@ParanoidFactoid@beehaw.org avatar


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ParanoidFactoid, (edited )
@ParanoidFactoid@beehaw.org avatar

If they ever do find out, they’ll sue you and your business into the ground. Either pay for it or find an alternative.

I paid for Resolve Studio and use FOSS tools. Mostly because I regularly render on the cloud and FOSS gives me the freedom to do this legally without licensing hassles. IMO, it’s not even the cost, it’s the compliance hoops that make commercial software so onerous to run on clusters.

If on Win or Mac, the Affinity Suite and Resolve are good alternatives. If on Linux, my experience is to break up asset creation between GIMP for cutouts and background creation and Krita for compositing. Neither on their own come close to Ps but together they get much closer. GIMP has the better clone stamp and heal tool, and fantastic guideline support, while Krita has nondestructive adjustment filters and layer styles for nondestructive text effects. Inkscape is excellent, like 90% of Ai.

Finally, your clients. I sell works for hire. Once my clients pay, they get all the original files plus deliverables. That they can use free tools to change assets matters to some of them. It gives them the freedom to hire someone else, or do it themselves, or just trust me that I’m not fucking them by stringing them along. Use Adobe and you can’t sell that to your clients.

But everything depends on who your clients are and what they need. Big corporate clients won’t care about that. So every business plan is different and tailored to its target client.

@ParanoidFactoid@beehaw.org avatar

I use the FOSS stuff to make money with. But if you’re going with Adobe for business, and I used the Adobe suite for over a decade and like it, then pay for it. Not out of some moral nonsense, because I don’t give a shit. But because creating deliverables with pirated software puts your business at serious risk. They don’t really care if you pirate to learn the suite, but once you start making money you pay or they’ll sue you into the ground.

@ParanoidFactoid@beehaw.org avatar

It’s in the deliverable and the fact that you’re making money with a pirated suite. It exposes you and your business to a lawsuit so expensive you’ll be run out of business for life. It’s like a business and financial death sentence.

This isn’t a moral question. It’s one thing to pirate for personal use, quite another to build a business on pirated software. Especially when the consequences of getting caught are so severe.

@ParanoidFactoid@beehaw.org avatar

Hey dude, it’s up to the individual. Sure. But know the consequences. These big companies can squash you and your business like a bug. You want that sword of damocles hanging over your financial head? That’s on you.

One thing I notice, all the guys who do this for a living are warning OP about basing a business on pirated software (and assets). It’s only the piracy advocates who say otherwise.

It’s not a moral question for me. Strictly practical.

@ParanoidFactoid@beehaw.org avatar

I got my start shooting drone footage of empty lots for architecture firms, then building 3D models of a proposed building by their plans, and compositing the footage together with motion tracking. First in Maya and then Blender. They’d use that to sell their client. This was just over ten years ago, after I’d burned out as an IT director.

Every one of those architecture firms demanded a written statement affirming licensing of all my software and any external assets used. They also required NDAs for all plans I saw. And that I have a registered business, with a tax code.

I later added motion graphics and animated logo design for small production houses and they all demanded the same.

I also do a lot of mom and pop work, which could go under the radar. But I learned early on to play by the rules. As an IT director I handled licensing audits and those companies are real sticklers. Every little motherfucking thing they can ding you on they will.

This is the real world where pros play.

@ParanoidFactoid@beehaw.org avatar

Do not doubt this movement is after your sexual freedom. Your personal autonomy to love whom you want how you want behind closed doors.

They do this not because they genuinely believe in these sexual restrictions, but because they want the power to engage in sexual freedom while denying it to others as an expression of nonconsensual sexual domination.

What are the recommended scripting languages for complex shell scripts beyond bash?

I’ve been struggling with a rather complex shell script, and it’s becoming apparent that Bash might not be the best choice for this particular task. While I usually gravitate towards statically typed languages like Go or Rust, I’ve noticed that many people recommend alternative languages such as Lua or Python for scripting...

ParanoidFactoid, (edited )
@ParanoidFactoid@beehaw.org avatar

In my day it was perl. These days, everyone likes python. I learned on Scheme and Lisp.

I still wish scheme had taken over.

@ParanoidFactoid@beehaw.org avatar

Shape of Water was terrible! 💯 agreed!

@ParanoidFactoid@beehaw.org avatar

Though I found myself fascinated, unable to stop watching like gawking at a bloody car accident, The Human Centipede just left me sick to my stomach. Not that it was bad in production values, like a Manos Hands of Fate fiasco, it just remains unwatchable a second time as Horror. And you can’t say that about The Evil Dead II or or even a splatter fest like Ichi the Killer. Both of which I love.

