@Poggervania@kbin.social avatar


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@Poggervania@kbin.social avatar

She might be retired, but I’ll never retire beating my meat to her.

@Poggervania@kbin.social avatar

Bullshit, Verizon isn’t a victim at all - they fucked up, they should own up to their mistake instead of trying to go “me too!” to a situation where a stalker harassed their customer and their family after giving said stalker the customer’s personal information.

Poggervania, (edited )
@Poggervania@kbin.social avatar

The core of it isn’t YouTube drama as the dude is actually committing a crime I believe, but a lot of the comments surrounding it is 1000% YouTube drama - same with the SSSniperwolf and JacksFilms stuff with one YouTuber stalking and doxxing the other on their Instagram and getting away basically scot-free because YouTube prefers one over the other and the fans of the perpetrator said they were 100% justified in stalking and revealing the other YouTuber’s home address.

@Poggervania@kbin.social avatar

Because A) you have to research the charities as a lot of them give very little (or sometimes don’t, in this case) to the actual cause they are championing, and 2) sometimes people are more likely to donate to a face they know rather than an organization.

iirc Crit1kal used to donate practically all of his YouTube earnings to charity waaaaaay back in the day with pics of the monies being given. No idea if he does it now still, but I’m confident he would show the receipts if it was in question.

@Poggervania@kbin.social avatar

Gameplay wise, it’s looks fucking boring.

Everything else-wise, this is the probably closest we’re gonna get to Kojima making a film.

Starfield design lead says players are "disconnected" from how games are actually made: "Don't fool yourself into thinking you know why it is the way it is" (www.gamesradar.com)

apparently this is in response to a few threads on Reddit flaming Starfield—in general, it’s been rather interesting to see Bethesda take what i can only describe as a “try to debate Starfield to popularity” approach with the game’s skeptics in the past month or two. not entirely sure it’s a winning strategy,...

@Poggervania@kbin.social avatar

But gamers don’t actually need to understand game design or why a certain choice was made.

I said this in another thread: if it’s a shit design, it’s a shit design. Knowing why the shit design was made does not suddenly make it not shit. In fact, I do not care to know why you made that decision in the first place - if it’s bad, then just own up to it and either try to fix the issue or actually resolve to do better next time.

@Poggervania@kbin.social avatar

Y’know, it’s possible people buy a game to play offline where you don’t get achievements. The numbers Larian put out could also include EA purchases from like, 5 years ago.

@Poggervania@kbin.social avatar

Tbh I don’t watch much Dr. Who, but I did find myself liking Capaldi a lot the few times I watched his episodes

@Poggervania@kbin.social avatar

Tbh the actual cast and direction of the The Hobbit movies wasn’t that bad, but intentionally drawing out a single book that could’ve been done in 3-4 hours into 3 whole movies in a vain attempt at recapturing the LoTR trilogy’s fame is what made it weaker.

Rings of Power, however, throws out a lot of the stuff that happened in The Second Age and straight-up ignores Tolkien’s works at times. Granted, Amazon didn’t have legal rights to the Silmarillion and the LoTR appendices, but it’s still a shame we basically got a gutted version of what could have been a great show. Galadriel was also pretty boring as your generic “Marvel strong stoic action woman” kind of character.

@Poggervania@kbin.social avatar

Dunno if it’s “on track”, but I’m pretty good with my current situation. Able to afford a mortgage for a studio apartment in a HCOL area where real estate is kinda fucked and plateaus at worst for the past few decades and in the process of looking for a better-paying job in the IT sector. Still single since the pandemic but tbh I’m kind of okay with that still for now - probably will enter the dating scene again next year if anything.

Poggervania, (edited )
@Poggervania@kbin.social avatar

I’m kinda surprised there’s no NSFW version of Twitch tbh, I’d imagine it would be the easiest pile of money if they could capitalize on how much porn these Twitch gals are doing as a separate brand or something.

EDIT: Should clarify, I meant an Amazon-owned NSFW Twitch using Twitch branding. I know cam sites exist and also got lucky on Omegle a few times.

@Poggervania@kbin.social avatar

Yeah, a lot of people I noticed that are for paid mods either aren’t aware or ignore the fact about Bethesda wanting a cut of the money, as well as the fact that mod thievery was rampart on the Creation Club so people could get popular for mods they stole from Nexus. To me, both those facts are a huge red flag about Bethesda’s paid mods model.

EDIT: Consider that some of the most popular mods for Bethesda games are bug fixes. If you had to pay for a bug fix mod that helps the game not break, is that acceptable? It would even further reinforce the idea that Bethesda can ship out an incomplete product, let the players fix it, then charge the players for that fix under the guise of “helping out the mod author”.

