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Holy clickbait headline, batman.


LMAO I got fucking rick rolled on the napster section


We should fix the cost of healthcare being our of control, rather than subsidizing the treatment and lining the pockets of big pharma

First of all, what is our current healthcare system doing if not lining the pockets of big pharma? They get to charge whatever they want for lifesaving treatments because there’s no regulations on it, and everyone is expected to just pay out the ass for insurance to maybe have it cover a portion of the bill.

More importantly though, universal healthcare is CHEAPER than our current healthcare system, so that covers getting it “under control”*. There have been countless studies showing how switching to a single-payer system would reduce costs, while still guaranteeing every citizen healthcare.

    • (Why do we need to get it under control, though? Slash a $100B off the egregiously bloated as fuck military budget and healthcare has all the funding it needs)

I gotta be honest dude, what makes you consider yourself right wing?

Your GF is in STEM, you’d support her continuing her career if she wanted, you split chores fairly… none of that is things I would consider “traditional” or “conservative”.

Policy wise, you’re mostly vague. Economically you don’t seem to have any actual opinion beyond “things aren’t working as they are”. You’re pro-choice(Yes, even if you would only choose to abort in a dire situation, that’s still a pro-choice position), which is not a right wing position.

Like, what actually makes you right wing? Based on what you’ve said so far, I don’t get it. Are you secretly racist as fuck or something?


I’m literally trying to have a productive conversation with you, dude. Nothing you’ve presented so far paints you as a conservative, so I want to know what your actual reasons for being one are. From there we could actually discuss things and maybe we could influence each others perspectives on matters, but we can’t do that if you get defensive the minute you’re asked questions.


Non-vague statements that I can actually debate with, thank you.

All money should he removed from politics, including salaries for politicians. It should be a side-gig like it was in the past.

Can you explain what the actual benefits of this would be? The vast majority of our politicians wealth does not come from their salary, it comes from business deals, lobbying(aka legalized bribery) and, well, actual literal bribery in far too many cases. From my point of view, all removing salaries from these positions would do is guarantee that only those that are already independently wealthy could afford to take on these positions, any working class people would be too busy working a normal job just to survive.

Anyone caught accepting bribes should be removed

No arguments here, I agree.

both parties should be imprisoned for corruption

What do you actually mean by both parties? The leadership? Every elected official? Every registered member? I don’t have to register with a party to vote in my state, but if I did I would be a registered Democrat; should I be imprisoned for that? Where do you draw the line at? Certainly, there are individuals in both parties that absolutely need to be in prison, but due process still needs to be followed.

Nuclear energy, for the love of all that is holy.

This is kind of vague, but I’m assuming you are in support of nuclear energy. In which case, great news, I am too! It’s a fair point, even if you didn’t mention it directly, that in the past democrats were largely anti-nuclear, but that rhetoric is mostly dying away in the newer generation of progressive dems. With the relative lack of new blood in congress it will take awhile to truly effect policy making, but it is coming.

We can’t rely on China for all of our rare earth metals forever. They’re going to cut our asses off one of these days, and we’re going to go belly up when they do.

Agreed. Whether you think Biden is following through with his words or not(I have very mixed feelings about him), I think he put it best on where we should be with China: “Competition, not conflict”. We should be building up the US’s industries so they no longer need to rely so heavily on China. That costs a lot of money in the short term though, even if the benefits are worth it long term. Republican policy on spending money for any reason is very well known(they hate it), and as far as China goes they seem more interested in causing outright conflict with them rather than building the means to out-compete with them.

All gun laws are infringements. Every single one.

Infringements of what? The 2nd amendment? Here is the entirety of the 2nd amendment:

“A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed.”

There are TONS of gun laws you can have while still following this to the letter. A magazine size limit law, or a bump stock law, for example. Neither of those would infringe on the 2nd amendment, those are not “arms”, even if they are accessories to them, and thus they absolutely can be regulated. To be clear, I don’t agree with those particular examples of gun legislation, but they don’t infringe on the 2nd in any way.

Do I want felons to have guns? No, but if they cause a problem, just shoot 'em a little.

So only deal with the problem after they’ve presumably shot someone, if not multiple people. Swell. An entire police department supposedly trained to deal with active shooters couldn’t stop an 18 year old shitstain from murdering 21 people(Uvalde), but we’re supposed to expect random joe schmoes with a gun(With no training needed, at that! Firearm safety classes being required would be a gun law, no?) to always save the day? Come off it, man. I like guns too, I’m against outright bans for no reason as are many other leftists(look up the Socialist Rifle Association, if you’re interested), but I don’t think even most republicans would agree with no gun laws at ALL.

