
@[email protected]

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good luck with that angle, practically “all” creative industry software have a free learning or community edition until you cross certain threshold and they are also all very dominant software, not because there are no competition, but more like existing market share friction. Like asking Maya artist to transition to Blender.

There are also plenty of game engine out there that are free or cheaper, UE4 or UE5 aren’t exactly click 2 buttons and you have a game. (in fact, people spend decent amount of time to trim features/plugins they don’t use/need from the source to cut build time and memory cost for the shipping build.


care to layout how he buy his way into his own monopoly?

  • buy exclusives or studio? most big publishers do that.
  • give free games out? It’s consumer friendly.
  • drive Valve or other store front out of business? lol
  • make EGS/EOS so good and free that no one wants to publish on Steam? lol, any advance in that 2 department Steam as platform will respond way before they take foot hold. (EOS voice chat back end does work nicer compare to steam’s one if the game build for it. BUT, many gamers just use discord instead.)

anything I missed?

Epic’s capital is tiny compare to other big publishers.(MS, Sony, Tencent)


Valve’s steam provides values to consumer but aren’t entirely “consumer friendly”. Some of their “give ins” are entirely because of competition.


  • self refund and refund window, directly copy EA’s origin.
  • allow big publisher to negotiate store cut, direct response to Epic’s store cut.
  • linux push is entirely for steam’s own survival, not a pro-consumer move.
  • their policy changes on steam reviews over the years.
  • the Steam UI revamp multiple times and makes discovery pretty messy when they tried to gamify the discovery process. All for easier marketing campaign pushes. (I found it pretty annoying, but I also don’t like the Netflix style on EGS or other store front.)
  • Valve’s market place and their key/lootbox and cross game drops are among the pioneers just shy of the scummy gacha from the mobile space.
  • Valve’s policy dictates that you can not sell at lower price on different store front. Ie. a game dev selling on EGS can take off 18% and get the same amount of revenue from the store front, but they can’t price lower because of Valve’s policy. That’s not consumer friendly.

The fact that Valve can just charge 30% even if a developer didn’t use “any” steam feature is simply because they can. And we are all eating the cost cause developers have to factor that in as well.


There is actually a case going on regarding the platform pricing parity.…/Regarding-the-Valve-class-acti…

And there are other articles that checks for if you can sell at lower price(without temp sales) on EGS, only 5 out of 41 did so. I take it with some handful of salt cause ars didn’t actually list out the games and who is the publisher behind those 5. That’s why I post the first link from a developer’s stand point. We will only know details once the case developed more.

Regarding reviews, it’s like manage or moderate a forum, but it has huge impact if your changes aren’t communicated, I just list this one but if you are more interested you can dig up older/newer changes. Simply put, if it wasn’t through backlash and developers pulling teeth to push some odd changes like this back to a more neutral place. (ie. Early Access Reviews, Product received for free, product refunded tags are all much later than this article.) Steam’s reviews would be something like youtube shorts that I simply skip. Is it better in the end? I don’t know, cause you can still influence how popular a review is by the upvote/found useful from marketing campaign. Extra costs from developer to marketing(and still subject them to exploits), harder to navigate for consumer(like Amazon reviews), it’s really messy and not really consumer/producer friendly.

I put my points in simply because there is a overwhelming “worshiping” of Valve/Steam that make the 30% cut seems justifiable, and distribution for digital good seriously can’t be more expensive than physicals right? you can go check how much average Amazon charges seller even given it’s dominant position as digital market place. Or simply put it this way, youtube/netflix/social bandwidth consumption is bigger than game distributions for average user. It might be a case for triple-As that come at 45G per game but vast majority of games are about 12 hours worth of streaming(<20GB), I’d like Valve simply provide a usage based charge like cloud providers and developers can pick and choose what features they wanted to pay accordingly. 30% cut is not normal just as lootbox is not normal, they did it simply because they can. (as in traditional brick-and-mortar shop like BestBuy charging extras for cables etc, even with Amazon as competitor.)