@Poggervania@kbin.social avatar

But it’s the start of the slippery slope, and having a mindset like yours where it’s more or less “wait until it happens then attempt to do something” is what allows shit like this to happen.

It’s better to prevent it all together than it is to slowly accept the enshittification of what are, ultimately, passion projects or things people do for fun.

@Poggervania@kbin.social avatar

Ahdok still posts on their Wordpress and also is on Mastodon if you need a fix :)

@Poggervania@kbin.social avatar

Easy answer OP: none.

Don’t wear pants, let your legs breathe freely.

@Poggervania@kbin.social avatar

Ah yes, I am sure Trump wouldn’t do the same thing as well 🙄

The US will always back Israel because the US sees military strategic value against the Middle East with Israel, namely Iran. It also helps that Israel exports a lot of medical equipment to the US as well, so financially we have a good relationship with them there as well.

@Poggervania@kbin.social avatar

Who said I was defending it? What did I say that would imply that?

My post is explaining why this would have happened regardless of who was in charge in response to the honestly stupid “gEnOcIdEr JoE” post. If you ask me, this shouldn’t even be happening in the first place, and I personally don’t advocate for war and/or genocide nor condone such barbaric actions because of the more harmful long-term consequences such things have on people from both sides of the conflict. We should have agreed to the ceasefire, and am disappointed we veto’d it.

@Poggervania@kbin.social avatar

Believe it or not, most of us don’t actually need to shower every day. If you’re not doing a lot of physical work or don’t work in a place with a lot of grime, you can honestly get away with showering less often. Technically the same goes for deodorant but I wouldn’t go a day without it lol.

I personally shower once every day, but I don’t shampoo my hair nor use body wash all over my body every day. I’ll usually use conditioner only for my hair and I will regularly wash my pits, feet, privates, butt, and ears with body wash, but I only really use shampoo and use body wash everywhere like twice a week or so. I also apply deodorant every day. No comments about bad smells from everybody including a people who will straight-up comment on stuff like that, and I’ve actually got a lot of compliments about my hair :)

@Poggervania@kbin.social avatar

Alexander the Great

@Poggervania@kbin.social avatar

Hentry of Skalitz


@Poggervania@kbin.social avatar

The main issue with a lot of “printers” nowadays is that they’re usually not just printers anymore - it’s a printer/copier/scanner with faxing capabilities. The more complicated shit you cram into a single machine, the more likely something else completely unrelated will break.

I have a HP laser printer that is literally just a printer with the Wi-Fi turned off and it’s been working well on the odd occasion I needed to use it. Only reason I got it was because the Bother printer I wanted wasn’t on sale and this HP was going for under $100, so I went for it since I needed it at the moment and figured I could use it until it either dies or HP decides to not offer the toner anymore, whichever happens first.

@Poggervania@kbin.social avatar

You can legally create, own, and use your own flamethrower in the majority of the US.

@Poggervania@kbin.social avatar

By textbook definition, we can consider stuff like Gorillaz, Linkin Park, and Panic! At The Disco as “retro” if the song or album came out 15-20 years ago.

@Poggervania@kbin.social avatar

And where’s the arrows and impact text so I know exactly what to read??

@Poggervania@kbin.social avatar

you a boss frfr ong 🫡

@Poggervania@kbin.social avatar

Tunnel Snakes Fingertip Grippers rule!

@Poggervania@kbin.social avatar

I am now out of my cozy and comfy bed and on the floor while hitting my head on my lamp :(

@Poggervania@kbin.social avatar

Depending on who you ask, it’s either God’s gift to all the cryptobros and GameStop bagholders apes or it’s games that have a more convoluted version of Steam trading but on the blockchain.

Tbh, anything NFT or crypto-related I feel like is scammy as hell at this point in time.

@Poggervania@kbin.social avatar

To be fair, you could make real money by playing games… if you were a gold farmer or an account seller

@Poggervania@kbin.social avatar

Tbh I keep forgetting we live in a reality where that’s a thing

Also, if you’re popular enough on Twitch or YouTube you can make money playing games and hot tub streams

@Poggervania@kbin.social avatar

Bought an apartment to live in and finally live on my own at nearly 30-years-old.

So big W personally, kind of a L financially since everything is getting crazy expensive and I now have to pay a mortgage and bills lol.

@Poggervania@kbin.social avatar

I’m sorry, is this some sort of Northern/Southern Hemisphere joke I’m too close to the equator to understand?