@ParanoidFactoid@beehaw.org avatar

Good man, given the state of the House.

@ParanoidFactoid@beehaw.org avatar

I am. With gusto.

@ParanoidFactoid@beehaw.org avatar

I can’t believe calling other Lemmy users “shitlibs” doesn’t violate collegiality rules on Lemmy.

It should.

ParanoidFactoid, (edited )
@ParanoidFactoid@beehaw.org avatar

Congress is broken right now.

The House just removed a speaker with seniority and elected a two term religious zealot in his place. One who refuses to support the main foreign policy of leaders in both parties.The Senate has a member who has kept all military nominations on hold because the opposing party nominated them. And that party in both legislative chambers refuses to fund government.

Biden has no choice here.

@ParanoidFactoid@beehaw.org avatar

Your behavior here brings to Lemmy the worst toxicity from Reddit. Hold your head in shame.

@ParanoidFactoid@beehaw.org avatar

Fair enough.

@ParanoidFactoid@beehaw.org avatar

You have no idea what my political views are. That’s presumptuous on your part.

You look for reasons to promote hate on the fediverse, which exists to oppose just that.

@ParanoidFactoid@beehaw.org avatar

You are telling me what I’m supposed to be?

Please, do block me. I want nothing to do with your anger and hate.

@ParanoidFactoid@beehaw.org avatar

I’m all for free political speech. But fuck your definition. Spewing hate and vitriol like it’s some speech virtue. We all left Reddit because it leads to horrors in the name of free speech. All while claiming the opposite is Virtue Signaling. This behavior is a blight on reason and kindness.

@ParanoidFactoid@beehaw.org avatar

You want to disagree on a point? Be my guest. You want to call those who disagree with you “libshits”? Then piss off back to Reddit, where hate is the embodiment of the virtueless you seek.

The Fediverse isn’t the kind of “free speech zone” you think it is. And never was. It was created exactly to oppose that.

@ParanoidFactoid@beehaw.org avatar

I’ve been on Mastodon since 2017.

You are the very thing you claim to oppose.

@ParanoidFactoid@beehaw.org avatar

Insane performance of the M series is due to bolting RAM straight to the chip, so it runs with a very low clock divisor. These things run at such speeds that even millimeters distance from CPU to RAM limit clock speed, which is why PCs have traditionally reduced bus speed while pumping CPU speed.

Apple made their point. Integrate RAM and CPU/GPU for performance and you can compete with much lower performing CPU cores in design. And let’s be clear, ARM only wins here because of that improved I/O bandwidth.

Intel and AMD should bolt 8GB RAM on their chips and use it for cache. Then PCs will pound M series chips into the ground and PC will regain its value proposition over Apple again.

@ParanoidFactoid@beehaw.org avatar

Davinci Resolve does not run on Wayland!

@ParanoidFactoid@beehaw.org avatar

Has never worked properly on Wayland.

@ParanoidFactoid@beehaw.org avatar

Good luck convincing Blackmagic of that.

@ParanoidFactoid@beehaw.org avatar

I use Resolve in production. It’s rock solid.

ParanoidFactoid, (edited )
@ParanoidFactoid@beehaw.org avatar

Yeah. On Win and Mac, it imports anything. But on Linux, the paid Studio version will import x264/x265 with mp3 or PCM (wav) audio. Not AAC. People don’t like that. Lol

But you’d be insane to edit with these interframe formats. And most commercial editors would auto-convert ingested x264/265 to an intraframe format like Apple ProRes or Avid DNxHR anyway. They’re essentially containers for jpeg or png frames instead of compressing collections of frames. Much easier to scrub the timeline that way, though the files are huge.

On Linux, Resolve (both free and Studio) imports DNxHR with PCM audio and edits that like butter. ffmpeg easily converts prosumer camera x265/aac output to DNxHR. Or Shuttle encoder, if you want a GUI. And most pro cameras output ProRes, ProRes RAW, or DNxHR directly.

Also, Resolve on Linux will ingest all Blackmagic RAW file formats, if you have a Blackmagic camera. And the little BMPCC 4k is still a steal at $1200 or so. As long as you light your subject properly, that little camera shoots gorgeous photography.

Resolve is a pro tool. But a project takes time to set up. For little things, I’d go with Blender’s VSE, which is full featured but has a terrible interface, or kdenlive, which is a Windows Movemaker like toy, but has a normal interface you’d expect from an NLE.

@ParanoidFactoid@beehaw.org avatar

Fusion is what I hate most! Lol I come from Ae and the Adobe suite before I switched. And while I’m comfortable with node based systems, Fusion just isn’t all that compared to all the plug-ins for Ae. Or Blender, which is also fantastic for motion graphics. Fusion does a great job animating titles though.