Sorry if I miss some parts to provide follow ups, simply too tired to focus on stuff. Mark my words, once Gabe passed gamers are gonna have the reckoning coming for them. All my purchases are based on how much money the developers can get at the end. I buy games on store/launcher even if I don’t like them, but if more bucks goes to developer, that’s where I choose to buy. That’s the important part, we buy stuff to support the developer we like/love, not to support the “platform” selling them.


They even bought out Rocket League and delisted it from Steam, even though it was already published and had been on the platform for years.

As a PSN/Steam launch Rocket League player and still playing. The only thing I don’t like about this decision is that it’s losing the workshop integration since Epic doesn’t have their own implementation. Otherwise I don’t blame them for doing this and it does not affect any “new” players after the F2P switch. Workshop was eventually rectified with community mod for EGS version but I wish there is workshop maps on consoles as well, some of them are really well made, my son love those a lot.

Note, it does not mean I like or approve how they run Rocket League and recent changes. In fact I decided to stop buying anything on RL with recent removal of player trading until they implement new features or improve RL that’s worth my bucks. I’ve paid enough in RL to let me go another 57 years for my share of server cost. (base on my calculation of hosting a server with similar capacity, my numbers might be off but pretty sure I paid more than enough. average around 7090 CAD each year since launch. )

I can’t criticize Epic for making their own properties exclusive

If I buy off Skyrim’s right and have my own store and did the calculator for risk and return, you’d be dame sure I will delist it and only host on my store so I don’t have to pay another store front 30% for the new Alan Wake II engine powered version of Skyrim.

Why buying exclusive deals are everywhere because making profitable games are almost like making correct bet on penny stocks. As a developer I would choose safe income to ensure we can keep going if no one else is willing to offer exclusivity deals. Those deals are really good for indie games especially if they are self-publishing instead of having to split with a stronger backing publisher. This is the part most steam worshiper or people that criticize Epic’s moves don’t get their head around and then threaten to “boycott” their once “loved” projects or developers, call them greedy, and abandon the fans, or backers. I believe some dev even promise to give out steam/gog keys after the exclusive deal expires but still getting shamed to death by accepting such deal. Developers aren’t your personal slaves, they got bills to pay and company to run.

Sorry, I’m not sure I understand what you’re getting at with this. Are you saying other storefronts/platforms on PC aren’t free, or that Epic Games Store currently does a better job?

No, sorry for my failed sarcasm, EGS as storefront are probably worse than EA’s Origin that was retired or Ubisoft’s crazy Uplay. It’s impossible with the current market share and dominance from Steam even if Epic actually put serious resource into making EGS better, and we all know they aren’t. Because any right minded person would put more resource on product that make them money, for Epic it’s Fortnite, for Valve it’s Steam and not [Insert project name] 3. Just like Gabe have his plenty of pet projects, Tim also have his own pet store front and law suits. Rich people do what rich people do.

And, I want to point out, Tencent the venture capital/investment arm and Tencent the publisher is very different entity. Like yeah they have the CCP tie and stuff but the people that runs the venture capital is just similar to any other venture capital, they want their investment make them profit. Compare to say, EA/Activision buying your studio, I’ve heard better things from industry friends. Oh, and they would try to avoid publish that Tencent owns their shares etc to avoid this kinda of finger pointing from internet folks. Even the Tencent venture capital people knows this and suggest keeping acquisition/investment under wrap. Epic is public company so they have to disclose. Wouldn’t it make sense? If you are a venture capital project manager would you:

  1. pick and invest company that have good potential and planning to carry out their project and product then make big bucks in return and racking in your bonus. Less effort more result?
  2. invest and dip your fingers into everything you can using your board voting power thus make future investment collaboration more difficult. And then getting fired because the company complaint in postmortem?

EA/Activision did their thing because they were in the game of owing your IP and then cut you off from your creation. They have long history of doing that and then fuck up the sequels/prequels/reboots, they don’t care since they got what they wanted. EA was doing much better now from what I can hear.

