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Teacher: …uhhh…

少奇 حكيم : Yep, I’m here.

Teacher: Got you. Where is that from?

少奇 حكيم : …uhhh…

Teacher: Got it. Is Ashley Berkenstein here?


Italian sausage, penne pasta, and marinara. Beyond easy…not particularly healthy.


This is obviously a bad idea. CMV


Fool proof method for arguing with fascists: apply their logic to them.

They think their beliefs are universal. But the second you characterize them as the out-group of a violent in-group, they’ll quickly qualify their statements. Be a rhetorical mirror to their misanthropic, suspicious, hateful worldview.


Joe Biden’s failure to do anything material for the public

Yeah…he literally put $1400 in your pocket, assuming you’re American, at the beginning of his administration in response to the covid-19 virus.

American politics is basically one big ol’ recency bias. The most recent events weigh more heavily than a holistic view of the candidate. That’s why George W. Bush can paint fucking puppies and the media that used to disparage him now fawns. It’s also why the 24 hr news cycle is so effective: Americans think being informed means being up-to-date.


But they’ll absolutely line up for a guy that did the most to exacerbate the time of great crisis.

Americans…gotta love 'em.


When I was poor, $5k would’ve been life changing. I wouldn’t have eaten any better except for a day or two, but I wouldn’t have had debts hanging over my head.

Matter of fact, I had a $4k debt hanging over my head for like 6 years because I dropped out of college. I couldn’t pay it off until I got my dad’s life insurance after he died. I worked the entire time, 6 years straight, but was underpaid and Wells Fargo was doing its illegal overdraft fee thing…I will never work with that bank again. It wasn’t uncommon for me to pay $70 in fees on a paycheck of $400. Idk how the fuck I survived.


Honestly, AI has been helping me a lot as a student and someone that just likes to research stuff. It’s development over the last year has been incredible.


Are you perchance a genius?


Xyplorer. A much better file system


More spending means more demand means more supply, which means production costs go down (due to economies of scale)… so inflation goes down?

Supply may or may not be able to adjust quickly.

A good example is food. There’s only so much that can be grown and distributed. So a high demand for food year after year only pushes up the price. The supply can’t really grow exactly. You can purchase more, import it, but that’s still probably more costly than local production. So importing it may actually make the price higher even while the supply expands.

Also, organizations aren’t required to produce more. In an economic environment where…idk…you once found t-shirts for $5 for three, Hanes can make it $6 for three because what else are you going to do? Buy Fruit of the Loom like a peasant, who is also charging more for their clothes?

So if production can’t or won’t expand and/or supply can’t it won’t expand, you’ll have more and more money chasing the same amount of goods, which leads to inflation.


I am annoyed af. My pc does have TPM but it’s a bitch to set up and I’m not fighting that fight again. And fuck windows 11 on my current computer


So…basically how my brain works? I routinely mishear and misread words. I’m like…80% certain I’m somewhat dyslexic. The repetition of the word would’ve tripped me up, too. The misspellings wouldn’t faze me.

That Have You Ever Had A Dream meme would also trip me up. Written variations would take me a good 10 seconds for me to figure out it’s gibberish. I’m not sure about the plausible deniability bit though…


Fuck, I wish this were an option. It’s like only HOAs in this god damn place.

If you had a one-way ticket to Jan 1, 1999 that departs on Jan 1, 2024, and you are allowed to bring whatever fits into a backpack with you, what would you bring to use to take over the world, and how would you use it? (

Assume that the future can change based on your actions, so any historical information that you bring along with you from the intervening 25 years may quickly drift out of the new realities history....


You have to prevent 9/11. Then you can still walk your grandma to the terminal when she flies to the Bahamas.


Just buy Apple and Microsoft. You’ll be fine.


“The hard truth is…” something completely obvious.


How come I can see the documents on Kbin but not on my home instance, Reddthat? I even enabled show bot accounts…still nothing though.


The Continuing Saga of My Life

My Life: Movin’ On Up! Makin’ Moves!

Business Sucks.

That’s it. Business Sucks.


No, no, like the career field of business as a whole sucks. I’m in a finance, doing budgeting bullshit, and…I want to do something else. But I still have at least 3 years left, so…I’m plotting on a career transition shortly thereafter.


This is generally an unpopular opinion, but…I don’t really think we need the news.

