@ParsnipWitch@feddit.de avatar


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@ParsnipWitch@feddit.de avatar

Ich weiß nicht wieso, aber Koffein lindert meine ADHD Symptome etwas, zumindest habe ich das im Selbstversuch festgestellt. Aber eher in dem Sinne, dass es etwas bei der Konzentration hilft. Mein Neurologe hat gesagt er hört das öfter von Patienten kann aber nicht bestätigen woran es liegt.

“Wach machen” tut Koffein tatsächlich nicht, aber es kann einen wach halten obwohl man tot müde ist. Das musste ich einmal feststellen als ich aus Versehen Koffein Tabletten mit Ibuprofen verwechselt habe und trotz extremer Müdigkeit über 40 Stunden lang wach war …

@ParsnipWitch@feddit.de avatar

Ich habe das tatsächlich auch nur mit Tabletten ausprobiert, Kaffee trinke ich gar nicht und Energy Drinks vielleicht mal eine 500 mL Dose, was ja noch niedriger konzentriert ist als eine typische Tasse Kaffee, glaube ich?

Ich kann ja auch nur sagen dass ich einen Effekt festgestellt habe bei mir zwischen dem Koffein und dass ich bestimmte Arbeiten besser erledigen kann. Woran es liegt weiß ich nicht. Kann auch am Ritual liegen, oder sonst was.

Bei der Verwechslung mit den Tabletten habe ich innerhalb von ca. 8 Stunden drei Stück genommen (weil ja die Schmerzen nicht besser wurden =)). Herzrasen, Schweißausbrüche, Nervosität, Geräuschempfindlichkeit etc., Kann ich nicht empfehlen als Trip…

@ParsnipWitch@feddit.de avatar

Ja, ich würde auch sagen dass das Koffein hilft weil ich subjektiv den Eindruck habe entspannter zu sein. Und es hilft mir deswegen. Nicht weil es direkt die Konzentration erhöhen würde, sondern eher bei dem Versuch das zu tun. Falls das Sinn macht xD

@ParsnipWitch@feddit.de avatar

At least where I live as a millennial you could have had a really nice childhood - until you finished school. Most struggled to find a job. Businesses would hire you as unpaid intern at best, etc. All while your parents (the boomers) expected you to have house, car and family in your twenties.

@ParsnipWitch@feddit.de avatar

Horror movies are unfairly judged because most people who do not like horror movies watch them for the wrong reasons.

@ParsnipWitch@feddit.de avatar

That is why it’s an amazing movie.

@ParsnipWitch@feddit.de avatar

To understand this you have to know that at the time when “Jaws” came into cinema there were people leaving cinema during the film because they “couldn’t handle it”. There were even newspaper articles about how the movie allegedly traumatized people. The same goes for movies like “The Shining”.

When “The Exorcist” came out people were not prepared.

@ParsnipWitch@feddit.de avatar

Es gibt auch Nischenparteien die sich lohnen zu wählen. Wie “Die Humanisten” zum Beispiel.

Wenn man jeden Trotzwähler und jeden der das Vertrauen in die großen Parteien verloren hat dazu bringen könnte stattdessen wenigstens irgendwas das sich nicht rechts ansiedelt zu wählen wäre das bereits ein Gewinn.

@ParsnipWitch@feddit.de avatar

Ein ganzes Maimai um zu sagen “Ich kann nicht kochen”…

@ParsnipWitch@feddit.de avatar

Build two cases, calculate for both, drag both case through the entirety of both problems, get two answers, make a case for both answers, end up with two hypothesis. Easy!

@ParsnipWitch@feddit.de avatar

“How dare someone’s fantasy not meet my expectations of how fantasy should be”

@ParsnipWitch@feddit.de avatar

Why are people in the comments arguing about what is or isn’t possible in D&S or Star Trek or whatever? As far as I can see it, there is no description about what kind of universe this plays in.

It doesn’t make sense to argue whether or not a wheelchair like that “makes sense” in a D&D universe?!