My points and arguments are solely on don’t view Epic as a malicious actor and focus on what changes it can bring to the digital game selling store front. Way too many people just “fuck Epic” and does not see the full picture and place their loyalty with a platform, just like fans of console wars. For example, during the past sale, I bought Witchfire on EGS, bought Cyberpunk on GOG even though I don’t have good experience with Galaxy, almost bought the new Jedi on EA Play but decided against it because Disney doesn’t need more of my money and I should not give in to my StarWars fan itch and buy a so-so product from the reviews I read. I made my purchase decision solely on one simple rule, how can I give the developer more revenue cut from the purchase I made.


the day this combo no longer works is the day I don’t visit youtube. Honestly if there are some alternative front end/extension that’s better please let me know. I visit youtube for times like game award announcement(so trailers and official release), search for review benchmark while I want to buy PC stuff, and the rest mostly just game educational stuff from Digital Foundry and channel like PBS Space Time. I am doing the upkeeping(so tagging channel as not interested or straight blocking them), but recent generated clips are flooding Youtube like crazy. I want to have a page/frontend that only my subscribed channels and whitelist keywords to show up.


I think the discovery aspec would come from these:

  • links from your frequently visited sites, community
  • recommendations when you ask in more niche group, the frequent there usually can point you to a better youtuber/reviewer.
  • or some lazy effort when you just go to the default and search with keywords(while in a container tab) and navigate through the useless stuff.

I complaint because now my youtube feed are filled with other pseudo-science and auto-generated stuff, youtube’s algorithm have failed me basically. Half are from my subs and another half are from people or program that are trying to exploit you with those “try this to improve …” shit and just paste some sounding scientist names.


someone from a totally different thread mentioned that the water can’t stay in the system because of whatever mineral stuff from the cooling pipe/anti-algae/anti-corrosive has to leave the system after certain cycles. So unless you have a treatment plant down stream it’s not exactly “drinkable” freshwater. (and I doubt water regulation would allow that to happen.)

The consume here means that water is not usable for other application. How? I don’t know, maybe it can be used for power wash?


I agree, it would eventually have it’s own ecosystem around that water usage if “fresh” water or not really drinking water related use is required. At this point I think it’s just cost related, cheaper just to dump into ocean.


10 non-skippable ads before you play? and stop in middle of boss fight to sell you continues?


cause you would then have to dispatch a 3rd party audit to make sure Gabe isn’t reading from a teleprompter that his lawyers prep to answer any questions on the fly. You can prep your script “before” but not during, once you are on the stand you are on your own, subject to the court rules, etc.


They will have to face the consequence because then the lawyer will bring up stuff that shows:

  • you know and you are lying
  • you said/did/wrote something and you forget but here is the internal email etc.
  • use that to their advantage when possible.

Target is to make the case, through Gabe is just a attacking vector.


Did you followed the Debb vs Heard one? I know it’s kinda special case with lots of video and court recorded footage etc. Gabe isn’t exactly a celebrity that expose their private life, but if internal emails is on the table for discovery then it can also be very different. Cause they will just tell you “you said/wrote make a decision here from this email” then start off that. Like you said who is a better actor? Can you suddenly remember details with which “partial” quote are referenced without context from email 6 months ago for your argument? And then suddenly don’t remember any details making a decision 2~3 weeks ago? From neuroscience, our memory is pretty unreliable as we can fill the gap all we want. But it’s court case just how the judge/jury believed what part they saw/hear.




I hope you understand the principle of putting down names and/or title in email for paper trails is a thing, you don’t really think Valve is a “flat” structure as marketed, right? I’ve consider myself lucky that I didn’t run into much political or ethical drama thing for my career, but simply put names down and confirm the decision in writing dodge me quite a couple big bullets.


I didn’t design that system, and I think it is this way because in the past without forensic evidence, the witness role basically put the burden to people who are testifying or on the stand for questions. That’s why nowadays when the suits wants to push shady things they go off record cause they don’t want to keep any evidence. It’s up to the minions to smart up to make sure you cover your own ass.

