This profile is from a federated server and may be incomplete. Browse more on the original instance.


To be clear, they seem to be saying that those apps will still be preinstalled. They’ll just be easier to uninstall if you want to do so.

"option for the first time to uninstall the Camera app, Cortana app, Photos app, People app, and the Remote Desktop client. "


It’s mostly going to be games that use anti-cheat software (though some work on Linux.)

So if you’re someone who likes to bounce around to the hot new competitive online multiplayer title then Linux probably wont serve your needs right now. If you can’t think of a single esports title you want to play, once you install Steam and Lutris you’ll probably find nearly everything you want to play works.


Nothing. But having the option to uninstall them like any other app is nice for whenever it might be relevant.


I can say offhand that No Man’s Sky put a lot of extra time and effort into their Steam Deck support so that definitely works. Otherwise your best bet is to check either the Steam listing for a game (check the Deck Verified rating. Anything rated “playable” or “verified” should work pretty seemlesly on any Linux gamingPC) or (a user run listing of the compatibility of different games. A good resource and often has some troubleshooting advice. Unfortunately it can often have outdated or just inaccurate information as it’s all based on user reports. Still usually a pretty good indication of compatibility.) There’s no indication on either regarding Starfield compatibility. Given that it’s probably too resource intensive for the Deck it may not get as much special attention from Valve as something like Elden Ring (which ran better on Linux than any other platform after it was out for a few days and Valve had added a patch to Proton to fix an issue that the developers took longer to patch in the game itself.) Chances are pretty good it’ll work though (assuming your hardware can run it.) The Steam page for Baldur’s Gate 3 says it’s Steam Deck Verified so it’ll just work so long as you launch it through Steam. Here’s the protondb page for reference . Crusader Kings III, Rimworld and Stellaris apparently all have native Linux ports so, while you may find reasons to prefer running the Windows versions with Proton, you don’t actually need to check for any special compatibility. They just are Linux games.


Assuming it works the same way as on android you just start playing a video then switch out of the YouTube app without stopping playback. In fact I just read the Google help page “Using picture-in-picture on your mobile device” and it says exactly that for any mobile device and only goes into iPhone Vs android specific details when it comes to ensuring you’ve not turned off any default on settings that are required for it to work.


Something else people don’t stop to think about is that we could also consume the same amount with a lower negative impact but just create less excess value whilst doing so. If we produced the goods people use every day to a good quality to no purpose other than because people need (want) them we could do so far more ecologically sensitively than we do now. The only difference would be that some tangentially involved rent-seeking lunatic would have to settle for a thinner coat of gold leaf on the toilet seat in the staff bathroom on their second yacht.

There’s an astonishing amount of deadwood we can carve away from our production lines in the form of wealth production for the existing wealth class before we need to ask their serfs regular people to make sacrifices.

Or at least there was. We’ve pushed things to such a state of emergency that we probably do now need to make every possible change on all fronts if we wish to minimise the devastation from climate change. We still need to ensure we include the main driving factors in causing these issues within that though.


I hadn’t read his comment when I made mine but it says the same thing if that helps.


Sounds like a terrible trade for all parties, but you lot seem to prefer it.

It makes me want to scream constantly.

Two brands suspend advertising on X after their ads appeared next to pro-Nazi content (

At least two brands have said they will suspend advertising on X, the platform formerly known as Twitter, after their ads and those of other companies were run on an account promoting fascism. The issue came less than a week after X CEO Linda Yaccarino publicly affirmed the company’s commitment to brand safety for advertisers.


The BBC are trying a 6 month experiment of moving their Twitter style social media over to their own Mastodon server.


You should probably add in a step where you stop to consider why there is a correlation between an instance refusing to block stuff and it’s admins being scumbags. If the entire Fediverse divides itself into people who disagree with your position on what should and shouldn’t be blocked and people who agree with your position but also have a bunch of awful beliefs you can’t support… Maybe you’re just fucking wrong on this one?