@ParsnipWitch@feddit.de avatar

We see almost nothing about “the setting”. Not everything is LOTR, Harry Potter or D&D.

@ParsnipWitch@feddit.de avatar

How do you know clerics exists in that world?

@ParsnipWitch@feddit.de avatar

Why do you assume there is only one kind of magic?

@ParsnipWitch@feddit.de avatar

How would you have worded the comment?

@ParsnipWitch@feddit.de avatar

I think if you do not want or need a cure, it’s not a disability. Doesn’t make sense to call it a disability then.

@ParsnipWitch@feddit.de avatar

What is a disability “for intrinsic reasons” or that is “intrinsically wrong”? Only disabilities that cause direct pain?

Per definition, a disability is something that gives you a handicap for living in how the world is.

@ParsnipWitch@feddit.de avatar

I don’t care. The definition of what a disability is, is clear. When all people would be deaf, would deafness be a disability? No.

It doesn’t matter whether you personally want to be cured or not. If someone has no legs and they like it, it’s still a disability because the person has a clear handicap in the current world. It doesn’t matter that, in a hypothetical world where heaving legs doesn’t matter, it wouldn’t be seen as a handicap.

@ParsnipWitch@feddit.de avatar

No, it’s something else than (instead of autism). Perhaps it a-symptomatic or someone has overcome it.

Imagine someone has a broken leg. It would not make sense to say they still have a broken leg but it’s not a disability because society could just change and make it a non-problem. It’s irrelevant whether it wouldn’t be seen as a problem when everyone had a broken leg or no one would care about it.

@ParsnipWitch@feddit.de avatar

You said a flaw is still a disability even when everyone has it.

Where did I wrote that?! I wrote that the hypothetical situation where everyone has a broken leg and therefore then it would be considered normal, doesn’t invalidate that a broken leg is a handicap in our (non-hypothetical) real life.

Also, being double jointed is not considered a disability.

And further, the word is clearly defined (this is translated from my language to English):

Physical, mental, intellectual or sensory impairments which prevent a person from participating equally in society for longer than six months.

And what we categorise as a disability is grounded on the definition above. Since autism is categorized as a disability, it wouldn’t make sense to diagnose someone with autism if the above is not true.

I don’t see how this can not make sense. It seems so obvious that you do not have a disability when nothing is disabling you. When someone says “I have disability X but it’s not disabling” then congratulations, you are cured.

@ParsnipWitch@feddit.de avatar

I think you have trouble understanding the difference between definitions for words or the context of general terms and your own personal experience.

@ParsnipWitch@feddit.de avatar

You didn’t answer my question (“Where did I wrote that”) and your answer doesn’t make it clear to me if you even understood my point. So I am not sure why you think it’s me who isn’t having a conversation.

@ParsnipWitch@feddit.de avatar

Do you mean the question where you tried to paint me as dumber than you because I do not agree with your reasoning?

Yeah, I won’t answer to your narcissistic ramblings because your premise is wrong. I have no trouble understanding your reasoning, I just think it’s wrong.

What is and isn’t categorized as a disability isn’t subjectively decided randomly. It’s a decision based on our current real life situation. Not your head cannon.

Autism is considered a disability because of the definition of what makes a disability I provided above. While you personally can say that you feel not disabled, a claim that “autism is not a disability because when people were different it wouldn’t matter” isn’t rational reasoning.

@ParsnipWitch@feddit.de avatar

I didn’t contradict myself, you didn’t understood what I was writing. Otherwise, please provide where I contradicted myself.

You tried to substantiate your claim that the question whether or not something is a disability depends on (social) context with mentioning that the “flaw” that Michael Phelps has supposedly aided him in being a better swimmer.

My point is that, for the definition whether or not something is categorized as a disability, it doesn’t matter whether it is not disabling in certain contexts for certain individuals. Or whether you can imagine a society where it’s not disabling.

“Intrinsic” and “non-intrinsic” disabilities, this differentiation does not make sense.