And, sometimes company make or break during trials. I don’t want to see value flop, but I also think 30% is a lot if you don’t even use steam features. (here I mean you only publish on steam, but you don’t use their DRM/Friend/Matchmaking, workshop, lobby, etc. But if a dev do indeed use those backend service I think it’s justified. )


like with any other health related stuff, prevention is a lot cheaper and stress free. We common plebs aren’t the targets of zero day attacks, and if you are secretly a multi-millionaire or with great inheritance incoming, well, maybe consider hiring comp sec firm that help you maintain and update your personal use computer AND don’t do any financial stuff on it.


I don’t even know if this applies to provincial jurisdiction but they could have do a couple other things that won’t tank the market and create new crisis, so more people can have affordable housing.

  • extra tax on housing owned in the same 15~20km radius range from your principle residence, on top of the vacancy tax. it steps up more and more the more house units you owned. And a ramp up for such tax yearly so eventually it’s not worth owning multiple housing in a metropolis.
  • prevent rental corporation to own multiple buildings or complex in the same region, cause they will have more capitals to create that rental price increased in a region. rental corporation/building should be subject to reviews from tenants to ensure quality of operation. And honestly, rental corp shouldn’t really be a thing, they should be like non-profit oriented but pays well to the managers since managing buildings requires good quality work. (for profit corp would eventually try everything to reach a certain earning goals, that’s the nature of corps.)
  • finally, for town house and condos, a publicly funded information website to make information transparent. Who is the strata company, what maintenance they did, who is the contractor and the pricing, voting result and record(since we removed rental restriction by law, voting owned by the same owner should be counted as such). There are a lot of shady practice that aren’t good for anyone except the few pocket the funds. There should also be more regulation on contracting out maintenance works to relatives of strata manager or council members.(conflict of interest.) This will help drive down overall insurance cost if everyone gets quality maintenance review/work/pricing.

it looks really stupid, they know people would buy them just to make video content out of how stupid it is. And if you search for the camo name on youtube you can see all the victims, I hope they make back the money from youtube. lol…/modern-warfare-3-camo-locked-behind-60-…


yeah, that’s pretty much why I stopped buying Nvidia after GTX 1080. Cuda was bad in terms of their practice, but not that impactful since OpenCL etc can still tune and work properly with similar performance, just software developer/researcher love free support/R&D/money to progress their goal. They are willing to be the minions which I can’t ask them to not take the free money. But RTX and then tensor core is where I draw the line, since their patent and implementation will have actual harm in computer graphic and AI research space but I guess it was a bit too late. We are already seeing the results and Nvidia is making banks with that advantage. They are essentially just applying the Intel playbook but doing it slightly different, they don’t buy the OEM vendors, they “invest” software developers/researcher to use their closed tech. Now everyone is paying the premium if you buy RTX/AI chips from Nvidia and the capital boom from AI will make the gap hard to close for AMD. After all, R&D requires lots of money.


Yeah, CDProjekt should teach many players a lesson by now. Past success does not guarantee future works.

But I do have a slight soft spot for Swen as I backed most of Larian’s kickstarter projects.(except the card game since I don’t play card games. ) If some day he no longer have majority in terms of stock holding for Larian, then it’s the time I will be more careful about their games.


it’s the “people are doing it so I won’t look that bad doing it as well”. This is why you should not have any “loyalty” or “we are part of a family” shit in your head cause when the chopping block is on the table they can even chop off their other hand if requested by the stock holder.