My comment has nothing to do with how much you know about Lemmy.

Your claim is that you keep leaving spaces that have blocking policies you disagree with to find spaces that have blocking policies you agree with but are unhappy to keep finding that those spaces also support awful things.

My perspective is that maybe it’s not bad luck, maybe there’s just a correlation between not wanting to block stuff and being full of awful stuff. So rather then keep endlessly searching for somewhere that doesn’t believe in blocking things but somehow isn’t full of awful things, maybe you should reassess your position on things being blocked.


They only have to keep migrating because every time they join a new instance they either don’t agree with the admin’s approach to blocking content or they do but those admins tolerate intolerable content.

Presumably they’re leaving Reddit for a similar reason and will continue to have the exact same issue across any social media platforms until they find a way to resolve that issue. Either by accepting that seeking a highly permissive blocking policy will put them in the company of scumbags, or reassess whether they’re right about how relaxed they want the moderation of the spaces they inhabit to be.

Personally my take away in those circumstances would be, “hmm, seems like only scumbags share these beliefs with me. I’d better look much more carefully at those beliefs…” but we all need to choose our own paths…


And most likely he was paying more then than someone earning the same amount does today. We’re not even close to scrapping our way back out of society being profoundly imbalanced towards the wealthy.


People refuse to try to address that sort of wooly thinking when it is low stakes then when it becomes high stakes act shocked to see the people around them acting irrationally. One’s hypothetical friend who refused to take the vaccine because they thought it had a mind control chip in it and died as a result invariably was previously banging on about how their acupuncturist was going to help them win the lottery and people simply indulged them because “what’s the harm in them having funny beliefs about things?” The only time you actually could get through to people around you about these harmful ways of thinking is when it’s about things that don’t really matter much. If you wait until it’s life or death it’s too late to get though to them.


It’s such an exhausting problem that so many people hold society back from meeting everyone’s needs, because society fails to meet everyone’s needs and thereby creates people who hold society back from meeting everyone’s needs, because…

It feels like being locked in a room full of people flinging shit at each other because they are mad that people won’t stop flinging shit at them and everytime you try to gently suggest they all just stop flinging shit they just start flinging it at you until you shut up.


It’s still not a justifiable reason to neglect 50% of the population under the incorrect assumption that human physiology is the same across the board.

I’m not sure who’s worse. The people planning research who still mistakenly believe that it’s correct to just study one group and presume it applies to a group that would have been more complicated to study or the ones who know it doesn’t work that way but just pretend it does because it’s more convenient.

Don’t get me wrong, there are contexts where doing an imperfect job now and trying to fill in the details later is the best strategy. But I don’t believe that’s actually what’s going on most of the time.


I mean… That seems like an argument for equipping people with better literacy skills given that any competent reading of 1984 would turn you away from fascism.


Engaging people like that is the only way to make them less extreme.

Tolerating people like that is the best way to let them chip away at and destroy a decent tolerant society.


not trusting the government is fascism.

That absolutely is not fascism. Stop listening to bullshit that’s designed to piss you off and drive a wedge between you and others.


There is definitely a small set of powerful, rich, and influential people who “benefit”, but I don’t think it’s a pyramid of nefarious overlords so much as it is just a large web of people acting on their own interests.

The same could be said for people with crab mentality. They are acting on their impulses, values, and opinions, born from likely unfortunate circumstances, when they drag their immediate others down. They aren’t thinking about holding society back at large.

Those are all just crabs in the bucket. Some of the more aggressively single-minded ones are nearer to the top of the pile than others.


It’ll probably just be something that happens through ordinary OS updates tbh (though I understand you’d rather know one way or another.)


I just found this on the page where they list effected models:

“Note The latest software can be obtained through operating system or VMM vendors”


I love the modern XCOM games, I love card games, I love games where the story follows a new superhero in an established superhero universe, I love XMen.