ParsnipWitch, (edited )
@ParsnipWitch@feddit.de avatar

I pulled out what you wrote earlier:

Michael Phelps is double jointed. He’s the best swimmer in the world because he has a mutation that makes his feet more effective flippers. You said a flaw is still a disability even when everyone has it. Nearly everyone is single jointed, and that makes us worse at swimming than Phelps. Your argument would imply that single jointed people are all disabled.

You can’t define disability in absolute terms, or you’ll run into problems like that. You have to define disability in socially constructed terms.

And none of it has anything to do with my point or the definition of what makes something being categorized as a disability.

  1. I never wrote a flaw is still a disability when everyone has it. I actually wrote the opposite but you didn’t understand it.
  2. Phelps mutation is not classified as a disability. So it is a moot example for the discussion. Even when using as a hypothetical example.
  3. You also did not understand the definition of what makes a disability. Just because certain disabilities can lead to a benefit in certain areas for certain individuals, that neither makes the disability in general not being a disability anymore. Nor does suddenly everyone else should be classified as disabled.

I try to give an example that’s perhaps easier to understand.

Blindness is considered a disability, because most people are not blind and our society, most of it’s appliances, etc. are therefore build around non-blind people.

That is already part of the definition of what makes something a disability.

A (permanent) blind person will not be able to live a life equally to how they would live their life when they were not blind. And the negative effects (!) of it will be present for longer than six months.

Even when the whole world would make effort into building accommodations for blind people, it would still be seen as a disability. Although other things would change on how blind people are treated in our society.

When in a parallel universe there is an earth with humans where everybody is naturally blind, blindness wouldn’t be a disability.

When suddenly superman-esque humans were born it doesn’t suddenly make everyone who isn’t superman-like a disabled person, but being susceptible to the negative effects of kryptonite could possibly be seen as a disability, when kryptonite was somehow part of our daily lifes.

Until the superman-like people become the defacto standard human, then the odd one born without supermanpowers would start to be seen as disabled, even though they are immune to kryptonite.

What does not make sense it to try to draw a line between intrinsic and non intrinsic disabilities. And claim that something is not a disability anymore just because people could potentially start to accommodate it better.

@ParsnipWitch@feddit.de avatar

Sure, because every white elderly woman can only be a racist asshole. Makes you look like a Karen.

@ParsnipWitch@feddit.de avatar

This is just wrong. Why is it allowed to burn other books but not religious books? Denmark is a secular state. Bowing to the religious ideas of people is a step in the wrong direction. People should care less for religions and be less religious. There are no “holy books” or holy anything.

@ParsnipWitch@feddit.de avatar

But it’s just religious books. You can burn Darwin’s “The Origin of Species” or Kant’s “Was ist Aufklärung”. But you aren’t allowed to burn a bible or the koran?

That’s just stupid.

@ParsnipWitch@feddit.de avatar

Ich schlage noch vor:

Facebook - Fratzenbuch

Burger King - Buletten Monarch

@ParsnipWitch@feddit.de avatar

Weißt du dass es im Rest von Deutschland so viel besser ist? Wenn man zum Beispiel in Süddeutschland oder Westdeutschland 830 Leute anruft und fragt was sie wählen wollen, was glaubst du wäre das Ergebnis?

@ParsnipWitch@feddit.de avatar

Is that the proof we all needed that people don’t read articles and other people still agree?

How did Lemmy World become the default instance?

World was already the biggest by far when I first started lurking back in July, and it’s just getting more dominant. Before, there was quite some diversity in the distribution of generic communities, but nowadays the vast majority of posts that reach the top are from over there....

@ParsnipWitch@feddit.de avatar

But that doesn’t make a lot of sense since it doesn’t matter on what instance a community is hosted or a user first registered. That’s the whole point of the Fediverse…

@ParsnipWitch@feddit.de avatar

Video Games. I can escape into video games from everything. They protect me when I am lonely, in pain, suicidal, desperate. I can even play video games in my mind.

