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"I'll Come Back": Ninth Doctor Actor Reveals Brutal Conditions For Doctor Who Return (screenrant.com)

Ninth Doctor actor Christopher Eccleston reveals his brutal conditions for returning to Doctor Who. Eccleston was the first actor to portray the Doctor in its modern era following its revival in 2005. While he successfully brought the iconic Time Lord back to the screen, he abruptly departed the show after just one season,...


Not surprised. I find screen rant to be an honest name.

Rant (verb) To speak or write in an angry or emotionally charged manner; rave.


since athletes can’t be paid,

Remind me again, what is it called when the people generating the wealth are not compensated?

It can actually be a problem for the schools, since athletics isn’t allowed to be profitable. They have to spend all the money athletics brings in on athletics, which is why the athletics department ends up with all the fancy new buildings.

Ah yes, that sounds like a great benefit for students getting an education. Also for the academic staff. Must be great to work at a university as a lecturer and know the football coach earns multiples of your salary.


LLM imitates actual political discourse.

Details at 11.


Neo in the Matrix. (to bad about the Sequels)


At the end of the first one, Neo became a god. There is nowhere to go from there.

I am looking forward to more

I have not seen the recent sequel and did not realise there may be more. I'm not saying don't watch them just that they are not for me.

Sequels decades after the original are rarely any good as they are usually Nostalgia, the movie, with nothing new to say.

Fury Road being the exception that proves the rule as they did not focus on the same character and retell the same story.

On the other end of the spectrum, the new Beverley Hills Cop looks absolutely dire.


Some variation of the below:

Can I have your phone with the messaging apps unlocked?

Can I log into your personal email?

Can I see your tax returns?

Can I set up cameras and microphones in your house?

Can I place a GPS tracker on your car?

Pons_Aelius, (edited )

No matter who actually did it. Russia would blame Ukraine/NATO/USA/The West in general, together and separately in rotation.

After that I have no real idea, who would succeed. There would be a massive power struggle both in the government and military.

There is a strong possibility that several of the autonomous regions within the Russian federation would try to break away. There is about a 20% chance of a civil war because of this.

And about a 1% chance of nukes being used.


HQG meets RISA.


A where's wally hunt for dickbutt in every RISA post?


It is tagged NSFL... Not Safe For Life

You were warned and still decided to enter.

The text description is explicit and graphic.

(the text was enough for me to decide not to view it...)

The OP did everything to warn you what the link contained.

That is on you.


Sorry but I assume you are adult, so actually take responsibility for your own actions.

This community post nothing but things related to an on going war.

You also visit NCD so have some knowledge that there is a war going on in Ukraine.

You can block any community you don't want to view, but you didn't.

The post was clearly marked, you ignored that.

The text was also a warning, you ignored that.

Yet somehow this is not your fault...

Pons_Aelius, (edited )

Just to ensure you are never offended by your own decisions again. (or at least we won't have to here about it...)

I'll spoon feed a block list for you.















If Japan had never attacked the USA, it would never had entered the war.

The USA did not declare war on Germany after Pearl Harbour, only Japan. It was Germany that declared on the USA.

Both of which is totally understandable.

The USA joined the allies because it was forced to, not because it decided to.


I think because of German uboats hunting in the Atlantic. They were attacking so close to the US coast there were cases where ships could be seen exploding and sinking from Manhattan at night.

It was the German uboats sinking US ships that was a factor in them joining WW1.


The yanks were sending supplies to the UK. Without it the brits would have run out of food, oil and ammo.

It was called Lend Lease


Well, it is science and the headline is fiction...

RED-HEADED STEPCHILD (www.amazon.com)

In the harrowing memoir "Red-Headed Stepchild," Dr. Powell invites readers into the dark corridors of his childhood, a journey fraught with danger, abuse, and an unrelenting will to survive. Raised in a home plagued by violence and fear, he endured unimaginable torment at the hands of his stepfather, facing physical,...