The source interview section to the time stamp:;t=47…

Main short comings(for the parts I know and working with):

  • There are many inter-connected features that works best if you use them together, so for example, if you want to use Lumen but don’t want to use Nanite you can, but the performance would be worse since the virtual texture part of rendering lumen scene is a lot more efficient when you use Nanite geo. Similar with VSM.
  • If you upgrade project from old UE4, there is A LOT you need to touch on. It’s like a ticket generator if you upgrade.(but yeah, do a cross gen engine upgrade would do that for you.)
  • TSR(their temporal super resolution upscaler) still not really working out of the box and most I know just use FSR/DLSS/XeSS
  • many features are moving target BUT was talking point during recent releases. ie. PCG, Substrate, Smart Object, World Partition(specifically the Data Layer part), even VSM just out of beta since 5.2(most current released UE5 games using version <= 5.1, Immortals of Aveum would be the first to upgrade to 5.2 as far as I know.)
  • because of the above point, the CVars to control features can be changed/deprecated when a new release goes out. So you can’t “decide” your quality presets if you are still banking on upgrades.

Let me talk about the 2 things you mentioned:

  • networking, this part is actually the “better” side, it’s a bit harder cause since UE4.26 it gets a lot of Fortnite’s improvement into UE-main. So if you are doing shooter even with a lot of players it’s actually better than most other engine on the market. But if you want to do things like say, fighting game or decouple input/game thread for lower latency, or if you have your own “space ship battle” with custom physics body not a humanoid capsule. Then you have to implement your stuff.(by ref how CharacterMovementComponent is implemented.)
  • Physics, many people talk shit about ChaosPhysics, while it might not be as good as some other current industry standards for single player game, it will change the landscape of multiplayer game once it’s performance is up to par. The reason is ChaosPhysics is designed with networking in mind. So, yeah, if your game is player interact destruction heavy(ie. big enough debris don’t disappear), you need a more expensive server to run. There are less physics based multiplayer game cause the old implementations are all “bad”. (just see what Battlefield or Halo has done for the past 2 decades, the slight desync and player/vehicle fly to the moon is staple of bad implementation.)

running identical sim requires some setup that decouple physics and render/game thread. Rocket League is a good example even though it only simulate 6 player controlled box with cosmetic cars render in place. RL is server authoritative, so your local sim is just there until server ask your client to sync up.(with modern rubber banding interpolation across frames basically.) Any game with frame rate dependent physics(Unreal is still kinda frame rate dependent) can’t approach running sims on all client and hope them to sync up. cause their delta will not be the same. And if they do have a fixed delta physics engine, then like you mentioned, the slowest client will affect how the server can progress the clock. It’s a good enough implementation pre dedicated server era, but for modern approach with anti-cheat in mind, it’s no longer adequate.

I think for multiplayer game, there are a couple things are in current “trend”:

  • server offload simulation, basically the dedicated server off load the physics to a bunch of cloud nodes that only does the physics sim, take the result and ask the client to sync up. It’s not really “new” just that the implementation would get better. Search StarCitizen’s server meshing shown recently. This can scale up really big sims but the network bandwidth required would be prohibitive, cause it not only scale with the players also the physics bodies needs to be updated. (so yeah, always trade offs. )
  • fixed time delta physics engine on server, like Rocket League mentioned. This works fine with limited amount of physics body and are really stable, but you can’t do large scale sim with fixed time delta physics engine. (the more physics bodies, the slower it is to update the sim result.) Also this type of sim is has really limited range in space cause floating point error if physics body go really far from origin. But on the other hand it’s much more reliable, predictable and easier to do input buffer so it’s really responsive if you only need to handle limited amount of physics bodies.
  • async/multithread physic engine, it can still be deterministic if the inputs are the same(see JoltPhysics as example), it can scale up to large amount of physics bodies since most would be in “sleep” state once they are stabilized. very “mature” in single player game, but for multiplayer you still need to wrangle the “sync” up part. Less expensive to update compare to first one, supports more physics bodies than 2nd one, but nothing is free so you need good server(no offload) and your game framework needs to be able to support it.(what ChaosPhysics is working on). It would cost “less” to host compare to first, but significantly higher than 2nd. (well, if someone use fix time delta to sim large amount of physics bodies, then their server will cost way more than async, but no one would do that anyway. ) Example game would be like The Finals that was doing beta recently from what I can see in the gameplay videos. (they have mixed cosmetic, running only on clients, physics and server synced physics. )

I bought on launch, and it’s getting new content and NG+ on 16th.