Whilst I obviously was so excited for Marvel’s Midnight Son’s I was planning ahead to ask for cash to buy it full price for a birthday or something rather (to both play right away and support games that heavily target my tastes) rather than just wait for a deep sale a few years later like I normally would, all the buy this version and add on bits ala carte or buy this version that has some things but not all things but who know which is which or buy this super version that has the entire game or buy this hyper-mega version that has all of that and also stuff that’s not actually part of the game or buy a version that has the stuff that isn’t part of the game and most of the game… bullshit, just completely killed any interest I had in it.

I might pick it up and play it one day when it’s literally a few quid but quite possibly not at this point.

Just sell me the thing. Don’t complicate it. If I need to spend ages figuring out exactly which parts of a game I haven’t even played yet I do and don’t care about so I can try to see how close to a normal price I can pay and still get all the actual game, I’d rather just use that time to go play a game that wasn’t designed by MBE’s.


I don’t need it to be XCOM.


Such a weird stance to take and to make a point of wedging in there. I thought perhaps on reading I’d find he’s being misinterpreted or taken out of context but he’s very explicitly like “child porn isn’t an issue and we should do nothing about it.” Quite a worrying position for him to take.


I think it’s possible to recognise that valid concerns are hijacked for other purposes without needing to take a stance against the concerns themselves though.

IE I think child porn is a bad thing and we should work as a society to address it in a multi-faceted way. I also think that using that as a way to gain legal capabilities to infringe on people’s rights in a way that is not actually related to the prevention of child porn is also a bad thing. Those aren’t mutually exclusive ideas. Though I did see the claim that he was 16 at the time he wrote it, so it’s possible he worked that out later?


I think it’s the least worrying of possible stances protecting possession of CP

I’m not sure I’m willing to force my brain into considering the relative shadiness of different arguments for child pornography. It is a worrying stance, splitting hairs over whether he could have said something worse or not seems like an unproductive discussion.


It’s always seemed strange to me that free-speech absolutists seem to argue that what people say doesn’t have much effect on the world.

If it’s so insignificant an act… Why are they so invested in protecting their right to do so without any constraints?


Sherlock Holmes: A game of Shadows

AFAIK the intention was to build a franchise and now Robert Downey Jr has finished with Marvel they’re all keen to pick it back up again (he’s also pushing for Jonny Depp to join the franchise.)


Haven’t seen Elysium but I remember In Time being much better than that rating suggests.


The problem is deciding what is actually a problem, and once it’s been decided, which one solution out of many possible ones we’re actually going to pick.

I find that often once both sides have decided that there is a problem and it should be solved but start arguing about mutually exclusive solutions to that issue, one of the sides (and it does switch) is focusing on addressing the output of the problem and the other is focusing on addressing the cause of the problem!

“Ow, my foot hurts!”

Side A: “let’s give you some painkillers to stop the pain” Side B: “forget about the painkillers, stop standing on their feet!” Side A: “I’ve already stood on their foot, there’s nothing I can do to undo it. Do you want me to rewind time or something? Why don’t you care about treating their pain‽” Side B: “If you keep standing on their feet they’re going to stay in pain no matter what!” Side A: “how can I get this person painkillers for their pain without standing here? Why are you so blind to this person’s suffering‽”

Etc etc forever while we achieve nothing and let everything turn to rust and ashes to the backdrop of everyone silently screaming inside of their heads.

Not sure I agree that an engineering mindset wouldn’t be an improvement on that tbh. There really aren’t normally multiple equally valid solutions to big problems. Just people with a more or less complete understanding of the issue arguing that their understanding and subsequent solution is the best rather that just fucking listening and thinking competently to arrive at the right answers together.


Does this make you a leftist? No, it makes you a realist. That is, unless you ask this question to most conservatives who will instantly label you as one.

Reality has a left-wing bias.