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I take my phone with me when I'm out as I use it to listen to podcasts and that is its only real use.

I have all notifications turned off on my phone, if people need to contact me now they call.

There is no social media on my phone.


Pretty much yes.

If a friend/partner promises to change their behaviour or do something specific and does not? Yep, that is a lie.


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A Christmas Tree Reunion (www.amazon.com)

Embark on a heartwarming journey with Sprucy, the charismatic narrator of "A Christmas Tree Reunion," as he unveils the untold story of a Norway spruce Christmas tree and its enduring bond with nature. In this enchanting tale, Christmas takes on a whole new meaning when viewed through the lens of Sprucy's perspective....


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U.S. Empire Humiliated at the UN: The World Stands with Palestine! (www.liberationnews.org)

Disgusted by the United States blocking a resolution calling for a ceasefire in Gaza, an emergency procedure was used at the United Nations General Assembly yesterday to force a vote. By a margin of 153-10, the countries of the world called for an end to Biden and Netanyahu’s massacre....


But even with this resolution passed, the UN does not have the ability to enforce their decision.

So the countries that voted either way knew it was an empty gesture that would not change the situation on the ground.

Those that voted against the USA got to appear righteous without having to actually do anything.

Those that voted with the USA reaffirmed their loyalty to the USA without having to actually do anything.

Every UN delegate got paid their wages and got to sleep safely after the vote while achieving nothing.

The USA was not humiliated, it was just another day of improv theatre at the UN.


Most people don't want the correct answer, they just want their preconceived biases to be confirmed.


Not surprising really, humans haven't changed in that time.


yep. The bigger the sub, the worse it was.

You would get some niche subs were there was some decent discussion but once one passed about 100K subscribers there would be a noticeable downward spiral.


There ARE things where you can't "bias" your way out of it, things that are objectively correct and incorrect.

There are still people who believe the world is flat.

The things you believe are objectively correct and incorrect are not the same for everyone.

That is the problem,

Reality is not the same for everyone and many people believe they have the right to enforce their version of reality on others.

MACAW BECOMES A RAINBOW: Three South American Indian Folktales (www.amazon.com)

🌿 Embark on a captivating journey into the heart of the Ecuadorian and Brazilian rainforests with "Macaw Becomes a Rainbow." This enchanting collection, born from ethnographic fieldwork in 1967, unveils the rich tapestry of human-bird interaction through three mesmerizing South American folktales....


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and wait till Apple complies with the EU order

I thought the EU had determined that iMessage will not be subject to the open messaging provisions.

iMessage will reportedly dodge EU regulations, won’t have to open up


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AN ALASKAN ADVENTURE (www.amazon.com)

Alan Adaschik fulfilled his lifelong dream of an Alaskan Adventure, selling everything upon retirement. With wife Gayle, they traversed I-94 from Indiana, navigating Chicago's traffic to explore the northern Great Plains, including Glacier National Park. Their journey continued through the Canadian gems of Yoho, Banff, and...


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Filipino Funecdotes (www.amazon.com)

Embark on an entertaining journey into the world of immigrants with 'Filipino Funecdotes,' a delightful book of humorous stories by Fred Apilado. Drawing inspiration from his friends and acquaintances who have made the journey from the Philippines to the United States, Fred weaves tales that are sure to tickle your funny bone,...


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Unlocking the Secrets of Boredom in 'Bored No More' by Aly Mohsen (kbin.social)

Delve into the mind of the author as he uncovers the hidden world of boredom and burnout. In 'Bored No More,' Aly Mohsen takes you on a thought-provoking journey, sharing his personal experiences and profound insights into the enigmatic realm of boredom. Prepare to be enlightened and entertained as he demystifies this universal...


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This Boy's Protest: ON THE MERGER OF CHURCH AND POLICTICS (www.amazon.com)

Relating my life-time religious. educational, and political experience to mount a valid protest on the weakening of religious faith by becoming actively politically and the phenomenal growth of my humble small church denomination that has changed from "saving souls" to religious prosperity Power and has led Millions of voters to...