It’s basically like being told that a comet is going to smash into the Earth within the year and scientists are working on it, but their chance for success is anywhere between 0% and 100%. That’s cool and all, but I rarely feel like I can actively do anything as a result of being more informed. More information doesn’t empower me to do anything at all. Thus, I have a hard time justifying the self-flagellation.

Personally, I read the news only. While I barely pay attention to videos anyway, when I do I feel like I don’t have time to fact-check and otherwise do my due diligence. If I don’t have to read interpretative commentary, then I won’t. For example, if a news story cites a study or survey, I’ll just go to the source. If someone is quoted, I’ll go look for context around the quote.

That’s how I exert control, anyway lol. It’s mostly inconsequential, probably, but I also like to think that I’m not totally foolish.


If I go to bed at 2100, getting up at 0600 lets me “sleep in” and get a little less than 9 hrs of sleep.


Classical Rhetoric for the Modern Student. Still reading it. Fucking love it!


That series is so good!


Shamelessly plugging You Need A Budget. Best app I’ve ever used. My SO and I have been using it for about 3 years now, and the app has been instrumental in us becoming mostly debt-free.

Also, you’re a college student, you get a free year!

PeepinGoodArgs, has a lot of solutions I support.


I’m thankful for key lime pie. I may not have it as much as I want, but the idea alone of having another bite some day really keeps me going.

PeepinGoodArgs, (edited )

Yes. For green tea, I steep for 2.5 minutes at 170 degrees Fahrenheit. Higher temperatures or longer extraction times make it taste really bitter. For the longest time I thought I didn’t like green tea because I’d boil water and then leave the tea to steep until I remembered it. That method works fine earl grey and any herbal tea. But green tea is special.

Right. The other half of your question. I’ve always liked tea. Idk.


Yep, sorry. 170 Fahrenheit. Sorry about that.

What item have you been using on a daily basis for the longest amount of time?

Sometimes I will use something and realize I’ve owned it forever. It’s a nice change in our throwaway reality. I think my personal record is a bicycle multi-tool I got for one of my first bikes, ~25 years ago. Still have it, still use it. When it comes to electronic devices I have a Panasonic mini Hi-Fi from ~2005. Never...


A computer. Not necessarily the one I’m using, though this one is 5 years old. But I’ve been using a computer almost every day since I can remember, and I’m 35 today.


Wait…no…I’m just saying that’s my age today. I was also 35 yesterday and will 35 tomorrow lol

But thank you, nonetheless.

when will be your last time to vote for the "lesser of two evils"?

When will be your “this is the last fucking time I’m voting for the ‘lesser of two evils’, then I don’t care after that, let this country burn to the ground”? For me, this is basically it. This is last election I’m going for that " lesser of two evils" bullshit. After that I’m done. It’s just pointless. Let’s...


That’s the thing though, Democrats have superb policies to enrich the lives of people who vote for them, but they fucking suck at selling it.

Joe Biden’s Inflation Reduction Act, for example, is forecasted to create . Not to mention, investments in renewable energy help modernize American infrastructure in a variety of ways, and do something or another about U.S. greenhouse gas emissions. And it does more than that! Honestly, the IRA is a huge deal.

And what do people hear? Fox News anchors talking about Bidenomics and high inflation, how his fiscal policy is only destroying America and putting us further into debt. And the Heritage Foundation and have economists that present their free market analysis that necessarily demonizes all government “interference” in markets, making it impossible for people to see any value in anything Biden is doing.

And the more liberal media just like…not…doing anything at all. They just play into boring as culture wars, giving fodder to right-wing fools, and convincing normal Americans that the left is removed from reality. The sheer lack of policy discussion on liberal media channels does a disservice to everyone really. It even leaves Biden supporters unable to say what good he’s done.



It’s fun, but not something I want to do professionally or even as a side-gig.


Marrying my wife after letting her plan the wedding. It alone put us $30K in debt, We were already around $40K in debt…all from her excessive spending prior to us being together.

Talk about stupid…

But it turned better than I could have ever expected. We’re mostly debt free now, and the only reason we have any debt is because I don’t want to pay it off immediately since it’s a 0% interest loan and the money is contributring to earning interest. So, I consider myself extremely fortunate for how it all turned out.


The pandemic was our life saver. She was a traveling nurse and hospitals were throwing wads of cash at them for like 2 years.


I remember the first time I went about 30 mph on my conventional bike down a hill. I had so much fun, I went up the short hill again!