@ParsnipWitch@feddit.de avatar

Getting raped by the friend of my (much older) boyfriend when I was 15 years old. I can pretty much point most of the shit that happened in my life later down the line back to that in some way or another.

Not finishing school with my friends, eating disorder, bad health because of eating disorder and alcohol abuse, abusive relationships, mental health issues, anger, loneliness, …

It’s a perpetual circle of problems making more problems when you somehow were unlucky to be the victim of a violent crime.

@ParsnipWitch@feddit.de avatar

I don’t see why it is complicated. It should not be copyrightable because ideas aren’t copyrightable.

Otherwise you definitely have to start fresh with AI and build new ones which somehow aren’t trained on the pictures produced by artists.

Because if you copyright the idea behind an image, than definitely all AI produced images are infringing on the copyright of the art they used for training.

@ParsnipWitch@feddit.de avatar

As an artist you do not look at how 300 other artists have drawn a banana, you look at a banana and try to understand how you can use different techniques to capture the form, texture, etc. of a banana.

An AI calculates from hundreds of images the probability of lines and colours being arranged in a certain way and still being interpreted as a banana. It never sees a banana or understands what it is.

Tell me, where do you see a similarity in these two processes.

@ParsnipWitch@feddit.de avatar

It is not the exact same.thing though. Unless you want to claim that you have figured out how human creativity works?

@ParsnipWitch@feddit.de avatar

If you use that approach there is no way left to claim that current AI models aren’t a huge copyright infringement on the data they were trained on. Because the biggest argument for why AI is supposedly not copyright infringing it’s training data, is because it’s generated images aren’t direct copies of the works if was trained upon.

But if you start arguing the idea behind a image or the vision is somehow copyrightable than all AI models are illegal. Since they definitely work by using the ideas and visions of artists.

@ParsnipWitch@feddit.de avatar

Stuck in concrete wall / window T_T

@ParsnipWitch@feddit.de avatar

The FAZ is still rather conservative, but much better than the “Welt”:


Or you could link to DeStatis, the website of the Federal Statistical Office:


Whatever you like best! Thank you for considering to change the link.

@ParsnipWitch@feddit.de avatar

You need to put on the heater in many homes because otherwise you will get mold. It depends on the house, of course. Doesn’t matter how much you cross ventilate. :(

ParsnipWitch, (edited )
@ParsnipWitch@feddit.de avatar

What percentage of those claiming they didn’t had the money to warm their flats do you guess are just whining around unjustified?

@ParsnipWitch@feddit.de avatar

You believe 90 % of people in Germany heat their apartments to tropical warmth? Or that 90 % of people saying they couldn’t pay their heating are lying because they want tropical warmth? Just want to confirm if I understand you correctly.

@ParsnipWitch@feddit.de avatar

It is dishonest to claim the Abaya is “just a long dress” or the headscarf is just an accessory. Maybe it can be worn someday in the future like that. But right now it is a religious symbol and people wear it because of specific cultural and religious beliefs. It’s that what the law is targeting.

And maybe also in the future people can go naked wherever they like. But right now, we are not there yet but we already understand that it is not right to indoctrinate people into believing women have to go to great lengths to hide their bodies and if they don’t do that they are less “chaste”.

@ParsnipWitch@feddit.de avatar

Since you are a rational person and not just emotionally reacting, I bet you have a credible source for these blanket statements. Can you name one, please? Because I can’t find even one.

@ParsnipWitch@feddit.de avatar

I think some people are just not compatible with each other. To try and claim one way is right or better or more rational is surprisingly unrational and not aligned with finding a solution.

When you are unable to offer emotional support or empathy to your partner, communicate early that you won’t be willing or able to listen to their problems on their terms. Then they can decide if that’s okay with them. Problem solved.

@ParsnipWitch@feddit.de avatar

I am not sure if this was supposed to be a response to my comment or got their accidentally ?

I asked if you have a source for this claim, because I couldn’t find any:

a hard life makes people like my mother, a coddled person tends to be very emotional.

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