We should destroy the entire concept of health insurance. It’s a scam and has been for a very long time

I wholeheartedly agree. A good universal healthcare system would essentially accomplish this, as there would be very little reason to get private insurance anymore. It’s not the right wing trying to accomplish this though, if anything they’re trying to bolster the private insurance industry for their own greed. Not all democrats are innocent on this point either, but unlike republicans, they’re not ALL guilty of it.

We need to get rid of social security and encourage people to fund their own retirement accounts. If they don’t have the self control to do so, then bummer.

I fundamentally don’t agree with this, politics aside I think we have a moral duty to look out for those in need, but I won’t get into that. How do you realistically expect people to be ABLE to save for their own retirement with how much wages have stagnated versus inflation? Wages are mostly staying the same(Hell, Walmart recently lowered wages) while the cost of everything keeps going up and up. Republicans are the ones continuously fighting against living wages; they are the ones making it for most a herculean task to afford to just survive, let alone save for retirement.

End the Fed. They’ve become a 4th branch of the government without a constitutional amendment.

By “the Fed”, do you mean the Federal Reserve? If so, I won’t agree or disagree with you on this point, I’d need to research the topic first. If you didn’t mean the Federal Reserve, please elaborate on what you meant.

Stop glorifying gender non-conformity in schools. We’re going to convince kids to go down detrimental rabbit holes during their formative years.

What do you consider “glorifying”? I’m not going to put a boy on a pedestal and shower him with praise for wearing a skirt, but I see no reason to mock him for it or think less of him for it, either. It’s a piece of clothing, why should anyone care?

What would you consider as an example of a “detrimental rabbit hole” that this could lead kids to? Why do you think that(whatever “that” is to you) is detrimental?

Stop bailing out corporations. Let them fail, and let the people screwed over by such a failure do whatever they want to those in charge.

I agree with you. Republicans, however, do not. They love nothing more than giving corporations and their rich investors every break under the sun, while raising taxes on the working class.

Politicians shouldn’t be allowed to exempt themselves from the laws they pass. In fact, they should have to eat their own dog food for a year before anyone else is exposed to it.

Agreed. I’d go as far to say that elected officials should be held to a higher standard, and face a harsher punishment for breaking a law than a normal citizen would.

We need major data privacy regulations at the federal level.

Agreed. Frankly, both sides have been absolutely abysmal on this matter for the most part.

Any state or federal agency found to be in continued violation of the bill of rights should be shut down completely and permanently.

That’s just plain silly, no offense. There are so many different governmental agencies and pretty much all of them do multiple different important tasks. To completely shut them down over one illegal aspect is just wasting time and money. It is much, much quicker and cheaper to reform an agency and stop the illegal practices than it is to shut it down and then, what, start up a brand new agency to cover the other, non-illegal tasks the former agency did that still will likely need to be done?


Thank god PGA is officially dead, finally. My first Ryzen cpu came in the mail with bent pins, I spent fucking hours straightening all of them. Worth it tho, got 5 years of life out of it between me and my brother before it was finally allowed to rest and spend the rest of it’s life on a shelf(it still works, its just slow).


Yawn. Wake me up when MGS4 is on PC.


As far as which companies “deserve” it, it would be quicker to list the ones that don’t.


Mood. Worst part is, if I set this many, I’ll wake up before the first one goes off. Every time.

If I set a normal amount of alarms, or god forbid no alarms, I’m not waking up for hours past when I should’ve.


Fuck, I just lost the game


It’s still kind of a weird way to request that information. They could have just upfront asked “is the hot water tap not working at all, or is it just not hot?”.


Magnets, how do they work?


But like, why? I’m going to be listening to the lossy version on my phone 90% of the time anyways, and my headphones are not good enough to truly appreciate lossless either. It doesn’t matter that I have over 4tb of storage on my PC, I still don’t wanna waste an extra 50GB for no tangible benefit, when I could use the same extra 50GB to more than double my lossy music collection if I wanted.


But you are going to be using more space on your phone.

In which case we circle back around to “storage is cheap”. Music is the only substantial space hog on my phone.


Agreed. Even assuming you know the person wants a pet and can handle a pet, you’re still robbing them of choice in what pet they get. The poodle is cute and all, but little timmy really would’ve preferred a border collie.

Pretty much the only scenario I can agree with gifting a pet is if you know they want one, know they can handle one, and finally when it comes to the actual gift giving, it starts off with a trip to the animal shelter so they can pick their own companion.