@Poggervania@kbin.social avatar

The first two seasons of Narcos was kind of hilarious. The actor they got to play Murphy looks entirely different than the real dude - for starters, the actor and character in the show is blonde while Murphy in real life is not.

@Poggervania@kbin.social avatar

False, the bag would be severely overengineered and somehow have connectivity with AirTags

@Poggervania@kbin.social avatar

So they’re saying that the dude was praising North Korea because he wanted a united Korea that lives under Pyongang’s socialism, claiming that less people would be in debt and there’d be less suicide. Didn’t read the actual poem itself so idk if the dude was praising Kim Jeong Il or if he was just saying how cool it’d be to live under socialism.

I’m not quite sure how Korea is in general outside of “North bad, South good”, but it sort of sounds like South Korea is just practicing censorship here. Does South Korea have freedom of speech?

@Poggervania@kbin.social avatar

Jesus, I didn’t even know it was that bad. Like I said, I don’t know how Korea is in general outside of “North bad, South good”, so I had no idea South Korea was even a dictatorship at a point.

Thanks for the very brief crash course :)

@Poggervania@kbin.social avatar

It’s also easier for kids who may pay for this stuff with their allowance. Telling them to save up $60 for a game is a harder sell for companies than just having them pay $10-$20 now on either in-game currency or a monthly subscription.

@Poggervania@kbin.social avatar

Me when I call the ex: “I want to have fuck with you.”

@Poggervania@kbin.social avatar

That’s when you move diagonally behind her and whisper “I’m gonna en passant you” as she crumbles to dust from being en passant’d

@Poggervania@kbin.social avatar

But LinkedIn bros and corporate people are gonna gobble it up anyways because it has the right buzzwords (including “AI”) and they can squeeze more (low quality) work from devs to brag about how many things they (the corporate owners) are doing.

@Poggervania@kbin.social avatar

BG3 is based on arguably the most user-friendly version of Dungeons and Dragons, 5th Edition (5e). Larian themselves also do a fantastic job at easing you into the mechanics via gameplay, so you can honestly jump in and just play something that sounds cool to you without worrying about having to min-max or optimize your character. The game lays out what you get on each level-up pretty well and it defaults you to being a single class, so you won’t have to worry about multi-classing unless you want to - and because it’s based on 5e, you can honestly get away with not optimizing your build that much, if even at all, and manage to do fine as long as your main damage (STR for melee, DEX for ranged and Finesse weapons)/casting stat (INT for Wizards, CHA for Bards/Sorcerers, and WIS for Clerics/Druids) is high.

Can’t speak on OW2, but with games like Deep Rock Galactic and Vermintide, I found it’s best to just play it and figure stuff out slowly from experience. A lot of it can sound complicated, but I found it’s easier to digest the complexity of the mechanics and systems a bit at a time as your experience with the game grows. Like with Vermintide, as an example, I recently started really diving in deep with Cleave, Stagger, and Frontline/Heavy Frontline/Tank property mechanics and numbers for melee weapons; you literally cannot see these things from the game’s UI, and starting out I had no idea these things even existed, and it only really matters once you start playing on the hardest difficulties, Legend and Cataclysm. If I had to figure out all that stuff early on, I would nope out of the game super quick lmao.

@Poggervania@kbin.social avatar

Now there’s a pretty meme. Exquisite!

@Poggervania@kbin.social avatar

Have you tried turning the chess board off and on again?

@Poggervania@kbin.social avatar

Well, the rich seems to like the stuff the batshit insane right are spewing. Plus, they also benefit from those policies, like abortion bans, child labor law regressions, and of course tax cuts for those earning 6 figures at minimum.

America’s “left” is also not fighting these insane policies effectively. It’s like they’re pointing fingers at the GOP and going “Hey, that’s bad.”

But it’s never gonna get any better, it’ll only get worse from here - be happy with what you got.

@Poggervania@kbin.social avatar

Cars are one of the things that actually empowers individuals to live their individualized lives.

So if I’m forced to live in my car or forced to use it because I would otherwise most likely be run over if I was riding a bike or the distance is too far for walking and I can’t catch public transit to my destination, am I empowered? Having a choice of how I want to get to places is empowering, not “oh I’ll guess I’ll go in my car”. I can see the argument for living in a car, but I also know that people sometimes make that choice because it is literally cheaper to buy and re-do a car so they can live in it rather than renting in some areas.

Cars are, and honestly should be treated as, a luxury good. It’s fun to drive around some routes form time-to-time, but I’d much rather bike or ride public transit to places rather than drive.

@Poggervania@kbin.social avatar

Mage hand and offer ghost handjobs for $1000 per person per handjob

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