new one, you risk blowing yourself up first…which is a great feature!

Running a truck into a crowd, I mean sure, but I doubt you’d take out, say, 20 (just going off of what the current number of dead is in Maine), or 60 (Las Vegas) people. The Boston bombing “only” killed 3 people, so yeah sure I guess I’d prefer a relatively few people to take the time to make one and, assuming they didn’t fuck up, sure, I guess some innocent people could die here and there. It would suck, but I like trying to minimize easily preventable deaths. People escape from prison, too, but most don’t, and so we don’t just throw our hands up and say “oh well, guess we won’t investigate” every time that happens.

And I guess you could run a truck into an elementary school classroom somehow and manage to mow down 19 kids, but I really doubt it. I don’t have anything to compare that to, unlike…well yeah there’s been a lot of those in schools to look at over the past 20 or so years, so pick one.


It’s interesting that you bring up McVeigh, not too long ago I finished the book “Homegrown, Timothy McVeigh and the Rise of Right-Wing Extremism” by Jeffrey Toobin. It’s fantastic, highly recommend.

While he did have numerous weapons, his major beef was with the federal government, and it took him years to become as radicalized as he did. There were also other factors, like him failing out of a military special forces class, so he went awhile between jobs and sleeping at friends’ places just to make ends meet. And he was upset over Ruby Ridge and Waco.

Eventually he was able to convince Terry Nichols to help him, but quite a few told him to get lost before Nichols agreed. But he definitely already had plenty of guns if he had wanted to do something before OKC (spoiler alert, he is a “person of interest” in at least one, an infant), but he didn’t. He wanted to make a statement. And we haven’t seen anything on that scale other than 9/11 and maybe Boston (if you count straight up terrorism). So yeah, let’s do it. Seems like we already have people who want to make enough of a statement that they make bombs and kill people, in addition to all of the guns in this country.

I’d be cool with making at least one of those options much less accessible.


Maybe it’s because I just woke up after only a few hours of sleep, but I have no idea what you just said.


That would have been more pleasant to wake up to tbh


Dude shut up! They do not need new ideas!!!

PrincessLeiasCat, (edited )

The ordinance is part of a continued strategy by conservative activists to further restrict abortion since the U.S. Supreme Court overturned Roe v. Wade as the ordinances are meant to bolster Texas’ existing abortion ban, which allows private citizens to sue anyone who provides or “aids or abets” an abortion after six weeks of pregnancy.

Hol’ up….

As dumb as both this and the “I can sue you because abortion!” thing are, this one cannot “bolster” the other because it specifically targets women.

In the original one, the woman obtaining the abortion cannot be targeted. It has to be a doctor, friend, clinic escort, Uber driver (yes, it’s fucking dumb ok), etc. but not the woman.

So this one kinda violates the other LOL


Ah. So this os the end goal - obtain very popular and influential things on the internet - in this case communication and knowledge/facts, and destroy them in such a way that only technofascists like himself can even find them remotely useful.

It’s the ultimate way to fuck up any democratic society and plunge the world further into chaos. What a dumpster fire.


And, at least these are preying on adults.


Tik Tok guy needs to understand that this will not make the critic appreciate his work.

Like this will just piss off every other critic but okay, you do you.

Gamers who have gamed for a long time

do you find it difficult to get into games? I’ve got Epic Games and Steam Games libraries chock-full of classic top-tier games along with many other newer games like Stray or 2077, and a bunch of indie titles. I just can’t be bothered to download and install them, much less try to get into the characters and storylines. Used...

PrincessLeiasCat, (edited )

Same. 100%. I don’t love it though, tbh. I’d love to get immersed in something new again.

And MP has always been toxic, but goddamn…as a woman you just get sick of some of the shit you hear. I have to straight up turn text chat off, and it’s rare that I go on mic chat even though good communication would help a game so much.


Been looking at Cyberpunk. It’s good?


Thanks! Glad to see you like it!


NASA changed its nomenclature to say human space flight (as opposed to just “manned” space flight) in the 90’s, you transphobic Christian nationalist.


This is a thing in my town, too, at night for the bars in the more visited “touristy” area. I don’t love it but I think the local police have a shortage and there were some issues.


Cool pro-tip that sometimes works to get around the WSJ paywall, especially if you use DDG. Search for the title of the WSJ article and put “msn” after.

It will sometimes send you to Bing’s google Amp-like (ugh, I know) MSN news site where there is no paywall.


Yay! Let’s continue our fucking up of everything into the solar system!

We did it, boys!!


It’s just a new frontier playground for billionaires after they fuck everything up here. It won’t be used for anything worthwhile, like actual science or whatever.


Months ago my coworker and I were joking that something similar would be a funny podcast, then we both went no. No one should ever do this….it would not end well.


You’re good bro, I getchu. I wish you eventual success in your endeavor :)

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