It took the EU legislation to force them adapt USB 3 charger port. Their consumer base are their cows.


yeah, I forgot about that, it’s a USB-C type port.


Lol, this is something they could have done before the layoff.(no seriously, how hard it is to just disable any notification with a preference?)


Metroid’s signature feature, basically any enemy/breakable gives you something once you gain more type that needs ammo stock.


Yeah, I was rerunning the old game and now in the dlc part, almost done and still like all the more challenging puzzles.

Many of the terminal questions and interaction though is what make you stuck the longest. I know you can save scum if you want to see what other path from you choice, but you can also do that online by checking the wiki for example.

They don’t really have real consequences game wise, but make you still think about those questions when you lie on the bed.


Whenever there is a thing like this, you can always pointing back to a couple obvious curlprits cause it’s almost always that case.

  • There is that decision making group think it is fine and just push through instead of listening to their own people.(look at unity runtime fee a while ago.)
  • There is simply enough time to trim it cause the trimming part keep getting pushed back because priority.(by the same group above)
  • You’d be surprised that efficiency didn’t really scale up with amount of people involved in a project, nor how experienced the people has been in the industry. Because the tech is a moving target every year.
  • The brain bleeding from inadequate pay or inadequate management is astonishing even for fairly well managed company. Your can have people doing literal jack shit and only pay lip service that like to put their finger into stuff to justify their cost, and when people actually couldn’t give another fuck and decides to leave now you have some muddy place/project to work with.
  • C-suites looking for getting acquired/spring board higher rather than making actual good stuff. Their performance evaluation aren’t tie to the quality of product.

Gaming industry are not that special where the whole group of people can just go to work and scroll all day.

PenguinTD, (edited )

Game size are not determine by the size of the map most of the time but the amount of assets you kept inside the shipping build. Usually the size of the files ranked are textures, audios(especially if you support multiple language), cinematic (pre-rendered), animation.

edit: MooseBoys reminds me how much cosmetics we have now in our games.

edit2: If game engine allows artist to paint over game world and save painted virtual textures tiles for location decoration purpose, texture will scale with game map size, see my response below using BG3 as example.

PenguinTD, (edited )

With so many cosmetics in our world I think you are right. XD


Actually, my statement might be a bit wrong regarding map size once I think more carefully. Modern trend that allows artist to directly paint on game world could create really heavy virtual texture assets that scale with size of the world. Games that approach “unique” look or feeling per area without making you feel they reuse or have tileable textures all over the place tends to use this as you can just stream in textures that mask over tileable and make it looks really decorated for that area. They basically trade file size with artist freedom.

One example is BG3, where the VirtualTextures_*.pak have 18 files, 72GB. While normal asset textures has only 4 pak files and aobut 13GB.


best description of the decade.


t doesn’t say more people overall use ad blockers. It says people that were already using them are now switching between different extensions. Let’s wait and see if this increases Firefox’s market share. This could be the real good outcome of all this.

That’s literally the first thing after I install any new system.

  • get firefox on a stick so I don’t have to open deprecated explorer or have to download Edge
  • install firefox, get ad blocker extension
  • then remove/turn off all the recommended shit that are now embedded to your start menu and task bar and lock screen. (I wish there is a github FOSS script that does this for new windows builds. )

I will abandon windows when the games can all be played on Linux properly.


Is there a compatibility list and performance difference?

I have games that are not from steam so they will need to be able to run as well.(and games that requires their launcher, like EA/Ubisoft. Oh and some of them have denuvo.)

How about other driver functions(recording game clips, instant replay buffers) that was provided on windows drivers?

I am planning a new build(so many new hardware’s) so if all above are possible and don’t need some arcane knowledge (like suddenly you need to upgrade your libc and install new kernels and fuck around with driver compatibility) then consider me in.

What/where would be the guide and distro to start with?


Dude, thanks for this.