I’m graduating soon and plan to reward myself with something pricey. An e-bike is a strong contender because I hate driving my car as much as I do.


This and knife sharpening kit. I brought back two Farberware pieces of crap and use them more than my Wusthof chef’s knife now.


…why did OP ask a real question, and then…just…devolve???

What are Your Thoughts on Overcoming Internet Addiction and Leading a More Purposeful Life? (

I recently came across a thought-provoking video that delved into the struggle of overcoming internet addiction. The speaker reflected on a decade lost to the virtual world, a place that often felt more real than reality itself. Despite having a successful freelancing career and a growing YouTube channel, they found themselves...


If you’re reading books but not applying the knowledge to build something, isn’t it just as unproductive as doom-scrolling the internet?

No. Full stop.

I study rhetoric purely for personal pleasure and use my developing “talents” to…argue with people on the internet. Well, I’m in graduate school, and writing assignments are basically cake walks these days. So, that is an actual, productive use of my personal study of rhetoric, but other than that, I’m not producing anything with that information (even though, like the YouTuber, I do want to be productive with it…anyway…)

A lot of topics and subjects are “inoculative”. By that, I basically mean that merely having the knowledge probably prevents you from believing the opposite (often false) things. An anthropologist is unlikely to be convinced by the arguments of creationism, for example. Rhetoric is like that, except…on steroids. It’s a little bit of logic and art; of grammar and style; of history and current affairs; of science and the humanities. Because rhetoric is about the means by which people persuade others, in this polarized era, being able to spot and clearly identify the different methods modern persuaders use is instrumental in not being fooled.

My knowledge about computers innoculates me against “YOUR COMPUTER NEEDS TO BE UPDATED! DOWNLOAD HERE!” messages. And my knowledge about rhetoric and the different types prevents me from believing poorly structure arguments that are frequent in politics on every side. A rocket scientist that needs to account for the rotation of the earth will be able to identify why a flat earth simply doesn’t make sense.

In other words, accruing and having real knowledge prevents declined productivity.


Thank You For Arguing was the first book I ever read about rhetoric. It’s a fun, funny, and informative read. Its a very practical book, too. I can’t recommend this book enough. It has gems like this:

To win a deliberative argument, don’t try to outscore your opponent. Try instead to get your way

It sounds sociopathic (and it absolutely can be…abusers are very skilled at being persuasive), but it doesn’t have to be. Abusive rhetoric is just as much rhetoric as a presidential speech.

The Elements of Eloquence is also a really fun, practical book. If you’re a writer, it will be immediately useful, too. It doesn’t really focus on rhetoric as a means of persuasion, but goes into great detail with tons of examples about specific rhetorical figures. If you want to learn to turn a phrase, read this book.

If you just want a comprehensive one-stop-shop for rhetoric, then Classical Rhetoric for the Modern Student. It is an academic book. But it doesn’t really read like one. It turns out that rhetoric professors write with an engaging style? I guess that’s a byproduct of having studied and taught it for years or something. Anyway, you can find it online and just download it. But I’m definitely going to buy this book one day. It’ll 100% be worth it.

Those are my top 3 recommendations.


You are not alone. That is all


…why would it be too late for you to date? People want companionship throughout their lives…


Just stay away from all dating advice for men, be honest, learn to care about other people if you don’t already, and you’ll be fine.


And in this debacle, I don’t WISH to be anti-social, I’m anti-social but not in a voluntary manner. I’m in my prime years and I need friends and relationships at this age but my privacy standpoint is mangling with those.

But so this isn’t a conundrum you chose. That’s why people here are so into privacy. Instagram is social, sure, but is that the kind of socializing you want? Really? We know it’s bad for the mental health of teenage girls. What’s to desire about that? What’s to desire about the algorithm that actively tries to make you hooked on the app?

These are the kinds of questions behind the privacy communities, among others.

Also, don’t lie to women. Extreme things usually only look extreme until a person understands them. Explain yourself and give them an opportunity to come around and/or be willing to make compromises. Having an Instagram account you use every now and then to verify your humanity in a virtual world seems reasonable to me.



Have intellectual conversations.


…umm…well, that’s just freaking stupid.


Some subscriptions will end up have good Black Friday Sales. I plan on re-purchasing PlanToEat since it’s half price.


Carl Sagan himself. This timeline is going to be ruined.

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