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This Boy's Protest: ON THE MERGER OF CHURCH AND POLICTICS (www.amazon.com)

Relating my life-time religious. educational, and political experience to mount a valid protest on the weakening of religious faith by becoming actively politically and the phenomenal growth of my humble small church denomination that has changed from "saving souls" to religious prosperity Power and has led Millions of voters to...


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Midnight Flight: A Novel (www.amazon.com)

Midnight Flight: A Novel is a traditional novel placed in a dynamic time. It combines tragedy with comedy and lies in a domain of its own. Midnight Flight describes the story of Marcel, who moved from the Iran of 1950s to the United States of the 1970s. It is a story of indulgence and witnessing self-destruction of ordinary...


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The Rangers of the Forest (www.amazon.com)

Animals would never socialize with any other animal other than their own kind, but that’s all about to change. Meet Jake, the little raccoon in the story named "The Rangers of the Forest" as he gets lost and searches for a way to get back home. Nettle, the trouble making little run away who becomes Jake’s friend. Daisy and...


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THE CODE: TO NEW BEGINNING (www.amazon.com)

The Code: Living a Life of Purpose and Integrity" by Chaz Hernandez is a transformative self-help book that guides readers on a profound journey of self-discovery and personal growth. In a world marked by chaos and uncertainty, the book serves as a guiding compass, challenging individuals to assess their lives and consider...


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Winners and Losers: Heretical Cartoons about the American Religion of Winning (www.amazon.com)

Winning is not the most important thing, it's the only thing. If Americans have a national creed, that's it. We care only about the winners: the most successful, beautiful, brilliant, talented, or charming among us. They matter, their faults are tolerated, their kindness exaggerated, and their companionship sought. Losers live...


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Ripples of Time: Memoir of a Former Black Panther (www.amazon.com)

Ripples of Time is Jon-Jamal Turner's story about life as a Panther activist. It is also an unflinching examination of America's history, including how black bodies have been brutalized and policed tracing an unbroken line between the slave era and the present-day conditions. This book will expose the disinformation campaign...


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Amazing Recipes By Mrs. B (www.amazon.com)

This book is our family’s effort to show case recipes collected from family and friends of the author over thirty-six years. These recipes include all food groups plus several specialty groups such as Syrian/Lebanese, Mexican with a distinct New Mexico Flavor, Italian and Asian specialties. Some of our family favorites are...


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ROAD TRIP TRIO RESCUE: Road Trip Trio Book 2 (www.amazon.com)

Three old friends take a vacation together once a year. This year they go to Newport, RI so Bernice, the retired photographer, can take pictures of the 1890-1900s mansions built by multimillions for a travel magazine. While there, Lucille, the retired English teacher, swears she saw a ghost. Kathleen, the retired pastor,...


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This Book delves into my perspective on the fourfold mission of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, emphasizing its core values of love and obedience to our Heavenly Father and His Son, Jesus Christ. This mission is deeply connected to the life and Atonement of Jesus. Originally, it began as a threefold mission, as...


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ARCHANGEL: A Hip-Hop Vision of Love and The Battle of Good Versus Evil! PART 2 (www.amazon.com)

This whirlwind hip-hop romance packed with drama and mystery played out against the backdrop of good verse evil. Archangle's hero develops an unexpected bond with a beautiful but mysterious woman he encounters in the mountains of Virginia. Hoping to avoid disaster, he dives head-long into a roller coaster ride of passion and...


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Changing Lives: Spiritual and uplifting quotes and testimonies (www.amazon.com)

May love melt your heart today and open you up for many loving relationships. Through Christ Jesus there is trust and a promise of healthy relationships. Seek him and let his fire burn in you. You will never grow cold. May the peace of love and prince of peace be in you all. Have a beautiful day friends and family. God bless you...


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