What games have you played since then? For reference. I go check my most recent played game and I am not really convinced by the result. And the game I am going to play, very mixed results. Consider both are UE5 engine games. I will check back like in a year or 2 once UE5 games runs on proton smoothly I will switch.


That’s why I say maybe I need to give it a year then visit the protondb again. I am too lazy to tweak those per game or doing all the extra works(some people have their own Custom Proton??) just to play a game. It’s also why sometimes I just buy games on console cause it’s way easier to play game on it. (the suspend feature is a big win, I wish PC game has this as well. )


I’ve done that very long time ago even custom build linux kernels and compile drivers, but the experience is not really good cause it’s basically a waiting game. You wait for updates and fixes and drivers etc cause no one owes you anything and even for gaming updates you might not be priority. (I used to pay money to a side fork of wine that has a paid member voting which game’s compatibility to work on first. I don’t have to pay/wait for anything just to have a game working on Windows. )


With what Sony done recently I am not getting into it that quickly. PS5 would be my last “day 1” console from Sony. It’s fake below but imagine:

“PS6 now comes with [insert amazing spec and launch year line up], with all the features now provided on the platform and sustain our development and continual improvement of PS6, a PS Plus [insert whatever tier that made up by marketing] is included for the first year and is required for your PS6 to function and access our online store and all other essential functions. Don’t forget that we also give you [insert features that gamer don’t really give a fuck], it will be amazing when you are not playing a game and just wants to chill and/or social with your friends.”

If that happened, then PS5 would be my “last” playstation, I am not paying more PS Plus.

  • reminder, if you “pre-order” anything, the auto renewal is turned back on automatically. Best check your auto renew and if possible just remove the CC info.

edit: typo etc.


yeah, it’s everywhere in the older game/literature/manga/etc, and then devs started to shrink back the freedom so you don’t accidentally break the game logic by killing key NPC or have to make said NPC invincible. Modern day mob/field boss “quit” if you leave their area is just that you can’t cheese the game or break it. So DD2 devs are gonna have a nice field trip what players can do when you give them freedom to manipulate the dumb AIs.


Honestly, the people that apply to host foster etc needs to go through psychology checks periodically. Cause people change over time, different env/financial stress will also change how a person respond to future events. Like every hierarchy of the work chain basically, cause what they see, hear and deal with needs some cope mechanism, and sometimes it becomes “it’s not gonna be that worse, right?” Cause they can’t really take it if they dig in, and kids suffers, the workers got slammed, and people go to jail because we don’t check periodically.


make the people who approve funding to live in the same area, I am sure it will be more convincing.

side story: reminds me in the ancient time(mid 2000s) one of our server run on SCSI-card raid 5 and one drive started acting weird server was down, I said we have to have back up more often and get new server cause this server is out-dated and probably gonna be breakdown soon. I manage to bring the server back up with rebuild check and moving on(and tags the bad sectors etc). My requests sitting there for 3 months and I talked all the way up even directly to the business owner.(was RnD lead at that company, so I only have 3 levels of people above me. ) The eventual melt down incoming, the drives failed as predicted(the one that’s weird + another bought in the same time), we lost like one full month worth of work cause we don’t have enough tape to back up and they ration the tapes between departments. And then after that management spend way more to catch up and establish new server etc. “Told you this is gonna happen”, it was fun looking at them trying to talk their way out and find excuses.


Dang, it’s gonna eat the CPU util even better now? I hope this can be implemented for better and faster scrubbing/stepping experience.(both VLC and Shotcut)


Yeah, let them make the financial decision to sell or rent out long term properly. Use Airbnb to curb rental law is just asking for law to adjusted and fix it. The legislators even though most are also in the business of keep the re price high, but their heads are also tied to make housing affordable. I hope there is no loop holes in it and someone/corp have capital just scoop up units and put all of them under a tourism business or something.


I think allow 1 AI to drive that many cars, wouldn’t it also let it create cases that it does “team work” to win? (which also happen in real world racing if you have more than 1 car per team on the track. )

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