It seems as though the only “problem” that the modern American right are concerned about is how to ensure they have unquestioned power and authority and that noone ever oppose them.


I think he’s the main dev for Lemmy itself (and admin for


I mean, do you have a genuinely better alternative than a democracy with some rules to prevent ogliarchys and protect citizens rights?


You can be sure that they are counting every hypothetical drop of energy saved this way and taking credit for it to their benefit somewhere.


They’d ripen faster in open air too.

I’m not sure if that’s true as afaik bananas release some sort of heavier than air gas that causes both themselves and lots of other produce to ripen faster. The more airflow the less banana gas.


Just like me trying to avoid sweeteners for decades now because I suspect they might turn out to be bad for you (and noone has ever tried to suggest they are actively good for you…) If it turns out you’re wrong, you’ve lost very little, if it turns out you’re right then there’s no way to retroactively undo the harm.

I have a fairly sensitive sense of taste and if I eat an unwashed fruit with a rind and manage to touch the actual fruit without washing my hands after touching the rind, I can often taste a bitter chemical flavour that otherwise isn’t there. How harmful those chemicals may be and how exposed I’d be without directly transfering them to the food or to my mouth (or eyes or whatever) I’m unsure (and, tbh, while I always wash oranges and stuff, I often eat bananas unwashed as there’s no need for the outside to come into direct or indirect contact with the actual fruit itself.) I’d still prefer to just not eat whatever it is if I can trivially avoid it (both for possible safety reasons and just not having my food taste like bitter chemicals reasons.)


Have you ever had the chance to try plantains? They’re a bit like bananas but for cooking and while they can be used yellow, generally they are used green.


The plastic is not an essential part of this product.


I wonder if they might actually be combining them from different deliveries. IE, they grab an average ripeness one from the Monday delivery, an average ripeness one from the Tuesday delivery etc and by the time the last delivery is added the first one is about ready to eat.


Yeah they’re only ever really used cooked. (I gather that they aren’t nearly as nice to eat raw and might make your stomach a bit upset if eaten raw but possibly are not actively bad for you like eating a raw potato is.) Cooked they’re pretty nice. Kinda like if a banana thought it was a potato.

renwillis, to fediverse avatar

Another win for the decentralized Fediverse when a government domain takeback can’t shut it down!

Mali has decided to take back .ml from people who took advantage of the free domain like & maybe -

And while it sucks for those servers & those users may have to migrate, the and it’s plethora of platforms continues on. 💪 💜



Counterpoint: the generic communities being hosted on (an instance with a very strong political identity) simply because it was oldest was a real risk for the growth of Lemmy as a whole and this is a fantastic opportunity to rebuild those core communities on more generic Instances like


I’m not sure that’s true. Couldn’t it just automatically broadcast your server’s current correct IP to all servers it federates with each time it (the IP) changes (and if a server fails to find a federated server by the most recent IP in its records, have it query other federated servers for a more up to date IP.)

What goes into writting books?

So what goes into writting a book, can anyone do it, ive been wanting to do many things for a while but i think sense i was a kid i wanted to write a book or even a short story or something that i can publish. the thing is i have major dylexia, i tend to not plan things and instead write on the spot, also i have partiall ideas....


You could try Brandon Sanderson’s free YouTube videos of the long running university course he teaches on writing:


Firefox has settings to automatically hit accept or to automatically hit deny or to first try to hit deny then hit accept if it didn’t work. You could end up agreeing to things you might not want to either way though (as sometimes opt out and deny are seperate things you need to do both for.)

Study into developing a needs assessment plan for self-management of adult ADHD (

Participate in a study that looks at developing needs assessment plans for self-management of ADHD. This is run by someone with ADHD who is doing funded, academic research that has real outcomes and is done in collaboration with the people it is for. The study has had a full ethics review....


Shame I missed this, I would have liked to contribute. Hopefully I’ll see the report once it’s posted.

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