Philly, on the other hand, is culturally… Philly.


Because the US expanded from the east coast towards the west. The midwest is west of the OG colonies, but not as far west as, well, the west.


Says you, an anonymous nobody on the internet.


No, it’s definitely a data cap. For one thing, you’re not getting gigabit internet, let alone giga_byte_, on a plane… but they also list the actual speed for the 20MB cap, a pitiful 64kbps. That’s barely faster than dial-up.


I sweat buckets in my sleep so an evening shower is basically useless for not stinking during the day.


Poison immunity wouldn’t help, at best it would prevent the panic feeling and hallucinations caused by breathing in CO, but the lack of oxygen would still kill you.


I’m pleasantly surprised it’s not Marvel related, personally. Although I’m bemused that it has nothing to do with the norse god Loki at all.


“People get out of poverty faster when poverty is 100% optional”

More news at 11.

I saw a post once over on another site that rhymes with deaddit, listing all the sites for "AI" art, writing, coding, speech, video, music, mimicry, you name it. Does anyone have a graphic, or... (

…care to contribute a link to their favorite site for an AI activity? I’d be really interested in seeing what’s out there, but the field is moving and growing so fast and search engines suck so hard that I know I’m missing out....


I really don’t care if it’s “genuine” art or not. If it looks cool, it looks cool.


So your whole point is a slippery slope fallacy. Gotcha.

Religious and superstitious beliefs should not be respected.

We’re in the 21st century, and the vast majority of us still believe in an utterly and obviously fictional creator deity. Plenty of people, even in developed countries with decent educational systems, still believe in ghosts or magic (e.g. voodoo). And I–an atheist and a skeptic–am told I need to respect these patently...

Perfide, (edited )

You are making a claim (God does not exist).

Wrong, that is denying the claim of “God does exist”.

The concept of God did not even exist until someone started claiming they did. “God exists” is inherently the initial unfounded claim, and they’ve continuously failed to present evidence for literally thousands of years now.


One can’t prove Evolution, despite it being the most complete explanation for the observations. Thus it is a Theory despite being accepted as the explanation by the vast majority of Scientists who study it.

This right here is all I need to know you’re a moron.

Evolution IS proven. A scientific theory is NOT the same thing as the common usage of the word “theory”(Source).


Why is that a good thing? Why do you “need” God in those times if during those times God is still doing nothing to help? What is the benefit?

Perfide, (edited )

This is the one that just baffles me. Tipping a landlord? For what, existing?


You’re right, it’s not. Locking them back up isn’t the solution, though.


This is pretty fucking shitty. This would be fine if they didn’t supplant CSGO entirely with CS2, but they did.


Can I see an OG PS5 next to it for scale? It’s hard to visualize how much smaller it is.


We have the opposite problem where I live. The auto-flush barely ever works, and more often than not nowadays the manual flush is a tiny button you have to actively search for to find.


It’s the control. If one Native tribe still controlled the ancestral grounds of another tribe, then you probably would have some people calling that out… but they don’t. The US government has ALL the control, every tribe within US territory, and all of their land, is at the governments mercy.


I don’t think they were trying to downplay the severity. I think they were just pointing out in a snarky way that there were survivors, and thus, we can ask their descendants these questions.


No, CSS is the right branch going off the top of the picture. It was originally two feet lower down the main trunk, and used to be growing out of the opposite side.


Never heard of it before now. Seriously.


Do you know what a meme actually is? This definitely qualifies.


This is just not fucking true. Child grooming is a real thing, and “grooming” has always been the term for it. Transphobes are the exact people the person you replied to are complaining about abusing the term.


I haven’t skipped any dialogue and I agree with them completely.


Same with 2000 kids. The new millennium started Jan 1st 2001.


It’s Pikachu-speak for Satoshi, the Japanese name for Ash.



Not to mention the removal/disabling of panic buttons not that long before the insurrection, the gallows, trying to move Pence to a 2nd location, etc… This shit was planned and they absolutely knew. The insurrectionists are stupid, but they’re not so stupid they can’t follow a floorplan leaked to them by an insider(my money’s on boebert).


Front panel connectors on motherboards.


Again, no intention to kill, though that would still be the outcome

No it wouldn’t, you have to prove intention to kill for a murder charge. This is manslaughter, a lesser but still very serious charge. Killing someone on accident is still a crime, shocker, I know.


Cool, I don’t live in a well planned city and I would have to immigrate out of the country to do so, or wait likely decades for reforms to make their way here. In the mean time, I’ll still need a car. I don’t need to smoke a cig in public.

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