Resolve requires a whole production pipeline to use it properly. From ingest, organization, cutting, and post for audii, color, and graphics. It’s best suited to broadcast or features. Or, advertising.

@ParanoidFactoid@beehaw.org avatar

It’s a toy.

ParanoidFactoid, (edited )
@ParanoidFactoid@beehaw.org avatar

Ouch, that does hurt. Sorry, dude!

You could use gpu passthrough with iommu and qemu to a virtual system and run Win. A real PITA. I know.

I’d bitch about that on the blackmagic Resolve forum. That’s a serious hit to your workflow. Call out Dwaine, he works there and does Linux support. Nice guy.

ParanoidFactoid, (edited )
@ParanoidFactoid@beehaw.org avatar

I mean, I dunno about you but for me this is money. I make money with these tools. I prefer Linux for privacy reasons, but I’m not religious about it when it comes to money. We all gotta eat.

The Blackmagic folks might help. Especially if you paid for Studio. I don’t work there and can’t make promises, but I’d definitely make a stink about that. At least get a formal statement from them on Sony support in Linux.

My in-house is an old GH5s w/ a Shogun. But if the client pays, I prefer to rent an URSA mini. So I haven’t hit this.

Really wish I could help more.

@ParanoidFactoid@beehaw.org avatar

I do this for a living. Most people shooting family vids or youtube vlogs/video essays would find Kdenlive perfectly well suited to their needs. It does simple transforms, titling, adjustments, etc. And it looks like a normal NLE. When you hit a wall with it, the move to a commercial program will be easy.

@ParanoidFactoid@beehaw.org avatar

Go with an LTS version. Fedora is upgrades twice a year. Mint is just Ubuntu. I’d choose 22 04 Mint over Fedora for this reason. But Debian Stable is old yet tried and true. Plain Debian works.

@ParanoidFactoid@beehaw.org avatar

The file manager in CDE worked. And it’s all open source now. What I’d give for CDE and Motif to come back! Lol

That old shit all worked better.

@ParanoidFactoid@beehaw.org avatar
@ParanoidFactoid@beehaw.org avatar
@ParanoidFactoid@beehaw.org avatar

I don’t want to debate win here, that’s off topic, but batch renaming is something Explorer does.

ParanoidFactoid, (edited )
@ParanoidFactoid@beehaw.org avatar

That view bug has been sitting around since 2009, from what I can gather. But a file manager giving false filesystem state to a user is a showstopper. It violates the main purpose of the program. And risks data loss. Users may make errors based on false information.

Batch renaming I use regularly by ingesting media from cameras, though typically at the command line.

@ParanoidFactoid@beehaw.org avatar

Select a group of folders and try it yourself!

@ParanoidFactoid@beehaw.org avatar

22.04 is not outdated.

@ParanoidFactoid@beehaw.org avatar

You’ll have to compile a daily from github if you want the proposed fix.

@ParanoidFactoid@beehaw.org avatar

I’m not a fan of either Gnome or KDE.

To me, the big mistake both make is in the presumption the UI and utilities shipped with those platforms are why people use it. But no. Nobody uses MacOS because of its nifty calculator or the Finder. It’s the overall toolkit integration with apps. Not even look and feel. But consistency in use.

Neither KDE nor Gnome offer that.

@ParanoidFactoid@beehaw.org avatar

I don’t presume to know why others choose to use anything. But MacOS is highly consistent across apps. Dialog boxes, text input forms, file browsing, hot keys, all the same across applications.

ParanoidFactoid, (edited )
@ParanoidFactoid@beehaw.org avatar

I’m not telling devs what they can do. Merely pointing out this is why the projects fail.

@ParanoidFactoid@beehaw.org avatar

Love ebooks on eink readers like kindle. But I turn the Kindle to airplane mode and load books by Calibre.

Whats the best budget friendly way to transfer vhs tapes

Hiya, pretty much the title. I have a dozen tapes I want to backup before age takes its toll. My basic idea after watching some videos online is to buy a hardware based upscaler that can interface with my vcr then throw that signal to a video capture card and record on my computer. I’ll go with name brands to avoid problems...

@ParanoidFactoid@beehaw.org avatar

Big bag. —> Dumpster. There, transferred.

For data, usb composite or svideo input capture. About $50 bucks. Connect to a VCR, start recording the stream, and hit play.

@ParanoidFactoid@beehaw.org avatar

And you’ll still need a firewire card too.

I still have a bunch of old 8mm tapes, a camera, and firewire card. It’s archived work product. Otherwise, I’d toss 'em.

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